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Caselet DI

Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

In Kota’s Dussehra Mela, there are 2200 people gathered. There are five different
stalls organised for people - Ice-cream, Sweets, Juice, Toys and Fast Food. Out of
the total number of females, 25% females are present in Toys stall, 16% are
present in Sweets stall, 14% are present in Ice-cream stall and the remaining 270
females are present in Juice stall. There are no females in Fast food stall. Out of
the total number of males, 20% are present in Fast food stall, 16% are present in
Ice-cream stall, 10% are present in Juice stall, 15% are present in Toys stall and
the remaining are present in Sweets stall.

कोटा के दशहरा मेले में 2200 लोग जट

ु ते हैं. लोगों के ललए पाांच अलग-अलग स्टालों का
आयोजन ककया गया है - आइसक्रीम, लमठाई, जूस, खिलौने और फास्ट फूड। महहलाओां की
कुल सांख्या में से, 25% महहलाएां खिलौनों के स्टाल में मौजूद हैं, 16% महहलाएां लमठाई के
स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं, 14% आइसक्रीम स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं और शेष 270 महहलाएां जूस स्टॉल में
ू हैं। फास्ट फूड स्टाल में कोई महहला नह ां है । परु
ु षों की कुल सांख्या में से, 20% फास्ट
फूड स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं, 16% आइसक्रीम स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं, 10% जूस स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं,
15% टॉय स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं और शेष लमठाई स्टॉल में मौजूद हैं .
1. The total number of males present in Juice and Ice-cream stall together is what
percent of the total people present in these two stalls?

जूस और आइसक्रीम स्टॉल में एकसाथ उपस्स्थत पुरुषों की कुल सांख्या, इन दोनों स्टालों में
उपस्स्थत कुल व्यस्ततयों का ककतना प्रततशत है ?

A. 44%
B. 50%
C. 49%
D. 54%
E. 34%

2. If the number of males in Toys stall increases by 10%, the number of males in
Juice stall increases by 20%, 40 more males came in Fast food stall and the
number of males in Ice-cream stall and Sweets stall remain the same, what is the
percentage increase in the number of males in Mela?

यहद खिलौनों के स्टॉल में पुरुषों की सांख्या 10% बढ़ जाती है , जूस स्टॉल में पुरुषों की सांख्या
20% बढ़ जाती है , फास्ट फूड स्टॉल में 40 और पुरुष आ जाते हैं और आइसक्रीम स्टॉल और
लमठाई स्टॉल में पुरुषों की सांख्या समान रहती है , मेले में पुरुषों की सांख्या में ककतने प्रततशत
की वद्
ृ धि हुई है ?

A. 20%
B. 5%
C. 8%
D. 15%
E. 6%
3. Equal number of male and female present on Ice-cream stall left at the same
time. Then the ratio of the number of females to the number of males present in
the Ice-cream stall reduces to 1:5. What is the total number of people present in
Ice-cream stall left the Mela?

आइसक्रीम स्टॉल पर मौजद

ू परु
ु षों और महहलाओां की समान सांख्या समान समय पर चल
गई। कफर आइसक्रीम स्टॉल में मौजूद पुरुषों की सांख्या से महहलाओां की सांख्या का अनुपात
घटकर 1:5 हो जाता है । मेला छोड़ने वाले आइसक्रीम स्टॉल में उपस्स्थत लोगों की कुल
सांख्या ककतनी है ?

A. 70
B. 82
C. 74
D. 90
E. 68

4. The total number of females present in Toys and Juice stall together is what
percent of the total number of males in the Mela?

टॉयज और जूस स्टॉल में लमलाकर उपस्स्थत महहलाओां की कुल सांख्या मेले में पुरुषों की
कुल सांख्या का ककतना प्रततशत है ?

A. 26 %
B. 21 %
C. 19 %
D. 23 %
E. 25 %

5. What is the ratio of the total number of males present in Toys, Ice-cream and
Sweets stall together to the number of females present in Fast-Food, Toys and
Juice stall together?

