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Abortion: Premeditated Murder of an Innocent

One of the biggest issues that Indians and many others face today is
‘abortion’, whether it’s a teenager or an adult, whether it’s forced or by
choice. Unfortunately, adding to this, a bigger issue today is ‘Sex-
selective abortion’ which leads to a comparatively greater magnitude of
female infanticides. Since ‘Abortion’ is a very debatable topic today,
there are also pros and cons to this murderous act. However, despite
using protective and precautionary measures, women still get pregnant,
willingly or unwillingly, and most of them still choose to abort. But,
sometimes, it’s not just about the choice of an individual as there are
several other factors leading to this homicidal deed.

Abortion in India is controversially one of the major causes for

Gendercide which leads to a consequent uncommon ratio between the
male and female population. Even though almost all hospitals have
banned to annunciate the sex of the fetus, abortions still take place on
a large scale. But, it’s more than just a choice sometimes. Having sex
may probably be a choice for the woman, but being raped isn’t.
Although, abortion is illegal in India, there are certain exceptions that
include rape, unmarried girls with the consent of their guardian, women
with physical or mental health problems, etc. which allow abortion of
the fetus.

But, this isn’t just the responsibility of the woman as a man must be
twice as responsible to make sure that this is what his family needs.
Most of the time, participants of premarital sex are not fully aware of
the consequences with result in them, falling into deep trouble,
physically, emotionally, mentally and psychologically too. This
sometimes, also leads to suicide and complications within the body of
not only the female but also the male participant. It’s just a simple
logic, whether one is matured or not, everyone has been through sex
education in school and college and this pretty much sums up the
consequences of our actions, therefore, why does one want to kill a
being inside them when they don’t want it in the first place.

So what if it’s a girl and not a boy? So what if they’re afraid of what
their families might say? So what? Abortion is still murder and it’s still
a crime, unless one falls under the categories where abortion is
required and legal. However, several people confuse themselves with
‘Miscarriage’ and ‘Abortion’ and it is important for one to know that
they’re both COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things. It is okay to get
sexually attractive to another individual but it’s foolish to blindly lead
oneself in activities that one knows has dangerous consequences. The
law can be stated in block or bold letters but not everyone is going to
follow it when it comes to survival, right? Hence, it is more important
for one, not only to be careful and cautious but also use their brains
instead of their hearts sometimes. Also, aborting a fetus is NOT
always the woman’s fault. Not every woman would want to abort the
being living inside of her and even though it restricts women in so many
complicating ways, unfortunately, she is still expected of too much. So,
if you don’t want a child, don’t make one, or if the pregnancy is
unplanned, rationalize all your options and think before you murder an
innocent being before it has stepped into the world.

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