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11/26/23, 1:35 PM Electives SMART Goal - Action Plan data submission by 11/16

Electives SMART Goal - Action Plan data

submission by 11/16
We have 3 SMART goals in the Electives PLC. By 11/16, we are reporting on the current
status of the goal:
90% or more of my Homeroom will have an overall average grade of 60% or above. Switch account

* Indicates required question

Email *

Record as the email to be included with my response

Here is an optional video demonstration of how to collect data for this SMART
goal: Homeroom SMART Goal Data Video 1/4
11/26/23, 1:35 PM Electives SMART Goal - Action Plan data submission by 11/16

Open the My Student's page in Connexus and sort by house icon - your Homeroom
students will filter to the top. We are looking at the Overall Score column,
highlighted in green below.

How many total Homeroom students do you have? *

Your answer

How many Homeroom students have an Overall Score of 60% or above? *

Your answer 2/4
11/26/23, 1:35 PM Electives SMART Goal - Action Plan data submission by 11/16

Which of these Action Plan actions have you taken? (check all that apply) *

Create a folder and/or checklist for the ST to their work

Tutorial videos for big assignments

Hold a PMM to assist and address deficiencies

Providing rewards, like 'star mail', etc

CT (& or ST) conference calls using/meeting in Zoom for visuals is helpful too


Any further reflections on this, next steps, plans, etc? *

Your answer

Does this spark any ideas for the future, or next semester, for this SMART goal?

Your answer

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