Shattered (2) 1

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We can never really outrun the traumas from our pasts, the more we run the more we add weight to
them, and the more they become alive. The more we convince ourselves that we've healed the more
we realise that we've actually been crushed and there's no way we could ever heal. When they
finally catch up with us they keep us in a time prison where they torment us each and every second.
Then, even the voices that have always been silent become even louder like roaring thunder. Even
though our souls scream so hard for help, our faces simply put on the cutest smile to fool everyone
around as if everything is perfect when in reality its a war of one man against a million voices. At
some point you'll feel like no one needs you or appreciates you, but it's usually the sweetest lie the
voices tell us. Not everyone wins this kind of war, beautiful souls are lost each and every day but it
can all end when we walk alongside a few kind souls who bring some happiness to us. This is a story
to those who are suffering in silence. This is Jaden Comman’s story. There is still hope.

5 April 2021

It was a chill morning with a morning light shower moistening the dry soil and giving a message of
hope to the drooping flowers Jaden stared at from his bedroom window. Since childhood it was
always his habit to look at his parent’s flowers first thing after getting off bed. He'd do that with a
broad smile, but not anymore. It was now flowers of his late parents. The death of his parents was
just another trauma piling over other traumas that he couldn't escape. It changed his whole world,
and it was the reason he lost his job. He had so many unhealed wounds that eventually drained his
productivity at work, which forced Mr Smith to terminate his contract with immediate effect. That
smile he wore when looking at the flowers was now replaced with a sorrowful face alongside a
lighted cigarette. There was nothing left of him.

‘ Good morning Mrs Watson,’ greeted Phil Jones. He was the only person who kept contact with
Jaden after his contract was terminated at Smith gallery. ‘ Morning my son, come on in,’ she made
way for Phil to enter. As always, she offered Phil a cup of coffee before even hearing what he
wanted. ‘ I won't be long Mrs Watson,’ said Phil. She gave him that awful look telling him not to
complain anymore if he didn't want a roller pin on his head. ‘ I'm actually here to see Zandai,’ he
looked at Mrs Watson. ‘ She's probably sleeping, but I'll call her for you,’ she wobbled all the way to
her room. Phil was a bit unsure about what he was just about to do. ‘ Who are you,’ said Zandai
walking towards Phil with her sleepy face. If some looks beautiful immediately after waking up from
sleep, it means they're really cute, and that was Zandai Watson. ‘ That's not how you greet people
Zandai, this is Mr Jones' son,’ she reprimanded her. ‘ I'll give you some space ,’ she left them. For a

few seconds the kitchen was in total silence as both of them stared at each other's eyeballs without
uttering a word. ‘ I need your help with something,’ Phil finally broke the silence ‘ What kind of help,’
Zandai asked. He cleared his throat for a second. ‘ Since you're qualified therapist, I thought you
could guide my friend to recovery especially now that your not employed anywhere,’ he explained.
She stood up and had her fingers pointed at Phil. ‘ Just because I'm not working it doesn't mean I will
do anything anyone says, so don't get me mixed up with your crazy friend,’ she lost her cool. ‘ I
didn't mean it that way, I'll pay you, I can even double your payment. Please help me,’ he begged
him. Seeing him beg like he did made her consider his offer. ‘ Like you said I'm not working, there are
a lot of therapists who can help you,’. ‘ I did some research on you and figured out that you can help
my friend despite the allegations against you,’ said Phil. ‘ That's enough please leave Mr Jones,’ she
pointed at the door. Seeing that he'd mentioned something he shouldn't have he left peacefully. She
never liked anyone who brought up the case that caused her to be suspended for six months. She
was at home thanks to her jealous colleagues. She was basically getting all the praise from the
Conwill Hospital superiors about the work she was doing to her patients. They decided to set her up
to accuse her of having relationships with her patients, which they knew the board will have to look
into it thoroughly. The evil scheme paid off. ‘ Zandai he even promised to double the payment, why
can't you help him out,’ said her Mrs Watson. ‘ So you've been eavesdropping on me again granny,’
said Zandai turning to Mrs Watson. ‘ I tried, but you were so loud with each other I couldn't help it,’
she replied. After saying that she cleared the table in silence. ‘ Its what you love darling, don't let
what happened stop you from doing what you love,’ Mrs Watson went on trying to convince Zandai
to take Phil's offer. She wouldn't have pestered Zandai if it was someone else. Helping Phil would be
the same as helping out Mr Jones. In her old age she'd still do anything for his high school crush. ‘
Granny you do know that if they find out that I'm helping someone while I'm in suspension I could
lose my job,’ she told her grandma whose head was filled by her mission of helping Mr Jones. ‘ I
won't say anything, Phil won't say anything, and the sick boy will definitely say nothing, in that way
no one will know you're working,’ she explained to her. ‘ I'll think about it,’ she said leaving for her
room. By looking at her eyes one could tell that Mrs Watson was far from being dissuaded by
Zandai's excuses.

‘ I wouldn't wish my son to end up like that zombie,’ said one Jaden's neighbours seeing him sit so
helplessly on the veranda with his head buried on his arms. He couldn't remember the last time he
was happy, he's been waking up to misery each and every. His job was the last thing that made him
feel like he still has a little purpose left. Despite being demolished to his core, he never thought of
suicide. He wanted his death to be natural, because his mom taught him the perspective of the bible
on suicide. He wouldn't let his mom down, he just had to toughen up like a soldier on a mission.
Would he hold on until he gets help?. That day Phil didn't check on him because he checked on him
the previous day. At first he did it because he got something back. He'd ask for help with projects he
led at Smith gallery. He came to Jaden because he was exceptionally talented at drawing, but as time
went by his act grew to becoming a genuine brotherly love. He'd been trying to get his friend help
for months without any luck. He was no longer enjoying visiting Jaden only to tell him that no one
wants to help, but all that changed. Just before getting in bed he got a call from an unknown
number. He picked up hesitantly only to find out that it was Zandai. ‘ I've thought about what you
asked earlier. I'll help you,’ she couldn't say no to the amount of money Phil offered. ‘ Oh that's
perfect, you can start as early as tomorrow,’ said Phil. She paused for a moment as if she was going
to take back everything she'd said. ‘ But there's only one condition,’ said Zandai . He replied with
silence letting Zandai say her condition. ‘ No one has to know I'm helping you,’ at last she told him
what freaks her out. Phil assured her that no one will ever know she helped Jaden get back on his
feet. Phil slept a happy man knowing that he's taken a step to helping out his friend.

6 April 2021

The time Zandai and Phil woke up, the sun was already giving out its rays to the plant's leaves
covered by dew. Witnessing the beauty of nature in the first hours of the day was the most satisfying
moment in Zandai's life. She'd often feel the calmness of nature which helped her escape her own
life's turmoil. After a couple of minutes Phil arrived at her place to take her to Jaden's house. ‘ Do
you think he'll be okay with what I wore,’ she asked. Phil stared at her for a few seconds and even
forgot that he had a question to answer. ‘ Phil, will he be okay with this,’ she asked again seeing that
Phil had lost his concentration. Any man could lose concentration when looking at an amazing girl as
Zandai. She had really attractive dreadlocks which she dyed black and grey. She had a pretty round
face with beautiful small brown eyes. She was just a work of art. ‘ He probably won't even look at
you, but you look great,’ said Phil. If he didn't have a girlfriend he'd have proposed a date. They left
before Mrs Watson woke up, but she wrote a note telling her grandma about taking Phil's offer. ‘
Who kind of man will I be dealing with here,’ asked Zandai having that wave of doubt washing over
her. ‘ A really kind, broken, hurt young man who has lost himself,’ Phil quickly glanced at her then
had his gaze back on the road as they made way to Jaden. ‘ What went wrong with the other
therapists,’. Phil went silent for a few seconds. ‘ I don't know, I guess they just didn't connect well,’
he replied. Zandai again looked at Phil with a face expression that was full of questions. ‘ Were they
males or females,’ she asked again. ‘ Both, why?, are you scared that I might be hooking you up with
my sick friend,’ Phil thought of the reason for her worry. ‘ I just wanted to make sure, being
suspended doesn't mean I won't be professional,’ she made that clear. Phil stared away with a smile
after realising what Zandai thought of him. ‘ Just do your job,’ he told her. The young man they were
going to see was already high of nicotine. He kept playing with toy gun, he'd point at his head and
pretend to pull the trigger then bow down his head as if he'd died. He entertained the thought of
dying, but he was afraid to bring it by his own hands.

After they arrived at Jaden's place, Phil led the way without wasting anymore time. When he got in
he saw Jaden's head just above the couch he was sitting on. ‘ What are you doing Phil?,’ asked Jaden
with a hoarsey voice. ‘ I have someone that might help you,’ he responded. Hearing that made him
smile, but that smile was very short-lived when he saw a young female standing besides his friend. ‘
We spoke about this man,’ he pointed Zandai with the plastic gun on his hand. Not knowing the
difference between a real gun and a toy gun, Zandai freaked out and tried to step back , but Phil held
her hand tight. ‘ She's your new therapist Jaden, I trust her, and I believe you'll trust her too,’ Phil
told Jaden. ‘ Trust her so that in the end she tells me I'm good as dead,’ he said in a sad tone. Phil
didn't know what to say next to make his friend feel better. ‘ You're not alone, allow me to walk
with you,’ said Zandai behind Phil with only her head visible. Those words seemed to calm him
down, because someone special to him used to say them. His mom would say them each time Jaden
felt too scared to go to school because of being bullied. ‘ Give her a chance please,’ begged Phil.
Jaden stared at both of them, and slowly walked back to sit down. Phil turned his focus to Zandai
and pointed at the couch in front of Jaden. ‘ My name is Zandai Watson, I'd love to know you,’ said
Zandai. While Jaden thought of her request, Phil signalled Zandai that he'd wait for them at the
kitchen in case Jaden gave her a problem. She didn't have a problem with that because Jaden
seemed calm. ‘ Didn't Phil tell you the name of the patient you'll be dealing with,’ he asked. ‘ No he
didn't,’ Zandai answered. He stared down at his feet and gave a light sigh. ‘ I'm Jaden Comman,’ he
told her at last. ‘ You didn't want to tell me your name at first, what changed,’ she asked trying to
figure out what kind of guy Jaden is. ‘ I'm just cooperating,’ said Jaden. Zandai was impressed by that
and wanted to tell Phil about Jaden's positivity only to find the kitchen walls staring at her with no
trace of Phil. She got worried and mad at the same time because Phil promised that he wouldn't
leave. She couldn't get hold of him when she called him. With no plan to run away, she returned
back to Jaden to ask a few questions to make it look like she did an enormous job with her patient.
She wasn't sure if she wanted to continue anymore, but Jaden gave her some reasons to continue. ‘
You said you're answering my questions because you're cooperating, what drives you to that point,’
she asked. ‘ He's trying to help me so if I cooperate I'd be helping him too,’ he responded. From
Jaden's responses Zandai noticed that he still had love in his heart. She suddenly felt a relaxing
energy around them, which made her not to think of leaving soon. ‘ So Jaden, what can you say
drove you to your current state,’ she asked snatching a notepad from her backpack. A load of
sadness washed over Jaden as he tried to walk down his memories seeking an answer to give to
Zandai. ‘I've been left alone a couple of times with no one walking by me, and sometimes when I see
those who've pained me I see that they have no idea how bad it affected me,’ said Jaden. Zandai
tried to understand the pain Jaden had went through, and wondered how he managed to have a
bright light in his heart despite everything. Maybe the broken are always blessed with abundant
love, she thought. ‘ Would you question those who hurt you if you were given a chance to,’ she
asked still trying to figure out what she was dealing with. ‘ No I wouldn't,’ he said looking away at the
flowers outside. Anyone could tell that thinking about the things that had happened to him was
similar to burning a person alive. She spent about twenty seconds jotting something down on her
notepad. ‘ Why wouldn't you ask them,’ asked Zandai. ‘ Some things don't need answers, you just
need to live with them,’ he replied now with his face facing Zandai. She soon had a glimpse of what
Jaden was. She thought of him as someone who'd die holding sadness tightly to himself other than
showing his brokenness to others. She again thought of him as a dangerous young man, because he
harbos all the pain that is inflicted on him, and there's no telling to when they'll let it go. ‘ Don't you
sometimes wish that life deal with them for the things they've done to you,’ she asked. ‘ Can we do
this some other time,’ said Jaden. She realised that he hasn't healed at all from his trauma. ‘ We'll
take it an incident a day,’ she saw Jaden's exhaustion and offered an easier way to deal with his
problems. ‘ Thank you,’ he appreciated her kindness. Was it kindness or she was just pretending to
be, but it didn't matter because it was what Jaden needed. ‘ I can only do two hours a day ,’ he told
her before she could reach the door. ‘ Fine Mr Comman,’ she replied with a bright smile. That was
how their first day ended, not much progress but a very promising start. Soon after she left he took
out a pack of cigarettes to help him stop visiting his past.

