Valentine Vibes: Ibrahim H. Rizwan

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Valentine Vibes

Ibrahim H. Rizwan

In this era of globalisation, we quite often come across many customs and affairs, which frankly speaking were not as common or popular among us even a few years back. Yet, at present these events have become as part and parcel of our culture as it may have been in its place of origin. Or more specifically speaking, there are some certain events, which because of its charm appeals equally to all human being around the globe irrespective of age, gender, caste or creed. Roman New Year celebration (1st January) is one such event and in fact the most popular of its kind celebrated in each and every part of the world. Along the same line and not too far behind in fan followers there is also the most amorous event of all Valentines Day.

Looking Back
St. Valentines Day or Valentines Day is the festival of love. Celebrated on the 14th day of February each year, this fest is especially dedicated to heart crossed couples willing to live and die for each other with enthusiasm which challenges emotions of even the most famous romantic characters Romeo and Juliet. According to history books, this event is said to have several roots, one of which says the day is named after two Christian martyrs named Valentine and the day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. One source even claims that St. Valentine was a martyr in a Roman province in Africa. But whatever, the truth might be, at present the romantically angled perception for 14th February has concrete foundation in peoples minds and it would take more than just logical evidence to correct it.

Cashing On
Like everywhere else, in our country too, Valentines Day is mainly celebrated by romantically engaged couples. They flock together in popular dating places which usually are restaurants, university campuses, shopping malls, cafes etc. Businessmen with good instinct for profit also do not forget to cash on romantic impulses. Many sorts of shops, starting from telecom companies to radio stations to five star luxury hotels have special preparation for the day. Not to forget greeting card outlets such as Hallmark

and Archies. These shops start preparing for this day months ahead. It is also rumoured that the existing popularity of Valentines Day and some other events is much due to the marketing campaign of Hallmark. Keeping close track of contemporary youths demand many greeting card outlets not only have colourful and emotion oozing cards but they also keep designer, cuddly, cute, charming and sometimes even useless gifts that cupidhit individuals buy for their significant one irrespective of the puffed up price tags. Another industry that does brisk business on this day is the flower shops. Red roses all at once becomes the most coveted item and price springs up to three or four times of the average one. And if someones pick is a bit exotic such as orchid its safer and cheaper to pre-order at thrice the average price than buying at ten times high on Valentines Day. The preceding sentence was from buyers perspective; flower salesman however tells their side of the story. According to Mr. Shahjahan a flower vendor at Kataban market, this is one of the few occasions for flower businessmen to make money. He iterated that common perception that flower business is very profitable is not true since he always has to take special measures to keep the flowers fresh or risk losing the entire bunch for decomposing.

Valentine Fans
Talking about fan followers of this event, the focus will always be on youths or more specifically students of different universities. May be its the mind setting at that age or as simple as they have more time to spare, whatever the reason might be it is always youths who consist a significant portion of participants in Valentines Day festivals. In order to get an insight to their thoughts and perception on this day, I visited several joints frequented mainly by undergrad students and following is what I come up with: Single and Fishing Sharif is a final year BBA student at a private university and he thoroughly believes on the concept of Valentines Day, in spite of the fact that his knowledge about Valentines Day origin is vague. He even has a story that last year one of his friends bumped into his special one on 14th February, so according to him its true that Cupid lurks amidst crowds with his bow and arrow all ready on this day. Unfortunately, Sharif is still single but this year he is still going to try and see whether Cupid can get his shot at him this time.

Fariha is just in her first year in Computer Science and Engineering department at a government university. She has seen lots of movies and dramas where destined individuals bump into each other on Valentines. But she doesnt know if its true or not just yet. However, she wants to find this out this year, since this would the first time she would be going out with friends without any chaperone. As for her preparation she has her brand new red dress with matching accessories. Hooked Firoz and Ruma have been dating each other for the last couple of years. Although none are very certain about Valentine Day history, Ruma is very enthusiastic about the day but Firoz always plays it down. This year too, it would be very simple and average for both of them as Firoz would be at his office throughout the day and Ruma has her classes.

Formally Bonded After a romantic affair which lasted few years Toufiq and Reema got married last month. During and even after their courtship both of them considers Valentines Day as a special occasion. This is the day when an egalitarian priest sacrificed his life for the sake of love, is their idea of Valentines Day. Hence, they are looking forward to spend the entire day together visiting various events like musical soirees and book fair. Successfully in Love Jafar and Farjana is living a life which every love-struck couples dream of. The day they came to know each other was decades ago. Now Jafar is a successful executive in a leading bank while Farjana has her own boutique shop, which is quite profitable if not one of the most famous of its kind in Dhaka. They formally proposed to each other only after their education completed and got married only after settling down with their careers. They can be termed as an ideal example of planned life. Both now in their early 40s, are as happy as any teenage couple can be. They spend all their time for their only child. According to them, during their courtship nobody knew what Valentines Day was. They came to know about only after cable TV was introduced. For them the day is just ordinary as any other day.

With the above opinions of people it is evident that almost nobody minds putting a day aside to celebrate love. Because whatever caste, religion or age one may belong, LOVE is that overpowering emotion, which makes us complete as human and marvel us with its amazing powers.

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