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TIME REQUIRED : 25 minutes


Ambo/Bible Altar
Flower/Ornamental Plant
Sound Track – Thy Word, Lauds, Pagkakaibigan

 Community Singing

 Opening Prayer

 Enthronement of the Bible

Song: Thy Word

 Reading of the Scripture : Matthew 25:31-46

 Reflection
At this moment of my life, who is Jesus for me? Why?

Who are the people I know who manifest the presence of Jesus in my
midst? How do I relate to each of them?

Is my life a proclamation that Jesus reign in my heart,

in my Life? In my Family, in my Home? In my relationship with other

 Ama Mi

 S.O.P

 Closing Prayer

 Animation: Shine Jesus Shine


TIME REQUIRED : 35 minutes

SIZE OF THE GROUP:All Participants

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Participant’s ID (with cluster and group name)

(each ID should bear the CLUSTER NUMBER)

Overview: This Introductory session sets the mood and provides the framework of the CAMP Module. This will
help the participants get acquainted with one another, with the purpose of the celebration/gathering
and with the theme of the celebration.

1. Ask the participants to find their respective assigned Cluster. When all the Cluster Members
are already in the Cluster, the entire cluster sings its Community Song, to wit:
Cluster 1 (Tinapay) - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Cluster 2 (Danom) - Jingle Bells
Cluster 3 (Abong) - Sa May Bahay Ang Aming Bati
Cluster 4 (Kawes) - Pasko Na Naman
Cluster 5 (Tambal) - Joy To The World
Cluster 6 (Bisita) – Ang Pasko Ay Sumapit
2. Main Facilitator acknowledges each cluster



a) Why are you here?
b) For you, what is the celebration all about?


Feast of Christ the King

The feast of Christ the King was created by Pope Pius XI in 1925, He created it to fix the way
people were living - like Jesus Christ didn’t exist. The feast proclaims how Jesus Christ is
royalty above people, communities, nations and governments. The feast establishes the titles
for Christ’s royalty over men:
1.) Christ is God and holds high power over everything
2.) Christ is our Redeemer, He made us His by his blood and now we belong to Him
3. Christ is Head of the Church
4. God bestowed upon Christ the nations of the world as His special possession and dominion.

Prior to the Roman Calendar reform in1969, this feast was celebrated on the last Sunday of

Christ the King as Represented in the liturgy

In the scripture, we rarely see Jesus Christ as King as we might picture. Instead, we see Jesus
helping people, loving others, praying in agony and being killed. However, Jesus Christ is our
King. Think about how Jesus lived like we do, yet, He is the Ruler of the Universe. When you
picture a King, can you imagine him living poor and being beaten for their people? Probably
not. Yet, Jesus did that for all of us.
We need to remember that Jesus Christ is our ultimate King and He knows each one of us
personally. We are His Father’s beloved children and He wants us to be with the Father. He
wants us to restore everything to Him, for in Him and only Him that we can be saved. He is
the light who can lead us to the real Kingdom of God.

And, so today, as we gather together as one youth community, let us acknowledge our
sinfulness, our weaknesses, our darkness which blind us from seeing the true light, which
hinder us from worshipping the true King in our lives. Let us Restore Everything to Jesus, our
King and our Light!


 Do you believe/accept that Jesus is a King? Why?

How will you manifest then that Jesus is your King?

We need to remember that Jesus Christ is our ultimate King and He knows each one of us
personally. We are His Father’s beloved children and He wants us to be with the Father. He wants
us to live a life of truth, justice and peace. He is the only light who can lead us to the real
Kingdom of God.

And, so today, as we gather together as one youth community, let us acknowledge our sinfulness,
our weaknesses, our darkness which blinds us from seeing the true light, which hinder us to be
truthful, to be just and to live in peace. In these days then, let us bring ourselves to really embrace
Jesus as our King!


SESSION 1A : When Did I See You Lord?