When Zandai got home she found Mrs Watson comfortably sipping coffee on the couch. ‘ I'm this
side dear,’ she said in a loud voice. Zandai wasn't really in the mood to talk about anything, but Mrs
Watson was so eager to know it all. ‘ Are you going to tell me about how it went or not,’ she asked. ‘
Granny can you imagine that he left me alone to deal with his sick psycho,’ she cried tossing her
backpack on the couch. ‘ Did he give you a hard time,’ she leaned away from the couch to hear
about it. ‘ No he didn't granny, he behaved well and it was a good start I think,’ as she was talking to
her granny her phone rung. It was Phil. ‘ What do you want,’ she stormed at him. ‘ I just want to tell
you that what I did wasn't intentional, I had to attend to an emergency at my work,’ Phil explained.
She seemed to understand, but she didn't like it. ‘ You should've just told me' I'd appreciate it if you
do that next time,’ she said in a low voice. ‘ If I'm allowed can I ask how was your first day with
Jaden,’ he was really concerned about his friend. ‘ Well I can't tell you that for now, I'm not allowed
to talk about his personal information, he'd be the one to tell you if he feels like it,’ she stood by
professionalism. Phil didn't want to push her any further because she needed her to help Jaden. ‘ I'll
see you tomorrow, and I promise I won't disappear this time,’ he assured her. ‘ That'd help you,’ she
said. After that call she thought about what she'd said. As much as she would stop helping Jaden, she
felt like she couldn't stop the thoughts of wishing Jaden to get better. She also felt like Jaden was a
special case, but it was too early to say that because she haven't heard much about him. ‘ Can I
come with you tomorrow,’ asked Mrs Watson out of the blue. Zandai turned to her in disbelief. ‘ Of
course not granny,’ she exclaimed to make sure that her grandma hears her out. She later went to
her room to watch the sun set onto the beautiful mountains. Nature was her silent lover, whenever
she spent a moment dwelling on it she'd changed to a someone else.

Meanwhile, wasted Jaden spent the rest of his evening on the kitchen counter. He actually slept at
any place he'd black out at. He wasn't enjoying it either, but it helped him from going insane. He was
optimistic that one day he'll let it all go and make his mom from above a happy mother. At times
he'd remember all the things his mom told him not to do, which he was doing now, and it tore him
apart. I guess we always try to make our loved ones happy even if they're on the other side of life,
just like Jaden. He was the only one who'd forgotten that he had a therapy session the next morning.
Maybe he no longer believed that therapy would help, maybe he was longing for a miracle, but what
he didn't realise was that he already had a miracle in his life. He just had to be patient to see it with
his own eyes.

7 April 2021

‘ Phil I'm ready, where are you,’ said Zandai clearing the table after she had a tantalising English
breakfast to set the mood for the rest of her day. Besides staring at the trees from her bedroom
window she also used a good breakfast to set her tone for the day. Many people do a lot of things to
set their mood for the day. Some take a shower while listening to the favourite songs, some take a
thirty minutes jog, some take on either a strong or smooth coffee, and some do the most despicable
things which are supposed to be done at night only. She didn't wait for too long because Phil was
also a morning bird. Just when she was about to send another message to Phil she heard a car horn
from outside the gate, and she found that it was Phil's when she peeked through the window. ‘ I was
getting impatient, you saved the day by showing up,’ she said keeping her eyes away from Phil. ‘ To
me it looks like you're more than keen to meet your patient,’ teased Phil. ‘ Before you even get
comfortable, I'm not gaining anything from this, you're the one in need not me,’ she politely burst
Phil's bubble of joy. Her words got through Phil's heart, and driving in total silence to Jaden's place
proved just that. When they were a few metres from Jaden's house Phil got a message that he had
to pick something from his workplace and deliver it to Mr Smith. Zandai wasn't happy that Phil was
leaving her alone again. She stared at him as he drove down the road, not because she wanted too
but she was unsure about her day with Jaden. Phil had promised that after his delivery he'd come

As soon as she cleared her mind from the negative thoughts that were creeping in she went on to
knock at the door. After waiting for about a minute hearing no sound from inside she decided to let
herself in. Just as she walked in her eyes and Jaden's locked for strictly three seconds in silence. ‘ I'm
sorry about the door, I was in the bath,’ said Jaden trying to break the awkwardness. She nodded in
response as she inhaled the sweet scent of Jaden's shower gel. She wondered how Jaden managed
to keep himself clean while he was smoking daily. Most of her patients on drugs didn't really care
about hygiene, but Jaden kept showing up with the surprises. What else was in store for Zandai. ‘
Please give me a moment I'll be back,’ said Jaden leaving Zandai. While waiting for him, she got her
notepad from her backpack in preparation for her second session. Jaden soon joined her, and Zandai
seemed to see a bit of light from his face but kept her thought for herself. ‘ How are you feeling
today Jaden,’ she asked trying to figure out how to handle him for the rest of their session. He gave a
bright smile and replied with a simple no. ‘ There's no point at waking up angry, you'll end up ruining
perfect moments,’ he said. ‘ Please explain that to me,’ she asked. ‘ If you wake up angry you won't
even realise that you've been blessed with a new life, you have to be calm to see life's beauty,’ he
explained. ‘ What is beautiful about the things that've happened to you,’ she was already doing her
job. He went silent for a few seconds, then answered her question by telling her that it opened his
eyes to not trust anyone in a twinkle of an eye. ‘ We agreed to take it an incident at a time, so if
you're ready you can start by one that you perfectly remember,’ she said. Before he said anything,
he reached out to his pocket to get a cigarette. Zandai didn't say anything because she had nothing
to say, but as he lighted it she went to her backpack to get a face mask. Jaden was a fast learner so
he figured out she didn't like what he was doing. He quickly put it down and apologised to Zandai for
making her uncomfortable. ‘ You didn't have to stop, but I appreciate you did,’ she said. A thought
crept into her mind telling her that Jaden might be pretending, judging from his behaviour anyone
would think he was fine. Deep inside Jaden was crushed. ‘ So this one is about my brother's wife who
severed the bond of family,’ he bowed his head. ‘ But my brother had nothing to do about it , it was
just his wife who despised me,’ he said in a very low voice filled with pain. Zandai was used to
hearing disturbing stories, but she felt unready to hear Jaden's. ‘ Tell me everything,’ said Zandai
after feeling a little ounce of confidence kick in. ‘ After I failed my last grade of high school in 2013
my parents convinced me to try again. It wasn't that I was stupid at school or perhaps a slow learner,
I just lost concentration at the most crucial period. I was actually grateful that they still believed I
could change things around. Failing meant that I had to change schools, and getting one around my
brother's area was the beginning of my painful journey,’ he said leaning backwards to the couch. ‘
His wife treated me like I a stray dog invading her space, I didn't know how to act around her
because whatever I did she'd have a problem with it. My bro was rarely around because his job kept
him on his toes, it was just I and her hateful wife,’ he said consecutively rubbing his nose with his
finger. ‘ What did she do for you to label her hateful,’ Zandai asked trying to ease up the pain of
visiting his traumatic past. ‘ Would you work efficiently for the whole day with a single bowl of
cereal,’ asked Jaden with his face down. ‘ No I wouldn't,’ she replied showing her involvement. ‘ Well
I did, I'd take a bowl of cereal around five in the morning, and I'd have my next meal around seven in
the evening. With that single bowl of cereal I had to walk a few miles to school, concentrate in class,
walk back home and do a few chores before eating again. I wouldn't eat anything for twelve hours,’
he explained to her with his eyes so full of sadness, but with no trace of any tears. He was actually
smiling, not because it didn't hurt but because it didn't matter anymore. ‘ Did you brother know ,’
she asked. ‘ He knew after the damage was done, and what makes me sad is that they didn't believe
me at first. They thought I was just seeking attention. I remember this one evening where she
cooked terrible food and said it was nice, I barely finished my plate because I wouldn't dare leave
food, if I ever did I would've probably had an apple as my supper,’ he continued with a smile on his
face. ‘ She never apologised for anything because she felt like a goddess, and if she did she'd lose all
her beauty,’ he said. After he gave a deep sigh, he saw Zandai checking time on her wrist watch. He
remembered that they agreed on two hours a day and only a few minutes remained. ‘ I guess this is
the end for today ,’ he said. ‘ No, no, if you still have energy to continue we can,’ she said that
because she wanted to hear more about the pain Jaden went through. His story was touching, but
Zandai was intrigued by it. Who goes through such hell and remain calm, she thought to herself. ‘ If
you say so then,’ a little laugh followed after that.

As Jaden prepared to go again and unravel his remorseful past they heard someone speak from the
kitchen. ‘ Uncle Jaden I'm here,’ she said drawing closer to where they were. ‘ Today is a Wednesday
Gwen, why are you here,’ asked Jaden. Instead of answering Jaden's questions she fixated her gaze
at the strange lady she hasn't been told about. ‘ I couldn't wait for Saturday, I need to understand
this topic as in yesterday,’ she said with her face still at Zandai. ‘ Gwen this is Zandai, Zandai this is
Gwen just from across the street,’ he introduced them to each other to cut the million speculations
that were already in Gwen’s head. ‘ She's here to help me with something,’ said Jaden. ‘ Mmmhh,’
she nodded. Gwen Stenfield was a child of a man who was close to Jaden's dad, so Mr Stenfield
knew how good Jaden was at school and trusted him to help his daughter. He wanted to pay him for
doing that but Jaden couldn't accept any money, he did it out of kindness. Gwen was a fifteen year
old beautiful girl who had really big dreams. She wanted to be a molecular biologist. ‘ Go sit at
kitchen, I'll be with you shortly , said Jaden. Before she could even turn Zandai offered to be the one
who waited for them to finish their discussion. She wanted to observe how Jaden interacted with
Gwen. Normally, broken people are not that sociable which showed that Jaden was different. He
watched as he explained the tricks in algebraic equations in the most satisfying way. All you could
see was the young girl nodding from time to time with smiles all over her face showing her
understanding to her master's teachings. She noticed that it was Jaden who kept making her laugh.
She wondered how, because to the things he's had he shouldn't be doing what he did. They made it
look like an older brother little sister relationship. She spent nearly an hour admiring the energy they
gave to each other. Jaden had even forgotten about Zandai until her phone rang. It was Mrs Watson
asking about her granddaughter’s whereabouts because she thought her sessions with Jaden lasted
for only two hours a day. ‘ No need to worry granny I'm fine, I'll come straight home once I'm done,’
she said. ‘ Are you running late,’ said Jaden turning to Zandai. They were done with Gwen anyway. ‘
I'm sorry for keeping you, she can be a handful sometimes but she's brilliant,’ he talked about Gwen.
‘ If I didn't know I would've said you two are siblings,’ Zandai commented on the bond they have. She
was also surprised that he is a good teacher. ‘ If I was the one explaining, Gwen would be taking
painkillers right now. I'm so horrible at explaining,’ they both shrieked out in laughter. She didn't
mean to say anything about herself, but the light, calm atmosphere made her comfortable and
ended up saying it. ‘ Doesn't your job require you to explain some things to your patients,’ asked
Jaden carried away by the laughter they shared. ‘ Right now you're the one whose supposed to be
explaining,’ she passed the baton of explaining back to Jaden. Having to think about his pain again
halted their smooth progress they had at first. ‘ Please give me a few minutes,’ he stood up and left
Zandai. She remained alone in the still silence until her curiosity got the better of her. She had a few
things that Jaden might do, and smoking was the first on her list. She tiptoed around the house
hoping to see him in one of the rooms but had no luck with that. While she thought of going back to
the living room she saw a moving figure by the window that overlooked the garden. She started
looking for the door that'd lead her outside the garden without even thinking that Jaden might be
really needing that smoke. Thinking about the same traumatic events for more than once took a
huge toll on Jaden's mental and emotional health.

