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Effects of fragmentation on functional diversity associated with aboveground

biomass in a high Andean forest in Colombia

Article in Landscape Ecology · November 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-018-0719-8


14 856

4 authors, including:

Slendy Rodríguez-Alarcón Nelly Rodríguez

University of Tartu National University of Colombia


René López Camacho



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Landscape Ecol (0123456789().,-volV)


Effects of fragmentation on functional diversity associated

with aboveground biomass in a high Andean forest
in Colombia
Slendy Rodrı́guez-Alarcón . Nelly Rodrı́guez-Eraso . Ivanov Pineda-Rincón .
René López-Camacho

Received: 1 March 2018 / Accepted: 30 September 2018

Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2018

Abstract diversity indexes (foliar and wood) weighted by

Context Forest fragmentation alters the composi- aboveground biomass were calculated in plots of
tion, structure and function of ecosystems and affects 0.1 ha in each fragment. Analysis of variance was
ecological processes that are fundamental for the performed, and simple linear regressions were quan-
provision of ecosystem services where functional tified to identify the relationships between functional
diversity is sensitive to its effects. Analyzing the diversity and fragmentation.
functional responses of the plant community to Results The category of large fragments had a higher
fragmentation can provide new approaches to its average AGB than did the medium and small
conservation and management. fragments. Fragmentation had effects on the variance
Objectives We analyzed whether the functional of some foliar and stem traits but not on functional
diversity of woody individuals associated with above- dominance. For the multitraits indexes, the edge
ground biomass (AGB) in a high Andean forest in contrast was negatively related with functional
Colombia is affected by fragmentation. dispersion.
Methods Based on three fragmentation categories Conclusions The categories analyzed have similar
identified using landscape metrics, we selected ten responses in terms of functionality associated with
forest fragments. Multitrait and monotrait functional AGB. We highlight the importance of small fragments
in the maintenance of plant functional diversity and as
reservoirs of AGB. We underline that small fragments
Electronic supplementary material The online version of are important to consider in the development of
this article ( con- conservation and connectivity strategies.
tains supplementary material, which is available to authorized
Keywords Community-weighted variance  Edge
S. Rodrı́guez-Alarcón  I. Pineda-Rincón  contrast  Functional traits  Path area  Tropical forest 
R. López-Camacho Wood density
Facultad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales,
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas,
Bogotá D.C., Colombia

N. Rodrı́guez-Eraso (&) Introduction

Departamento de Biologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C.,
Colombia Changes in land use and fragmentation represent a
e-mail: threat to biodiversity worldwide and cause the