TIME REQUIRED : 60 minutes

SIZE OF THE GROUP : All Participants

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Power-point presentation of the Scriptural Text

Hand-out of Scriptural Text (Matthew 25:31-46), (1per participant)
Power point/Multimedia Media Presentation of
A. ANIMATION – Walking With Jesus

B. ‘HETO KAMI’ – Roll and Role Calling

1. Competition is Cluster effort.
2. All participants will be advised to be mindful of their CLUSTER NAMES
3. Facilitator challenges the clusters to present their synchronized Cluster Gesture.
4. The Clusters should be given 2 minutes to strategize.
5. Presentation per cluster. Facilitator acknowledges each cluster
6. Facilitator advices the assembly to bear in mind these Cluster Names and gestures
all throughout the duration of the camp.
1. Big Group Reading: Male-Female Alternately
2. Silence (2 mins.)
D. I N P U T
The Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Year A, presents Jesus as a GREAT TEACHER, A NEW
MOSES. The great lesson Jesus taught and the new law he promulgated is the LAW OF LOVE.
And this LAW OF LOVE is to be fulfilled in attending to the needs of our brethren! To hail
Christ as king is to become aware of and respond to our neighbors in need. How sensitive are we
to the needs of others? Can it be that all that we care for are just for our own? Christ the King
calls us to move out of our own selfish concerns and care for others!

1. Do I Feed the Hungry?

One of the greatest miracles of Jesus was the feeding of the multitudes. Christ fed the hungry. The
miracle is sometimes interpreted as Jesus teaching the crowd the “miracle” of sharing what we have.
Five loaves and two fish can go a long way when offered and shared. How unfortunate that in our world
today there are some who have too much and many who have too little. To hail Christ as our king is to
be ready to share even the little that we have. For as PCP II says, in the Church of the poor nobody is so
poor that he cannot share something, nobody is so rich that he does not need anything!

2. Do I Give Drink to the Thirsty?

When Jesus was on the cross, his 4th word was “I THIRST.” Jesus’ thirst on the gibbet of the cross was
certainly not only for water. Jesus was thirsty for consolation and understanding (as he had just given
up his Mother to the disciple). Kind words can go a long way in consoling the afflicted. Criticisms
aggravate, appreciation alleviate. The weary need encouragement. Jesus had promised to those who
would give a cup of water to his prophets would not want for their reward.

3. Do I provide Shelter to the Homeless?

Christ had told his disciples that the son of man had no where to lay his head. He was homeless. He
had left the comfort of Nazareth to become an itinerant preacher. Today we have many homeless
people. Our cities teem with squatters and street people. Refugees roam the world. And we may add as
“homeless” several of our own countrymen who have left home to labor in distant shores as OFW,
seamen, domestics. Christ the King calls us to provide a “home” – not just a house – for our families
and for the displaced. We need program and structures that would attend to the needs and concerns of
the many “homeless” – brothers and sisters living away from their families, and families left behind.

4. Do I Clothe the Naked?

Jesus was stripped of his garments and flogged! He was exposed to abuse and ridicule. When the
young and innocent are abused today it is Christ once again being stripped and flogged! When the rights
of little people are trampled, Christ is once again stripped and flogged. To clothe the naked is about
taking action in fighting human rights violations! Abandoning the defenseless to the whims and devises
of the powerful is cooperating with the abusers!
5. Do I Visit the Sick?
Jesus made the rounds of the villages teaching and healing. He was a king who had compassion on the
little, the lost, and the least. Divine physician that he was he went in search of the sick to make them
well. In his campaign against the sick and the possessed he had to confront both the source of all illness,
namely, the devil and also the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes who did nothing to help the sick. To
hail Christ as king is to announce the good news to the sick and also to denounce those who perpetuate
the reign of evil in the world.

6. Do I Visit the Imprisoned?

In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the master ordered the unforgiving servant to be jailed until
he could pay his debt. Yet, that same servant would have been spared that imprisonment had he
forgiven his fellow servant. Before the all knowing and uncorrupt Judge we all stand guilty! But, by
the graciousness of our Divine Judge our debts have been forgiven. So we now have to forgive that we
might not suffer the fate of the unforgiving servant.

St. Theresa of Avila is noted to have said – “In the end, our final test will be how we have
loved!” It will not be what titles or honors we have, how much money or what our achievement
are, but how much have we loved Christ in our neighbors. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI
hit the nail on the head when he came out with his encyclical DEUS CARITAS EST. The love
that he refers to is no mere sentimentalism. Benedict XVI recommends actions for justice, peace
and truth. While politics is not our main agenda still we are to imbue politics with our Christian
principles. Our proper agenda is charity. And the pope says that charity will always be
necessary! How true, for in our present world there is the irony of there being so much goods
but also so many more poor!

(Power point Presentation)

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