‘ So this is where you're hiding,’ she said standing right behind him. ‘ I told you to give me a
moment,’ said Jaden. It was not easy on him. ‘ My job is to help you, not let you drown in your own
thoughts and misery,’ she told him. He stopped smoking as if he was trying to understand what
Zandai said. ‘ Now put that away and sit down,’ she first sat down and opened space for Jaden to sit
too. ‘ Do you still talk to your brother after what her wife did,’ she asked. ‘ Why would I, he didn't
believe me so its pointless to resuscitate a relationship that died years ago,’ replied Jaden. ‘ If you
were to find him being attacked by wolves, would you leave him for death,’ she asked. ‘ I'm not that
evil Zandai,’ he smiled looking at the flowers. From that Zandai realised that Jaden was genuinely a

kind young man who just couldn't hate or hold any grudge against anyone. She knew though that out
of his anger anything is possible. ‘ What else can't you forget from your stay with your brother's
wife,’ what she was trying to do was extract the hatred from his thoughts. Before he could even
utter a word his eyes got really watery , and he had his head down with his hands wiping off his
tears. ‘ She once left me in the cold in the dark having promised to pick me up after school. I knew
no one at that point, I would've been robbed so easily or worse murdered so easily, but what broke
me the most was her excuse,’ after saying that he stopped for a while. ‘ What was her excuse?,’
Zandai couldn't help her curiosity. ‘ She said she forgot. I sometimes wonder why she agreed to stay
with me when she knew she'd treat me like nothing,’ he said now turning his face with watery eyes
at Zandai. ‘ What happened after that,’ she again asked. ‘ I cried to my mom about how unhappy I
was, and she moved me to one of my dad's college friends only to push the blade of sadness, pain,
and hatred deeper into my heart,’ he told her about another similar hard period which was almost
similar to his previous one. ‘ I think you've said enough for the day, remember this isn't a day thing,’
she told Jaden. She was right, but it was also an excuse to leave because it was getting late and she
had to cook for Mrs Watson. ‘ Cool,’ said Jaden. ‘ Take a hot bath and have enough rest, we'll
continue tomorrow,’ she said leaving Jaden on his chair at the garden. He sat at the garden for a few
minutes just going back to his past, searching for some answers he couldn't get from those close to
him. While he did that he snatched one cigarette from his pocket, and when he lit it Phil approached
him. One thing Jaden felt inappropriate was smoking in the presence of people who cared about
him. He just didn't like showing them his collapsing side. ‘ Hey man why are you alone where is
Zandai,’ asked Phil as he sat down next to Jaden. ‘ You just missed her, she left a few minutes ago,’
replied Jaden. ‘ Why do you keep lying to her telling her you'll show up when you won't, that's not
cool,’ said Jaden. ‘ I'm trying to give you two space, it'll be easier to talk when there's no one
eavesdropping,’ he told him his reason why he's struggling to keep his promise to Zandai. Jaden
simply turned a blind eye on it and went on to talk about how things are at Smith gallery.

‘ Granny I'm home,’ greeted Zandai as she got into house, but was shocked to see what she came to.
Mrs Watson was in her apron stewing up beef for supper. ‘ You're right on time baby, sit down food
is almost ready,’ she pointed at the kitchen counter. It has been months since she last cooked any
meal, most of the time she takes cereal and fruit salads. ‘ Instead of having your jaw hanging tell me
about your session today,’ she asked teasing her. ‘ Granny it was okay just that I'm dealing with an
unpredictable guy. He's actually distant from his own soul, its like nothing matters anymore,’ she
said thinking about the hurtful stories Jaden told. ‘ I'm sure you'll figure out how to help him darling,’
Mrs Watson said with a smile. ‘ I'm sure I will granny,’ she replied. Soon after that they enjoyed Mrs
Watson savory beef stew with happiness all over the house. Jaden also had a delectable chicken
stew as his own supper. Everyone went to bed happy, but instead of sleeping Zandai went back to
her notepad to see if she'd get a clue on how to change Jaden. With every possible way she thought
it seemed as if she was hitting a steel wall. She convinced herself that she had a few more days to
figure out everything. In that foggy night she decided to sleep.

8 April 2021

There was always that period between the hour five and six in the morning where the sun rays
pierced through an opening on Zandai's bedroom curtains which struck straight at her face.
Whenever she missed her alarm she'd count on the sun to wake her up, but never in winter. She
woke up feeling so heavy as if she'd been running all night without stopping. If she believed in
ghosts, she'd definitely think that ghosts were responsible for her situation. She had to force herself
because someone was waiting for her to suggest a few things, or perhaps waiting for her just to
make his friend feel better. Despite it all she hoped that talking to her would help take out some of
his pain. She got herself ready before Phil arrived. She was tired from hearing his lies everyday, and
wanted to put an end to his lies. Phil showed up twenty minutes after she finished getting ready.
Again, she left while Mrs Watson was still sleeping. As always she left a note telling her where her
food was. Mrs Watson had been Zandai's pillar of strength ever since she lost her mom. She was also
involved in a car accident, the same accident that claimed Jaden's parents, but they both didn't
know that.

When they were on the way Phil wanted to lie again, but Zandai stopped him before he could even
finish. ‘ Before you even finish lying to me Jaden and I are fine alone, so you not needed anymore,’
she said firmly. Phil was shocked to hear what he had, but he was also glad he didn't have to lie
again. He sensed that the fear she had at first was now gone. Immediately she got off Phil's car she
rushed off to Jaden's house. She was inspired by her present day and hoped to do something
impactful about that. After knocking and opening the door she was quite surprised and amazed at
the same time. The smoke of recently lit cigarettes was still hovering the in the house, and that smell
choked Zandai, but something beautiful was on the kitchen counter. Jaden had origamied a couple
of swans of different sizes. ‘ I didn't know you were a fan of origami,’ said Zandai. ‘ I'm not, my
father was and since he passed away it's been something that kept him closer to my memories,’ he
replied. The smoke was too much for Zandai as she continued to chock despite trying to be strong. ‘
I'm sorry, some bad habits are just too addictive to let go overnight,’ he said opening windows to let
out the cigarette smell. ‘ I'm no God to judge, but its dangerous trust me,’ she tried not to be very
insensitive about his problem. He simply smiled at her and led her to their sits. ‘ Will you teach me
how to make origami swans after our session today?’, she asked. ‘ Find we'll do it,’ he replied.

‘ I know you may feel like telling me your past has no impact right now, but trust me you'll feel the
difference,’ she gave him hope. ‘ Yesterday we left off where you were taken to a worst monster
instead of a haven, tell me what happened next,’ she said in a tone that'd encourage him to speak
everything. ‘ I spent only three weeks at this woman's house then I left again,’ he said. ‘ She actually
wanted to control me. She wasn't happy that my parents gave me money to buy nice things for
myself, she felt like it could be her whom I beg to for anything’, Jaden explained. ‘ Was that the
worst part', asked Zandai. ‘ She tried to make me uncomfortable by comparing me to other kids,’. ‘
How,’ she asked. ‘ I'm one slow genius, each time I woke up I did things at a slow pace and that's
when she ran her big mouth,’ he said. ‘ Smart kids multitask, and you fail to do just a simple thing
fast. You'll have a problem,’ Jaden imitated the woman. Zandai wanted to laugh, not at Jaden's story
but at how he imitated the woman he lived with. That was just a pure sign that he despised her. ‘
How did it make you feel each time she expected you to act like the smart kids,’ she asked once
again. He gathered his thoughts to think how it really made him feel. ‘ I just saw an immature grown
woman doing kid's thing, no mature person compares people. So it didn't bother me at all,’ he gave
his cold expression. ‘ Anything that happened after that,’ Zandai wanted more information. ‘ She
tried getting me to do some of her things,’ said Jaden. ‘ Whenever she went out for a jog she'd want
me to prepare a hot bath for her before she could return,’ he told her. From the things he'd said
Zandai picked up that Jaden was becoming rebellious as a way to protect his emotional health. ‘ Did
you do the things she asked,’ she asked. ‘ I did a few, but I was never on time when doing them
because I was trying to strip off her arrogance,’ he said. Zandai began wondering what laid behind
Jaden's bright eyes, and his bright smile. At some point she felt scared to hear the rest of his story,
because she feared that Jaden will end up telling her that he ended up beating someone. ‘ Did you
ever get physical with her,’ asked Zandai. Jaden looked away for a few seconds, and that caused
chills running up Zandai's spine and sending a lot thoughts up her mind. ‘ I wanted to, but I was just
so nice to do such a terrible thing,’ said Jaden. After hearing that her soul gave off the deepest sigh ,
because she was relieved. ‘ How did you cope with everything that happened to you,’ she wanted to
know what helped him. ‘ Every time I felt cornered I'd take a pencil and paper and draw whatever
came to mind, I'd say that kept me from going insane,’ he said. She wanted not to ask but she just
wasn't strong enough to resist her temptation. ‘ Do you have any piece of your work close by,’ she
asked. ‘ No I burnt most of them, and I gave a few to Phil,’ he was surprised to hear her ask him
about his drawings. What Zandai wanted to keep in the closet was her undying love for art. ‘ If you
really want to see them I can call Phil and ask him to bring some on his way back,’ he offered to help
her. Upon hearing what he wanted to do she jumped up in a haste. ‘ No, there's absolutely no need
to do that,’ she said. Jaden let that go, but Zandai was far from letting it go, she was so determined
to at least see one of his pictures. While at high school she tried drawing, but instead of improving
she got even worse then decided to leave art for good. ‘ I presume things got uglier when she saw
your resistance towards her orders,’ Zandai said. ‘ Of course, and I became even crazier because I
was finally seeing that she was the opposite of what she said she was on my parents,’ he went on to
explain. ‘ She was just a con artist that believed in God like real saints,’ he said. ‘ What did she do to
be called a con artist,’ she asked. He first smiled then turned his gaze to Zandai. ‘ Don't laugh at this
because it may sound childish,’ he told Zandai wanting an assurance. ‘ I promise I won't,’ she said. ‘
She told my parents that'd she'd never touch my food, but just after a of eating she always forced
me to cook even when I didn't feel like, and she even got me to buy the things she loves so that I

cook for her,’ before he could even finish there was a crack of laughter on Zandai's face. It was never
her intention to laugh because that could make Jaden uncomfortable to talk anymore. ‘ I know I
promised, but I guess your food was always good that she felt like having more every time,’ she
made him see it differently. ‘ She didn't have to lie about it at the first place,’ he said. Zandai then
picked up that Jaden was already having trust issues. That is also a sign of being hurt. ‘ So after
seeing all this what did you do,’ she asked. ‘ I told my mom again that the woman was just becoming
too much to tolerate, that's how I left not knowing I'd be going to another shithole,’ he said a little
disappointed. ‘ Will we talk about it tomorrow,’ she asked. ‘ No I can't tell you this one, I choose to
bottle it forever,’ he told her without telling what his reason was. ‘ But I can tell you how my break
up almost drove me crazy,’ he gave her little hope. ‘ I won't force you to say things you aren't
comfortable with, but it could help you get over your traumas,’ she advised but it seemed as if Jaden
meant it when he said he won't share. ‘ Since we have plenty of time today and I feel like sharing
more I think we should continue,’ he said something that shocked Zandai. Jaden was her only
patient who got interested in telling their pain without being pushed, that made her question the
kind of guy Jaden was. ‘ Is it okay if we sit at the garden just like yesterday, its a bit hot in here,’ they
then left to watch the beautiful flowers as they spoke. ‘ Before you tell me about your girlfriend how
do you feel now that we talking about her,’ she asked. ‘ Nothing, I feel nothing to be honest,’ he
replied. She didn't believe that because it was supposed to be the final nail to his isolation from
reality. ‘ How is it possible that you feel nothing,’ she asked trying to get an answer, but she didn't
get an answer she was looking for. ‘ I felt a lot that I started feeling nothing,’ he stared at his hands.
That response gave Zandai some chills. ‘ Did you find her during your difficulties with the two
woman we talked about,’ she asked. ‘ Yeah I got her after a year of escaping from the two crazy
woman, and for a few months she was my perfect escape route from the pain I was feeling at that
moment. Everything was perfect Zandai,’ in everything he said she only noticed that he called her by
name. ‘ She made me happy, and for a second I was deluded into thinking that she'd stay. I found
comfort in her and I got passion to focus on my books again because I was happy, nothing stressed
me, only to find that another knock was coming my way,’ he told her. ‘ I focused a lot on my books
and had little time to spend with her, and seeing that I had no time for her she went on to find
comfort elsewhere. She expected me to fight for her, to fight for our love but I was busy fighting for
my future and didn't have much energy or ammo left to fight another battle,’ Jaden explained. He
never expected to be blown to the ground consecutively, but Tracey Morgan added to his pain.
While he tried to focus he couldn't keep up seeing the girl he loved slowly becoming a stranger with
his secrets. From time to time he thought of getting back to her but again realised how important
was his success compared to his love. He wrote his exams with a rippled heart but with a laser sharp
concentration which got him the marks he'd always dreamt off. Unfortunately his girlfriend Tracey
had to return back to school to make up a few subjects which further drove them apart. ‘ Did you
ever try to explain why you chose books over her,’ Zandai asked. ‘ She never listened because she
already had my replacement by her side. That was just how things turned from blissful to ugly,’ said
Jaden. ‘ You got to record this part of my story, boy dumped for focusing too much in school,’ he
held his hands up imagining it written on the front page of the Pinelands News. ‘ If you were to see
her now what would you do or say,’ she asked. ‘ She no longer exists in my life,’ he said without
hesitation. ‘ How were you able to just switch off your feelings just like that,’ Zandai wanted more
answers. ‘ For a phoenix to rise from it's ashes it has to burn first. I suffered my share of pain and I
accepted it then broke free so I wouldn't want anything to bring me pain again,’ he told her. Zandai
wondered at the amount of hate Jaden harbored all this time he's been let down, betrayed, and ill
treated. She didn't want to believe that Jaden had forgave them, because it is hard to live with
people who'd crushed you emotionally. For a moment they both went silent and stared at the little
piece of nature before them. As much as Zandai tried to understand the pain she failed because it
was just hard to think of it. ‘ You don't have to suggest any ways of healing because I'm almost there.
A month will do from now,’ he said. ‘ What would you say really messed things up for you at work,’
she asked Jaden. ‘ My parents, just when I was trying to forget about it all they left me in a sad way,’
he said. ‘ They're still a fresh wound ,’. ‘ You lost your parents when you were already working at
Smith gallery,’ she asked. He turned to her with watery eyes which reflected his brokenness from
within. ‘ What happened when you were at tertiary,’ Zandai tried to take his mind from the death of
his parents. ‘ I lost all my friends, and I learnt how to stand alone in every storm without the need of
any company,’ he told her. He lost them all because they lived different lives, had different
perspective on life, and all those differences made it easy for them to part ways. He paved his own
way alone until he finished studying art. Despite dealing heavily with his emotions he was okay
alone, because he'd survived worst battles alone. ‘ Jaden you've done a great job opening up to me,
not many people are able to confront their past like you've done, to me that is a lot,’ she opened up
to him once again. ‘ I'm okay with everything just that I'm sad and alone from the inside not that I'm
paralysed,’ he told her. ‘ Wait so you're telling you've miraculously healed Mr Comman,’ she made a
joke out of it. ‘ I've made peace with it not that I've entirely healed, you can't have answers to
everything so sometimes its best if you accept it as it is and carry on with life despite the countless
bruises,’ he said. Those words got through Zandai. She was again impressed by Jaden's perception
on his past, and his wisdom that hid behind the shadows. ‘ I'll go through my notes and get back to
you with ways you could take to get to being your perfect self again,’ she said. ‘ So I'm not going to
see you again,’ said Jaden in a sad tone. She was caught off guard by Jaden's question, because she
didn't think he enjoyed her company. ‘ You will, when I come back with my suggestions on how to
help you,’ she answered. ‘ Yes I meant after that, will we ever meet again,’ he asked. ‘ Probably not,’
she said. After having an awkward moment for a few seconds Zandai got up and lied that she had to
go. ‘ Didn't Phil tell you to wait for him after our session,’ he said standing up too. ‘ No he would've
told me when he dropped me this morning,’ she didn't believe him. ‘ You can ask him,’ he held out
his phone to Zandai so she could confirm for herself. ‘ Jaden this is professional, I can't entertain any
funny relationships with patients, I'm sorry,’ she thought that Jaden was making an excuse just to
keep her in the house. ‘ Who would date psycho,’ he said with his hand still extended to Zandai. Just
as Jaden said Phil said the same thing that he wanted to see her after their session, and he
apologised that he couldn't tell her when he dropped her in the morning. ‘ I can feel that you didn't
trust me, and that you had already labelled me a pervert patient,’ he said what was in his mind. She
couldn't answer because it was what she exactly thought of him. ‘ I'm sure he left you a message,
you should check your phone,’ said Jaden still trying to make her believe that he's really up to
nothing. ‘ It's okay besides Phil has already told me,’ she didn't want to seem so tense. ‘ I asked him
to bring some of my work so you can see it, maybe it'll give you clues on what I'll need for my
recovery,’ he said. She burst open upon hearing that she'd see Jaden's drawings without asking for
them. ‘We can go wait for him inside the house,’ he said. ‘ No I think it'll be better at the garden,’ she
pointed outside. Jaden couldn't argue more with a girl, while she went back to the garden Jaden
went to his room.