Landscape Ecol

alteration of important ecological processes such as Mendes et al. 2016) and rarely links FD with AGB
primary productivity, nutrient cycling, microclimatic (Ziter et al. 2013; Magnago et al. 2014). AGB, as a
flows, and other changes (Hitimana et al. 2004; property of ecosystems related to the ecosystem
Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007) such as alterations services of carbon fixation and storage and thus
of forest biomass distribution patterns and carbon having implications for global environmental change,
stocks (Ziter et al. 2013). The fragmentation of has been considered to be influenced by the dominance
tropical forests in particular alters their capacity to of some functional traits (Conti and Dı́az 2013).
store carbon, increasing carbon emissions in the world, Research has shown that community-weighted means
with total carbon losses estimated to be 0.34 GtC per (CWMs) of specific leaf area (SLA), maximum height
year (Brinck et al. 2017). Moreover, the heterogeneous (Hmax), wood density (WD) and leaf dry-matter
landscapes that result from fragmentation can be content (LDMC) are all important predictors of an
considered important ecological filters that explain increase in aboveground biomass, since these traits
changes in the composition and functional diversity contribute to carbon storage, and CWMs can explain
(FD) of plants (Duflot et al. 2014). Fragmentation the productivity of AGB because they are parallel to
generates abrupt changes in the size, shape and the relationships between the trait values and the
configuration of the resulting patches (Saunders performance of the plants. For example, a high CWM
et al. 1991; Fahrig 2003) and not only modifies the of SLA indicates the dominance of species with rapid
diversity and composition of species (Bender et al. growth and high productivity, while a high CWM of
1998; Fahrig 2003; Echeverria et al. 2007; Arroyo- LDMC or WD indicates the dominance of conserva-
Rodrı́guez et al. 2013; Duque et al. 2013; Haddad et al. tive species associated with low productivity (Finegan
2015) but also affects the diversity of some functional et al. 2015). In terms of multivariate functional
traits in plant communities that are important in diversity (multitrait), which is related to the variation
providing services (Quétier et al. 2007; Girão et al. in functional traits that influence ecosystem processes,
2007; Mayfield et al. 2010; Lavorel et al. 2011; it has been found that AGB is positively associated
Houghton et al. 2012). For example, environmental with functional dispersion (Ziter et al. 2013; López
stressors are stronger in small, isolated, irregular 2015).
fragments with high edge contrasts, reducing commu- Previous studies showed that fragmentation has
nity leaf variability by filtering species with stress- different impacts on plant functional composition and
tolerant leaf traits (Munguı́a-Rosas et al. 2014; diversity, affecting carbon storage in the ecosystem.
Arellano-Rivas et al. 2016), and increasing the mor- For example, fragmentation does not have a significant
tality of large trees inside the fragments. This gives impact on the functional richness associated with
way to the growth of species with lower wood density AGB nor on the tree community structure or FD, but it
and high light demand, which reduces aboveground does impact functional divergence and functional
biomass (AGB) and stored carbon (Laurance et al. evenness in small fragments of Brazilian forest, which
1997; Dantas de Paula et al. 2011; Berenguer et al. reduces functional redundancy and improves biomass
2014; Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2015). reserves due to reduced competition (Magnago et al.
One way to examine the effects of forest fragmen- 2014, 2015, 2016). A positive relationship between
tation on ecosystem functions of species and their functional dispersion and carbon in AGB due to the
implications for the provision of ecosystem services is presence of abundant species that are functionally
to assess functional diversity (Kooyman et al. 2013; different has been found in unmanaged forests of
Magnago et al. 2014; De Frutos et al. 2015), because Canada (Ziter et al. 2013). Fragmentation reduces FD,
FD is considered a modifier and regulator of ecosys- although small fragments with few functionally sim-
tem processes and services (Dı́az et al. 2006; Lavorel ilar tree species have high AGB in South Africa (Rolo
et al. 2011; Lavorel 2013). Research exploring the FD et al. 2018). Aldana et al. (2017) found that AGB
of plants along fragmentation gradients is recent and stocks are adversely affected by fragmentation and
has focused on reproductive traits, dispersion, regen- loss of species richness in lowland forests of Colom-
eration and growth form (Girão et al. 2007; Kooyman bia. Despite this research, there is still a knowledge
et al. 2013; Sonnier et al. 2014; Munguı́a-Rosas et al. gap regarding the relationship of fragmentation with
2014; De Frutos et al. 2015; Carneiro et al. 2016; functional diversity associated with aboveground

