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OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register

Operating Area: Project Name:
Contractors: Project Type: Contract No.:
Risk Assessment (Baseline and full RA)
RA Number: DATE:
SEVERITY / CONSEQUENCE (Impact/Hazard Effect) (Where an event has more than one ' Loss Type ', choose the ' Consequence' with the highest rating)

Loss Type Additional "Loss Types" may exist for

an event: Identify & rate accordingly (1) Insignificant (2) Minor (3) Moderate (4) Major (5) Catastrophic

Loss Time Injury / Reversible Impact on Single Fatality or Loss of Quality of Life / Irreversible impact on
(S/H) Harm to People (Safety/Health) First Aid Case/Exposure to Minor Health Risk Medical Treatment Case/Exposure to Major Health Risk
Health Health
Multiple Fatalities / Impact on health Ultimately Fatal

Material Environment harm (RST) Serious

(EI) Environmental Impact Minimal environment harm incident with workplace Material Environment harm (RST)
environmental harm incident (RMT)
Major environmental incident (RLT) Major environmental harm – Incident Irreversible

(BI/MD) Business Interruption / Material / Fire No disruption to operation / 1000 SR to Less than 10k SR Brief Disruption to Operation / 10k SR to Less Than 100k SR Partial Shutdown/100k SR to Less than 1M SR Partial Loss of Operation/1M SR to Less than10M SR Substantial or Total Loss of Operation / 10M SR and more
Damage & Other Consequential Losses
LIKELIHOOD Examples (Consider Near-Hits as well as actual events) RISK RATING / PROFILE
The unwanted event has occurred frequently : Occurs in order of (1) or more
(5) ALMOST CERTAIN per year & is likely to reoccur within 1 year 5 (M) 10 (H) 15 (Ex) 20 (Ex) 25 (Ex)
The unwanted event has occurred infrequently : Occurs in order of less than
(4) LIKELY once per year & is likely to reoccur within 5 yrs. 4 (M) 8 (H) 12 (H) 16 (Ex) 20 (Ex)
The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could
(3) POSSIBLE happen within 10 years. 3 (L) 6 (M) 9 (H) 12 (H) 15 (Ex)
The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could
(2) UNLIKELY happen within 20 years. 2 (L) 4 (M) 6 (M) 8 (H) 10 (H)
The unwanted event has never known to occur in the business or it is highly
(1) RARE unlikely to occur within 20 years. 1 (L) 2 (L) 3 (L) 4 (M) 5 (M)
Stop operation and review controls- Eliminate, avoid risk & implement high
1. 15 to 25 (Ex) - Extreme priority action plans
Proactively manage & implement specific controls/action plans-Review after 7
2. 8 to 12 (H) - High days
Actively manage & monitor – Additional controls is advised & review after 14
3. 4 to 6 (M) - Medium days

4. 1 to 3 (L) - Low Risk acceptable – Monitor & manage as appropriate with frequent review

Identify the hazard on the given task and conduct assessment of the actual site condition, all identified risk should provide with a plan to eliminate or control the risk.



Risk Ranking
Risk Issue



Work Activity (Improve Existing Controls/ Follow up By Whom (Name) Implemented
Item #

(Process, Equipment, Materials)

Hazards (Possible Incident) (What can go wrong)
(Accident/ Ill health to person, fire or property
Existing Controls Implement new controls) & By When (Date) (Yes / No)

⬧ Unauthorized work to be performed within ⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to ⬧ Permit to Work shall be obtained as a pre- ⬧ Permit Receiver shall be trained and
a defined location and boundary worker requisite to perform work authorized by the Manager to receive a
⬧ Work shall not be started until duly approved Permit to Work
Permit to Work is available at site and that Safety ⬧ Permit Receiver shall be responsible to
Toolbox meeting was conducted oversee for the safety of all workers under
⬧ Work shall not proceed without the presence of his Permit to Work Site Manager
approved Permit to Work with the Permit Receiver Site Engineer
3 2 6 2 1 2 YES
overseeing the activity Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor

