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*Watch the videos, and please take down notes of the following;

1.what are their contributions to our society.

Copernicus's heliocentric model brought about a fundamental shift in our
understanding of the universe, inspiring advancements in science, technology, and
philosophy. It fostered a spirit of inquiry and discovery that continues to shape our
modern society.

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic perspective made substantial contributions to our

society such as Development of psychoanalysis, Exploration of the unconscious mind,
Shaping cultural and artistic movements, Broader impact on society. While Freud's work
has received criticism and evolved over time, his contributions to our understanding of
the human mind and his influence on various disciplines have undeniably shaped
modern society.

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection has made significant

contributions to our society for example Advancement of scientific knowledge because
Darwin's theory provided a comprehensive explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.
It revolutionized our understanding of biology and laid the foundation for modern
evolutionary biology. His work has been confirmed and expanded upon by subsequent
research, enriching our knowledge of the natural world.

2. What are the factors that influence the development of science ideas,
discoveries, and technology?

The development of scientific ideas, discoveries, and technology is influenced by

various factors like Curiosity and inquiry, because the innate human curiosity to
understand the world around us is a fundamental driving force behind scientific
development. Questioning existing knowledge and seeking new explanations through
rigorous inquiry sparks scientific breakthroughs.

Several factors have an impact on how scientific concepts, discoveries, and technology
emerge. such as Observations and empirical evidence, Collaboration and
communication, Funding and resources and more. These factors interact and contribute
to the complex process of scientific discovery and technological advancement. By
recognizing and addressing these influences, we can facilitate the growth of knowledge
and the positive impact science has on society.
3. Do you think experiment is still useful in science in the present time?

Absolutely! Experimentation continues to be a vital and indispensable tool in scientific

inquiry and discovery such as Testing hypotheses, Generating empirical evidence,
Validation and replication, etc. While there are other methods of scientific inquiry,
experiments remain an essential component in advancing our understanding of the
natural world. They allow us to systematically explore, test, and refine scientific ideas,
contributing to the continual progress of science.

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