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Survey on Battery

used in EV
By - Rohit Umbare

Guide : Prof. S.K. Mahindrakar


Electric vehicles are at the forefront of

the global push towards a greener
future. The heart of any electric vehicle
lies in its battery, dictating factors such
as range, charging time, and overall
performance. The right choice of
battery technology is pivotal for the
success and widespread adoption of
electric vehicles.
What is Battery

A battery is a device that stores

electrical energy in a chemical form
and converts it into electrical power
when needed. It is a portable source of
power commonly used to supply
electric energy to electronic devices,
appliances, and, in the context of your
previous question, electric vehicles.
Lithium-ion Battery

lithium-ion battery is a type of

rechargeable battery that is charged
and discharged by lithium ions
moving between the negative (anode)
and positive (cathode) electrodes.
Most used battery in portable consumer
They have high power to weight ratio,
high energy e ciency, good high-
temperature performance, and low self-
discharge and can be recycled
Today most EVs use lithium-
ion batteries
Pros Cons

lightweight Cost is high

Longest life Risk of bursting

Better energy density Sensitive to temperature

Fast charging Complete discharge reduces life

Constant power Standardization not complete

Maintenance free Enviromental impact

Why Sodium-ion Battery
SIBs are also rechargeable like LIBs and require
sodium ion movement between eletrodes during the
charging and discharging of the battery

In SIBs the cathode is manufactured form sodium ,

which is sevent-most abundant material on earth.

SIBs have already reached an energy density of up to

160 watt hour per kilogram (Wh/kg) , which is
equivalent to LIBs.

SIBs have higher operational safety than LIBs ith

there operable temperature ranging form -40 to 60
degree C .

SIBs have 45 percent less global warming potential

than LIBs
Cost is high Cost is low

Energy density is high Energy density is moderate

Saftey is low Saftey is high

Material is limited Material is Earth abundant

E ciency is high (>90%) E ciency is high (>90%)

Temperature range is (-25 to 40 Temperature range is (-40 to 60

degree C) degree C )

260 to 270 Whr/kg 80 to 100 Whr/kg

Challanges for Sodium-ion Battery
The voltage of sodium ion batteries is low in comparision to lithium ion
sodium ion batteries charge and discharge quickly
The life cycle of sodium ion batteries is also shorter than that of lithium ion
Sodium is not as flexible as lithium, due to which it cannot be given
di erent shapes like cylindrical or prismatic
Sodium ion battries are still in the initial stage of development, due to
which only limited companies are investing in them due to which their cost
will be very high
So in times to come, with the help of futher research and development in
this field , sodium ion battery can prove to be better than lithium ion
battery on every front.
Alternatives for Lithium-ion
Metal Air battery

Aluminium Air battery

Sodium-ion Battery

Solid state Battery

Sulphur Lithium Battery

By making survey on Batteries used in
EV & their Future we Can Conclude
that the, lithium ion battery is most
used battery in EV & also in many
Electronic Devices. But it Has some
Drawbacks so we must need to find the
alternatives for it, By research we found
that the metal-air batteries, solidstate
batteries, sulphur-lithium batteries
Such batteries can be the alternatives
for the lithium ion battery.

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