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Text copyright©Award Publications Limited

Illustrations copyright©Yassar Hayat

All rights reserved

This edition published in 2023

15 1

Printed in UAE
Hazel angrily went up the stairs, and into her room “Why
can’t I be an explorer like Dora and go on an adventure
to save the world” she said, while holding up her comic
book. It’s not fair why won’t mom let me go on epic
adventures like finding the lost temple or the secret
museum. She opened the window coughing, why is there
so much smoke outside these days, don’t people find it
hard to breathe? She asked herself. Hazel went outside
for a walk and the sun was shining brightly in the sky,
as she approached the forest she saw people cutting
down trees and lots of rubbish near the river, I wish the
people didn’t have to throw rubbish and destroy the
planet and the animals that live there she said. Just then
a shooting star went flying above Hazel, what a weird
time to see a shooting star, maybe I was just dreaming,
Hazel thought, confused. She went back inside her home,
and started making a plan to go on an adventure, after
that she packed her bag and went to sleep. The next day
she woke up excitedly and went outside to the same
forest and surprisingly saw the rubbish all gone, Hunh
where did it all go she said as she continued walking,
and saw a place she never had seen before, what is this I
have been in this forest so many times and have never
seen this place before she said. She entered the
mysterious place, inside there was an island surrounded
by water which was full of rubbish and dirt. Hazel swam
through the water and to her surprise there was a girl on
the island. When she reached the island Hazel asked the
girl what her name was, and the girl replied Ariana,
Ariana asked Hazel why she was here, I am exploring
replied Hazel. Ariana said strangely well im exploring too,
Hazel said happily then why not explore together? like
Dora and Emily. Who? asked Ariana, Characters from my
comic book Hazel replied. Ariana said oh I read that too
that’s why I came here to save the world from rubbish
and smoke. Just then they heard a bird that sounded
like it is calling for help, Ariana and Hazel quickly rushed
to help in there surprise they found a bird lying there
with one of its wings twisted. Hazel found a bandage
lying on the floor and wrapped it around the birds wing
meanwhile Ariana collected some water, she found from
the river which the island was surrounded by, and fed
the bird. The bird quickly recovered and flew of. Strange
said Ariana. Well then let’s make it our mission to save
the world from pollution said Hazel, yah replied Ariana,
Let’s get stared said Hazel, but how asked Ariana. I don’t
know replied Hazel. That night they slept on the island in
a tent Ariana brought with her, while Ariana was
sleeping Hazel was awake thinking how she could save
the world, Suddenly the bird who Hazel and Ariana had
helped came in the tent and started talking, if you want
to save the world try making a magical robot said the
bird, AHH! Hazel screamed you can talk, yes replied the
bird I am magical, what’s a magical robot asked Hazel
still shocked it’s a robot that can do 120 things at the
same time around the world replied the bird. Wow said
Hazel, I can ask it the make solar panels to reduce using
fossil fuels to make electricity or wind mails and so much
more, yes said the bird but you need to find a magical
stone called the stone of harmony, where can I find it
asked Hazel, the bird left leaving a map. Hazel went to
sleep happily. The next morning, they set of on their
journey. Ariana still confused so the bird can talk she
said, yes Hazel replied, the map said to go through the
dark cave then the echo valley after that into the golden
temple and get the stone. Hazel and Ariana were walking
for days, are we there yet complained Ariana, Hazel
ignored her and looked up there was a big cave in front
of them here we are said Hazel. They entered the cave,
why is it so quiet asked Ariana just then they heard a
sound, what was that said Hazel GROWL! The sound
came again, suddenly the cave lit up, to their surprise
there were so many bears sleeping. Hazel wanted to
scream how are we going to get passed them she said,
follow me Ariana replied. They slowly creeped through
the cave, they were almost at the end when Ariana
stepped on the bears hand, the bear woke up and looked
furiously at the girls RUN!!!!! Screamed Ariana as her
head band dropped on the floor. They ran outside the
cave, and by the time the bear could make it, the
