9th Test

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Test Grade Ninth Chapter No 1.

Student name: ………………………. Obtained marks:……………………

Q1:Translate into Urdu.
In the fifth and sixth centuries the mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It
seemed that the civilization, which had taken four thousand year to grow had
started crumbling.at this point in time, Allah Almighty raised a Rasool among
themselves, who was to lift the humanity from their ignorance into the light of
(Paragraph 2)
“O Nabi! We have sent you as a witness and bearer of good news, and as a
warner and as one inviting Allah by his permission and as a light giving torch.”
Q2:Answer the following questions.
i) What type of land Arabia is?
ii) For which ability were the Arabs famous?
iii) What was first revelation?
iv) What did Hazrat Ayesha say about the life of Rasoolullah?
Q3: Make sentences.
Conquest, influential, delegation, urge, ignorance
Q4: Use these idioms to make meaningful sentences.
A.B.C, at last, as well as, a large number , a lot of, at a glance
Q5: Choose the correct option.
Ashfaq Ahmad was a ……… writer. famed famous Famously
Who is ……….. for this chaos? responsibl responding Responded
This is very …….. saminar. anxiety anxious Anxieties
If you ……. I shall be available. Will come come Have come
He …….. to us tomorrow. Will come came Comes
Q6: Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.
(Good Luck)

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