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Summary Report
Co-funded by the Internal Security
Fund of the European Union
ECPAT International is a global network of 102 civil society organisations and coalitions in 93 countries.
Supported by the ECPAT Secretariat in Bangkok, Thailand, ECPAT has one goal – to end the sexual
exploitation of children around the world. This study was developed as part of ECPAT’s programme to
end online child sexual exploitation.

INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organisation, headquartered in Lyon, France and
with 192 member countries. This study was developed with the Crimes against Children (CAC) Unit,
operating within INTERPOL’s Organized and Emerging Crime programme. The CAC Unit is tasked with
coordinating and responding to crimes committed against children, primarily focused on sexual abuse
and exploitation. As a global collaborative platform for victim identification, the ICSE Database is a
central part of this response.

Designed by Quo Global

Bangkok, Thailand

© INTERPOL, 2018

The statistics, graphs and tables within this document are based on an analysis of samples from
INTERPOL International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) Database extracted in June and August 2017
and interviews conducted in November 2017. The full report can be retrieved from

ECPAT International
328/1 Phayathai Road,
Ratchatewi, Bangkok 10400

For more information:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Summary Report

This is a summary of a longer study called Towards a
Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual The International Child Sexual
Exploitation (ICSE) Database
Exploitation Material, published by ECPAT International
and INTERPOL in February 2018. The study was Managed by INTERPOL and housed in
Lyon, France, the ICSE Database is a
financed by the European Union and carried out specialised tool for use by certified law
between 2016 and 2018 under the title International enforcement officers and other personnel
Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) Database Connectivity to investigate child sexual abuse material
(CSAM) and child sexual exploitation
and Awareness Raising Enhancements (I-CARE) Project.
material (CSEM). It contains more than
It was based on quantitative and qualitative analysis and 1 million images, videos and hashes,
conducted in two parts: uploaded by and on behalf of 88 countries
as a result of investigations into online
● The first part of the study was an analysis of child sexual abuse.
information recorded for more than 1 million media The main purposes of the database are
files of child sexual exploitation and abuse material to facilitate the process of identification
in the International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) of child victims of sexual abuse and to
minimise duplication of efforts by law
Database. Almost 47 percent of the files in the enforcement agencies.
database portray child victims that have been
While some CSEM and CSAM remains
identified by law enforcement, while the remainder ungrouped in the ICSE Database, much of
depict unidentified children. 800 series of videos it is grouped into ‘series’ with a common
and images stored in the database were randomly theme so as to aid investigation and
increase the potential for identification of
selected for more detailed visual examination.
child victims.
● The second part of the study involved consultations
with law enforcement personnel and experts in child sexual exploitation around the world.

Limitations of the study

While the information contained in the ICSE Database
can be used as a proxy indicator of victim profiles ‘Child sexual abuse material’ (CSAM)
and some patterns of offender behaviour, and to give refers to material depicting acts of sexual
abuse and/or focusing on the genitalia of
insight into the online sexual exploitation of children, it the child.
is important to take into account the limitations of this
‘Child sexual exploitation material’ (CSEM)
study, which included: encompasses all sexualised material
depicting children, including ‘child sexual
1. The information contained in the ICSE Database is
abuse material.’
not collected for the purpose of empirical analysis.
The distinction between CSEM and CSAM
The database is a tool designed for investigative
is generally one of legal status. Because
purposes only; the ICSE Database contains both CSAM
and CSEM, and because a discussion of
2. The data collection and analytic capacities of the the broader category of CSEM is relevant
ICSE Database’s administrators and users are limited to any discussion of CSAM, this study
by their primary focus on victim identification (as addressed both types of material.
opposed to research);
3. The information contained in the ICSE Database information is entered by multiple countries and
users. Inconsistencies and omissions (e.g. through the use of free text fields) were apparent in
the entered data analysed for this study, which may have negatively affected the quality of the
4. As of December 2017, 53 of the 192 member countries of INTERPOL plus specialists from
INTERPOL and Europol had direct access to the ICSE Database. And although data uploaded by
and on behalf of 88 countries is stored in the database, over 50% of the world’s population live in
countries that are not connected to the ICSE Database, leaving significant scope for many more
countries to contribute data, which will help identify more children; and

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 1

Summary Report

5. The data that was extracted for this study from media categorised in the database as
‘unidentified’ did not constitute a pure sample. Because case records may not have been
updated, some cases that were marked as ‘unidentified’ may in fact have been ‘identified’.

