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A. Please change Verb 1 to Verb 2 with the verbs provided.
didn't went - didn't go - did - didn't studied - had
haved - fell - felt - cooked - taked
called - sleeped - created - slept - took - didn't study

1. fall 2. create 3. take

................................. ................................. .................................
4. cook 5. call 6. sleep

................................. ................................. .................................

7. have 8. don't study 9. do
................................. ................................. .................................
10. don't go
B. Rearrange the sentences in correct order
Positive : bought / She / a / last / book / week
Positive : ....................................................................................................................................................

Negative : did not / dinner / a / l / night / cook / last

Negative : ...................................................................................................................................................

Interrogative : you / Did / last / math / study / night / ?

Interrogative : ..........................................................................................................................

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