टॉयज, आइसक्रीम और स्वीट्स स्टॉल में लमलाकर पुरुषों की कुल सांख्या का फास्ट-फूड,
टॉयज और जूस स्टॉल में लमलाकर मौजूद महहलाओां की सांख्या से ककतना अनुपात है ?

A. 5:2
B. 4:7
C. 9:5
D. 7:3
E. None of these


1. D
2. E
3. B
4. A
5. E

Two Contractors Amit and Rohan takes contract to fill five Swimming pools by opening different number
of taps. Efficiency of every tap they open is same. Maximum number of taps a person can open for a
single swimming pool is 25.

Pools Number of taps Time taken by Number of taps Time taken by

opened by Amit Amit (in hours) opened by Rohan Rohan (in hours)

A M+4 2M M/2+2 80

B N/2+6 2N-20 N/2-1 60

C 20 2O-20 O/4 3O

D 0.75P 2P-8 15 2P

E Q 60 1.5Q 2Q+10

1. If Amit uses 'Q + 5' taps to fill pool A and after 8 hours he closed 4 taps, then how many more hours
are required to fill the remaining pool A?

(A) 20 hours

(B) 30 hours

(C) 40 hours

(D) 50 hours

(E) None of these

2. If a contractor uses 'P - 4' taps to fill pool C and after 15 hours he also opened some extra taps such
that the total time taken to fill pool Q is 35 hours, then find the number of extra taps he opened.
(A) 0.8 × N

(B) 0.6 × O

(C) 1.25 × M

(D) 1.125 × P

(E) None of these

3. Which of the statements given below are false?

I. Total time taken by contractor Amit and Rohan together to fill 60% of pool A is 16 hours.

II. Total time taken by contractor Amit and Rohan together to fill 50% of pool C is 20 hours.

III. Total time taken by contractor Amit and Rohan together to fill 75% of pool E is 18 hours.

(A) Only I

(B) Only II

(C) Both I and III

(D) Both II and III

(E) None of these

4. Rohan start filling pool D with ___% less number of taps and after 36 hours he increase the number of
taps by ___% such that he can fill the pool in next 16 hours. Which of the following options in the same
order can satisfy the given blanks?

(A) 20% and 50%

(B) 40% and 100%

(C) 50% and 75%

(D) 60% and 125%

(E) None of these

5. Quantity 1 : If Amit uses 'M + 8' taps to fill pool A and after 15 hours he closed 1 tap, then how many
hours are required to fill the remaining pool A?

Quantity 2 : If Rohan uses 'N - 12' taps to fill pool to fill pool E and after 10 hours he opened additional
'0.75O' taps, then how many hours are required to fill the remaining pool E?

(A) Quantity 1 > Quantity 2

(B) Quantity 1 ≥ Quantity 2

(C) Quantity 1 < Quantity 2

(D) Quantity 1 ≤ Quantity 2

(E) Quantity 1 = Quantity 2

For Pool A,

(M+ 4) × 2M = (M/2 + 2) × 80

2 × (M+ 4) × M = (M + 4) × 40

M = 20

Capacity of Pool A = (20 + 4) × 40 = 24 × 40 = 960 unit

For Pool B,

(N/2 + 6)(2N - 20) = (N/2 - 1) × 60

N2 + 2N - 120 = 30N – 60

N2 – 28N - 60 = 0

(N - 30)(N + 2) = 0

N = 30

Capacity of Pool B = (15 - 1) × 60 = 840 unit

For Pool C,

20 × (2O - 20) = O/4 × 3O

40O - 400 = 3O2/4

3O2 – 160O + 1600 = 0

(3O - 40)(O - 40) = 0

O = 40

Capacity of Pool O = 20 × 60 =1200 unit

For Pool D,

0.75P × (2P - 8) = 15 ×2 P
P - 4 = 20

P = 24

Capacity of Pool P = 15 × 48 = 720 unit

For Pool E,

Q × 60 = 1.5Q × (2Q + 10)