Site Manager
⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ A safe work practice shall be implemented to ⬧All workers attending the toolbox meeting Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
damage Safety Engineer
⬧ Uncontrolled personnel entering a ⬧ Loss of production ⬧reduce
to possibilities
Work shall be of displayed
accident /atincident
the worksite ⬧shall sign on the
All workers attendance
shall attend thesheet attached
toolbox Foreman / Supervisor
restricted location ⬧ Permit Receiver shall not leave the area for the to the specific
meeting Permit
on a daily to conducted
basis Work by the Site Manager
whole duration of work Supervising Engineer, Foreman and Permit Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Receiver Safety Engineer
1 Obtain Permit to Work Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Significant cost due to damages ⬧ Permit Receiver shall account all workers under ⬧ RA and JSP shall be conducted thru TBT Site Manager
his Permit to Work before the start of work before start of any work in daily basis per Site Engineer
3 2 6 activity 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor

1 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
⬧ Unidentified hazards with unplanned safety ⬧ Governmental violation ⬧ Manager, Supervisor, Foreman and all workers ⬧ a copy of Permit, RA and JSP shall be
mitigating measures shall adhere to all requirements set forth in the available on site at point of use
Permit to Work, Risk Assessment, Method Site Manager
Statement, Job Safety Procedure and other Site Engineer
relevant safety practices and standards 2 2 4 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Inadequate coordination and area control ⬧ Environmental complaint ⬧ Site Manager, Supervising Engineer, Foreman ⬧ a copy of Permit, RA and JSP shall be
protocol shall designate a Permit Receiver competent available on site at point of use Site Manager
enough to take responsibility in securing the Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Permit to Work Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor
⬧ Unqualified workers ⬧ Accident resulted to injury ⬧ Obtain an internal PTW (electrical and hot ⬧ Foreman shall ensure that workers are
⬧ Damage to property work) competent and qualified to perform the
⬧ Disruption to work production ⬧ Ensure that all workers are given an HSE work
induction prior to deployment on site. ⬧ Tools and equipment shall be checked
⬧ Conduct safety toolbox meeting and and inspected before brought to the site
discussed the work procedures prior to the ⬧ Supervisor and Foreman shall maintain
start of work. close monitoring in cable termination
⬧ Ensure that all workers are provided with all
the required personal protective equipment for
minimum and general requirements. Site Manager
Site Engineer
⬧ All safety required documents should be 3 2 6 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
submitted, reviewed and approved by safety Foreman / Supervisor
personnel before allowing the team to start.
⬧ Close supervision required respective
electrical engineer & electrical supervisor shall
be present on site during testing.

⬧ Unskilled worker ⬧ Accident resulted to injury of ill health ⬧ Obtain an internal PTW (electrical and hot ⬧ Foreman shall ensure that workers are
⬧ Damage to property work) competent and qualified to perform the
⬧ Disruption to work production ⬧ Ensure that all workers are given an HSE work
induction prior to deployment on site. ⬧ Tools and equipment shall be checked
⬧ Conduct safety toolbox meeting and and inspected before brought to the site
discussed the work procedures prior to the ⬧ Supervisor and Foreman shall maintain
start of work. close monitoring in cable termination
⬧ Ensure that all workers are provided with all
the required personal protective equipment for
minimum and general requirements. Site Manager
Site Engineer
⬧ All safety required documents should be 3 2 6 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
submitted, reviewed and approved by safety Foreman / Supervisor
personnel before allowing the team to start.
⬧ Close supervision required respective
electrical engineer & electrical supervisor shall
be present on site during testing.

⬧ Lack of knowledge ⬧ Accident resulted to injury of ill health ⬧ Obtain an internal PTW (electrical and hot ⬧ Foreman shall ensure that workers are
⬧ Damage to property work) competent and qualified to perform the
⬧ Disruption to work production ⬧ Ensure that all workers are given an HSE work
induction prior to deployment on site. ⬧ Tools and equipment shall be checked
⬧ Conduct safety toolbox meeting and and inspected before brought to the site
discussed the work procedures prior to the ⬧ Supervisor and Foreman shall maintain
start of work. close monitoring in cable termination
⬧ Ensure that all workers are provided with all
the required personal protective equipment for
minimum and general requirements. Site Manager
Site Engineer
⬧ All safety required documents should be 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
submitted, reviewed and approved by safety Foreman / Supervisor
personnel before allowing the team to start.
⬧ Close supervision required respective
electrical engineer & electrical supervisor shall
be present on site during testing.