‘ I brought something to help us pass time,’ said Jaden putting down a box full of accurately cut
square pieces of different sizes and a small drawing board. ‘ What are all these,’ she asked. ‘ I'll teach
you how to make an origami, just like you asked earlier,’ he said. ‘ Did I ask, I don't remember
asking,’ she didn't believe she asked to be taught origami. ‘ I guess I'm not the only one who should
go for therapy,’ they both laughed under the bright blue sky. ‘ Take one piece so I teach you,’ Zandai
was his second student in his origami class. He taught her every step as slowly as possible just like he
did with Gwen. Her way to mastering making origami was filled with laughter, she was just a terrible
beginner. ‘ It looked easy, why am I not getting it right,’ she cried. After multiple tries she started
making recognisable swans, but she still had a long way to go. When she made her first perfect
origami it came with a growling sound of her stomach which made an extremely awkward moment
between the two of them. She felt very embarrassed and betrayed by her stomach, but Jaden was all
understanding even though it came with a bit of chuckling. ‘ You can find something to eat in the
fridge,’ Jaden tried to help her. ‘ No I'm okay, it must be constipation,’ she hid her hunger with a
beautiful smile. Understanding how hard it can be to ask for food from a stranger he simply jumped
up to prepare something for her without telling her because she could've said no again. Without
knowing he made a bowl of snacks consisting her favourites. ‘ I made you something to keep your
tummy busy until Phil gets here,’ he said. No words could describe the expression of gratitude that
was on he cute face, but she was mainly surprised. ‘ Eat, I made it for you,’ he said to ensure that it
was really hers. ‘ Where did you get this,’ she couldn't believe how an addict had such tasty snacks in
his house. ‘ In the kitchen,’ he pointed inside the house. She didn't want to push him with her
questions but she had many unanswered questions. When she started eating her snacks Jaden told
her that he'll be back shortly. Just when he was about five metres away Zandai called out his name.
Jaden stopped and turned backed to her. ‘ Please don't smoke,’ she said as if she knew where he
was going. When Jaden looked into her brown eyes he saw that it was a genuine request. At that
moment he couldn't do it because he'd been asked not too, and going against one's wishes was
something he never liked. After fighting his own voices he sat down again, and grabbed his drawing
board. ‘ Thank you Jaden, I understand its hard but thank you so much,’ she appreciated his efforts
of fighting his urge for a smoke. She knew though that when he's alone he'd probably finish the
whole pack. ‘ How many origamis have you made,’ he asked. She placed the properly made origamis
in a line and they were only two, the rest were a mess. ‘ By the time you make ten perfect origami
swans I'd be done with this drawing,’ he pushed her to do them faster. She didn't want to lose to
Jaden, but she was racing with a talented artist. She kept trying to distract him with funny stories to
make him laugh his lungs out and make errors. With every failed attempt to slow him down she
decided to let him draw in peace while she origamied her swans in peace. ‘ What would you do if I
finish this origamis before you finish your drawings,’ she asked to get a little motivation. ‘ Maybe I'll
get you another bowl of snacks,’ he offered a prize that got Zandai grinning non stop. ‘ Fine by me,’
she laughed. Jaden wasn't distracted when she told him imaginary stories, but seeing her smile the
way she did distracted him to the extent that he'd stop and stare at her. He never thought he'd ever
make someone smile from the bottom of their hearts. He always considered himself a rotten apple
among beautiful apples, especially after the painful experiences that left him a sad young man.
Keeping distance from everyone was just him trying to avoid spreading his negative energy so he
couldn't believe seen a beautiful girl smile at his presence. ‘ I'm done Mr Comman,’ she aligned her
ten perfectly origamied swans for Jaden to see. ‘ That's not ten that's nine,’ he lied just to get few
more minutes to finish his drawing. ‘ That's not fair Jaden,’ she cried trying to get her tenth swan
done as soon as possible. Again, he didn't use those precious minutes to draw because he was once
again caught gazing at her cute smile. ‘ There's no way you can say this isn't a perfect origami,’ she
held up her swan for Jaden to see. ‘ Well congratulations you've just defeated the next
Michelangelo,’ he said. That got Zandai laughing even more. ‘ Now my snacks please,’ she claimed
her prize without wasting anymore time. ‘ Since you have eleven swans, what are you going to do
with them,’ he asked. ‘ Did you make me do an extra swan just to keep me busy so you finish your
drawing before me,’ she saw right through Jaden's creepy plans. He got up to refill her bowl with her
favourites because he'd been busted. While Jaden was away Zandai got interested to see what he
was drawing. When she flipped the drawing board her heart melted instantly at what she saw. She
found out that Jaden had drew something very close to her heart, but one question floated around
her head despite her astonishment of the drawing. How did he know I love this or is it just a
coincidence, she thought to herself. ‘ Snacks for a champion,’ said Jaden. He only noticed when he
sat down that his drawing board was at Zandai's hands. ‘ How is it,’ he asked. ‘ It's beautiful, it's just
incredible, can I have it,’ she replied right away. He couldn't refuse because he was intentionally
drawing it for her, but was unsure if she was going like it or not. ‘ It's all yours,’ he told her. Once
again he got lost just by seeing her smile. ‘ How did you know that I love dogs, puppies at most,’ she
asked because she never told her. ‘ On Monday you had a t-shirt that had puppies, on Tuesday you
carried a pen with puppy stickers, on Wednesday you added other puppy stickers on your notepad,
and Today you added one on your phone. I won't mention your backpack that has a puppy face,’ he
explained how he got the idea of her loving puppies. Instead of loving her drawing more she started
feeling worried. She started thinking about the stories of obsessed patients going after their
therapists. ‘ It's just a gift for helping me out, I feel some difference mow,’ he tried to dismiss the
awkwardness that was building due to Zandai thinking that Jaden was after him. A few seconds later
Phil helped him clear the air. ‘ Right on time Phil, take me home,’ she said getting up. She didn't
forget her gift despite feeling uneasy. Phil didn't have any idea of what had happened. ‘ I need your
banking details to transfer the money to you, because Jaden told me that you were done with the
sessions,’ he told her the reason he asked her to stay at Jaden's. She gave him as requested. ‘ I'll
make the transfer when I get home,’ said Phil. After that they drove in complete silence until they
got to her house. ‘ Has Jaden ever got violent,’ she asked a few seconds after they stopped right in
front of her house. ‘ No he'd never been violent, did he do something to you,’ thoughts started
racing up his mind. ‘ No he did nothing, he actually gave me a gift today,’ she showed her. ‘ Where
are his other drawings by the way,’ she remembered that she had a lot to see. ‘ Let me get them for
you,’ he got off his car. Zandai was so excited to a point where she imagined herself late at night
looking at drawings drawn by a real artist. Nothing seemed to exist when she saw Phil taking them
out of his car. ‘ Will you need help with them,’ asked Phil. ‘ No I'm fine thank you,’ she replied. Phil
was puzzled at her sudden change in behaviour. Not long ago she was asking if Jaden is violent, now
she was excited about Jaden's drawings. He could never come to understand girls.