Q + 5 = 20

Q = 15

Capacity of Pool E = 15 × 60 = 900 unit

Pool A B C D E

Taps opened by 24 21 20 18 15

Time taken by Amit 40 40 60 40 60

(in hours)

Taps opened by 12 14 10 15 45/2


Time taken by 80 60 120 48 40

Rohan (in hours)

Capacity of Pool 960 840 1200 720 900

1. Ans. (D)

Tap used by Amit to fill pool A = 15 + 5 = 20

Time required to fill remaining pool = (960 - 20 × 8)/(20 - 4)

= (960 - 160)/16 = 800/16 = 50 hours

2. Ans. (C)

Tap used by contractor to fill pool C = 24 - 4 = 20

Number of extra taps opened = (1200 - 35 × 20)/(35 - 15)

= (1200 - 700)/20 = 500/20 = 25 = 1.25 × 20 = 1.25 × M

3. Ans. (E)

From Statement I, Time taken by Amit and Rohan to fill 60% of pool A = (0.6 × 960)/(24 + 12) = 576/36 =
16 hours (True)

From Statement II, Time taken by Amit and Rohan to fill 50% of pool C = (0.5 × 1200)/(20 + 10) = 600/30
= 20 hours (True)

From Statement III, Time taken by Amit and Rohan to fill 75% of pool T = (0.75 × 900)/(15 + 45/2) =
675*2/75 = 18 hours (True)

None of these

4. Ans. (A)

Option A, 15 × 0.8 × 36 + 15 × 0.8 × 1.5 × 16 = 432 + 288 = 720 (True)

Option B, 15 × 0.6 × 36 + 15 × 0.6 × 2 × 16 = 324 + 288 = 612 (False)

Option C, 15 × 0.5 × 36 + 15 × 0.5 × 1.75 × 16 = 270 + 210 = 480 (False)

Option D, 15 × 0.4 × 36 + 15 × 0.4 × 2.25 × 16 = 216 + 216 = 432 (False)

20% and 50%

5. Ans. (A)

Quantity 1, Taps used by Amit to fill pool A = 20 + 8 = 28

Time required to fill remaining pool A = (960 - 28 × 15)/(28 - 1) = (960 - 420)/27 = 540/27 = 20 hours

Quantity 2, Taps used by Rohan to fill pool E = 30 - 12 = 18 Time required to fill remaining pool E = (900 -
18 × 10)/(18 + 0.75 × 40) = (900 - 180)/(18 + 30) = 720/48 = 15 hours

Quantity 1 > Quantity 2


Q1. In a school, Class A & Class B have a certain number of

students. If 10 students are sent from Class A to B, then
number of students in both the rooms becomes equal. If 20
students are sent from Class B to A, then number of students in
A becomes twice that of B. Then find the ratio of total number
of students of Class B to that of Class A.
A. 3:4
B. 5:6
C. 4:5
D. 5:4
E. None of these

Q2. A sum of Rs.15525 is divided among Sapna, Amit and Jay,

such that if Rs.22, Rs.35 and Rs.48 are diminished from their
respective shares, the remaining sum will be in the ratio
7:10:13. What would have been the ratio of their sums if Rs.
16, Rs.77 and Rs.37 were added to their original shares?
A. 18:26:35
B. 9:13:17
C. 13:23:30
D. 36:13:49
E. None of these
Q3. The ratio of perimeter of a square field and another field
which is in a shape of an equilateral triangle is 8:9
respectively. If the cost of cultivating the square field is RS.
4.5/m2 is Rs. 10368, then find the cost of fencing the
triangular field at the rate of Rs.2.5/m.
A. Rs.620
B. Rs.540
C. Rs.360
D. Rs.750
E. Rs. 480