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biomass stocks (Ziter et al. 2013; Magnago et al. 2014; Materials and methods
Aldana and Stevenson 2016; Rolo et al. 2018)
particularly in Andean forests, where there has been Study area
little research.
In Colombia, the Andean and high Andean forests The study area is located in the municipalities of
of the Eastern Cordillera are part of a global Guasca and La Calera (Department of Cundinamarca,
biodiversity hotspot (Orme et al. 2005), and they are tropical Andean region, 4°560 4.3800 N, 74°20 32.9900 W;
considered conservation priority ecosystems because 4°340 48.8300 N, 73°430 36.0100 W), with a total extent of
they have undergone extensive transformation pro- 692.3 km2. The study was carried out in high Andean
cesses and fragmentation due to intense agricultural, forest with altitude between 2800 and 3200 m (Cua-
livestock and urbanization activities. The loss of these trecasas 1958; Rangel-Ch 2000) (Fig. 1, Fig. S1). The
forests is most pronounced around the metropolitan annual precipitation of the zone varies between 800
area of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital, given the accel- and 1500 mm, with an annual average temperature
erated urban growth in recent years (Rubiano et al. between 7 and 13 °C and a humidity regime varying
2017). These forests are important systems for under- from semihumid to very humid (Sguerra et al. 2011).
standing the responses of FD relating to AGB in the The predominant soils in the region are inceptisols
face of fragmentation, as well as for helping us to (association Humic Dystrudepts and Andic Dys-
understand the functional role of the small remnants trudepts) with the presence of some Typic Hapludands
that still persist. Research related to FD in Colombia andisols with fine to medium-thick textures and strong
has focused on evaluating some foliar and reproduc- acidity and formed from parent material of sandy and
tive traits at the edges of fragments with different types silty clay sedimentary rocks (IGAC 2000, 2014).
of vegetation (Montenegro and Vargas 2008) and the The landscape is dominated (43.3%) by an anthro-
relationships between FD indexes and AGB in pic matrix with a predominating mosaic of pastures
successional forests (López 2015). In contrast, frag- and a mixture of crops and pastures. The agricultural
mentation studies have focused on the calculation of areas are scattered through out the pastures and are
landscape metrics and their effect on species compo- located near the flatter areas, with potato as the main
sition and diversity (Duque et al. 2013). crop. Forest ecosystems represent only 11.7% of the
The study of AGB in fragmented landscapes from study area, and they are embedded in the anthropic
the perspective of FD broadens the analysis to clarify matrix. Most forests occupy areas with steep slopes
the ecosystem function and their response to changes and are difficult to access (Rodrı́guez-Alarcón 2018).
such as fragmentation and to help in establishing Some forest fragments have been consolidated as Civil
environmental policies and management based on Society Nature Reserves (CSNRs), and most are part
mutually beneficial outcomes in these landscapes, of the buffer zone of the Chingaza National Natural
where the forest remnants play key ecological and Park (NNP) and the Blanco River Protective Forest
functional roles in carbon storage and biodiversity. In Reserve (PFR) in Cundinamarca, which are important
this study, our objective was to investigate how for the conservation of the capital city’s and sur-
fragmentation, evaluated through landscape metrics, rounding lands’ water supply (Sguerra et al. 2011).
is related to tree functional diversity associated with
AGB in a high Andean forest in Colombia. Our Landscape metrics and fragmentation categories
hypothesis is based on the fact that small, irregular and
isolated fragments that are surrounded by land vege- We used a land cover map for 2015 with a scale of
tation cover with a greater edge contrast could have 1:25000 (Rodriguez-Alarcón 2018) to calculate a
low FD since the loss of functions is greater over time series of landscape metrics that have been commonly
in smaller and more isolated fragments, which tend to used as surrogates for landscape fragmentation
maintain smaller AGB reserves (Haddad et al. 2015; (Schindler et al. 2013; Rolo et al. 2018). For each of
Magnago et al. 2015, 2016). the 260 forest fragments that were identified, four
metrics at the patch level were calculated using the
FRAGSTATS 4.2Ò program (McGarigal et al. 2012):
patch area (PA) and patch shape (SHAPE), which can

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Fig. 1 Study area and fragmentation categories. The dots listed correspond to the sampling units (plots of 0.1 ha). Fig. S1 shows the
color image

influence the community size and species persistence version 3.3.3 (Pardo and Del Campo 2007; R Core
and are measures of the degree of fragmentation; edge Team 2017). Table S1 shows the characteristics of
contrast (ECON), a measure of contrast between a each category in relation to the calculated metrics for
patch and its immediate neighborhood; and euclidean whole landscape forest patches, where the fragments
distance to the nearest neighbor (ENN), a measure of of category III are the largest.
proximity between forest patches (McGarigal and
Cushman 2002; Fahrig 2003; Haddad et al. 2015).Th- Aboveground biomass and functional traits
ese metrics are widely used in general fragmentation
studies (Schindler et al. 2013) and studies aiming to Ten plots of 0.1 ha (100 m 9 10 m) were established
characterize relationships between aspects of land- at random, taking into account ease of access: four
scape configuration and plant biomass in fragmented plots of fragments in category I, three in category II
forests (Hernandez-Stefanoni et al. 2011; Magnago and three in category III. Two plots of the last category
et al. 2016; Melito et al. 2018). Pearson correlation were located in the same fragment, because that
coefficients between each pair of metrics were com- fragment presented accessible facilities and is part of
puted, and we did not find any significant relation- the forest reserve areas. The plots were located
ships, except for patch area and shape (p \ 0.01). towards the center of the fragment to avoid edge
Through a principal component analysis (PCA) and effects (Girão et al. 2007; Mendes et al. 2016), taking
cluster analysis based on the first principal component into account a distance of not less than 100 meters
of the PCA (Ward classification method), three from the edge of the fragment, and their locations were
categories of fragmentation were established, that corroborated inside the patch and outside the edge
were the basis for field work. The analyses were using Riitters et al. (2000) methodology in SAGA
performed with the ‘‘FactoClass’’ package in R, software (Conrad et al. 2015) (Fig. 1). Given the large