‘ Finally, you’re home honey ,’ said Mrs Watson sipping from her cup of coffee. ‘ I would've arrived a
bit earlier, I had to wait for Phil,’ she explained to her granny. She had no reason not to believe her
granddaughter, she'd behaved for two years since she moved in with her. ‘ What are all those
papers,’ Mrs Watson asked because it was the first time she saw Zandai come into the house with
anything besides her backpack. ‘ Oh this gran, I need look into this to help Phil's friend,’ she replied.
She closed the door and grabbed all the drawings at once and headed to her room to see what he
drew. ‘ Aren't you eating first dear,’ asked Mrs Watson. She told her not to worry about her, and
that she'd already ate something. From the energy Zandai had gained working on her patient Mrs
Watson began wishing to see the one hyping up her granddaughter. She always complained about
having long days, but since meeting Jaden she hasn't complained about anything. She placed
everything on her bed and pulled her chair closer to her bed. She opened the first drawing and her
eyes met something really astonishing. It was a drawing of a guy holding a girl close to his chest with
his right hand behind the girl's head, as if he was making her listen to the rhythm of his heart. She
noticed just then that the guy was Jaden, and the fact that he looked more like him gave her
assurance. For a moment she admired the beauty of the girl Jaden had on his chest, she even came
to believe that she was the one who cheated on him. It was a really well drawn picture. When she
thought she'd seen the most she came to Jaden's second drawing and was completely blown away
by his talent. She felt like Smith gallery was way below his standard, and that he deserved more. It
was still Jaden and the girl, but this time the girl's lower body was no more. It had been blown away
just like sand being blown away by a gust of wind. Zandai then weaved together her thoughts and
realised that the girl being blown away was just a sign of their hardship. She started feeling Jaden's
pain through the drawing, but the damage had already been done. The message behind the drawing
was sad, but Zandai couldn't go through it because the artwork was just magnificent to ignore. After
spending a few minutes on it she turned to the third drawing, and it was stunning art as well. This
time it was even more emotional. Jaden stood facing the opposite direction as the girl which walked
away from him, but his soul was so not ready to let go of it's best friend, lover, ride or die. From the
drawing his soul stretched out it's hand to grab the girl's hand, but the girl girl's hand was out of
reach. Zandai then thought that the girl had made up her mind about leaving Jaden and wanted
nothing to change her mind. While she looked into the drawing she saw just how good Jaden is with
composing his own emotions and dealing with pain. Despite being hurt he still wanted everything he
touched to be perfect, and he proved that in his drawings. They were flawless. After thirty minutes
of having herself cooped up in her room Mrs Watson decided to pass by Zandai's room to tell her
that she was off to bed. Immediately Mrs Watson swayed the door open Zandai quickly hid all of
Jaden's drawings and pretended that she'd been writing something on her notepad. ‘ Honey what
are you hiding?,’ she asked because she noticed that she hid something. ‘ Nothing granny, just busy
coming up with suggestions for my patient,’ she answered. ‘ Your bed has never been this messy, are
you okay,’ she just couldn't figure out what her grandchild was up to. ‘ Granny there's so much cold
coming through the door, we'll talk tomorrow before I leave, that I promise granny,’ she got Mrs
Watson out of her room before she could notice that her grandchild was having other thoughts
concerning her patient. As soon as she left her room she got back to Jaden's drawings. The broadest
smile was on her cute face as she opened up the next drawing, but it didn't last long. In his fourth
drawing he was in the middle of a scary, completely dark forest of tall tress, and he sat on a roughly
hand made bench with his head facing up. The message was clear, he was at his all time low. Zandai
couldn't stop feeling the brokenness from each drawing. She continued looking at each drawing and
feeling the emotion of each piece. While she did that a lot of ideas came to her mind on how to help
Jaden get out of the hole he was in. She finished looking at Jaden's art a bit late, and when she
thought of sleeping she got a call from Zoey. She was her friend from work, they weren't that close
but they got along pretty well. ‘ How are you holding up Zandy,’ she asked?. She told her that she
was struggling since she wouldn't dare mention that she was helping someone. ‘ So do you still wish
to work at Lourde Hospital, I heard one of the superiors saying there are two vacant places,’ she
gave her the best news that'd probably get her dreaming roses. ‘ I want to, but you know how hard it
is to get there so I'll stick around,’ she told her. She needed to do more than hard work to stand a
chance of getting to Lourde since she even has a case on her name. ‘ Before I forget Erick said hi,’.
From all the great things she'd seen and heard, the word Erick destroyed all that. He was her
boyfriend until she found out that he had a hand with the group that wanted to get her fired. He
didn't want to but his ex girlfriend had something on him that could've given police an appetite to
sniff around him. Zandai didn't know that Erick used to date one of the nurses from the hospital, he
never bothered to tell her either. Since the day she found out she had been avoiding Erick in
everyway. ‘ I got to go Zoey, we'll chat soon,’ she couldn't bare hearing another Erick word. After
Zoey ruining a night that would've been perfect she went to get back her smile from Jaden's
drawings. She already had her favourite, but she was too scared to ask for it. It was a flower which is
believed that it originated from Italy. Mrs Watson used to have one, but unfortunately it couldn't
survive long. She considered it her lucky charm such that whenever she stop by it in the morning her
day would progress smoothly. It was perfect such that one would say the drawing is better than the
actual flower. Indeed her smile returned as she thought of the days her lucky charm worked for her.
The drug addict had turned saviour by his drawings. Just like most people, she found joy in a place
where she never thought she would. It has happened many times to many people to get the feeling
of belonging from someone they never expected, as a result they convince themselves that it can
never happen. She drifted off to sleep with a big smile on her heart.

9 April 2021

‘ Zandai, Phil has been waiting for you outside for twenty minutes now,’ said Mrs Watson peeping
through the key hole. Upon hearing that she jumped out of bed like a maniac and rushed into the
shower where she took her quickest time to finish. Meanwhile Mrs Watson laughed her lungs out
seeing her grandchild speed around the house as if she'd lost her mind when she was just pulling her
leg. She wasn't planning on telling her that she lied sooner, she wanted to catch her after she
finished everything, but she wasn't so lucky. While she was making a mess in her room trying to find
her earrings Phil called. Seeing that it was Phil she got worried even more, and thought that he'd
called to snap at her. ‘ Phil I'm sorry I overslept, I don't know what happed to my alarm clock, but I'm
almost done,’ she apologised. ‘ What are you talking about, I'm yet to take my shower. I actually
wanted to ask if you have a session with Jaden or you'll just tell him what he has to do over the
phone,’ said Phil. ‘ No, no I have to see him,’ she didn't want to believe what she thought was true. ‘
Cool, I'll see you when I pick you up then,’ he hung up leaving Zandai with her face as red as hot chilli
sauce demanding answers from Mrs Watson. Just after that her alarm clock went off telling her that
she was supposed to be waking up. ‘ Granny how could you do this to me, I didn't even shower
properly,’ she stood at her bedroom door with her messy hair. ‘ How could you forget my birthday
Zandai,’ she said. ‘ You were supposed to be next to me when I wake, you weren't,’ she made it clear
that she messed her up because she forgot her birthday. She was now trapped on how to feel, she
was angry that she almost hurt herself crazing around the house at full speed, and she felt sad for
forgetting her grandma’s day. ‘ Granny I'll be quick with Jaden then come back to prepare you
something special,’ she tried to make it up to her. ‘ You should've done that already, but don't worry
darling its no big deal, we'll see what we do after you finish helping your guy,’ she became an all
understanding old lady. ‘ I love you more granny, but he's not my guy,’ she frowned at her. ‘ Go
finish dressing up then go eat,’ she smiled just thinking how big Zandai was now. ‘ Of course, happy
eighty fifth birthday once again,’ she shouted as she walked to her room. ‘ Eighty sixth you big
mouse,’ she whispered to herself. Zandai couldn't believe that she was seeing the drawings for the
last time. She was too afraid to ask them from Jaden, but at some point she'll have to face her fears.
She kept going over the drawings until Phil arrived to pick her up.

‘ Hi Phil,’ she greeted with enormous joy having all Jaden's drawings on both sides of her hands. He
wasn't sure anymore about Zandai's change in behaviour. ‘ Why are you so happy,’ he asked. ‘ What
do you mean by that, it's a beautiful day, I've found a way to help Jaden, I'll be getting my doubled
payment. I actually have all the reasons to be happy today,’ she said confusing Phil even more. They
drove to Jaden's and on the road she did something Phil never expected. ‘ Can I play music,’ she
pointed at Phil's radio. He had no choice but to agree to her request because he'd become the one
to spoil her mood if he denied. She played some song in spanish, but he figured out that it was
talking about love. He didn't say anything though. When they arrived at Jaden's house she simply
grabbed all the drawings and went inside. Phil was left gobsmacked by the new Zandai. She was
starting to feel comfortable around Jaden such that she knocked only once and got in. She called out
Jaden's name a couple of times but no one responded. She tried listening to the sound of the shower
hoping that he might be bathing but there was nothing. Having been to the garden she thought that
he might be there appreciating the morning beauty of mother nature, so she decided to check. As
she drew closer she heard a sobbing voice. Upon hearing the voice she walked slowly and stretched
her head to see if it was really Jaden. She felt her heart shred apart when he saw Jaden sitting down
with his head down having a pack of cigarettes and a lighter next to him. While she stood seeing
Jaden cry she remembered all the things he went through getting to where was now. Being
responsible for trying to help him get better she walked and sat next to him, and there she only
stared at him without saying anything. Seeing that whatever happened pained him so deeply she
held tight his hand which was something she'd never done to any patient before. ‘ What happened,’
she asked. ‘ I'm sorry, you shouldn't be seeing me in this state,’ he wiped his tears. ‘ I want to help
you Jaden, you've let me do that, why stop now,’ she tried to show that she was willing to listen to
him. ‘ I found something my mom wrote before she died,’ he said giving a diary to Zandai. ‘ She'd
never used a diary before, she started the day I got a job at Smith gallery,’ he said. She wrote that
she wanted to take Jaden to the new Kurdish restaurant to say sorry for the things that'd happened
to him over the years, and that she didn't see any of them coming. His heart felt so heavy that it
weighed down his whole body. Sadness had confided in his heart where love, joy, and peace once
resided. ‘ What's stopping you from going now,’ she asked. He put down the cigarette that was on
his hand to wipe his tears again. ‘ I'm not working so there won't be any salary, plus there's nothing
to appreciate in my life right now,’ said Jaden. ‘ While I was at home I thought of something that
might help you,’ she didn't really know if Jaden would like it even worse agree to it. ‘ You're sad
Jaden, really sad and that causes you questions a lot of things since you've been betrayed and let
down many times which is not good for your mental health. I suggest that you get your mind busy to
limit the times you hurt yourself for the things you had no control over. You can never be in high
school ever again, make peace with those days and leave them as they are,’ she tried to make him
see that dwelling in the past won't change anything only dealing with it helps. ‘ Its easy for you to
say,’ he saw that she wasn't understanding the pain he was feeling. ‘ I felt the same as you when I
lost my mom. I couldn't understand anything, for a moment I stopped believing in God because I

couldn't get it why he'd let my mom die when he knows things before they happen. But my gran told
me that the day my mom passed away I was supposed to be with her, but by God's love I didn't get
home on time which was what saved my life,’ she explained to him. ‘ What do you mean by all that,’
Jaden wasn't getting anything. ‘ Your bitter brother's wife, your dad's friend, your girlfriend, and
your friends were all part of something. All that had to happen to teach you something meaningful.
Instead of crying over the pain, pray to learn the lessons so you can be free from your own misery
and be a new Jaden,’ she explained to him. ‘ What do you suggest I do,’ asked Jaden. ‘ Go back to
drawing,’ she said. He didn't even consider drawing because he had no one to sell to since he was
fired at Smith gallery. ‘ You don't need Smith gallery, it actually needs you. I thought of a way to help
you,’ she said asking for a laptop from Jaden so she begins her work. After a couple of minutes of
hearing non stop clicking of the laptop keys Jaden asked she was doing. Instead of replying Jaden she
got even busier and faster with the laptop. He had no choice but to sit back and watch a therapist
turn to a technology girl. ‘ That should be your start,’ she said turning the laptop back to Jaden. ‘
What's this,’ he had no idea what Zandai had done to his laptop. ‘ We'll be selling your drawings
online, more like putting them in an auction in eBay,’ she tried to explain to him. Jaden wasn't sure
about what he was about to do. ‘ If they purchase the drawings you already have then you'll have to
do some magic on your drawing board,’ she said. ‘ I wonder who'd be interested in buying breakup
pictures,’ he didn't believe in what Zandai was trying to do. ‘ Can I have a camera,’ she asked Jaden.
Luckily Jaden had many gadgets which he didn't use though. After getting it for Zandai she started
taking clear pictures of the drawings so she could upload them in eBay. As much as she was trying to
help him get better, she also felt like it would be a good thing to help him get a job again. If they see
what his hands can do, a lot of companies can negotiate with him. It was as if she was doing all this
things involuntarily. On the other side Jaden had never let anyone access his personal life more than
he'd let Zandai. How long will he let that happen, and how long will it take Zandai to realise that she
was becoming attached to her patient or was something beautiful growing between them. With all
the scars and heartache loving was something he shouldn't be opening to, but love is ever
mysterious. ‘ Can I buy your Quensor flower drawing,’ she took advantage of the only moment she'd
ever get. ‘ What flower,’ he didn't remember drawing any flower. She hastily searched for it to show
him what she was talking about. ‘ Oh you mean that one, it used to be my lucky charm until I started
making origami,’ he said. ‘ You consider origami your lucky charm,’ she couldn't believe. Instead of
making her understand he simply let it go and gave Zandai the Quensor drawing she asked for. ‘ I
said I'm buying it,’ she thought Jaden didn't here the buying part when he put it in her backpack. ‘
The owner of the drawing is giving it away for free,’ he said with his confidence sky high. It was the
best present she'd received from anyone. ‘ You can call me if you have interested buyers for your
drawings, for now I got to bounce back home to my grandma's birthday,’ she said with a big smile as
she was going back home with her favourite piece. After she left Jaden sat down on a chair and
thought about everything. He didn't know if he wanted to continue drawing or he wanted something
else for his life. The voices in his head were messing up with him, even the silent ones had become
thunderous. They were simply trying to make Jaden take a decision that will turn to haunt him later.
Having thought about it for about ten minutes he decided to continue with drawing, because even
his parents loved them. That way he'll forever be inspired to be at his best. All he had to wait for
were buyers.