Q4. Before rain a boat can cover 72km in still water and the
same distance in downstream in 4 hours and 3 hours
respectively. Due to rain the speed of the stream is increase by
25% whereas due to rain the speed of boat in still water is
decreased by 25%. Find the time taken by the boat to cover 147
km downstream and 48 km upstream after rain.
A. 21 hours
B. 14hours
C. 18 hours
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Q5. Aparna invested RS. 8000 in scheme P offering 20%

compound interest for one and a half year, compounded half-
yearly. She then invested the whole amount received from
scheme P in scheme Q offering 15% simple interest for five
years. Find the total amount received by her after six and a half
years from her initial investment.
A. Rs.19,724
B. Rs. 18,634
C. Rs. 19,456
D. Rs. 17,286
E. None of these

Q1. Let number of students in class A & B be x & y respectively.
x-10 = y+10
x = y+20 -----(1)
X+20 = 2(y-20)
X = 2y-60
Y+20 = 2y-60
Y = 80
X = 80+20 = 100
So required ratio is 80:100 = 4:5
Ans (C).

Q2. Let shares of Sapna, Amit and Jay be x, y, z respectively.

(x-22) + (y-35) + (z-48) = 15525
x+y+z = 15525-105 = 15420
Original Share of Sapna is = (7/30*15420)+ 22 = 3620
Similarly, Amit = 5175, Jay = 6730
(3620+16) : (5175+77) : (6730+37)
= 3636: 5252:6767
= 36:52:67
Ans (e)

Q3. Let side of a square be a metres

a2 =13368/4.5
a = 48 m
Now, perimeter of square is = 4*48 = 192 m
Perimeter of triangle = 192*9/8 = 216m
Thus, required cost is = 216 * 2.5 = 540
Answer (b)
Q4. Speed of boat in still water before rain = 72/4 = 18km/h
Downstream speed before rain = 72/3 = 24 km/h
Speed of stream = 24-18 = 6km/h
Speed in still water after rain = 18*3/4 = 13.5 km/h
Speed of stream after rain = 6*1.25 = 7.5km/h
So the time taken is 147/(13.5+7.5) +48/(13.5-7.5) = 7+8
=15 hours
Answer (e)

Q5. Amount received by Aparna from P =

=8000*1.13 = Rs. 10,648
Interest from Q =10648*5*0.15 = 7986
Total amount received = 10648+7986 = Rs. 18634
Answer (b)


Directions :- Study the following information carefully and answer the related questions.

There are a certain number of people in a Dance Class and each one of them likes at least one
dance form between Bhangra and Kathak. People who like only Bhangra are practicing at least
one dance form from Salsa, Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam and people who like only Kathak are
practicing at least one dance form from Hip Hop and Freestyle. 2/15 of the total number of
people like both Bhangra and Kathak. The number of people who like only Bhangra is 150 more
than the number of people who like only Kathak. 52.5% of the people who like only Bhangra are
practicing Salsa and are 135 more than the number of people who are practicing only Freestyle.
25 people are practicing Salsa, Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam together which is 7/12 less than
the number of people practicing only Salsa. The number of people who are practicing only Hip
Hop and both Salsa and Bharatnatyam but not Kuchipudi is in the ratio of 5 : 3 respectively. 150
people who like only Bhangra are not practicing Bharatnatyam and 5/8 of the people who like
only Bhangra are practicing Bharatnatyam. The number of people who like only Kathak and are
practicing only Freestyle is 10% of the total number of people in Dance Class. 12.5% of the
people who like only Bhangra are practicing both Salsa and Kuchipudi but not Bharatnatyam
and are equal to the number of people who are practicing both Hip Hop and Freestyle. The sum
of people who are practicing only Kuchipudi and only Bharatnatyam is 90.

1. The sum of the number of people who are practicing both Hip Hop and Freestyle together &
practicing Kuchipudi and Salsa together are what percent more/less than the number of people
who like both Bhangra and Kathak together.

