Resource Activity 2 Intermediate

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Name: Arce Perez Oscar Mater: Ingles

Tuiton: Al03055911 Curse name: Ingles I l
Module: I Date: 3/2/23
Teacher´s name: Fatima Rocio Bibliographic: my course TecMilenio. (s. f.). Mi curso
Romero Serrano Tecmilenio. Recuperado 22–08-27, de

Activity 2.1: A Trip to Remember

Write a 3-paragraph story about a memorable vacation, real or fiction. Include as much detail
as possible about the places, the visits, dates, weather and all the things you can describe to
make the reading realistic. Don’t forget to use past tenses (past simple, past continuous), time
sequencers, connectors, and time expressions.

In 2017 I went to New York, when I went I had the opportunity to go to a bad bunny concert, on the trip I stayed 3
weeks and in a four-star hotel, during these weeks I was able to visit stores, places like Manhattan, parks and
shopping centers and it was a good experience, it had been in December, so it was cold and I had to wear too big

Within these vacations I was able to verify that the food is varied and super different, the tacos, for
example, the tortilla that we usually know is not used there and when you walk through the streets it is a unique
and good environment full of interesting things The restaurants and buildings were incredible, also because of the
number of lights and things between the streets, the only bad thing was the traffic, which is a bit similar to that in
the movies, because there are times when there is too much

I can say that it was an experience that brought me joy and that I was able to learn more
about a country in which I did not know much at that time. I can say that it was an experience that
brought me joy and that I was able to learn more about a country in which I did not know much at that

I was able to try the food and I also liked the weather because I was able to wear loose and warm
clothes. I would go to New York again because it is one of the most interesting countries with places to

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