Implementation of The Independent Curriculum at

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Cemara Journal

Publising Your Creative Idea

Vol. 1 No. 4 / November/2023
2987-4092 (E-ISSN)
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(Critical Thiking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Communication)
Mhd. Rafi’i Ma’arif Tarigan1)
STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Dwi Rahmadani Purba2)

STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Indah Sarina Sihaloho3)

STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Rostaida Sitompul4)
STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Yuri Indri Yani5)

STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Muhammad Iqbal6)
STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus

Ruminda Hutagalung7)
STIT Hamzah Al-Fansuri Sibolga Barus


The aim of this research is to depict the competence of 4C implementation in the Merdeka
Curriculum within the context of Class III at SMA Negeri 1 Sosorgadong. This descriptive
qualitative study involves 28 Class III students at SMA Negeri 1 Sosorgadong. The data collection
methods employed include observation and documentation. The essential 21st-century skills for
students encompass Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration, often
referred to as the 4C. These 4C competencies in executing the independent curriculum can be
applied during the learning process, particularly in Class III at SMA. It is advisable for educators
to incorporate 4C competencies into each learning activity to foster the development of competent
and high-quality students equipped with practical life skills.
Cemara Journal-Publising Your Creative Idea
Keywords : Independent Curriculum, 4C Competencies, Critical Thinking, Creativity,
Communication, Collaboration