(A) 25%

(B) 10%

(C) 20%

(D) 15%

(E) None of these

2. If 40% of the total population of the Dance Class are males and the number of males who are
practicing only Bharatnatyam is 10 less than the number of females who are practicing only
Bharatnatyam, then approximately what percentage of females are practicing only

(A) 2.66%

(B) 3.33%

(C) 4.33%

(D) 6.66%

(E) None of these

3. What is the respective ratio of the number of people who likes only Bhangra and are
practicing Salsa and Kuchipudi together to the sum of the number of people who are practicing
only Kuchipudi and only Freestyle?

(A) 15 : 23

(B) 11 : 25

(C) 13 : 27

(D) 14 : 29
(E) None of these

4. If 25 females are practicing only Salsa, 20 females are practicing only Kuchipudi and 25
females are practicing only Bharatnatyam, then the total number of males who like only
Bhangra and are practicing only one dance form is how many more/less than the number of
people who is practicing all Salsa, Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi together?

(A) 45 more

(B) 55 more

(C) 45 less

(D) 55 less

(E) None of these

5. Which of the following information is correct?

1. The respective ratio of the number of people who are practicing only Salsa and only
Kuchipudi to the number of people who are practicing all Salsa, Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam
together is 4 : 1.

2. The number of people who are practicing only Hip Hop is 16(1/3) % of the total population
of the Dance Class.

3. The number of people who are practicing only Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam and not Salsa is
100 less than the number of people who is practicing Hip Hop.

(A) Only I

(B) Only I and II

(C) Only II and III

(D) All are correct

(E) None of these

1. Ans. (A)

People practicing both Hip Hop & Freestyle + People practicing Kuchipudi & Salsa = 50 + 75 = 125 People
practicing Bhangra & Kathak both = 100

Required % = (125 – 100)/100 × 100 = 25%

2. Ans. (D)

Females in Dance Class = 750 × 0.6 = 450

Female practicing only Bharatnatyam = (50 + 10)/2 = 30

Required % = 30/450 × 100 = 6.66%

3. Ans. (A)

People like only Bhangra & practicing Salsa & Kuchipudi together = 75

People practicing only Kuchipudi & only Freestyle = 40 + 75 = 115

Ratio = 75 : 115 = 15 : 23
4. Ans. (B)

Male who like only Bhangra & practicing only 1 dance form = (60 – 25) + (40 – 20) + (50 – 25) = 35 + 20 +
25 = 80

80– 25 = 55 more

5. Ans. (A)

1. (Only Salsa + Only Kuchipudi) : (Salsa, Kuchipudi & Bharatnatyam)

= (60 + 40) : 25

= 100 : 25

= 4 : 1 (Correct)

2. % of People practicing only Hip Hop = 125/750 × 100 = 16(2/3)% (Incorrect)

3. 175 – 100 = 75 (Incorrect)

Only I


Members from four groups participate either in architecture or construction of a building.

Donut graph represents percentage distribution of number of members participated in
construction. Table represents number of members participated in architecture.

In group P, Number of members participated in construction is 39 less than that of architecture.

There are 429 members in group P.
Groups Number of members
participated in

P 18a

Q 21a+27

R 36b+18

S 21b-12

% Distribution of members participated in construction





1. Number of members in group P who participated in architecture is what percentage

more/less than number of members in group S who participated in architecture?

(A) 2.5%

(B) 4.5%

(C) 7.5%

(D) 9.5%

(E) None of these

2. What is the difference between total number of member architecture the building and total
number of members construction the building?

(A) 204

(B) 228

(C) 252

(D) 276

(E) Relation cannot be determined

3. What is the ratio of number of members participated in construction from group R and S
together to the number of members participated in architecture from group Q and R together?

(A) 4 : 3

(B) 6 : 5

(C) 8 : 7

(D) 10 : 9

(E) None of these

4. What is the difference total the number of members in group P and R together and total
number of members in group Q and S together?

(A) 72

(B) 84

(C) 96

(D) 108

(E) None of these

5. If total number of members in group T is (3a + 5)% more than the total number of members
in group R, then how many members are there in group T?