There are multiple legal, institutional and ethical considerations involved in the study of largely illegal
and extremely sensitive material such as the ones considered by this study. These were addressed
using a range of measures, including:
1. A data sharing and handling agreement between INTERPOL and ECPAT International;
2. The appointment of an international Technical Working Group to oversee and validate the study
and related activities; and
3. A research protocol, developed by ECPAT International and validated by the Technical Working
Group. This included an ad hoc ethical review performed by members of the Technical Working

The vast majority of online CSAM is made by those in the victim’s circle of trust. So identifying the
victim is a priority, because as well as providing an opportunity to remove the child from harm it is
often the first step in identifying the offender. There is a pressing need to address the lack of research
on unidentified children depicted in online CSAM/CSEM and analyse the quality of the response by
law enforcement around the world to this problem.

Through analysis of images, videos and case-related data (metadata) stored in the ICSE Database
housed at INTERPOL, this study sought to:
1. Develop a descriptive profile of unidentified children depicted in CSAM/CSEM in the ICSE
Database; and
2. Offer insight into the usage and content of the ICSE Database.

By extension, the project also sought to:

3. Contribute to producing indicators on unidentified victims of child sexual abuse material and
child sexual exploitation material (CSAM/CSEM);
4. Provide an evidence base to advocate for states to allocate the resources needed to better
address the sexual abuse and exploitation of children online, specifically in relation to
5. Present recommendations for further research and for the enhancement of international victim
identification activities coordinated by INTERPOL through the ICSE Database.

The study was further informed by a broad selection of existing research on the online sexual
exploitation of children, including from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in
the USA.

2 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report


● In the 72.5 percent of cases where victim gender According to the USA Diagnostical and
was recorded, 64.8 percent of unidentified media Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
files depicted female children, 31.1 percent depicted V, a person may be diagnosed with a
paraphilic disorder if they:
male children and in 4.1 percent both male and
female victims. When boys were depicted in the ‘Feel personal distress about their sexual
interest, not merely distress resulting from
abuse, it was more likely to be severe or involve
society’s disapproval; or
paraphilic themes.
They have a sexual desire or behavior that
● Why is this important? It is often considered that involves another person’s psychological
most victims of sexual abuse and exploitation are distress, injury, or death, or a desire
for sexual behaviors involving unwilling
girls. However, the significant proportion of boys persons or persons unable to give legal
depicted in unidentified images and videos in the consent.’
ICSE Database invites closer attention to this group.

Where victim gender was recorded for unidentified victims:


Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 3

Summary Report

● Victim ethnicity could be determined in 93.9 percent of the analysed series. 76.6 percent of
analysed series featured white children, 10.1 percent were Hispanic or Latino children, 9.9
percent Asian children, and 2.1 percent depicted black victims. A small proportion of the
categorised series (1.3 percent) depicted children of multiple ethnicities.
● Why is this important? In some cases, the ethnicity of victims may be a proxy indicator for
the location of the abuse or exploitation. However, the ethnicity of the victims in the database
does not necessarily paint an accurate picture of the ethnicity of victims globally, because many
countries do not yet contribute images and videos to the ICSE Database. This highlights the
need to connect more countries and regions to the database to generate a more nuanced
understanding of victims’ ethnic profiles.

Ethnicity of unidentified victims in the ICSE Database, based on visual analysis:

4 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

Age and severity of sexual victimisation

Combating Paedophile Information
● Where the unidentified victim’s age could be Networks in Europe (COPINE)
determined, 56.2 percent of cases depicted Developed by University College Cork,
prepubescent children, 25.4 percent were pubescent Ireland, COPINE is a system for classifying
children, and 4.3 percent were very young children the severity of the broad spectrum of
victimisation depicted in online child
(infants and toddlers). 14.1 percent of cases featured
sexual abuse material. ‘COPINE level
children in multiple age categories. one’ images or videos are considered to
be at the ‘lower’ end of the spectrum,
● The study found a link between the age of the with ‘COPINE level 10’ indicating that
victim and the severity of abuse. When victims were the images depict more severe abuse
younger, the abuse was more likely to be severe. or ‘problematic paraphilias,’ such
as bestiality, sadism, humiliation, or
It was also found that very young children were necrophilia.
more likely than pubescent victims to be subjected
84.2 percent of the analysed sample of
to abuse and exploitation featuring an additional images or videos in the database were
paraphilic theme. classified as COPINE level six or above,
which means they contained explicit erotic
posing, explicit sexual activity, assault,
Why is this important? gross assault, sadism or other problem
● It is often assumed that victims of sexual abuse are
older children. This may be due in part to increased When the victim was younger, or a boy
the COPINE rating was more likely to be
media attention and public awareness surrounding
seven or above.
the risks associated with young people’s use of
technology and the Internet, including the production
of youth-produced material, but it may also be due to the fact that most people find it hard
to imagine the extreme sexual assault of an infant. While the victimisation of any child of any
age is inexcusable, over 60 percent of unidentified victims in this study were prepubescent,
including very young children (infants and toddlers). This finding highlights the need to reflect and
potentially prioritise this age group in policy and programming.