Preparation of tools and placing

materials in work location

2 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Preparation of tools and placing
materials in work location
⬧ Lack of supervision ⬧ Accident resulted to injury ⬧ Obtain an internal PTW (electrical and hot ⬧ Foreman shall ensure that workers are
⬧ Damage to property work) competent and qualified to perform the
⬧ Disruption to work production ⬧ Ensure that all workers are given an HSE work
induction prior to deployment on site. ⬧ Tools and equipment shall be checked
⬧ Conduct safety toolbox meeting and and inspected before brought to the site
discussed the work procedures prior to the ⬧ Supervisor and Foreman shall maintain
start of work. close monitoring in cable termination
⬧ Ensure that all workers are provided with all
the required personal protective equipment for Site Manager
minimum and general requirements. Site Engineer
⬧ All safety required documents should be 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
submitted, reviewed and approved by safety Foreman / Supervisor
personnel before allowing the team to start.
⬧ Close supervision required respective
electrical engineer & electrical supervisor shall
be present on site during testing.

⬧ Poor access and egress ⬧ Accident resulted to injury ⬧ Working area & access pathways must be ⬧ TBT must be conducted and discuss
⬧ Fatality provided with proper access and reachable by proper access and egress
⬧ Disruption to work production Site Manager
workers. ⬧ Must have full supervisor and Site Engineer
⬧ Work location must be free of obstruction. 3 2 6 monitoring 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
Remove all unwanted materials. Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Improper handling of tools and materials ⬧ Accident resulted to injury ⬧ Ensure correct body positioning and manual ⬧ Training on how to use proper tools and
⬧ Fatality lifting procedures. material
⬧ Damage of tools and materials ⬧ Provide Manual handling Training to the ⬧ Supervisor to monitor the workers
⬧ Disruption to work production workers (Workers shall be aware of proper
methods of lifting and moving heavy or
awkward loads) Site Manager
⬧ Only 20 kg allowed lifting by an individual. Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Use the buddy system if load exceed. Safety Engineer
⬧ Use hand protection (cotton gloves with Foreman / Supervisor
rubber palm for good grip) during handling of

⬧ Defective tools and equipment use ⬧ Accident resulted to injury ⬧ Damage or defective tools shall be ⬧ Training on how to use proper tools and
⬧ Fatality quarantined in a secure box or immediately material
⬧ Disruption to work production repaired. ⬧ Supervisor to monitor the workers
⬧ Regular maintenance, inspection of
toolboxes arrangement shall be to be carried
out daily.
⬧ Ensure that periodic inspection of tools shall
be conducted regularly and all tools that are in
Site Manager
good condition are registered and updated Site Engineer
color code tags. 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
⬧ Workers responsible for the tools must be Foreman / Supervisor
trained, competent and authorized.
⬧ All hand tools must be in good condition, no
homemade hand tools to be used at the site,
supervisor to check.