(A) 1182

(B) 1278

(C) 1404
(D) 1506

(E) None of these


In Group P, no. of people in ( Architecture + construction ) = 429 ------- (1)

And architecture – construction = 39 ------- (2)

Solving both equations ,

Member participated in Architecture = (429 + 39)/2 = 468/2 = 234

Member participated in Construction = 234- 39 =195

18a = 234

a = 13

For calculating the value of b,

% distribution of all members in construction = 100%

So, a% + 27% + 35% + (a+b)% = 100%

a + 27 + 35 + (a + b) = 100

2 × 13 + 62 + b = 100

b = 100 - 62 - 26 = 100 - 88 = 12
Group P Q R S Total

Members participated in 234 300 450 240 1224


Members participated in 195 405 525 375 1500


Total Members 429 705 975 615 2724

1. Ans. (A)
Required % = (240 - 234)/240 × 100 = 2.5%

2. Ans. (D)

Difference = 1500 - 1224 = 276

3. Ans. (B)

Ratio = (525+ 375) : (300 + 450)

= 900 : 750


4. Ans. (B)

Number of members in Group P& R = 429 + 975 = 1404

Number of members in Group Q & S = 705 + 615 = 1320

Difference = 1404 - 1320 = 84

5. Ans. (C)

Members in group T is more than Members in group R by = 3 × 13 + 5 = 39 + 4 = 44%

Members in group T = 975 × 1.44 = 1404


Four shops sells Onions in four different seasons at different price. The tables
shows the amount of onions sold by each shop in different seasons and the
increases or decrease in selling price as compare to previous season. Total
amount of onions sold in Winter is 100 kg and total selling price of onions sold in
all four seasons combined by shop M1 is Rs. 7560.(Sequence of seasons is
Summer, Rainy, Autumn and Winter)

Shops Quantity of onions sold (in kg) Increase/Decrease in SP

Summer Rainy Autumn Winter In Rainy In In

Season Season season season Season Autumn Winter
Season Season

M1 64 5p 9q 34 +1/10 -3/11 +1/4

M2 11q 70 5p 2p -1/5 +1/8 -1/9

M3 36 --- 25 11 +1/11 -1/5 +1/6

M4 9q 6p 3p 7q +1/5 -2/9 -1/8

1. Total amount of onions sold by all shops in Summer is 50 kg more than total
amount of onions sold by all shops in Autumn. If amount of onions sold by shop
M3 in Rainy season is 100% more than that of shop M4, then find the total
amount of onions sold by all shops in four seasons.

(A) 500 kg

(B) 600 kg
(C) 750 kg

(D) 850 kg

(E) Relation cannot be determined

2. Using the same data from previous question, if the selling price of onions in
shop M1 is 50% less than selling price in shop M2 in Summer, then find the total
income of shop M2 in Summer, Rainy and Autumn seasons.

(A) 11920 Rs.

(B) 12480 Rs.

(C) 12960Rs.

(D) 13040 Rs

(E) None of these

3. If value of 'p' is '10' and value of 'q' is '5' and the total income of shop M3 in all
four seasons is Rs. 9992 and the selling price at which shop M3 sells onions in
Rainy season is 200% more than the selling price at which shop M1 sells the
onions in Summer, then onions sold by shop M3 in Rainy season is what
percentage of total onions sold in Rainy season?

(A) 10%

(B) 20%

(C) 25%

(D) 30%

(E) None of these

4. If selling price of the onions in shop M2 and shop M4 in Winter is Rs. 32 and Rs.
24.5 respectively, then find the difference between the incomes of shop M4 and
shop M2 for all four seasons.(assume p = 10 and q = 5)
(A) 1665.9 Rs.

(B) 1752.9 Rs.

(C) 1672.5 Rs

(D) 1917.5 Rs.