Age of unidentified victims:

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 5

Summary Report

● It was only possible to identify the gender of the offender in under half of all analysed series.
Where this was the case, the vast majority (92.7 percent) of offenders were male. Female
offenders were most frequently depicted together with a male offender in the sample (in 5.5
percent of valid cases). Where the imagery showed males and females abusing a child together,
it was almost always the males who recorded the sexual activity, while the female offenders were
actively involved in the abuse of the child(ren). In cases where females abused a child on their
own (only two percent of the analysed series), these lone female offenders appeared younger
in age (some apparently in late adolescence or young adulthood) than those depicted abusing a
child together with a male.
● Why is this important? This finding supports the contention that most producers of CSAM/
CSEM are male. However, the significantly lower proportion of female offenders depicted in the
analysed series does not negate the importance of understanding the role played by adult and
young females in the abuse and exploitation of children. Whether females were seen offending
alongside males, or where lone female offenders were seen abusing a child, it was difficult to tell
from a visual assessment whether the depicted abuse and exploitation was committed at the
behest of the male offender, female offender, or as a truly collaborative act. The role played by
females in CSAM/CSEM production is apparently complex, particularly in terms of distinguishing
females who act as proponents or facilitators of this crime, or both. This area requires further,
focused investigation in order to inform improved strategies for the management and prevention
of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Gender of visible offenders:

6 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

● Due to a number of issues, including the fact that offenders may disguise their identity when
producing CSAM/CSEM, it was only possible to determine offender ethnicity in less than
25 percent of cases. However, where this determination was possible, 78.8 percent of offenders
were white; 12.2 percent were Hispanic-Latino; 4.2 percent were black; and 3.2 percent
were Asian.
● Why is this important? There were several possible reasons identified for the low proportions of
some ethnic groups in CSAM/CSEM producer profiles, including the current geographical scope
of countries connected to the ICSE Database. Based on this study, producers of CSAM/CSEM
appear to have a preference for victims of the same ethnicity. It should be noted however that
this could also be the result of proximity and opportunity when the offender is part of the victim’s
circle of trust or community, or where travelling sex offenders travel to abuse children within their
own country or region. This belies the assumption that sexual exploitation of children is a crime
only carried out by white males travelling to developing countries. Possible exceptions are cases
of travelling sex offenders who travel outside of their home country or region to abuse children.

Ethnicity of visible offenders:

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 7

Summary Report

Number of victims
● Of the eligible series, 71.6 percent depicted a single victim; 15.7 percent involved two victims;
4.4 percent featured three victims; 2.3 percent featured four victims; and 6 percent featured five
or more victims.
● Why is this important? Understanding the situation of unidentified children requires insight into
the context of their victimisation. For example, the high proportion of single victims may be the
result of the secretive nature of child sexual abuse, where silence is enforced by an offender
through grooming, manipulation and threats to a child victim. Cases involving multiple victims
may indicate intra-familial (e.g. sibling) or peer abuse, or a more opportunistic offending profile
(e.g. child abuse by travelling sex offenders).

Number of visible victims in analysed series:

8 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

Law enforcement and victim identification

Offender and/or victims’ identification status
● In 5.6 percent of the files featuring unidentified children (34,474 images or videos) the offender
was recorded as identified and known to law enforcement. Where the victim was identified, in
5.3 percent of cases the offender was not identified.
● Why is this important? These results provide insight into the multi-layered challenges of victim
identification. For example, when an offender is identified but his/her victim(s) are not, reasons
may include the profile and level of cooperation by the offender, the form of the offence, such as
production of CSAM/CSEM by travelling offenders or via live online child sexual abuse, or
even a delay or breakdown in information sharing between law enforcement agencies. Where
a victim is identified but her/his abuser is not, these may be cases of abuse by travelling sex
offenders or of live online child sexual abuse. This also demonstrates how the diverse online and
offline means available to abuse children complicate efforts to identify them and their abusers
even further.