Site Manager
⬧ Improper arrangement of wire cable ⬧ Electrocution Site
Site Engineer
⬧ Conduct Lock Out / Tag out to ensure that 3 2 6 ⬧ Training and awareness 3 1 3 YES
Slip and trip Safety
Site Engineer
⬧ Improper plug/socket use ⬧⬧ Electrocution ⬧electricity
ConductisLockoff and
Outit’s residual,
/ Tag out toitensure
also secures
that 3 2 6 ⬧⬧ Supervisor
Training andtoawareness
monitor the activity 3 1 3 Site Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor YES
Provide power supply and electrical ⬧ Extensions cables have a lot of joints Damage to the equipment unauthorized personnel to prevent working. Safety Engineer
Site Manager
3 ⬧⬧ Electrocution ⬧electricity
ConductisLockoff and
Outit’s residual,
/ Tag out toitensure
also secures
that 3 2 6 ⬧⬧ Supervisor
Training andtoawareness
monitor the activity 3 1 3 Site
Foreman / Supervisor YES
connections ⬧⬧ Slip and trip unauthorized personnel to prevent working. Safety Engineer
Site Manager
⬧ Scattered electrical cables on the floor Electrocution electricity
⬧ ConductisLockoff and
Outit’s residual,
/ Tag out toitensure
also secures
that 3 2 6 ⬧⬧ Supervisor
Training andtoawareness
monitor the activity 3 1 3 Site
Foreman / Supervisor YES
⬧⬧ Slip and trip unauthorized personnel to prevent working. Safety Engineer
Site Engineer
⬧ Power supply source not properly Electrocution electricity
⬧ ConductisLockoff and
Outit’s residual,
/ Tag out toitensure
also secures
that 3 2 6 ⬧⬧ Supervisor
Training andtoawareness
monitor the activity 3 1 3 Foreman / Supervisor YES
grounded. ⬧ Damage to the equipment unauthorized personnel to prevent working. Safety Engineer
electricity is off and it’s residual, it also secures ⬧ Supervisor to monitor the activity Foreman / Supervisor
unauthorized personnel to prevent working.

3 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
⬧ Un secured Live electricity ⬧ Electrocution ⬧ Obtain LOTO permit. Strictly follow the ⬧ Use appropriate PPE (rated hand
⬧ Fatality procedure. gloves depending the current to be
⬧ The testing area to be barricaded and injected into the cables)
proper sign boards to be placed which read “ ⬧ Conduct safety orientation and TBT
TESTING IN PROGRESS KEEP AWAY” prior to the activity
⬧ Ensure that all power sources to be ⬧ Full supervision and close monitoring
connected with ELCB.
⬧ All testing equipment must be in good Site Manager
Testing of cables (Insulation, condition and with valid test calibration. Site Engineer
4 4 2 8 4 1 4 YES
Resistance, Megger) ⬧ Clear everybody from the area where testing Safety Engineer
is in progress. Foreman / Supervisor
⬧ Maintain good housekeeping in the working
⬧ Walkway and gangway to be kept free from
⬧ Use appropriate PPE (rated hand gloves
depending the current to be injected into the
⬧ Using damaged hand tools (Wire Stripper, ⬧ Hand injury ⬧ All hand tools must be in good condition with ⬧ Conduct safety orientation and TBT
Knife, Side Cutter, Screw Driver) ⬧ Damage to material valid color code tag, no homemade hand tools prior to the activity
to be used at the site, Supervisor to check. ⬧ Full supervision and close monitoring
⬧ Workers responsible for the tools must be
trained, competent and authorized.
⬧ Training on the safe use of hand tools must
be given to all workers involved in the activity.
⬧ Proper PPE suitable for the job such as Site Manager
gloves with a good grip must be worn at all Site Engineer
times. 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
⬧ Tools and materials with sharp edges or Foreman / Supervisor
exposed pointed parts shall be stored
separately and must provide with covers.

⬧ Use of sharp hand tools ⬧ Hand injury ⬧ All hand tools must be in good condition with ⬧ Conduct safety orientation and TBT
5 Stripping of cables ⬧ Damage to material valid color code tag, no homemade hand tools prior to the activity
to be used at the site, Supervisor to check. ⬧ Full supervision and close monitoring
⬧ Workers responsible for the tools must be
trained, competent and authorized.
⬧ Training on the safe use of hand tools must
be given to all workers involved in the activity.
⬧ Proper PPE suitable for the job such as
gloves with a good grip must be worn at all
times. Site Manager
⬧ Tools and materials with sharp edges or Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
exposed pointed parts shall be stored Safety Engineer
separately and must provide with covers. Foreman / Supervisor