1. INTRODUCTION al., 2023). It should be the teacher's job to

know the potential, talents and interests of each
The development of the 21st century student. This means that in this case a teacher
accompanied by the rapid development of must be able to know how to teach according
science, technology and information has had a to the needs of students and students feel free
significant impact in every aspect of life, one to think, so that the process of teaching and
of which is the aspect of education (Gunadi et learning activities becomes fun (Richardo et
al., 2022). Education has a very important role al., 2023).
in preparing individuals to face the challenges One of the government's efforts in
and demands of the world of work and responding to the demands of the 21st century
complex social life (Darling-Hammond et al., era is to update the curriculum, namely through
2020). the implementation of an independent
Education in Indonesia is currently curriculum. Minister of Education and Culture
struggling to restore learning conditions. Many Nadiem Makariem issued a policy related to
efforts and interventions have been issued by the Independent Curriculum, which is stated in
the government to catch up with the online Kepmendikbudristek No. 56 of 2022 which
learning that had previously occurred. The has been revised to Kepmendikbudristek No.
Indonesian government has been working on 262 of 2022 concerning guidelines for
several policies to address the potential implementing the Curriculum in the context of
learning loss and learning gap (Rahim et al., learning recovery. Through the independent
2023). According to Yuliyanto & Yamin curriculum, teachers are given the freedom to
(2022), learning loss is the loss of previously create quality learning that is tailored to the
learned competencies in students and is unable needs and environment of students. The
to complete learning in class. The learning independent learning curriculum comes as an
inequality in the pandemic era arises because answer to the tight competition for human
students do not have access to: (1) digital resources globally in the 21st century (Indarta
devices; (2) sufficient adaptive and IT-capable et al., 2022). An independent curriculum is
teachers; (3) financial conditions; and (4) defined as freedom of learning, freedom of
parents who actively provide support thought for learners, teachers and parents so
(Valentia, 2023). that attitudes, skills and knowledge that
Education today faces increasing contextualized will encourage the soul
demands to produce quality graduates and character of learners (Iqbal et al., 2023).
have competitiveness in terms of skills needed Curriculum independent curriculum expects
in the 21st century era (Purwanto et al., 2023). learners to be able to face the complexity of in
21st century learning is expected to be learner- the future by creating student graduates who
centered, collaborative and active learning is excel (Daga, 2021).
the main focus. So that teachers are no longer Education in schools is used as a formal
just class leaders, but rather facilitators, education that has the task of developing the
encouraging learners to actively participate, attitudes and skills of students. In this case, it
collaborate and build their own knowledge can be interpreted that education in high school
through projects, discussions or group work in shaping the mindset of mindset of future
(Supratman et al., 2023). youth as the successor of the nation. Therefore,
21st century learning does not only to face the development of the 21st century
prioritize cognitive abilities, but also prioritizes 21st century skills are needed that every learner
the ability to process in learners (Kholifah et must master learners. The 21st century skills
Cemara Journal-Publising Your Creative Idea
are Critical Thinking, Creativity, related to learning and assessment (Andari,
Communication and Collaboration (working 2022).
together) which is often abbreviated with 4C. Independent learning is the right step to
The four skills are the 21st century skills skills achieve ideal education that is in accordance
that must be mastered by learners (Meilani et with current conditions with the aim of
al., 2020). preparing a generation that is resilient,
4C competency are abilities that required intelligent, creative, and has a strong character.
to learn and innovate in facing and adapt to the to prepare a generation that is resilient,
challenges of the 21st century intelligent, creative, and has character in
(Taufiqurrahman, 2023). Meanwhile, accordance with the values of the Indonesian
according to Afifudin (2022), 4C is a soft skill nation. in accordance with the values of the
that implementation in life is more more useful Indonesian nation (Zulaiha et al., 2022). The
than hard skills. Therefore, the learning concept of an independent learning policy is
process that takes place should include 4C skill that teachers as educators able to create a
components, where on the implementation of comfortable learning atmosphere and be able
teaching and learning process activities to generate enthusiasm for learning so that
teaching and learning process activities must students do not feel burdened by the material
be centered centered on learners rather than presented by the teacher (Nadia et al., 2022).
centered on the teacher.
Based on the background above above, 2.2 4C Skills
researchers need to study more about 4C The 21st century skills are Critical
competency in implementation of the Thinking, Creativity, Communication and
independent curriculum. Then the learning Collaboration (working together) which is
activities that currently taking place are often abbreviated with 4C. The four skills are
expected to can contain 4C competencies, the 21st century skills skills that must be
namely critical thinking, creativity, working mastered by learners (Meilani et al., 2020). The
cooperation, and being able to communicate 4C skills in question were first introduced by
well so that the results expected to create the US-based Partnership for 21st Century
learning is fun and learner-centered. learner- Skills (P21) which includes several things,
centered learning. namely communication, collaboration, critical
thinking and creativity (Agustinova, 2022).
2.1 Independent Curriculum This study employs descriptive qualitative
The educational approach of the research, which is a method used to explore,
Merdeka Curriculum is characterized by an discover, depict, and elucidate the quality or
ongoing developmental framework. This attributes of social influences that cannot be
curriculum incorporates the mapping of elucidated, measured, or described through
competency standards, fostering learning quantitative methods. The objective of this
independence, and implementing minimum research is to investigate and portray the
competency assessments. This approach aims implementation of the 4C competencies in the
to provide educators with greater flexibility to independent curriculum in class III of a high
design learning and assessment plans that align school. Data collection involves observation
with the unique characteristics and and documentation to gather the necessary
requirements of students. Within the Merdeka information regarding the 4C competencies in
Curriculum, the Pancasila Learner Profile the execution of the independent curriculum in
serves as a guiding principle, directing all Class III of the high school.
policies and updates within the Indonesian
education system, encompassing aspects
Cemara Journal-Publising Your Creative Idea
the information and the material to be learned
