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Having a baby is not the end of your life it is the only the beginning of your journey.

Also you can still

pursue your dreams even though you have a baby but it may take longer and be harder. Having a baby
is not a reason for u to give up but a motivation to push forward. You’re not alone in this journey and
you’re not the only one who shared the same faith as teang and dodong, I know that your life is tough
and painful but I think there is someone that will surely support you in raising your child especially your
parents. You’re not alone and your situation is not impossible. Educate yourself. There are so many
options for you to graduate in high school or even go to college. Just work harder and be persevere in all
the obstacles that you are facing. No matter how high the wall is if you have the determination to climb
that wall, one day you will reach the other side of the wall and see the beauty in it. Don't lose hope in
your dreams, be confident and strong and I know that your are destined to be successful and be an
inspiration to your child one day.

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