Site Manager
⬧ Incompetent workers ⬧ Sprains, Site Manager
Site Engineer
⬧ Supervisor to ensure approved PTW Is 3 2 6 ⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 2 1 2 YES
⬧⬧ Electrocution, Safety
Site Engineer
⬧ Dust from drill machine Sprains, available
⬧ Supervisor on site prior toapproved
to ensure commencePTWthe Is
task 3 2 6 the requirements
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 2 1 2 Site Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor YES
6 Boring of holes for glanding plates ⬧⬧ Electrocution, Safety
Site Engineer
⬧ Using of drill machine in unsafe manner Sprains, available
⬧ Supervisor on site prior toapproved
to ensure commencePTWthe Is
task 3 2 6 the requirements
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 2 1 2 Site Manager
Foreman / Supervisor YES
⬧⬧ Electrocution, Safety
Site Engineer
⬧ Use of damaged Hand tools Sprains, ⬧available on site
Supervisor prior toapproved
to ensure commencePTWthe Is
task 3 2 6 ⬧theEnsure
responsible person to comply 3 1 3 Site Manager
Safety / Supervisor
⬧⬧ Electrocution, Site Engineer
⬧ Using damaged hydraulic crimping tool Electrocution/ burns, Minor injury (cuts, ⬧available
Obtain on site permit
LOTO prior toifcommence the task
necessary (working 3 2 6 ⬧theEnsure
responsible person to comply 3 1 3 Site Manager
Safety / Supervisor
⬧ Not proper use of Heat gun (hot blower) ⬧abrasion, puncture
Electrocution/ burns, Minor injury (cuts, ⬧onObtain
live panels)
LOTO permit if necessary (working 3 2 6 ⬧theEnsure
responsible person to comply 3 1 3
Site Manager
Site Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor YES
Safety Engineer
7 Glanding, Jointing and Termination ⬧ Using damaged hand tools (Wire Stripper, ⬧abrasion, puncture
Electrocution/ burns, Minor injury (cuts, on live panels)
⬧ Obtain LOTO permit if necessary (working 3 2 6 the requirements
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 2 1 2
Site Manager
Site Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor YES
Knife, Side Cutter, Screw Driver abrasion, puncture Safety
Site Engineer
⬧ No competency certificate of ⬧ Electrocution/ burns, Minor injury (cuts, on live panels)
⬧ Obtain LOTO permit if necessary (working 3 2 6 the requirements
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 3 1 3 Site Manager
Foreman / Supervisor YES
electrician/cable jointer abrasion, puncture Safety Engineer
Site Engineer
⬧ Use of sharp hand tools. ⬧ Electrocution/ burns, Minor injury (cuts, on live panels)
⬧ Obtain LOTO permit if necessary (working 3 2 6 the requirements
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply 3 1 3 Foreman / Supervisor YES
abrasion, puncture Safety Engineer
on live panels) the requirements Foreman / Supervisor

4 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
⬧ Using damaged hand tools/ damaged ⬧ Electrocution, slip, trip , fall at the same level ⬧ All hand tools must be in good condition, no ⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply
testing equipment homemade hand tools to be used at site, the requirements
supervisor to check ⬧ Continuous monitoring and
⬧ Access towards to the testing area to be coordination to other department about
barricaded and watchman to be posted the task
⬧ Testing area to be barricaded and proper ⬧ Full supervision of electrical engineer
sign boards to be placed which read
⬧ Avoid cable joint
⬧ Ensure that all power sources to be
connected with ELCB
⬧ All testing equipment must be in good
condition and with valid test calibration Site Manager
⬧ Clear everybody from the area where testing Site Engineer
3 2 6 2 1 2 YES
is in progress Safety Engineer
⬧ Maintain good housekeeping around the Foreman / Supervisor
working area
⬧ Walkway and gangway to be kept free of
⬧ Use appropriate PPE (rated hand gloves
depending the current to be injected to the