Landscape Ecol

number of fragments grouped into category I, through Pérez-Harguindeguy et al. (2013), since they are
a cluster analysis, the category was subdivided by area relevant for AGB: maximum height of the plant
into four groups (1.15–20.6; 20.9–36.3; 36.8–67.9; (Hmax) (m), density of the wood (WD) (gr cm-3),
and 71.2–150 ha) to randomly select a representative specific leaf area (SLA) (cm2 g-1) and leaf dry-matter
fragment to sample by subgroup. The descriptive content (LDMC) (g). The leaf and wood density
statistics of the landscape metrics for sampled frag- functional traits were obtained from direct measure-
ments are shown in Table 1. ments in the field of five (5) mature woody individuals
In each plot, all live woody plants with a diameter at of each of the species found (in general, for the three
breast height (DBH) C 5 cm were counted, and the fragmentation categories) and following the protocols
DBH and height of each individual were recorded. established by Pérez-Harguindeguy et al. (2013) and
Botanical material was identified using herbarium and Salgado-Negret et al. (2015).
literature sources, and it was processed following For cases where the density of wood could not be
established standards for the management of biolog- measured due to the low abundance of individuals or
ical collections. The material in a reproductive state thin diameters, the information was obtained from the
was deposited in the collection of the Forest Herbar- traits reported by López (2015) and Garnica and
ium (UDBC) of Francisco José de Caldas Distrital Saldarriaga (2015) and, for morphospecies identified
University. For each plot, AGB was used as the to the genus level (2 morphotypes), from database The
weighting parameter for the calculation of the func- Global Wood Density (GWD) in the subsection
tional diversity indexes. Estimation of biomass was Tropical South America (Chave et al. 2009), using
performed using the allometric equation of Pearson the average wood density for the taxonomic
et al. (2005) (Eq. 1), where AGB is the aboveground group.Maximum height was obtained from measure-
biomass per woody individual (kg), and DBH is the ments taken in the field, according to the procedure
diameter at breast height (cm). We chose this equation established by Pérez-Harguindeguy et al. (2013) and
because it does not include wood density or height, Salgado-Negret et al. (2015). In the case of rare
which are functional traits included in the FD indexes species, maximum height was obtained by reviewing
in which AGB was used as a weighting parameter. herbarium specimens collected in the same study area
AGB per plot was obtained as the sum of the and taking into account that these were greater height
biomasses of the individuals registered in the plot, values than those recorded in the field.
and the value obtained was expressed in megagrams
per hectare (Mg ha-1): Data analysis
AGBðKgÞ ¼ expð 2:289 þ 2:649  InðDBH Þ
Multitrait indexes were calculated because they allow
 0:021  InðDBH 2 ÞÞ ð1Þ
the functionality of the community to be characterized
For the measurement of functional traits, quantita- (Casanoves et al. 2011); these indexes were: func-
tive traits were selected from the TRY (TRY Initiative tional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve),
on Plant Traits) database (Kattge et al. 2011) as well as functional divergence (FDiv) and functional disper-
the traits proposed by Cornelissen et al. (2003) and sion (FDis). In the multifunctional space, FRic

Table 1 Number (n), mean, standard deviation (in parentheses) and range of each landscape metric for the sampled fragments, by
Landscape metrics Category I (n = 4) Category II (n = 3) Category III (n = 3)
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range

PA (ha) 46.46 (27.9) 19.6–73.6 219.6 (40.8) 177.4–258.9 1664.4 (521.6) 1363.2–2266.7
SHAPE 2.97 (0.92) 2–4.06 6.24 (1.71) 4.41–7.8 11.7 (0.73) 11.3–12.5
ENN (m) 111.8 (140.9) 25–322.06 20.8 (5.18) 15–25 19.3 (1.14) 18–20
ECON (%) 81.3 (8.5) 70.9–91.6 74.9 (15.5) 58.3–89.1 82.3 (1) 81.7–83.5

