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Mata pelajaran : English Lesson

Judul materi : Simple Present Tense “ giving information using to be “


Perkenalan Pengucapan Salam Masuk kelas mengucapkan :
Teacher :“Assalamualikum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh “

(kemudian meletakkan alat-alat di meja)

Persiapan Kelas
Berdiri di depan kelas, ketika melihat
duduk siswa beserta alat-alatnya berserakan
dengan berkata :

Teacher : take a good seat,

tidy up your seat, and put
everything in front of you on
your desk.
Menanyakan kabar, tanggal Teacher : good morning students ?
dan hari. Students : good morning miss
Teacher : how are you today ?
Students : we are fine miss, and you how
are you to day ?
Teacher : I’am Fine too. Thank you
Teacher : what date is to day
Student’s : to day is ( the sixth of july two
thousand and twenty three. ( 6-july-2023)
Teacher : what day is to day ?
Student’s : to day is Thursday.

Menanyakkan pelajaran Teacher : what is our lesson now ?

Student’s : our lesson’s now is English

Berdoa Teacher : before we start our lesson to day

let’s we pray together.

“ prayinf start “

“Praying enough “

 Okey thank you , now let’s we open

our lesson now by lafazh al-
Mengabsen murid Teacher : before we start the lesson, I will
take the attendance first.

 Who is absent to day ?

 Okey ready, let’s we begin our
lesson now.

Menanyakan pelajaran yang Teacher : well , before we begin I will

telah lalu ask about our lesson in past , in past
we have study about ?

Student’s : an article miss

Student’s : okeyy let’s we review that’s

Article ( A AND AN )

Pendahuluan ( menyebutkan Teacher : and now we enter to the new

judul yang akan di pelajari title
dan menulisnya di papan)
-simple present tense
 Giving information using to be

2 Isi pengajaran Penjelasan materi Teacher : can anyone explain the to be in

English ?

 Giving information

Subject be compliment
I am teacher

She is teacher

We are teacher

 Asking for information

Be subject compliment

Am I Student
Is He
She Student

Are You
We Student

Teacher : okey take your book and write it

to your note books.

Ready all ?

Teacher menghapus papan tulis dan siswa

melakukan exercise .
Now look to the white board and now you
will do the exercise ?

Exercise :

1. I…. Indonesian
2. They …….. new students
3. Putra …… friends
4. The cat …… so cute
5. We…… schoolmates
6. It….. a sheep
3 Penutup Intruksi dan nasehat Teacher : alright maybe enough for today.
Lesson and message from me is : study
well, diligently and diligently because the
effort will not insult the result.

Teacher : let’s close our lesson to day by

reading al-hamdallah

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi

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