(E) None of these

5. If selling price of onions of shop M1 in Autumn season is 26.67% of selling price

of onions of shop M3 in season Rainy season, then find the amount earned by
shop M1 in Summer and Winter season is what percent (approx. ) of the amount
earned by shop M3 in Summer, Autumn and Winter season?

(A) 44%

(B) 49%

(C) 52%

(D) 56%

(E) None of these


We have assumed that the total SP of M1 in summer season be 10a and similarly
for M2 = 10b

M3= 11c M4= 15d.

Season Summer Rainy Autumn Winter

SP of onions in Shop M1 10a 11a 8a 10a

SP of onions in Shop M2 10b 8b 9b 8b

SP of onions in Shop M3 11c 12c 9.6c 11.2c

SP of onions in Shop M4 15d 18d 14d 12.25d

Total Onions sold in winter season = 34 + 2p + 11 + 7q = 100

2p + 7q = 55

SP of Onions sold by Shop M1

= 64 × 10a + 5p × 11a + 9q × 8a + 34 × 10a = 7560

(980 + 55p + 72q)a = 7560

1. Ans. (C)

(64 + 11q + 36 + 9q) - (9q + 5p + 25 + 3p) = 50

75 + 11q – 8p = 50

4p - 5.5q = 12.5

p = 10, q = 5

Onions sold by Shop M1 = 64 + 5 × 10 + 9 × 5 + 34 = 193 kg

Onions sold by Shop M2 = 11× 5 + 70 + 5 × 10 + 20 = 195 kg

Onions sold by Shop M3 = 36 + 6 × 10 × 2 + 25 + 11 = 192 kg

Onions sold by Shop M4 = 9× 5 + 6 × 10 + 3 × 10 + 7 × 5 = 170 kg

Total Onions sold by all Shops = 193 + 195 + 192 + 170 = 750 kg

2. Ans. (B)

p = 10, q = 5

a = 7560/(640 + 550 + 45*8 + 340) = 7560/1890 = 4

SP of Onions in Summer in Shop M2 = (10 × 4)/0.5 = 80 = 10b

Total Income of Shop M2 in Summer, Rainy and Autumn season

= (11 × 5) × 80 + 70 × 64 + (5 × 10) × 72 = 4400 + 4480 + 3600 = 12480 Rs.

3. Ans. (A)

p = 10, q = 5, a = 4

In Shop M3, SP of Onions in Rainy Season = 10 × 4 × 3 = 120 = 12c

c = 10

In Shop M3, Onions sold in Rainy Season = x kg

36 × 11 × 10 + x × 12 × 10 + 25 × 9.6 × 10 + 11 × 11.2 × 10 = 9992

120x = 9992 - 7592 = 2400

x = 20 kg

Total Onions sold in Rainy Season = 5 × 10 + 70 + 20 + 6 × 10 = 200 kg

% of Onions sold by Shop M3 in Rainy Season = 20/200 × 100 = 10%

4. Ans. (C)

8b = 32


12.25d = 24.5


p = 10, q = 5

Total Revenue of Shop M2

= 11 × 5 × 10 × 4 + 70 × 8 × 4 + 5 × 10 × 9 × 4 + 20 × 8 × 4

= 2200 + 2240 + 1800 + 720 = 6880Rs.

Total Revenue of Shop M4 = 9 × 5 × 15 × 2 + 6 × 10 × 18 × 2 + 3 × 10 × 14 × 2 + 7 ×
5 × 12.25 × 2

= 1350 + 2160 + 840 + 857.5 = 5207.5 Rs.

Difference = 6880 – 5207.5 = 1672.5 Rs.

5. Ans. (C)

8a = 12c × 4/15

c = 2.5a

Amount earned by shop M1 in Summer and Winter season = 64 × 10a + 34 × 10a

= 980a Rs. Amount earned by Shop M3 in Summer, Autumn and Winter season =
36 × 11c + 25 × 9.6c + 11 × 11.2c = 1898a Rs.

Required % = 980a/1898a × 100 = 51.63% so, 52% (approx.)

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