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 9

Summary Report

Confirmed or suspected location of the abuse

● In 10.7 percent, or 65,606 images and videos categorised by ICSE users as depicting
unidentified victims, a ‘suspected country of abuse’ was recorded, with 72 countries recorded
in the database as the suspected location of the child/children’s abuse. In almost 45 percent of
identified cases, the place of abuse of the identified series was unknown, or unrecorded by the
ICSE user.
● Why is this important? Countries tagged more frequently as the suspected country of abuse
for unidentified cases are not necessarily countries with a higher incidence either of child sexual
abuse or of production of CSAM/CSEM. They may be those countries most easily recognisable
to victim identification experts, and most commonly associated with a large language group or
region. Tags related to suspected countries of abuse, although unconfirmed information, can
support victim identification. Law enforcement is dependent on active networks and investigators
in the tagged countries to investigate the material, not least to assess whether there is any
accuracy in the determination of location. The results regarding ‘suspected country of abuse’
are particularly useful as a way to identify areas for training and regions or countries that could be
prioritised for connection to the ICSE Database.
● In contrast, although the place of abuse for identified cases was established just over half the
time, this information is registered by users of the ICSE Database based on confirmed data
relating to identified cases (such as that obtained following the identification of a child and/or
offender) about the location at which images or videos were recorded and/or the abuse took
place. As such, countries recorded more frequently than others as the confirmed location of
abuse are in most cases countries with a strong track record in victim identification and a clear
policy of uploading information into the ICSE Database.
● Conversely, those countries recorded infrequently or not at all as the place of abuse in identified
cases should not be considered to have a lower incidence of child sexual abuse or production
of CSAM/CSEM. These may be countries that are not yet connected to the ICSE Database,
countries that are not actively uploading and updating their cases in the ICSE Database, and/
or countries without a victim identification programme. An image of a child being abused in
one location can be produced, uploaded and shared online all over the world. Faced with this
reality, victim identification without a global network of counterparts in other countries can be like
searching for a needle in a haystack, and this is exemplified by the high proportion of images and
videos not linked to a suspected country of abuse.

10 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

Relationship between exploitation and abuse material in series

● 84.2 percent of the analysed series depicted the sexual abuse of children, while 15.2 percent of
series comprised materials depicting sexual activity that was exploitative.
● Although not formally coded for the study, more than 61 percent of analysed series were
identified as being both ‘abusive and exploitative in character’, meaning that universally illegal
sexual abuse images and potentially legal exploitation images of the same victim were found
● Why is this important? The significant proportion of series containing both exploitation and
abuse images points to the complexity of victimisation where the lines can become blurred
between ‘acceptable’ and therefore ‘legal’ images and videos, and those depicting an illegal act.
For example, a person with a sexual interest in children may produce and collect images/videos
that are acceptable according to the law, and therefore legal, as well as images/videos that are
categorically illegal.

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 11

Summary Report

Youth-produced material
● The study did not include ‘youth-produced’ CSAM/CSEM in the formal analysis, largely
because it was almost impossible by looking at images to determine reliably whether they were
self-generated, coerced or otherwise solicited by another child or an adult.
● However, from the observations that were made for material appearing to be in this category,
there was a wide range of sexual activities depicted. This included more innocuous, nude or
semi-nude ‘selfies’, through to ‘self-generated’ depictions of extreme sexual activity involving
bestiality and sadomasochistic themes.
● While many images were produced in domestic settings, others appeared to have been
produced in school settings, and featured uniformed students.
● The levels of CSAM/CSEM production depicted in these cases were quite complex, and
challenged the traditional simplistic distinction that has been made between content that is
‘youth-produced’ and offender-generated.



Why did we consult with law enforcement?

It was important to discuss some of the findings of the study with law enforcement involved in the
investigation of online child sexual exploitation and abuse around the world. This was due in part to
limitations on the information that could be extracted from the database for an in-depth analysis of
law enforcement perspectives. Furthermore, speaking with investigators who deal with CSAM/CSEM
in their work offered a complementary source of data that was very helpful in explaining the results
of Part 1 of the study. These insights pointed to a number of challenges faced by law enforcement in
the investigation of these crimes.