⬧ Unauthorized person ⬧ Electrocution, slip, trip , fall at the same level ⬧ All hand tools must be in good condition, no ⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply
homemade hand tools to be used at site, the requirements
supervisor to check ⬧ Continuous monitoring and
⬧ Access towards to the testing area to be coordination to other department about
Testing (Continuity Test, resistance,
8 barricaded and watchman to be posted the task
insulation, phase orientation check)
⬧ Testing area to be barricaded and proper ⬧ Full supervision of electrical engineer
sign boards to be placed which read
⬧ Avoid cable joint
⬧ Ensure that all power sources to be
connected with ELCB
⬧ All testing equipment must be in good
condition and with valid test calibration
⬧ Clear everybody from the area where testing
is in progress Site Manager
⬧ Maintain good housekeeping around the Site Engineer
working area 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
⬧ Walkway and gangway to be kept free of Foreman / Supervisor
⬧ Use appropriate PPE (rated hand gloves
depending the current to be injected to the

Site Manager
⬧ Bad housekeeping ⬧ Fire ⬧ Proper housekeeping scheme ⬧ Monitoring Site Engineer
⬧ Environmental Problem 2 2 4 2 1 2 YES
⬧ Regular schedule of disposal ⬧ Supervision Safety Engineer
⬧ Unauthorized workers ⬧ Personnel may slip, trip and fall at the same ⬧ All temporary cable should be properly Foreman / Supervisor
⬧ Ensure responsible person to comply
level organized the requirements
⬧ Only competent and authorized person to do ⬧ Contact the site area in advance and
the inspection, ensure notified the client with agree that access to the specific area is
all necessary documents acceptable Site Manager
⬧ Walkway and gangway to be kept free of Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
obstruction Safety Engineer
9 Inspection Foreman / Supervisor
⬧ Maintain good housekeeping around the
working area

⬧ Bad housekeeping ⬧ Fire ⬧ Proper housekeeping scheme ⬧ Monitoring Site Manager

⬧ Environmental Problem Site Engineer
⬧ Regular schedule of disposal 2 2 4 ⬧ Supervision 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor

5 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
⬧ Improper manual handling ⬧ Manual handling can lead to musculoskeletal ⬧ Facilitate training for manual handling. ⬧ Labeling of storage box (good items,
disorder ⬧ Observe proper posture during manual scrap / damage items, by capacity, etc.)
⬧ Fall from same level lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. ⬧ Immediate disposal or sending the
⬧ Accident resulting injury to personnel ⬧ Provide storage box for waste materials damage one to the store keeper
⬧ Remove all unwanted / protruding
materials / object at the site Site Manager
⬧ Provision of waste skip in the strategic Site Engineer
location at the site with marking 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Scattered lifting materials on the ground/ ⬧ Manual handling can lead to musculoskeletal ⬧ Facilitate training for manual handling. ⬧ Labeling of storage box (good items,
access disorder ⬧ Observe proper posture during manual scrap / damage items, by capacity, etc.)
⬧ Fall from same level lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. ⬧ Immediate disposal or sending the
⬧ Fire ⬧ Provide storage box for waste materials damage one to the store keeper
⬧ Accident resulting injury to personnel Site Manager
⬧ Remove all unwanted / protruding Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
materials / object at the site Safety Engineer
⬧ Provision of waste skip in the strategic Foreman / Supervisor
10 Housekeeping location at the site with marking

⬧ Protruding object / materials at the site ⬧ Manual handling can lead to musculoskeletal ⬧ Facilitate training for manual handling. ⬧ Labeling of storage box (good items,
disorder ⬧ Observe proper posture during manual scrap / damage items, by capacity, etc.)
⬧ Accident resulting injury to personnel lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. ⬧ Immediate disposal or sending the
⬧ Provide storage box for waste materials damage one to the store keeper Site Manager
⬧ Remove all unwanted / protruding Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
materials / object at the site Safety Engineer
⬧ Provision of waste skip in the strategic Foreman / Supervisor
location at the site with marking

⬧ Uncollected / scattered rubbish ⬧ Manual handling can lead to musculoskeletal ⬧ Facilitate training for manual handling. ⬧ Labeling of storage box (good items,
disorder ⬧ Observe proper posture during manual scrap / damage items, by capacity, etc.)
⬧ Fire lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. ⬧ Immediate disposal or sending the
⬧ Accident resulting injury to personnel ⬧ Provide storage box for waste materials damage one to the store keeper Site Manager
⬧ Remove all unwanted / protruding Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
materials / object at the site Safety Engineer
⬧ Provision of waste skip in the strategic Foreman / Supervisor
location at the site with marking