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represents the volume occupied by the community; total of 49 species were present in category I, 52
FEve measures the uniformity of the species distribu- species in category II, and 35 species in category III
tion; FDiv quantifies the difference in the distances fragments, with 15 species shared among the three
between species; and FDis refers to the average categories. The AGB of the sampled fragments varied
distance of each species to the centroid of the between 149.1 and 637.6 Mg ha-1. Category III
community (Laliberté and Legendre 2010; Casanoves showed the greatest stock of biomass, with an average
et al. 2011). Additionally, we calculated two monotrait of 516.2 ± 200.8 Mg ha-1. Category I presented an
indexes: community-weighted mean (CWM), an average of 187.8 ± 46.4 Mg ha-1, and category II, of
indicator of the functional dominance of the commu- 209.7 ± 34.7 Mg ha-1. Category I and II showed no
nity (Roscher et al. 2012), and community-weighted significant differences in AGB, while category III was
variance (CWV), which quantifies the variation in the significantly different (ANOVA: F = 9.43, p \ 0.05;
values of each trait in the community (Sonnier et al. Fig. 2). The species with the highest contribution to
2010). For the calculation of these indexes, the AGB biomass that are present in all categories of fragmen-
of each species was used as a weighting parameter to tation are Weinmannia balbisiana, Miconia cundina-
evaluate the functional diversity-aboveground bio- marcensis, Hedyosmum parvifolium, Drimys
mass association. The trait values were standardized, granadensis and Brunellia propinqua.Species such
and the functional diversity indexes were calculated as Weinmannia tomentosa and Weinmannia rollottii
with ‘‘FD’’ in R (Laliberté et al. 2014). are important in the composition of these forests and
The normality of the data was assessed and make considerable contributions to some of the
confirmed (Shapiro–Wilk test, p [ 0.05), as was the fragmentation categories (Fig. 3).
homogeneity of variances (Levene’s test, p [ 0.05). Although functional diversity indexes differed
The differences in the components of FD and AGB among the sampled fragments (Table S2), no signif-
between the fragmentation categories were evaluated icant differences were found for the FD components
by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using ‘‘car’’ (Fox among the fragmentation categories (ANOVA and
and Weisberg 2011), with post hoc Bonferroni MANOVA, p [ 0.05). However, it was observed that
correction carried out using ‘‘multcomp’’ (Hothorn the fragments of category III tended to show the
et al. 2016). Additionally, the differences in the FD highest averages CWM values of specific leaf area and
components between the fragmentation categories maximum height (Table 2). Inverse relationships were
were evaluated with multivariate analysis of variance found between the functional diversity indexes and the
(MANOVA) and with the Hotelling comparison test landscape metrics: edge contrast and functional
using ‘‘Hotelling’’ (Curran 2017). For AGB, PA and dispersion (R2 = 0.42, p = 0.026), edge contrast and
CWV.Hmax, a logarithmic transformation (ln) was community-weighted variance of leaf dry-matter
implemented, and the ENN variable was transformed
with the function 1/x. Pearson correlation analysis and
simple linear regression analysis (Kooyman et al.
2013; Mendes et al. 2016) between functional diver-
sity (dependent variable) and landscape metrics
(independent variable) were performed. Assumptions
for error distributions were verified using the Shapiro–
Wilk test for normality, the Breusch-Pagan test for
homoscedasticity, and the Durbin–Watson test for
independence. All analyses were performed in R 3.3.3
with a level of significance of a = 0.05.
Fig. 2 Variation in aboveground biomass (logAGB, Mg ha-1)
between and within the three fragmentation categories. The
Results error bars represent ± standard error. ANOVA: F = 9.43,
p \ 0.05. The letters above the bars represent the differences
among categories determined with a post hoc Bonferroni test.
Considering all of the fragments, we sampled a total of Stocks with a letter in common are not significantly different
1390 trees belonging to 90 species and 30 families. A (p [ 0.05)