12 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

Law enforcement consultation: National perspectives on Some CSEM is

online child sexual exploitation and victim identification inadmissible as
evidence in some
jurisdictions for
There is a need to purposes – even though
define clear links have been
There is a need to adapt or improve the observed between
Young people are case management national policy on CSEM and images
producing sexual approaches to try to the management of and videos of severe
material and distinguish cases where youth-generated sexual forms of sexual abuse,
increasingly using criminal harm has material cases to guide particularly materials
social media to occurred from those law enforcement depicted on ‘child
distribute it online. where it has not. intervention. modelling websites.’

Challenges presented by Challenges presented by

youth-produced sexual child sexual exploitation
material material

What do law enforcement

say about ending the online
sexual exploitation of children?

Challenges and
in victim identification

There is insufficient Due to their value as There are bureaucratic Not enough countries
resourcing for information sources challenges to are connected to
basic or enhanced for law enforcement investigations of online the ICSE Database.
victim identification around the world, a lack child sexual abuse and There is a need for a
internationally. of access to the ICSE exploitation at country more geographically
Database and NCMEC level, including: and culturally diverse
CyberTipline reports at ICSE user base for
domestic level hinders the determination of
case initiation and victims’ characteristics
investigation. and potential locations
of abuse, and for
enhanced victim
identification capacity,

Inefficient or non-existent A persistent political A lack of awareness

cooperation between focus on arresting about victim identification.
the relevant government offenders over identifying
departments. victims.

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 13

Summary Report

What we learned from the study

About the ICSE Database and victim identification
1. It is complex to count the number of unidentified victims both in the ICSE Database,
and globally
The information contained in the ICSE Database is limited to material depicting identified and
unidentified victims that have been seized and uploaded by law enforcement around the world
as part of their investigations. The number of identified victims recorded in the ICSE Database
had reached 10,000 by January 2017, but for several reasons it remains difficult to accurately
determine the number of unidentified victims in the database. More broadly, CSAM/CSEM
seized by law enforcement from apprehended offenders and/or online constitutes a very small
proportion of the total volume of this material that is online. Many offenders remain undetected
and it is widely acknowledged that there are many more unidentified victims in existence than we
are currently aware of. Most of these victims will never come to the attention of law enforcement.
2. The ICSE Database is unique both in nature and potential
The study suggests that despite certain limitations and constraints, the ICSE Database remains
a unique source of data on CSAM/CSEM worldwide. It is distinctively positioned to support
INTERPOL’s logical role as coordinator and host of global knowledge on CSAM/CSEM.
However, in order to develop a more comprehensive, integrated understanding of the situation
of the victims of CSAM/CSEM, researchers need access to a much larger data set in addition to
that contained today in the ICSE Database. This would include, inter alia, increasing the volume
and quality of data in the ICSE Database, as well as having access to data from other large
national law enforcement agencies around the world.
3. Our knowledge of the characteristics and experiences of the victims of CSAM/CSEM is
limited by a lack of standardised or comparable categorisation approaches
These challenges largely relate to differences in the sampling, case recording and data
categorisation approaches between existing studies. This in turn highlights the operational and
research challenges presented by different categorisation approaches used by law enforcement
operating around the world.
4. The resourcing of victim identification programmes appears to impact upon rates of
Through its analysis of the confirmed (identified cases) and suspected (unidentified cases)
locations of abuse that are recorded in the ICSE Database by users worldwide, this study
strongly suggests that resourcing of law enforcement victim identification programmes increases
the chances that victims of CSEM/CSAM will be identified.

About victims and offenders

1. Very young victims were more likely to suffer severe abuse at the hands of an adult;
2. Boys made up a significant proportion of victims and were more likely to feature in extreme
3. A significant proportion (61 percent) of analysed series contained images and videos that were
both abusive and exploitative in character, and in the vast majority of the analysed series from
child modelling sites, both abusive and exploitative material was visible;
4. Accurate determination of core characteristics of victims such as age is a challenge, particularly
across ethnic groups;
5. Even though most offenders were male, there are females involved in the abuse and exploitation
of children and it is apparent that their role is complicated; and
6. The phenomenon of ‘youth-produced sexual imagery’ appears to present a challenge to
international law enforcement, both in terms of the detection and integration of this imagery with
international image databases, and the identification and classification of its victims.

