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Worksheet 3: Integrated Process Skills

Lesson 3 : Formulating Hypothesis

Name:_____________________________________ Grade: ___________

Section: ___________________________________ Date: ____________

Formulating hypothesis is an integrated process in research which is defined as the tentative

answer to the problem or an educated guess. A hypothesis helps to translate the research problem and
objective into a clear explanation or prediction of the expected results or outcomes of the study.

Contributions of hypothesis in research study.

1. It provides clarity to the research problem and research objectives.
2. It describes, explains or predicts the expected results or outcome of the research.
3. It guides the researcher of how the experiment will be designed.
4. It directs the research study process.
5. It identifies the population of the research study to be examined.
6. It facilitates data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Hypothesis may be stated in three ways.

1. Null Hypothesis- predicts that there is no relationship between the independent and dependent
variable. It states that there is no significant difference between the results of the two conditions
being tested.
2. Alternative hypothesis- states that there is a significant difference between the results of the two
conditions being tested.
3.Cause and effect- The cause and effect statement states that if a certain condition( cause) is true,
then a supporting observation ( effects ) occurs.

A null hypothesis takes on a negative statements while the alternative hypothesis takes a
positive statement.

Problem: Will urea ( inorganic fertilizer) and horse manure produce the same effect on the growth of

Null hypothesis:
There is no significant difference between the growth effects of horse manure and urea on the
growth of the eggplants.

Alternative hypothesis:
There is a significant difference between the growth effects of horse manure and urea on the
growth of eggplants .

Cause and Effect:

If eggplants need fertilizer and are treated with urea and horse manure, then both fertilizers will
have similar effects on the growth of the plants.

If there is a difference between the effects of the horse manure and urea, then the growth of
eggplants will differ.
Activity 1:
Identifying Hypothesis
Identify whether the following statements is a null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis and cause
and effect. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
__________1. The amount of water applied to the plants has no effect to it’s growth and development.
__________2. Taking synthetic medicine has an effect to one’s health.
__________3. Heating time of water does not affect it’s temperature.
__________4. The exposure o f plants to sunlight does not affect the color of it’s leaves.
__________5. There is no significant difference of using organic hair dye and artificial hair dye.
__________6. Different varieties of rice yield the same production.
__________7. The time spent in reading books will not develop reading skills of children in school.
__________8. The number of leaves of cogon grass used will affect the amount of alcohol that may be
obtained from it.
__________9. If the plants will be exposed to sunlight, then it will dry.
_________10. If too much water will be added in making a bleaching solution, it will not be effective to
remove stain.

Activity 2:
Formulating Hypothesis
Formulate your hypothesis on the given research problems.

1. Does the size of the pot affect the growth of the welcome plant?
Null hypothesis:____________________________________________________________
Alternative hypothesis:______________________________________________________
Cause and Effect:___________________________________________________________
2. Will there be effect in the texture if different ratio of carabao grass and cogon grass will be
used in paper making?
Null hypothesis:____________________________________________________________
Alternative hypothesis:______________________________________________________
Cause and Effect:___________________________________________________________
3. Does make up foundation with sunscreen have the same ultraviolet protections as make up
without sunscreen?
Null hypothesis:____________________________________________________________
Alternative hypothesis:______________________________________________________
Cause and Effect:___________________________________________________________
4. Can fish scales of tilapia and milkfish be effective in removing heavy metals in water than
activated carbon?
Null hypothesis:____________________________________________________________
Alternative hypothesis:______________________________________________________
Cause and Effect:___________________________________________________________
5. Do track and field athletes with long legs have an advantage in running the track?
Null hypothesis:____________________________________________________________
Alternative hypothesis:______________________________________________________
Cause and Effect:___________________________________________________________

State the research hypothesis in the given situation: A piece of potato was peeled ,then cut into
two equal parts. Each half was placed in a saucer. One part was exposed at room temperature for thirty
minutes. The other half was placed in a refrigerator also for thirty minutes too. Then, the appearance
was compared. The potato exposed to room temperature became brownish in color while the other half
placed in a refrigerator retained it’s original yellowish color.

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