⬧ Poor housekeeping ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ Permit Receiver shall ensure that ⬧ Supervisor to monitor their respective
damage housekeeping in done before, during and after area for housekeeping before and after
⬧ Governmental violation the work the activity
⬧ Environmental complaint ⬧ All waste materials generated from the work ⬧ Enough waste bins shall be provided
⬧ Loss of production
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to shall be disposed properly and shall not be left
Site Manager
worker unattended at the worksite Site Engineer
⬧ Significant cost due to damages ⬧ All materials used at the site such as 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
chemicals, flammable and combustible Foreman / Supervisor
materials shall be stored at the designated
storage at the end of each day

⬧ Undisposed waste materials ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ Permit Receiver shall ensure that ⬧ Permit Receiver shall account all
damage housekeeping in done before, during and after worker under his Permit to Work and
⬧ Governmental violation the work ensure all have signed out on the
⬧ Environmental complaint ⬧ All waste materials generated from the work attendance sheet and clear of the area
⬧ Loss of production
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to shall be disposed properly and shall not be left ⬧ Supervising Engineer and Foreman
worker unattended at the worksite shall adhere to the proper housekeeping
⬧ Significant cost due to damages ⬧ Mobile equipment shall properly parked on a and storage of materials at the
designated equipment laydown designated location Site Manager
⬧ All materials used at the site such as ⬧ Site Manager shall be responsible on Site Engineer
chemicals, flammable and combustible 3 2 6 the effective implementation of the Permit 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
materials shall be stored at the designated to Work Foreman / Supervisor
storage at the end of each day ⬧ Permit Issuer shall visit the work
⬧ Electrical equipment shall be properly location to verify good housekeeping was
secured, distribution board closed and conducted before closing the Permit to
padlocked Work

6 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
⬧ Unaccounted workers ⬧ Governmental violation ⬧ Security/guard should be mobilized ⬧ TBT for all the workers and proper
⬧ Loss of production ⬧ Log in and out should be implemented, log monitoring
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to book must be provided and always available ⬧ Training for the security/guard
worker Site Manager
⬧ Coordination between HR and PMT for new pertaining to log in and out Site Engineer
workers, induction should be provided 3 2 6 ⬧ Site Manager shall be responsible on 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
the effective implementation of the Log in Foreman / Supervisor
log out system

⬧ Inadequate communication ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ Regular coordination meeting should be ⬧ Practice constant communication
damage done for communication between PMT
⬧ Governmental violation
⬧ Loss of production Site Manager
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to Site Engineer
11 Closing of Permit to Work 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
worker Safety Engineer
⬧ Significant cost due to damages Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Poor storage of chemical, flammable and ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ Permit Receiver shall ensure that proper ⬧ Must have chemical holder with proper
combustible materials and etc. damage storage of chemical is done before, during and training
⬧ Governmental violation after the work ⬧ SDS must be available
⬧ Environmental complaint ⬧ All waste materials generated from the work ⬧ Supervisor and monitoring by the
⬧ Loss of production
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to shall be disposed properly and shall not be left supervisor must take place
worker unattended at the worksite Site Manager
⬧ Significant cost due to damages ⬧ Safety information on how to handle Site Engineer
chemical materials must be posted 3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
⬧ All materials used at the site such as Foreman / Supervisor
chemicals, flammable and combustible
materials shall be stored at the designated
storage at the end of each day

⬧ Unattended unsafe condition ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ All unsafe condition must be identified by the ⬧ TBT should be done and all pending
damage safety rep. and must be rectified right away. unsafe condition must be discussed
⬧ Governmental violation ⬧ Area with un attended unsafe condition must ⬧ Supervising Engineer and Foreman
⬧ Environmental complaint
⬧ Loss of production
be identified shall adhere to the proper rectification of Site Manager
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to the open observation Site Engineer
3 2 6 3 1 3 YES
worker ⬧ Site Manager shall be responsible on Safety Engineer
⬧ Significant cost due to damages the effective implementation Foreman / Supervisor