‘ Granny I'm home,’ Zandai screamed as she walked in. Mrs Watson replied her with the brightest
smile she'd ever seen. It didn't come naturally though, she smiled because she saw that Zandai had
bought her favourite vanilla cake. ‘ You didn't have to go through all that for me,’ her joy was short-
lived seeing her grandchild struggle with grocery bags. ‘ I wanted to do this for you granny,’ she said.
They sat down and celebrated together, and for a moment it felt like they've been always happy that
nothing bad ever happened to them. Happiness seems to wash away all pain and sadness. After
hours of eating and laughing Zandai revealed her other present besides the vanilla cake. ‘ Granny I
got a little something for you,’ she took out the drawing of the Quensor flower that she got from
Jaden. ‘ What is this darling,’ she asked. She didn't want to ruin the expression that was going to be
on her face upon seeing the Quensor flower. Just as she thought her face melted upon seeing that it
was her favourite flower. ‘ Zandai where did you get this,’ she couldn't stop chuckling at the amazing
art that was right before her eyes. ‘ From my patient granny,’ she gave an answer that quickly got
Mrs Watson frowning. ‘ Do you love this sick boy of yours Zandai,’ she felt like her granddaughter
daughter was swaying towards Jaden without her even knowing. ‘ Granny he's not a sick boy, and I
don't love him, I just care because I don't want to see this talent go to waste,’ she pointed at the
drawing. ‘ Love is also care Zandai, it comes in many mysterious ways,’ said Mrs Watson. Having no
energy to argue with her grandma she kissed her cheeks and went to her room. Before she could
sleep she went through the online pictures Jaden had put up for sale. She smiled like the first time
she saw Erick on their first date. The drawings actually set her soul free and made her happy. Just
like her, Jaden wasn't asleep either, he was scrolling down at the comments made on his drawings. A
lot of them got him smiling , and seconds later he came to an even better one. He was invited to an
art event which was only a day away. He was over the moon until he read what was needed of him.
After learning that he had to come with his partner his bubble burst , and he was left patching his
heart together. He simply had no one, no friend to ask, no sister to ask, he was just a loner. Feeling
drained in the early hours of the night he searched for people who might have opted to purchase his
drawing. Surprisingly there were two people who wanted to buy his drawings. Remembering what
Zandai said before she left he called her without waiting for the next dawn. Without even hearing
what he had to say she was already grinning. ‘ I have good for you,’ said Jaden. There was nothing
that got them close together besides the drawings, so she thought it had something to do with his
drawings. ‘ Did someone buy the drawings?’, she was so hyped up. ‘ How did you know that?,’ Jaden
asked. She laughed at Jaden and decided to mess around with him. ‘ I'm a mind reader, that's how I
found out,’ she said. ‘ Does that mean you already know that there are two interested buyers?,’ he
asked. She got even more hyped up upon hearing about the first buyers. ‘ That's really big, I'll ask a
friend of mine about the costs, but don't worry you don't have to pay anything,’ she offered her
help. Jaden went silent for a moment thinking about how Zandai will feel if he told her about his
invitation. ‘ Is there anything else besides the buyers?’, she asked trying to get Jaden to speak
because there was growing awkwardness between them. ‘ Nothing, just thinking of words to say
thank you,’ he lied. ‘ No need just trying to help out, so if that's all have a wonderful night, we'll chat
Monday,’. Just when she was about to hang up Jaden called out loud her name. ‘ I've been invited to
an art event tomorrow night, and each one is supposed to come with their partner,’ he explained to
her. ‘ Wow, that's fantastic, I'm sure you'll enjoy,’ she gave an answer that Jaden wasn't expecting. ‘
Yes I'll enjoy,’ he was so scared to ask her to go with him. After that call Jaden started dismissing
everything related to his invitation, because he wasn't going to witness any of it. Instead he
comforted himself with the comments on his drawings. For the first time he felt proud of himself,
and actually believed that dawn had arrived in his life. He later went to sleep with a heart that was
satisfied of his efforts to get back on his feet.

10 April 2021

A new day dawned, but for Jaden it was the opposite. He actually wished to spend the rest of the
day in bed and think about what to draw next. It wasn't going be drawings expressing sadness
because he was embracing a new path, but with a couple of scars. He didn't want to get
overconfident about his new walk because healing is never guaranteed , it is always messy and it has
no timeline. While wandering in his own head in the early hours of the day thinking on what to draw
next, an idea came to mind. He thought of showing his growth while showing his bruises and
downfalls, and a picture to show exactly that was a shoot growing from an axed tree. At times he
couldn't believe the things he'd been through, but he was eventually going to heal. While thinking
positively, feelings of regret crept in when he saw the box of cigarettes next to his laptop. He had to
make a choice about his smoking, because it was part of his depressed life which he intended to
leave behind. Just by looking at it he remembered those nights when he threw himself in bed
because of the nicotine that raced in every vein of his body. Having to remember something his
parents wouldn't have been proud to see him do really drowned his heart in disappointment. Not
wanting to walk that road again he got up and grabbed the pack of cigarettes and marched to the
kitchen to throw it in the bin. He returned to his room to get his laptop to look at new comments
and see other people interested in buying his drawings. Things were looking good for the young man
as five more people had shown interest in buying his drawings and multiple comments were flocking
in. He couldn't believe that despite being new in the digital marketing field he was making
remarkable progress. Maybe it was his work that was remarkable. Slowly forgetting about the event
he prepared cereal even though it was way past cereal time, but that never mattered with boys.
From nowhere an unexpected urge for a fix struck him. It was stronger than ever, but he wasn't
going to give in just like that. Knowing it was very risky to have cigarettes nearby he got up to take
the bin to empty it outside with the rest of the trash to be taken up by the garbage truck. When he
turned the knob and pulled the door he got shocked and surprised to see who was standing right in
front of his door. ‘ Greetings Mr Comman,’ she said in a stunning black dress which Jaden couldn't
take his eyes off. ‘ Why are you here Zandai?,’ he asked because she told him that they'll see each
other on Monday. ‘ Has the art event been cancelled or not?,’ she didn't bother about Jaden's
questions. He replied telling her that it was still going to happen despite him not going. ‘ I've come to
help you attend the event,’ she said. ‘ You'll be my date, seriously. But how did you know I have no
one to go with?,’ he asked. ‘ I'm your therapist, and I know you're currently a loner so there wasn't
anyone you could've asked,’ she replied. Instead of being happy that he'd been saved he wasn't
pleased by how Zandai made it look like. ‘ Loner?,’ said Jaden. She immediately cleared her throat in
guilt. ‘ No offence ,’ she apologised. ‘ Some taken,’ despite pretending to be sad, the joy in his face
was so bright as the sun. ‘ I'm really grateful that you're helping me with this one too, I already owe
you everything,’ he appreciated how she's been stepping up for him. ‘ Go get ready before I change
my mind about being your date,’ she said getting Jaden out of her sight because she couldn't stop
admiring his smile. While she waited for Jaden to get ready she thought about what her grandma
said about care being another form of love. It didn't make sense to her to think that she might be
falling in love. After breaking up with Erick she promised herself not to seek love in the longest time,
but she didn't understand what was happening now that she'd met Jaden. They say feelings never
lie, but Zandai thought something was wrong about them. If they were true she wondered why they
would lead her to someone as crushed as Jaden. Having more questions and very little answers she
decided to stop poking feelings that she wouldn't like to see come to life.

Sooner than she expected Jaden was ready and he showed up in a black tuxedo to match Zandai’s
astonishing black dress. ‘ Is this the same Jaden I met five days ago,’ she just couldn't believe how
he'd transformed from a depressed guy to a confident king. ‘ There's still a lot to learn about me,’ he
smiled at her. ‘ I'll wait to see all that,’ she smiled back at Jaden. ‘ Now lets go because we’ll have a
couple hours on the road,’ said Zandai as she made way out of house. While she walked out Jaden
remembered that he didn't do just one thing. ‘ Why are you waiting?,’ asked Zandai. ‘ I don't have a
car so I have to request a taxi,’ excitement got all over his mind that he forgot about transport. ‘
Come lets go, the driver is waiting for us,’ she pointed at a car that was on the roadway. Jaden
couldn't hold his jaw from dropping. He assumed Zandai had no car, because she was always relying
on Phil. ‘ Wait, wait is this your car?,’ he asked because it didn't look anything like a taxi. ‘ Yes it's my
car, I bought it not so long ago, I actually wanted to customize a few things and now its back,’ she
explained to Jaden who wasn't believing his eyes. ‘ There's still a lot to learn about me,’ she showed
Jaden that he wasn't the only one with surprises. ‘ I'll wait to learn whatever is left,’ they both
laughed as they got in the car. It was Zandai's best drive since she bought her car, it was as if they'd
known each other for years. They both didn't notice how they were to each other, they were
focused on the stories they shared. They filled the sky with joy.

Cameras were flashing from all angles, and the lights shone bright and made it look like day. As it
was notified, with every single man he saw there was a lady next to them, but none of them quite
compared to Zandai. ‘ Who's event is this?,’ she asked. ‘ Are you telling me that you put on your best
dress and used your car to accompany me to an event you don't know,’ he quite couldn't believe it.
Wanting to prove him wrong she quickly scanned the whole room with her eyes on eagle vision for
the clue of who's event was it. ‘ There you go, it's Toby Marshall's event,’ she pulled his arm to show
him where it was written. ‘ When I have my own event, will you attend?,’ he stared at her. ‘ I will,
but you'll have to pay me,’ they both chuckled at each other with their faces full of life. ‘ You must be
Jaden Comman, I didn't think you'll make at such short notice, I'd love to discuss something with you
after this,’ Jaden never knew Toby, but Toby made it look like they've known each other for some
time. ‘ My pleasure sir,’ he extended his hand for a gentlemen hand shake. ‘ Enjoy, you have
beautiful girlfriend by the way,’ he left immediately after saying that, leaving Jaden and Zandai to
deal with the awkwardness caused by his words. ‘ Don't look at me, I didn't say anything,’ Jaden
looked away with a very broad smile on his face. As much as they both never thought much about it,
it brought that feeling that one feels in a dream. ‘ Lets get closer, they're about to start,’ they got
closer with glasses of sparkling wine on their hands. Everyone kept sneaking a glance at them
thinking that they were a real, young, perfect couple. It made Jaden feel shy , but Zandai was
actually loving seeing the looks on the people's faces when they admired them. Jaden tried so hard
to pretend not to see the smile that was plastered on Zandai's face. He fixed his gaze on Toby who
was appreciating the love he got from his family and close friends when he was working on his
project. He called it Live Again. To Jaden it wasn't the best of art, but it was a fair attempt. ‘ Are you
listening to him?,’ he asked Zandai. Instead of answering she gulped in her wine, and requested
another glass. Jaden knew that she just a companion not someone who loved art just like he did. ‘
I'm waiting for him to allow us to see his drawings ,’ she said. ‘ Are his drawings better than mine?,’
Jaden wanted to know how she saw his drawings when compared to other drawings. ‘ Promise me
that you won't get mad at me,’ she didn't want a man turning a maniac just because he was told his
drawings weren't better. ‘ Okay I promise,’ he needed her honest opinion. ‘ Your drawings are
something else Jaden, its like you breathe life onto them. Even if you're not a fan of art, you get
satisfied when looking at yours. To answer your question, no his drawings aren't better than yours,’
she poured out her honest opinion. Her answer ignited flames of inspiration from Jaden's heart and
eyes. He felt strong and confident enough to start all over again. At last Toby finished his speech, but
a few more were still to come from his colleagues, friends and parents. Jaden wasn't the best fan of
long speeches, he was the type of impatient guy when it came to long events. ‘ For now dear friends
enjoy your drinks while exploring my art. The moment Zandai had been waiting for was finally at
hand. They walked around the house admiring each piece of his work and agreeing that it was not
that bad at all. As they moved from each piece to another people continued giving them that kind of
look which gave out energy that they envied them. They were the light of the night , and Jaden
blamed Zandai for her beauty which drew all the eyes to them. ‘ You're the reason everyone is
looking at us,’ he said. ‘ No you are, if you weren't this ugly maybe people wouldn't be looking like
they are,’ she didn't want it to be on her. ‘ Ouch!, if I'm that ugly why did you volunteer to be here
with me?,’ he believed she came with him because there was something she liked about him, but
didn't know what exactly. She couldn't answer his question because she knew that whatever she
said about him, it was the opposite of how she really saw him. While walking to the see other
drawings Zandai saw a familiar face she thought she recognised. ‘ I'll be right back,’ she left to check
out on who it was. Upon hearing them scream he confirmed that it was indeed a familiar face. It was
her friend Zoey. She wondered what she was doing at an art event because she was never fascinated
by drawings. Before she could even ask her the question she got her answer. Erick got her to come
with him just to see Zandai because he knew that they used to attend art events. ‘ I'm happy to see
you,’ said Erick as he tried to hug her. She couldn't take a step back because she was standing
against the wall so she was forced to hug him back even though it wasn't her desire. Jaden simply
saw two people who intentionally hugged each other. He didn't know Erick because Zandai never
shared anything regarding her love life, but he could tell that their eyes spoke a thousand words
which their lips couldn't. Seeing them hug reminded him of her ex girlfriend Tracey. A hug was all it
took for Tracey to cheat on him, and since that day he labelled hugs as a wonderful downfall for a
relationship. Wanting to see none of what would happen next Jaden went out to a garden through a
door that was a few steps from his reach. There he gazed at the brightly coloured sky as he
wandered around in his head. He remembered some things as if it happened a day ago, most of
them involved Tracey. He remembered the day he first confronted her about being too comfortable
around boys. He could still hear her words denying that he was in love with someone else, and that
further saddened Jaden's present. He tried to forget about the past, but it came slithering back into
his present life. While watching the beauty of the night in silence Zandai came back at him. ‘ Why are
you hiding here?,’ she asked. Thinking that he'd say a lot of things he simply turned at her with a
smile then turned back to watching the sky. Seeing that he wasn't going to say anything he told him
about the familiar face she saw. ‘ That was my friend Zoey from work, she came to see Toby’s magic
just like you,’ she said trying to get him to talk. ‘ I doubt we'll ever meet so knowing her name is
pointless ,’ he came out cold. ‘ I think I've seen enough for the night,’ he left her standing under the
bright sky. For a moment she switched from being the normal Zandai to being a therapist, and she
tried to understand why he'd suddenly be distant. She thought early that he might've seen her hug
Erick. It broke her heart because she caused Jaden to cut his night short. She watched him walk out
the gate puffing smoke as a hurt man. While watching him she remembered how he broke up with
his girlfriend and felt like what he saw triggered back those painful memories not that he was really
mad at her. Seeing that there was nothing left for her too she left without even saying goodbye to
Zoey. The night grew more silent as she battled with her thoughts, the same also happened to Jaden
as he went home on a train. When he got home he simply went to bed to escape all his pain,
meanwhile Zandai couldn't even wink because she felt really bad about how he ruined Jaden's night.
Maybe she wasn't supposed to interfere in his life at all, but the damage was already done. What
was left for her to do was patch up what she'd torn in Jaden.

