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Kathrina D.

BFAD 1102

The short story, Si Mabuti by Genoveva Edroza-Matute focuses upon

the perplexity of life, ethical principles, and the repercussions of one's actions.
The story primarily revolves around how Mabuti addresses the challenges that
come throughout her life as an educator and parent to her child, yet
notwithstanding her difficulties, Mabuti constantly attempts to demonstrate
and transmit goodwill and optimism to her students.

Upon comprehending the story, I was reminded that regardless of the

fact that humanity is irrational we ought to stay enthusiastic and keep moving
forward harmoniously. We ought to be grateful for everything we've obtained
considering that it is a gift from God, and He will never burden you with
instances that you cannot conquer. Correspondingly, Mabuti is a character in
the story who will prompt us that heedless of which difficulties we encounter,
we ought to never lose faith in ourselves. She is a blemished woman, and in
actuality, we all possess imperfections. Mabuti, on the other hand,
acknowledges enough to deal with it.

Mabuti, in particular, is a woman of strength and compassion. She

offers her entire self to everyone she values around, setting beyond worries or
shortcomings to conduct herself unconditionally. She serves as a fine
representation of an imposing woman. Likewise, each and everyone of us has
issues that plague our lives. She is a strong woman who lives her life hoping
in and wondering about their life’s fullest potential. Thus, we shall obtain
happiness in life if we know how to overcome sadness.

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