Independent Curriculum gives teachers to make connections between the information
the freedom to design learning that is tailored and the material to be learned. Furthermore,
to the needs, talents and interests of students, learners can also be involved in group
and teachers are expected to be able to create discussions to share opinions compare points
learning that is educational and fun. of view and find common solutions to
Competence Pedagogical competence now problems problem or group division that they
also requires teachers to be able to model and are facing. Example of discussion topic
implement the learning process (Indarta et al., "How to preserve cultural diversity in
2022). The main role of a teacher at every level Indonesia?"
of education is very influential for students, What are some ways you can do to
especially in high school, namely teachers preserve cultural diversity in Indonesia?"
must be able to help learning difficulties In addition, learners can be asked to
experienced by students and help them to be compare two concepts, objects, or different
well accommodated (Nopiani et al., 2023). situations, in order to encourage learners to see
Teachers are also given mandate as the driving the differences similarities, and the
force to plan, implement, evaluate and follow implications of each. For example learners are
up on the evaluation (Sutrisno et al., 2022). asked to compare the difference between a
With the concept of learning concept that block and a cubes and their components, or
is active, innovative and comfortable is also ask learners to pay attention to objects
expected to be able to realize students who objects in the surrounding environment then
have 4C competencies in accordance with the asked to categorize which objects include
needs of the times, especially in the 21st examples of blocks or cubes and their reasons.
century era. In addition, the role of the teacher Creativity is a person's ability to create
has changed from just delivering information new things, both in the form of mideas and real
to become a learning facilitator. Teachers must work (Suratno, 2022). An educator should be
able to be a guide, directing learners in explore able to creativity itself requires the ability of
knowledge, encourage them to learn learners to produce new and original ideas or
independently, as well as shaping character of solutions learners in producing new and
learners to have 4C competencies, namely original ideas or solutions. Creativity will be
critical thinking, creative, skilled in seen from the ability of learners such as being
communicating and collaboration. open to new ideas or ideas to others, then
According to Rahardhian (2022), Critical developing, implementing, and working on
Thinking is a thinking skill to solve problems new ideas or ideas to others and then develop,
or make decisions on problems faced make implement, and work on those ideas (Anton &
decisions on the problems faced. Critical Trisoni, 2022).
thinking is part of 4C competencies that must Creativity learners' creativity in learning
be mastered by learners in order to have ability can also be stimulated through group
to solve problems, and express their arguments discussion activities (collaboration). Through
based on the the knowledge they learn collaboration in discussion with their friends,
(Nurafiah et al., 2019). Critical thinking learners learners can work creatively with
involves learners' ability in analyzing, other people. In the implementation of
evaluating and connect information logically Merdeka Curriculum in III grade, teachers can
to make good good decisions. provide space for learners to develop their
In implementing the Merdeka Curriculum creativity through tasks that allow them to
in class III SMA, teachers can provide imagine, create a work, write a story, or design
sparking questions at the beginning of the a creative project create a work, write a story,
lesson. For example, ask questions that ask or design a creative project.
them to provide reasons or evidence to support According to Ulfa et al., (2019),
their answers or it can be to support their Communication is the ability to convey
answers or it could be by asking questions that thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and new
encourage them to make connections between information information that is owned to
Cemara Journal-Publising Your Creative Idea
others through oral, written, symbols, pictures, senior high school, collaboration involves
graphics, or numbers. These skills include students working together in groups or teams
listening skills, obtaining information, and to attain common objectives. Teachers can
conveying ideas in front of a crowd. facilitate this by assigning tasks that encourage
Communication competence can be trained by collaborative efforts, such as group projects
creating opportunities for learners to convey and teamwork during recitation sessions, along
their ideas, thoughts and opinions during with training sessions aimed at enhancing
learning either in group discussion activities children's Quranic reading skills..
group discussion activities or in discussion
activities with the teacher Documentation
Through communication, learners will
have the ability to process thoughts, data, and
phenomena to be expressed in oral or written
form (Sholikha & Fitrayati, 2021).
Communication is said to be successful when
other people understand or agree with the ideas
conveyed. In implementing the Merdeka
Curriculum in class III SMA, teachers can
implement various activities that encourage
students to communicate orally and in writing.
writing. For example, in group discussion
activities, students are asked to conduct
interview activities with PPL teachers
regarding the topic of group discussion. Then Figure 1. The teacher monitors the activities
through presentation and question and answer student discussion (Competency Critical
activities, students can respond to each other Thiking, Collaboration, Communication)
and provide input or opinions, thus these
activities can support students' ability to
Collaboration competency refers to the
skill of cooperative work, synergizing efforts,
adapting to various roles and responsibilities,
and respecting differences among team
members. In collaborative endeavors,
individuals complement each other's strengths
and weaknesses, facilitating the effective
resolution of shared challenges. An individual
is considered to possess collaborative ability
when demonstrating proficiency in three
dimensions: (1) effectively working within a
team and appreciating the diversity of team
members; (2) exhibiting flexibility and Figure 2. Students holding religious lectures
openness to others' opinions to achieve shared (Creativity Competency)
goals; and (3) embracing shared responsibility
in collaborative efforts while valuing each
team member's contributions. This
competency can be developed through
educational activities, with teachers playing a
crucial role in fostering collaborative
experiences for learners.
In the context of the Merdeka Curriculum
implementation in the third-grade class of
Cemara Journal-Publising Your Creative Idea
In conclusion, the 4C competencies within
the autonomous curriculum can be
cultivated through the continuous practice
of learning activities, particularly in the
context of the third-grade class in senior
high school (SMA). It is advisable for
educators to integrate 4C competencies into
every learning activity, aiming to produce
competent, well-qualified students
equipped with skills applicable in their
daily lives.

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