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Fig. 3 Contributions of
species with higher
aboveground biomasses (log
AGB, Mg ha-1) to each
category of fragmentation

Table 2 Mean and standard deviation (in parentheses) of the functional diversity of the tree communities in the three categories of
fragmentation in the high Andean forest, Colombia
Functional diversity Fragmentation category

FRic 6.85 (6.67) 9.49 (0.16) 4.31 (2.9)

FEve 0.45 (0.16) 0.53 (0.11) 0.46 (0.27)
FDiv 0.80 (0.07) 0.87 (0.03) 0.72 (0.12)
FDis 1.43 (0.14) 1.37 (0.4) 1.16 (0.16)
CWM.SLA 84.40 (15.5) 90.27 (24.3) 98.78 (12.6)
CWM.LDMC 0.31 (0.04) 0.33 (0.03) 0.33 (0.02)
CWM.WD 0.50 (0.05) 0.50 (0.03) 0.50 (0.02)
CWM.Hmax 20.88 (0.95) 21.05 (1.08) 21.15 (1.39)
FRic functional richness, FEve functional evenness, FDiv functional divergence, FDis functional dispersion, CWM community-
weighted mean, SLA specific leaf area (cm2 g-1), LDMC leaf dry-matter content (g g-1), WD wood density (g cm-3), Hmax
maximum height (m)

content (CWV.LDMC) (R2 = 0.43, p = 0.023), and greater edge contrast had lower levels of functional
between community-weighted variance of wood den- dispersion and less variance in leaf dry-matter content.
sity (CWV.WD) and patch area (R2 = 0.57, Larger fragments that were irregular in shape and had
p = 0.007), the shape of the fragment (R2 = 0.56, closer neighbors showed lower variance in the density
p = 0.008), and the Euclidian distance to the nearest of wood (Fig. 4).
neighbor (R2 = 0.61, p = 0.005). Fragments with

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Fig. 4 Simple linear regression analysis between functional edge contrast (ECON, %); b Community-weighted variance of
diversity and landscape metrics.The patch area (PA) is on a leaf dry-matter content (CWV.LDMC) as a function of the edge
logarithmic scale, and the Euclidean distance to the nearest contrast (ECON, %); c–e Community-weighted variance of
neighbor (ENN) is presented as 1/x. The community-weighted wood density (CWV.WD) as a function of (c) patch area (PA,
variances (CWVs) of the leaf dry-matter content and the wood ha), d patch shape index (SHAPE), and e Euclidean distance to
density were multiplied by 100 to improve visualization. the nearest neighbor (ENN, m)
a Functional dispersion (FDis) as a function of the fragment

Discussion reducing the functional variability in traits that

contribute to this ecosystem process.
The effects of fragmentation on the FD associated with The aboveground biomass stocks found in this
AGB is complex, and gaps in knowledge of these study are within the range established by Yepes et al.
effects remain (Magnago et al. 2014; Rolo et al. 2018). (2015) for tropical montane forests south of the
Our results suggest that high Andean forest fragmen- Colombian Andes, and they are larger than those
tation does not affect functional diversity associated reported for the same study area by López (2015) and
with aboveground biomass in terms of richness, Pérez and Dı́az (2010) (113.04 Mg ha-1 and
evenness and functional divergence or in terms of 117.8 Mg ha-1, respectively), and those for montane
community-weighted mean traits, while the functional forests in Colombia, where AGB is estimated to be
variances of leaf dry-matter content (CWV.CFMS) between 257.6 and 295.1 Mg ha-1 (Phillips et al.
and wood density (CWV.DM) and the functional 2011a, b). These differences are attributed to the
dispersion index (FDis) related to AGB are sensitive to method of calculation used in the study, given that we
the effects of fragmentation. We found that the range did not include the variables of wood density and
of variation in wood density seems to be sensitive to height, which improve the estimated values compared
the size, shape and nearness of other fragments, and as with the model based solely on diameter (Chave et al.
the edge contrast of a patch increases, the functional 2005, 2006; Pérez and Dı́az 2010; Alvarez et al.
dispersion and variance in leaf dry-matter content 2012, 2014). However, when calculating AGB with
decrease (Fig. 4), which ultimately influences AGB by the equations established by Chave et al. (2005) and
Alvarez et al. (2012), the stocks we found are similar