⬧ Unsecured electrical equipment, energized ⬧ Significant property and appurtenances ⬧ Permit Receiver shall ensure that ⬧ Permit Receiver shall account all
equipment damage housekeeping in done before, during and after worker under his Permit to Work and
⬧ Governmental violation the work ensure all have signed out on the
⬧ Environmental complaint ⬧ Electrical equipment shall be properly attendance sheet and clear of the area
⬧ Loss of production
⬧ Accident resulting serious injury or death to secured, distribution board closed and ⬧ LOTO procedure should be available
worker padlocked and properly implemented
⬧ Significant cost due to damages ⬧ Site Manager shall be responsible on Site Manager
the effective implementation of the Permit Site Engineer
3 2 6 to Work 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
⬧ Monthly inspection and color code Foreman / Supervisor
should be implemented
⬧ Electrical equipment checklist and
registry should be updated


7 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
SEVERITY / CONSEQUENCE (Impact/Hazard Effect) (Where an event has more than one ' Loss Type ', choo
Loss Type Additional "Loss Types" may exist for
an event: Identify & rate accordingly (1) Insignificant (2) Minor
Medical Treatment Case
(S/H) Harm to People (Safety/Health)
First Aid Case/Exposure to Minor Exposure to Major Health Risk
Health Risk

(EI) Environmental Impact

Minimal environment harm incident Material Environment harm (RST)
with workplace

(BI/MD) Business Interruption / Material / Fire Damage & No disruption to operation / 1000 SR Brief Disruption to Operation / 10k
Other Consequential Losses to Less than 10k SR SR to Less Than 100k SR

LIKELIHOOD Examples (Consider Near-Hits as well as actual events)

The unwanted event has occurred frequently : Occurs in order of (1)
(5) ALMOST CERTAIN or more per year & is likely to reoccur within 1 year 5 (M)
The unwanted event has occurred infrequently : Occurs in order of
(4) LIKELY less than once per year & is likely to reoccur within 5 yrs. 4 (M)

The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or

(3) POSSIBLE could happen within 10 years. 3 (L)
The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or
(2) UNLIKELY could happen within 20 years. 2 (L)
The unwanted event has never known to occur in the business or it is
(1) RARE highly unlikely to occur within 20 years. 1 (L)

Stop operation and review controls- Eliminate, avoid risk &
15 to 25 (Ex) - Extreme implement high priority action plans
Proactively manage & implement specific controls/action
8 to 12 (H) - High plans-Review after 7 days
Actively manage & monitor – Additional controls is advised
4 to 6 (M) - Medium & review after 14 days

Risk acceptable – Monitor & manage as appropriate with

1 to 3 (L) - Low frequent review
than one ' Loss Type ', choose the ' Consequence' with the highest rating)

2) Minor (3) Moderate (4) Major (5) Catastrophic

Treatment Case Loss Time Injury / Single Fatality or
o Major Health Risk Reversible Impact on Loss of Quality of Multiple Fatalities / Impact on
Health Life / Irreversible health Ultimately Fatal
impact on Health
Material Environment
ironment harm (RST) harm (RST) Serious Major environmental Major environmental harm –
environmental harm incident (RLT) Incident Irreversible
incident (RMT)

Partial Loss of
on to Operation / 10k Partial Shutdown/100k Operation/1M SR Substantial or Total Loss of
ss Than 100k SR SR to Less than 1M SR To Less than10M SR Operation / 10M SR and more


5 (M) 10 (H) 15 (H) 20 (Ex) 25 (Ex)

4 (M) 8 (H) 12 (H) 16 (Ex) 20 (Ex)

3 (L) 6 (M) 9 (H) 12 (H) 15 (Ex)

2 (L) 4 (M) 6 (M) 8 (H) 10 (H)

1 (L) 2 (L) 3 (L) 4 (M) 5 (M)

Date Compiled Date Revised
Compliled by:
Management Action
Ref No. Description of Risk Risk Score Action Responsible person
Target Action
Responsible person
date complete

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