stomping of the bear while running made rocks fall, and
blocked the exit. Are you ok asked Hazel, does it look like
im ok I lost my headband replied Ariana, seriously said
Hazel, and they continued on their journey. That night
they slept in the tent and ate berries they found. The
following day they kept on walking and soon they
reached a door which had hieroglyphs on it, what is this
asked Ariana, it’s a code said Hazel, Hazel could read it
and found a button on the wall she pressed it, and a lock
appeared on the door, what’s the code asked Ariana,
Hazel put the code on the lock 13564, and the door
opened, behind the door there was a valley, here we are
the echo valley said Hazel and a loud echo appeared,
Ariana got excited and started singing after she finished
rocks started falling and blocked their way. Great now
were stuck here said Hazel just then a necklace fell from
the sky, Hazel picked it up and she immediately became
small Hazel had an idea she climbed the rocks and saw a
gap she went through it and landed on the other side as
she landed she became big again. Hazel gave the
necklace to Ariana and she did the same thing. When
they were both on the other side they spotted a house
and went inside it. Inside a witch was cooking food and
she noticed the girls oh my I did not know I had guests
coming over sit down please said the witch what are you
doing in this valley, Hazel said we are going to the golden
temple. The witch saw the necklace and thought I need
that necklace for a spell and said why don’t I come with
you, Ariana quickly replied no thanks we are ok she had
a doubted the witch. Oh that pesky kid I need to separate
her from the other one. The witch gave them berries and
Hazel ate them happily and said well we better get going
now bye, bye replied the witch. When they left the witch
laughed those berried will separate them and I will
capture that girl with the necklace. When Hazel left the
house she said your right I don’t need the witch in fact I
don’t need you I can do everything myself, Ariana looked
at Hazel and said what did you say, Hazel shook her
head and said I didn’t say anything. Before they could
leave the valley they had to cross a river I have an idea
said Ariana, Hazel ignored her and started swimming
through the river and Ariana followed and said what’s
going on with you, you’ve been acting strange, Hazel
replied if you want to leave then leave. Ariana said then I
will and left. Hazel reached the end and continued
walking. While Hazel was swimming the witch saw
everything in her crystal ball and said know is the perfect
time to trap her and vanished. Hazel stopped walking
and in front of her stood a large and golden temple this is
it Hazel said. As she entered the witch appeared and said
you’ve fallen into my trap and vanished with her Hazel
vanished too. When Hazel appeared again she was in a
cage, now I get it Hazel said the witch set a trap because
she wanted my necklace I should have known by the look
in her eye, and she gave me magic barries so I would say
mean stuff to Ariana, im sorry Ariana. Meanwhile when
Ariana was sitting in the middle of the valley the bird
appeared and said your friend needs your help and left,
Ariana shocked said oh no Hazel. She made her way in
the temple and entered a room she saw Hazel and a key,
that must be the key Ariana thought she got the key she
and quietly opened Hazel’s door and Hazel was so happy,
they made their way out when the witch noticed. What
do you think you’re doing and got her wand Hazel
screamed when Ariana came in front of Hazel and closed
her eyes BOOM!!!!!! when she opened them the witch was
frozen and there was a mirror in front of them, Ariana
smiled and thought the bird must have done this. Hazel
apologized and they both went to the room where the
stone of harmony was located, as they entered the room
the system that was protecting the stone asked what’s
the password, but I don’t know the password said Hazel.
Then Ariana said you can do this friend, that’s it said
Hazel the password is friendship. Just then all the lasers
got deactivated and the stone came in Hazel’s hand, we
did it said Hazel, yeah replied Ariana. After they came
back to the island Hazel and Ariana made a robot and
programmed it to do 120 things then put the stone in the
robot’s heart. The robot became alive and started eating
all the garbage on the island, the island looked so
beautiful. Hazel and Ariana said their goodbyes and went
back to their houses. Hazel went in her room and opened
the window while feeling the fresh and clean air.


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