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Fluvial Process

Joko Nugroho
• “The character & behaviour of the fluvial
system at any particular location reflect the
integrated effect of a set of upstream controls,
notably climate, geology, land use and basin
physiography, which together determine the
hydrologic regime and the quantity and type
of sediment supplied.”
• Climate: provide energy
• Geological variables: constraining the nature
and and level of fluvial activity.
• Human: river regulation schemes, land use
pattern changes.
– Example: 1945: 20% stream run off were
regulated in africa& north america, Europe (15%),
Asia (14%).
• "Erosion is the wearing away of the land
surface by rain or irrigation water, wind, ice or
other natural or anthropogenic agents that
abrade, detach and remove soil from one
point on the earth’s surface and deposit it
elsewhere." (Glossary of Soil Science Terms.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 1997)
• Erosi merupakan salah satu bagian dari proses
• Proses sedimentasi meliputi:
– Erosion: lepasnya partikel sedimen
– Entrainment: mulai terbawa sedimen
– Transportation: terangkutnya sedimen
– Deposition: terendapkannya sedimen
– Compaction: terpadatkannya sedimen
Erosi Lahan
Contoh Erosi Lahan
Load carried by natural stream
• Dissolved Load: material transported in
solution. ( size < 0.064 mm)
• Wash load: particles finer than those usually
in the bed & moving readily in suspension
• Bed-material load: all size of material found in
the bed. ( size > 0.064 mm)
• Bed material load may be transported as bed
load or as suspended load.
• Knighton, D. (1984), “Fluvial Form and
Processes”, Edward Arnold, Maryland.
• Julien, P. J. “River Mechanics”, Cambridge

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