11 April 2021

‘ You've been numb since you got here last night,’ said Mrs Watson staring at Zandai making
breakfast. ‘ Weren't you asleep when I got here yesterday?,’ she asked. ‘ I saw your long face, and
I'm still seeing it even now, what happened?,’ she wanted to know what got her granddaughter sad.
‘You said care is another form of love, but is it supposed to cause people pain like the other forms of
love, because I thought it would be different,’ said Zandai. ‘ Love will always hurt, no matter the
form, but whoever you hurt you have to talk to them and apologise if needed. Don't be like the
other girls who'd tell you that they don't care about a man crying over their actions. These are
someone's feelings, you got to respect them ,’ she explained to Zandai. ‘ I hope they listen granny,’
she wondered how Jaden will take it. Having a terrible night didn't stop Jaden waking up to a new
day with great inspiration to work on his drawings again. He had risen up again, just like he'd always
done. He was on his pyjamas all day working on his drawings as if nothing bad had happened to him.
Since childhood he'd been so good at hiding his emotions, and with age he got better. All that was in
his mind was to make his parents proud wherever they were, and to get his life together. While
working at Smith gallery he had a dream of working for another gallery house in England named
Johnny Art House. Famous through out the world, he saw it as a perfect platform to showcase his
talent. Zandai helped him see that the chains he thought were holding him back were only from his
head, and that his actual soul was riding free like a wild horse. He was determined to shake off his
old life. With the music he played he connected with each line he drew as if he was possessed. Magic
was created with every minute that passed away.

12 April 2021

When a new day was rising on the horizon, Jaden's old day was going down. His newly found energy
drove him for the whole night, and it left him vulnerable at dawn. He was soon going to break his
own ceiling. He just needed to give out more of his energy. He regained that energy by sleeping on
the table where he drew all night. He didn't even remember that Zandai said she'd drop by to see
how his market was going. After an hour of being in deep sleep Zandai got up and prepared to check
on Jaden. She got up quite early to dodge her grandma from seeing her worried face. She always
nagged about being called a little girl, now she had to act like a big girl and face sleeping Jaden.
When she got to his place her legs grew stiffer as she walked closer to the door, but she wouldn't
dare turn back and flee. She summoned all her courage and knocked. She thought that she'd
immediately get a response from Jaden, but he heard nothing. She knocked several times without
hearing anything from inside, and she thought that it may be a sign that she wasn't supposed to
bother Jaden. Before leaving she thought of checking if it was really locked just to satisfy her efforts
of trying. To her surprise it wasn't locked. Soon as she saw this her mind started playing the guilt
games with her. She suddenly felt she was to blame, and before she realised it she visualized him
coming home angry like a maniac banging doors uncontrollably, shouting on top of his voice' and
smoking lots of cigarettes. She slowly opened the door, and all the thoughts that had built up in her
mind collapsed when she saw Jaden sleeping on the table with papers next to him. She called out his
name to wake up him before he screams at the intruder in his house. ‘ How did you get in here,’ he
asked trying to open his eyes. ‘ Its Zandai,’ she responded thinking that there was a lot of explaining
coming up. ‘ I can't believe I spent another night with the door not locked,’ he got up and helped
Zandai to sit down. ‘ Since you're here about my drawings, you won't believe the comments that
keep flocking in. People love my work Zandai,’ he got really excited while the opposite happened
with Zandai. She didn't know if Jaden was really okay or just pretending to be okay after how they
left each other at the gallery event. ‘ Jaden before you show me the comments I'd like to say
something,’ she decided to do what her grandma said. ‘ I'm sorry for ruining your night on Saturday,
it wasn't my intention to trigger those sad thoughts of your past,’ she tried to explain. ‘ Who told you
I left because of what you did, I'm not a cry baby,’ he didn't want to look like he was the problem. ‘ I
left because I was sleepy, that's all,’ he told her. As much as it made Zandai happy to learn that she
wasn't the problem, she still felt like Jaden wasn't being honest with her. ‘ Now check at the
comments,’ he gave her the laptop. Zandai couldn't believe her eyes and she couldn't hold herself
from grinning at what she was seeing. ‘ Do you know what this means Jaden,’ she stared at him with
her bright smile. He nodded his head as he didn't know what the numerous comments meant. ‘ This
means your drawings will soon be bought, and that you have to draw day and night because people
seem to love your hand,’ she explained to him. He too gave out a bright smile and shared it Zandai. ‘
Now we got to deliver these to their rightful owners before they say we're incompetent,’ she
chuckled. Jaden gathered all the drawings that'd been bought to get them ready to be sent. Zandai
then revealed how good her hands are when she helped Jaden with packaging the drawings. ‘ Where
did you learn that,’ Jaden asked seeing her do incredible magic with her hands. ‘ Every Christmas I
used to help granny wrap and package gifts for people at church, so I got used to it,’ she said. She
couldn't believe that she left home to apologise to Jaden, but now she was sharing jokes with him
and helping him with his drawings. She couldn't understand how such thing could happen so fast.
They continued to share jokes, and eventually they made the house feel like home once again after a
whole year and a few months. You couldn't miss the spark between them each time they gazed at
each other, but neither of them entertained it. ‘ Do you have somewhere to go from here?,’ asked
Jaden because he wanted something from her. ‘ Nowhere, do you want to take me somewhere,’ she
assumed something that wasn't in Jaden’s mind. ‘ No!, I actually want some ideas of what I could
draw next. I'm not yet fully myself so I'm still struggling, but it won't be for long,’ he said. ‘ Draw
puppies, everyone loves puppies including kids. I can imagine them crying to their parents for a
puppy drawing to pluck on their bedroom wall,’ she was confident she gave the best idea. ‘
Seriously, you want me to waste my talent on puppies,’ he pulled down his face. After a few seconds
of thinking, Zandai finally got something that'd demand Jaden to put out his all. ‘ Go get your
camera,’ she said getting her hair and clothes ready as if she was preparing for a photo shoot. ‘ Take
a picture of me,’ she indeed was taking photos. ‘ What will I do with them afterwards?,’ he asked. ‘
How does drawing a real person sound, unlike drawing puppies for kids,’ she said. As hard as it
sounds she was certain that he wouldn't pull it off, not knowing that she just pressed the right
buttons. ‘ I need to see it on a bigger space,’ he gave her that daring look. In a haste to prove that he
wasn't that strong enough she opened the pictures on his laptop and chose one that she believed
would be hard to draw. ‘ Go sit down or find something to eat,’ he didn't want her to see him draw.
After getting rid of her, he began his magic. Zandai watched his hand move across the drawing board
freely as if it had a mind of its own. His face was so relaxed as if he was drawing puppies, and Zandai
couldn't believe how easy he made it look. For a moment she wished that she could be the one
drawing effortlessly, making everything feel unreal. While she interacted with her own thoughts,
Jaden continued working in silence as if he were listening to his drawing. After an hour everything
started taking shape, and one would notice that a human is being drawn. Zandai was so much in a
hurry to see how the final look will be like. While she watched him do his thing, a thought came to
her mind. What a guy, she thought to herself. For a moment she wondered how many crushed
Jadens are out there in the world, and how many actually survive just like the Jaden that was before
her eyes. Even if there are plenty survivors she believed non were amazing as the Jaden she knew.
She thought how the world would be if everyone would be like Jaden. Simple, kind, generous is how
she described him. Precious time passed while she was deep in those thoughts, and by the time she
snapped out of them the artist was done making magic. ‘ Come have a look,’ he called her. ‘ Stand
here close your eyes,’ he made her stand next to the table with her eyes closed in order to surprise
her. ‘ Open your eyes,’ he said. Zandai couldn't hold her jaw from dropping in astonishment at what
Jaden had done with his hands. ‘ This is art, you're amazing Jaden, I'm amazing, we're amazing,’
Zandai screamed out her lungs in great euphoria. Jaden had made Zandai look beautiful as if she
were an ancient goddess of beauty. She couldn't believe how amazing it looked, and how fast he
finished it. ‘ Are you convinced that I was born for this,’ he asked thinking that he'd done enough to
convince her. ‘ You're good, exceptionally good but you have to draw one last picture to prove me
wrong,’ she smiled at him because she knew that it was going to be the hardest thing he ever drew. ‘
What's that?,’ Jaden asked. ‘ Come here,’ she said getting the camera ready. ‘ What games did you
like to play when you were young?,’ she asked because what she wanted to do is actually dome by
kids. ‘ I didn't play much games while growing up, so I probably won't know your game,’ he replied. ‘
Piggyback, you'll draw me piggybacking on you,’ she talked as if it'd be the best thing he ever drew. ‘
I'm not doing that, actually I'm not even taking the picture,’ he tried to get away from Zandai with
her insane idea. Seeing that he wasn't giving to her idea, Zandai outran him and jumped on his back
for her so wanted piggyback. Trying to get her off his back made Zandai clung to him so tightly that
he'd have to use brut strength to overpower her. While Jaden moved around in circles trying to get
Zandai to fall, she couldn't stop laughing as it reminded her of how fun it were when she played
piggyback with her father. For a moment Jaden found himself laughing too despite going against it at
first. It was as if they were no longer themselves that something had taken control over them. Even
the way they laughed, one would say they've know each other for years which in reality was only
eight days. They're smiles were soon washed away when one of them found out that they were
being watched. ‘ Jaden stop,’ said Zandai seeing that he still hadn't seen who had busted them. After
he stopped turning around in circles he let Zandai down and cleared his throat knowing very well
that he had to explain something. ‘ Phil, I didn't see you come in. How long have you been standing
there?,’ he asked. ‘ Enough to see you two play,’ he didn't know how to feel about what he saw. He
was honestly glad that his friend was finally being his old self, but he was unsure if Zandai was the
right one to get him to his old self. In the end he wasn't the one to dictate how he was supposed to
live his life. Seeing that Phil was too surprised by what he found she said her goodbyes and left the
two together. ‘ I'm not staying either, I came to let you know that Mr Smith is reconsidering giving
you another chance at work,’ said Phil. ‘ Why all of a sudden?,’ he remembered how he was fired. ‘
You're talented man, and everyone is talking about your drawings on the web,’ he explained to him.
He smiled at the news that Jaden brought, and one thing he knew is that he'd never ever set foot at
Smith gallery. He remembered when he was once told that when people realise just how valuable
you are, they'd weave their ways back into your life despite the dirt they threw at you when you
were at your lowest. That same thing was happening to Jaden, but he'd made his choice already.
After telling him that, Phil also left and the recovering man was all by himself again thinking about
everything. The first thing he thought about was Zandai. He understood that they were getting along
pretty well, but he was afraid to let her down because he was still a healing man, and nothing is
certain with a wounded man. After a few hours of reflecting on his soul he got up and decided to
soldier on. Looking at the drawing of Zandai he felt invincible. He didn't even think twice about
uploading it on the web to see how far it'd go, because he believed it was the finest work of his so
far. Soon after that he went for a shower and hit his bed afterwards.

On the other side Zandai kept tossing and turning on her bed thinking about what she actually did to
Jaden. A piggyback out of all things, she thought to herself with her pillow tightly held close to her
head. She didn't like the fact that she acted like a high school girl, but what she loved was that she
enjoyed. She was worried because she didn't know where her feelings were headed regarding Jaden,
but she was soon going to find out.