Landscape Ecol

to those reported in these studies (Fig. S2). Other competition per niche, which could improve biomass
factors, such as soil fertility and moisture and climatic reserves. Therefore, habitat heterogeneity between
and topographic conditions, equally influence the types of cover can have a positive effect on FD
variation in AGB in forests (Laurance et al. 1999; de (Sonnier et al. 2014), and edge effects have a
Castilho et al. 2006; Peña and Duque 2013), so it is differential impact on the diversity of plant functional
important to consider them to complement this type of traits (Guerra et al. 2017). The same pattern is present
study. in the decrease in the variance of leaf dry-matter
Our results show that the category of large content of the community (Fig. 4b) associated with
fragments had the highest AGB (Fig. 2), which is high edge contrasts, which implies greater functional
similar to the results found by Magnago et al. isolation (Matteucci 2004).This suggests that frag-
(2015, 2016). We found no significant differences in mentation generates environmental stressors that act
AGB between fragmentation categories I and II. This as a filter and may decrease community leaf variability
result is associated with the fact that the average basal by favoring the establishment of some species with
area was similar in the small and medium-sized leaves tolerant to stress due to their medium–high
fragments that were sampled, which is an important LDMC such as Bejaria resinosa, Brunellia propinqua,
factor determining the biomass value (Baker et al. Cavendishia bracteata, Miconia ligustrina and Myr-
2004). This result agrees with the data reported by sine coriacea, which may influence the maintenance
Magnago et al. (2015) and Rolo et al. (2018), where of AGB reserves (Arellano-Rivas et al. 2016).
small fragments can store high levels of biomass, since The fact that functional variation in wood density
they can have a structure and tree composition similar (CWV.DM) responded significantly to patch area and
to those of large fragments (Fig. 3). However, cate- shape and the distance to the closest forest patch
gory III, despite having a similar tree composition, (Fig. 4c–e) suggests a pattern of lower variance in this
differs at the structural level from categories I and II trait in large, irregular and nearby fragments. This
(Fig. 2) because it has a larger number of large trees pattern is associated with the hypothesis that the forest
(height and basal area). According to Brown and Lugo fragments of the study area are relicts of a large source
(1992), Slik et al. (2013), Berenguer et al. (2014) and fragment that covered much of the territory in the past,
Aldana et al. (2017) large trees are the main contrib- and now they share species with similar wood
utors to AGB. Although, tall arboreal individuals with densities because the species in the plant community
a large diameter were within the fragmentation prior to fragmentation would have coexisted in local
categories I and II recorded, the proportion of these communities and in a regional species group (Haddad
in category III was higher. This can be related to the et al. 2017; Rubiano et al. 2017). The persistence of the
fact that mortality and rates of loss of basal area are fragments over time (more than 40 years) also
higher within small fragments and, therefore, AGB contributes to the stabilization of traits such as wood
decreases, as reported by studies on ecosystems in density and basal area, as these traits increase rapidly
southern Brazil (Gross et al. 2018). after fragmentation before stabilizing over time (Lau-
In this study, we found an inverse relationship rance et al. 2006). This persistence might also explain
between edge contrast and functional dispersion why CWM.WD did not respond significantly to the
associated with AGB (Fig. 4a), which is explained fragmentation landscape, a result that suggests that
by the gradual transitions in land vegetation cover this functional attribute is not affected by fragmenta-
adjacent to a forest (for example, from forest to tion and that is similar to the result reported for the
shrubland or types with lower contrast) and the fact Atlantic Forest in Brazil (Magnago et al. 2014). This
that ecotones where young trees and shrubs are could be interpreted as the result of high ecological
established allow more-permeable coverings and, similarity at the community level, associated with the
consequently, greater biological connectedness and predominant genera of these forests, as seen in
less influence of the edge effect (Cadenasso et al. Amazonian forests (Baker et al. 2004).
1997; López-Barrera 2004). This implies an expansion The fragmentation does not appear to alter func-
of habitats that offer more niche space that species can tional dominance (CWM) and multitrait indexes—
occupy(Stein et al. 2014; Arellano et al. 2017), richness, evenness and functional divergence— asso-
allowing greater functional dispersion and lower ciated with AGB. This is explained by the high

