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ENGL 210 Team Charter

Team Members: Abdulla Al-Suffar (Team Manager), Abdulrahman Affifi, Mohammed Al-Bouainin, Tamim Ali
Date Submitted: 30/09/2023.

Broad Team Goals:

• Set a clear plan to follow.
• Communicate clearly and effectively.
• Divide the work equally.
• Produce high quality work.

Measurable Team Goals:

• Constant communication on the WhatsApp group.
• Meetings once or twice a week either F2F or zoom.
• Check group members work and provide feedback.
• Meet all deadlines.

Personal Goals:
• Mohammed’s goal is to assure that all work submitted is of high quality. (improve analysis skills)
• Abdulrahman’s goal is to communicate effictevely and stay in touch with all group members. (Improve
communication skills)
• Abdulla’s goal is to assign and make sure work is divided amongest the group members. (improve planning
• Tamim’s goal is to stay open to feedback and embrace change. (Imrpove adaptability skills)

Individual Commitment:
• Abdulla is going to make sure all members are on time and are capable of doing what’s assigned.
• Mohammed is going to lend a hand to any group member whose struggling or is missing an idea or two.
• Tamim is going to give honest feedback and critique all work submitted.
• Abdulrahman is willing to fix any work structure in order for our group to come out the best looking.

Other Concerns:
• Abdulla is concerned group members won’t submit work on time.
• Mohammed is concerned some of the work submitted won’t meet his expectations.
• Abdulrahman is concerned group members won’t contact each other.
• Tamim is concerned that some tension might arise between group members.

Conflict Resolution:
All conflict between team members should be solved professionally and in a right manner within the group either by
using WhatsApp or F2F meetings. If the meetings were of no use, the professor is to be contacted.

Missed Deadlines
A due date will be set for the group to submit all work before the deadline of the class. If a member misses the
deadline a reminder will be sent to them using the WhatsApp group. If the member does not respond, he will be
issued a warning, if a member exceeds a certain number of warnings (2-3), a complaint will be sent to the professor.

Unacceptable Work
If a group member submits work that does not meet all requirements set by the professor, work that does not meet
our expectation or our level of quality, a group meeting will be set where we can all work together, lend him a hand
and improve the state of his work. If even after help a group member still submits unacceptable work, they will be
isssued a warning.

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