13 April 2021

On a beautiful Tuesday morning Jaden woke up to a gently drizzling sky which made his heart leap in
joy. There's no feeling that surpasses the one you feel when heavenly waters touch your skin
especially in the early hours of the day. It feels like everything holding you down is being washed
away, that is how Jaden felt about rain. He even enjoyed working in the garden when it rained. He
believed that since he woke up to rain his day will be fruitful. As per his new routine he sat up by the
side of the bed and checked his laptop for comments and to see who wants to buy his work. The
drawing of Zandai was all he wanted to see, and what people said about it made him grin like never
before. They loved both the art and the girl he drew which is Zandai. He didn't want to be the only
one to see what was happening so he decided to call Zandai and tell her she's about to get famous.
While dialing her number he saw one comment that got him even more happier and the same
making him nervous. He couldn't believe it, because he felt it was still early to see them on the
comment list. It was Joel Winston from Johnny Art House. They weren't the type to go around
commenting on posts, they wanted something from him. Check your email, we've sent you
something. That was how it read. So shaken by this strange comment he went on to open his email,
and there it was. A message for him by the Johnny Art House. He read it silently in his mind while
holding his breath. He finished after a few seconds and let off a heavy sigh followed by some
chuckling. Soon afterwards he was laughing on top of his voice as if someone shared a really funny
joke with him. He read it over and over again just to make sure he got it right. Yes, the Johnny Art
House wanted to offer him a contract. One of the great art houses in the world offered a man who
not long ago was in a dark bottomless pit with no hope of ever making it out. Now a new light shone
on him, and an even brighter future a few steps from his grasp. If he ever had to thank someone, it'd
be just one person. Zandai Watson would be the one he'd have to thank. In just a few days she got
him amped up to use best what he has which is his talent, and it has done wonders. There is no
doubt that that she was born for her profession. After having his little celebration he called Zandai.
‘ You won't believe that you just made me famous,’ said Jaden on the phone. ‘ What do you mean by
that,’ she didn't understand what Jaden meant. ‘ People are going crazy over you on that drawing I
uploaded yesterday, and something even great happened,’ he went on explaining to her. She was on
the edge because Jaden wasn't telling her everything at once. ‘ What tell me, what is it?,’. They want
me to work at Johnny Art House, they offered me a contract, all thanks to your picture,’ he said. ‘ I'm
glad I helped, but you know that I'll need to be paid because I practically catalysed the process,’ she
laughed to the ground because she was just messing around. ‘ Do you know what I'm thinking,’
something they talked about a while back came back popping in her mind. They talked about a lot of
things so Jaden had no idea what it was. ‘ I think we should go celebrate at the Kurdish restaurant,
because that's where your mother would be taking you to if she were still around,’ Jaden had
forgotten about that. Since he just achieved something great he saw no reason not to celebrate. ‘
We'll stay there till noon, or maybe leave when we've forgotten our names,’ Zandai probably didn't
realise that she was exposing her crazy side. ‘ The problem is that I don't have formal clothes, or
suits,’ he believed people who dine at a restaurant should always look smart and presentable. ‘ Who
said restaurants are for the fancy only, just put on your clothes and leave already,’ she never liked
people who belittle themselves or see themselves unworthy. After hearing her say that the negative
feeling was shook off and confidence covered his whole body. While Jaden gained confidence Zandai
grew weaker around him, but she appreciated him for sharing his good news with her. Not everyone
often remembers to thank those who've supported them while learning to stand on their feet.
‘ Look at you Mr artist,’ he teased Jaden on his black leathered jacket as if he were a hitman, but it
looked good on him. ‘ You're also amazing,’ said Jaden. ‘ So tell me what are they saying about me
on the comments,’ she wanted to know what they said about her. ‘ They say you're goddess, and
some say you should consider being a model,’ he said it as it were on the comments. ‘ I'm not sure
about being a goddess, but modelling is a no for me,’ they talked as they settled in at one of the
tables in Kurdish restaurant. Jaden didn't see a problem with modelling, just that he wouldn't survive
maintaining his body weight. ‘ I'm happy for you Jaden, honestly happy. Not many people get out
alive from their miserable, tormenting pasts but here you are climbing your way to the top in just a
couple of days,’ those words came out on their own. Guess she'd been rehearsing those words, but
was afraid to say them so they came out without her permission. ‘ I'm also grateful that you gave
your absolute best despite that you're not on duty, if it were somebody else they would've probably
said that I need to see a psychiatrist or prescribe a million tablets for a man who is already free,’ he
poured out his heart as well, and immediately the mood around the house changed. ‘ No more
speeches , we're here to celebrate,’ she said getting her hand ready to order the best drinks they
had. Who would've thought that in just a week they'd both this close. They drank and laughed
together as if they never had any wounds. Sometimes people would sneak a glance at them because
they behaved like girlfriend and boyfriend. After an hour of being silly Jaden told her that he wanted
to say one last piece. ‘ What's that?, I thought we'd discussed everything and you're fine now,’ she
asked. ‘ Its about the death of my parents,’ he said. ‘ You don't have to talk about it now,’ she
remembered that the last time they tried to talk about it he ended up emotional. ‘ They were from
the hospital to get themselves a few meds, and I called them that I was coming home after my work
trip to Canada with Phil. That call is the only thing I regret,’ he looked her in the eye. ‘ After telling
them that they decided to surprise me with something because I'd gone for two weeks. I've always
been a fan of chocolate cakes, so my mom decided to drive to the local bakery to get me one. Since
my mom was buying something for me, my dad decided to get a new drawing kit for me. While on
the road to get me all those things a truck out of control sped and crashed over them, and after that
their car rolled a couple of times. By the time it stopped rolling their souls were already riding free,
like pigeons flying in pairs,’ he accounted everything to Zandai. ‘ So everyday I keep thinking what
would've happened if I didn't make that call, maybe I'll be having this meal with them. No matter
what we can say its my fault that they're no longer here,’ he'd been blaming himself since the day of
the tragedy. ‘ Come on, let's go,’ instead of trying to comfort him she wanted to leave. ‘ Where are
we going?,’ asked Jaden. She just led the way without saying anything to Jaden. After a few minutes
of walking she turned to some building that looked abandoned from outside. ‘ Where are you taking
me?,’ she didn't look like someone who'd kill, but Jaden just wanted to be safe. ‘ Just follow me,’ she
said. He did as he said, he followed her. Seconds later he knew where they were. ‘ I didn't know
you're into skating,’ she never said she was. There were few people skating on the ice, but most of
them were leaving and soon it was going to be Jaden and Zandai alone. ‘ Here, take your boots,’ she
gave him a pair of skating boots. ‘ I've never done this, and I don't want to break my hand. Who'd do
my work if I were to break my hand,’ he told Zandai. ‘ I would, I'd become the next Jaden Comman
and draw something that'd get the world talking,’ for a second she believed she could be as good as
Jaden. ‘ Can you draw a star?,’ asked Jaden. She simply looked away and told Jaden to get dressed so
they skate. ‘ I'm not doing this,’ he just wasn't ready to get hurt. ‘ I won't let you get hurt because
you're yet to see your great,’ she said helping him get up. His legs weren't shaking so bad compared
to other beginners. Zandai even thought that he might've tried it before. ‘ Do you know why you
shouldn't blame yourself for that call,’ said Zandai as they tried to move around. ‘ I don't expect you
to understand this but we sometimes have no control over the things that happen to us. Take a look
at some movies, there's always that favourite male and female character who plan a getaway on a
Mustang or a Ferrari, then one of them dies in an instant. The one who survives grieves for a while
then goes on with the getaway alone to that destination they agreed on. Just like you, your parents
have passed on, but you still got your dream, so go for it Jaden because that's what they would've
wanted if they were still here,’ it wasn't easy but she said it. ‘ Are you this good with other patients,’
her message got through Jaden’s wall of guilt that have haunted him for months. ‘ Are you a
patient,’ she smiled staring straight at Jaden’s pupils. Jaden found himself staring straight at her eyes
too with his heart beating rhythmically. With their eyes closing slowly, they pulled closer to each
other's faces and kissed. It then happened, they felt like they were the only ones left in the entire
universe. After floating in an unexplainable world they hugged in silence for a few more seconds
feeling each other's heartbeats. Unexpectedly Zandai came back to her senses and a wave of guilt
washed over her. ‘ I'm sure your Mrs Watson is worried about you right now,’ Jaden tried to save her
from blaming herself for what just happened. ‘ Yeah I got to go,’ she said skating back to the stands.
Jaden watched her as she skated away think a million things in his mind. He wondered if listening to
his heart would hurt Zandai or not. He didn't want her to face the effects of his traumas. He felt
healed, but he believed it'd take time to completely escape everything. After she left he thought
about something that could change everything, and eventually hurt Zandai when it should save her.
Night fell on the ground but Zandai was wide awake trying to get rid of the images of her and Jaden
at the Willows skating ground. All she could see was Jaden, but she didn't want to imprint that idea
in her heart because she wasn't ready to be hurt again. Deep inside she felt that mutual connection
and deeper in her heart she wanted to explore it, but something was about to change all that.
14 April 2021

‘ Zandai its already eight, yet you still in bed. Are you okay sweety,’ she'd overslept, luckily she
wasn't working or else she'd have been in hot water. ‘ I'm fine granny, just had a long day yesterday,’
she said. Mrs Watson believed and walked out to the kitchen. It was a beautiful day, sunny, calm,
but that quietness was just the calm before the storm. When she opened her phone she saw a
message, which was basically the beginning of the storm. It was from Jaden. She quickly thought
about what might the message could be, but the only thing she didn't expect was bad news. She sat
up straight on her bed and pulled her phone closer to her. It read. ‘ I'm sad it has to end this way, in
my mind I'm chasing my dream, but to be honest my dream is already here in St Mary's. I can't think
of a better way to say thank for everything you've done to me, you opened my eyes in just a few
days. I have something to wake up for thanks to you, but I have to leave. I can't let you deal with the
effects of my past, you've done enough already. I won't tell you where I'm going, because I don't
want to have you worry about me. I want to do this alone without hurting anyone. One thing I know
is that I'll always think of you, especially the piggyback. Now instead of chasing each other I think we
should chase our dreams and make them a reality,’. After that message Zandai’s world came to a
stop, she couldn't even feel her hands. She didn't know what was worse, losing someone she
thought she loved or facing the ugly demons of his past. Suddenly everything they did together
played in her mind, the origami, the art event, the piggyback, and skating. She thought of the things
they could've done afterwards, but there wasn't going to any afterwards. She laid flat on her bed
disoriented. While feeling the pain her phone rang. She heard it after a few seconds because she
was lost in her mind thinking about what Jaden said. ‘ Hey Zandy I thought I should be the first to let
you know that you've been reinstated,’ it was Zoey. ‘ Apparently Erick confessed that it was just a
plan to get you fired, so we're expecting you at work tomorrow,’ explained Zoey to a deaf Zandai. ‘ If
that's the case why didn't they tell me personally?,’ she asked. ‘ They sent you an email yesterday
around three in the afternoon,’ by that time she was staring straight into eyes she'd never see ever
again so there's no way she couldn't thought of checking her emails. ‘ Fine I'll see you tomorrow
then,’ she cut the conversation short. What she didn't know was that she just lied to Zoey, she
wasn't going to be at work tomorrow because she'd find her gift in her email just like Jaden received
his. What was different with her gift was that Jaden made it happen. He couldn't leave her heart in
pieces, at least he should leave her with something to make up for the pain he'd caused. When she
opened her email she had one thing in mind, and that was to check what they've written. Her
numbness was cast out immediately she saw an email from Lourde Hospital. She didn't get it
because she never applied at Lourde. Her heart started pumping very fast as she checked the
content of the email. Just like Jaden she was offered a contract she couldn't refuse, and she had only
two days to respond back to them. What they wanted from her was just a yes or a no and nothing
more. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The place she'd been so dying to work at had given
her an opportunity of a life which she wasn't going to let go by any chance. When she scrolled to the
bottom of the page she saw a picture she had to download. For a second she thought it was the
contract, but she was blown away when she saw what it was. It was her picture which Jaden drew
and below it was his signature he made in every complete drawing. She then knew that Jaden had
made it possible for her. ‘ Guess you loved me after all,’ she said with the cutest smile on her face.
She finally understood what he meant when he said they should chase their dreams and make them
a reality, Lourde Hospital had always been her dream. When she tried to call Jaden to thank him, it
didn't even go through. She knew that he'd changed phones and that she'd never see him ever
Having both lost each other , they at least had something they'd been searching since childhood so
they both won. Zandai took her grandma and left St Mary's to live around Lourde Hospital to make
commuting easy. To her surprise she was welcomed by the owner of the hospital, and she felt like
queen. In London Jaden continued his quest to being one of the greatest man to ever hold a pencil
and a paper. Day by day his wounds healed, but there was one that he could never heal. Zandai was
that wound, no day passed without him thinking about her.


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