Landscape Ecol

taxonomic similarity between fragments ([ 66% of the Civil Society National Reserve, the Rı́o Blanco
Bray–Curtis similarity, Fig. S3), which host species PFR and the buffer zone of Chingaza NNP. This helps
with a variety of traits and functional strategies that to protect fragments from human pressure or mini-
show a similar number of functions that contribute to mizes this pressure and contributes to the maintenance
AGB, regardless of the fragmentation variables eval- of plant community structure. This in turn leads to
uated (Kooyman et al. 2013; Magnago et al. 2014). recognition of the ecological importance of the
Although some authors have reported that fragmenta- fragments of categories I and II as reservoirs of tree
tion can decrease the FD of plants (Girão et al. 2007; species that are important for carbon sequestration and
Rolo et al. 2018), affect evenness and functional even other ecosystem services that should be evalu-
divergence (Magnago et al. 2014), and significantly ated (Tulloch et al. 2016). In this sense, these
increase functional richness (De Frutos et al. 2015), fragments could have potential cobenefits for the
our results support current hypotheses that argue that payments of the carbon market and/or the protection of
these fragmentation processes do not always lead to a biodiversity (Dı́az et al. 2009; Phelps et al. 2012), and
loss of species and FD because they can follow these benefits are important to consider in future
numerous response trajectories (Mayfield et al. 2010). conservation plans. We clarify that it is necessary to
Independent of size, shape and isolation, forest conserve all forest fragments independent of their size,
patches contain groups of species that are functionally since the total quantity and quality of this habitat in the
important for the storage of AGB (Fig. 3). Even when landscape is key for the maintenance of biodiversity
the large fragments (category III) show differences in and ecosystem services (Fahrig 2013; Haddad et al.
AGB, it is clear that they contain high taxonomic 2015).
similarity and values of FD similar to those in the Even though no relationship was found for all the
fragments of categories I and II (Kooyman et al. 2013; indexes of functional diversity, we recommend
Ziter et al. 2013). Our research demonstrates the increasing the number of fragments sampled and
importance of small fragments in highly transformed evaluating the effect of fragmentation on other
high Andean ecosystems as FD and AGB reservoirs, services of high Andean ecosystems while incorpo-
providing incentives to promote their conservation, rating the role of the matrix, the history of land use, the
restoration and connectivity. disturbance regimes and the age of the fragments.
Small fragments of this ecosystem should be taken Likewise, we recommend investigating the effects of
into account in the design of multifunctional land- fragmentation on the process of functional community
scapes because i) they are considered stepping stones assembly (Mayfield et al. 2005, 2010, 2013), evalu-
to achieve species connectivity, functional linkage and ating the intra- and inter specific variation in species
the continuity of ecological processes (Arroyo-Rodrı́- traits in the fragments and studying other functional
guez et al. 2009; Ribeiro et al. 2009; Sfair et al. 2016). traits, in addition to researching the edge effect and
In light of the results of this research, these patches are environmental factors that influence the FD and AGB
important for the maintenance of and increase in of the forest. We agree with the suggestion of Poorter
functionality in terms of biomass, since they maintain et al. (2017) that the inclusion of functional attributes
considerable amounts of functional diversity and should be an integral component of global strategies
aboveground biomass. Also, ii) they can help to for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
diminish edge effects by means of matrix restoration, services.
and they can act as dampening zones that reduce the
pressure on the largest patches (Hernández-Ruedas Acknowledgements We thank the Thomas van der Hammen
research stimulus program (Bogotá Botanical Garden) for
et al. 2014). Additionally, they constitute key pieces in
funding part of this project. We thank friends for their help
the conservation corridor of the high Andean with the field work, especially Nicolas P. Cremaschi, and the
mountains. owners of the properties where the monitoring plots were
Despite the high levels of fragmentation of the high established. Thanks to R. González-M for statistical assistance,
D. Cabrera-Amaya and E. Sastoque for help with the
Andean forest that we studied, functionality associated
identification of plants, and the Universidad Distrital for the
with the AGB stock persists in the analyzed categories, use of laboratories and equipment.
which may be related to the conservation efforts that
take place in the study area, such as the consolidation

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