14 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Summary Report

The way forward: Using the ICSE Database for the development of a global
As of December 2017, 53 countries plus Europol and INTERPOL were connected to the ICSE
Database, with many countries yet unconnected. While this number is far from insignificant, it does
mean that the information available on unidentified and indeed identified children is limited to that
made accessible by these connected countries and users, or provided to INTERPOL by a Member
Country for inclusion in the database. There is significant scope for increasing the number of
countries and law enforcement agencies that contribute to the database.

There are clear challenges but also opportunities associated with the effective measurement of
CSAM/CSEM globally. It is clear that this goal will require extensive consultation and engagement
between the research community and gatekeepers of international repositories of CSAM/CSEM,
whether drawn from law enforcement and/or other sectors such as hotlines.

In order to achieve this goal, the study Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child
Sexual Exploitation Material offers a framework for the development of insights into the situation of
unidentified victims of CSAM/CSEM and beyond. It also offers a categorisation approach that may
be further developed and adapted to support the development of descriptive profiles of unidentified
victims in future studies, together with a series of mechanisms for anonymised extraction and
sharing of standardised data between information gatekeepers.

Selected recommendations for future policy and programming

The findings and conclusions of this study point to a number of recommendations that can be made,
not only in relation to improving the foundation for the development of a set of global indicators on
CSAM/CSEM, but also in relation to potential areas for further research. These recommendations
1. Continue to increase the number of countries connected to the ICSE Database, and encourage
regular use and updating and sharing of information submitted to it. This should be done within
the bounds of law enforcement’s capacity and resourcing, with a focus on the use of technology
and other means to support and enhance rather than increase demands on investigators and
analysts around the world;
2. Build on existing efforts to harmonise approaches to the categorisation of CSAM and CSEM
across countries and between different jurisdictions;
3. Build on existing efforts to harmonise approaches to the sharing of case-related information on
child victims of sexual abuse and exploitation within and between countries, and cooperation
to identify victims, whether through the ICSE Database, or more broadly through meetings of
experts and specialised investigators;
4. Facilitate the consolidation of a dataset based on common data standards that can be
recognised across countries and between different jurisdictions, which can be used for analysis
of the global situation for unidentified children;
5. Build mechanisms into future iterations of the database that will allow for the ready and regular
analysis of trends and to inform future programmes of research on child sexual exploitation
and abuse. Also, explore with key technology partners the optimal use of existing and new
technology to support victim identification;
6. Acknowledge the relationship between resourcing of victim identification programmes and the
identification of child victims. This could be done by advocating for increased focus on child
protection and victim identification in national policing plans/priorities;
7. Advocate for further interconnection of law enforcement databases worldwide;
8. Adopt a more holistic approach to the investigation and study of online and “offline” crimes
against children, instead of maintaining a separation between these increasingly interlinked online
and offline realms of abuse and exploitation;

Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material 15

Summary Report

9. Share more information about general patterns of offending and victimisation with the public – in
order to build awareness and advocate for the plight of victims; and
10. Develop comprehensive frameworks for more reliable categorisations of victim and offender
characteristics such as ethnicity across regions and countries. This will feed into crimes statistics
and other global indicators, such as those used with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Recommendations for further research

1. A study of the shift in balance between images and videos, drawing on existing reports and the
implications of increasing use of video for victimisation and victim identification;
2. Further development and validation of a series of data standards and an accompanying coding
framework to facilitate the collection, collation and analysis of case data from CSAM/CSEM
series from international CSAM/CSEM databases;
3. A study of the relationship between CSAM and CSEM in light of the finding that in over 61
percent of analysed image series contained both CSAM and CSEM
4. A study of young people and youth-involved sexual imagery to address key questions, such
as the complexity of determining the status of the victims portrayed and more generally, the
appropriate legal responses to this phenomena;
5. Comparisons of the identification rates of victims and offenders;
6. Comparisons of the identification rate among different age groups of victims;
7. Broader examination of the distribution of different COPINE rating levels within series, and any
correlation with number of images in a series;
8. Comparative research on various types of online and ‘offline’ cases and the characteristics and
experiences of the victims;
9. A study on the situation and context of male child victims depicted in CSAM and the possible
underestimation of their numbers; and
10. Law enforcement-led research into successful techniques in victim identification and their
implementation as a way to develop guidelines and ground rules to start investigating new cases
and potentially to review cold cases.

16 Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Co-funded by the Internal Security
Fund of the European Union

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