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Distinct Characteristic

of Arts &
Artist During the
Renaissance &
Baroque Period
Began in late 14th century with a focus on humanistic and
realistic arts.
Featured accurate anatomy, scientific perspective, and
deeper landscapes.
Rejected medieval themes, emphasizing secularism and
heavy influence from Classical Greece and Rome, emphasis
was on perspective, natural color, emotion, basic human
Optimistic, uplifting, detailed artworks glorifying the
human body.
Period of artistic experimentation, human figure in Greek Art.
Originated in Rome, started & spread to most of Europe.
characterized by exaggerated motion, tension, drama,
and grandeur.
Continuation of Classicism & Naturalism of Renaissance
art, characterized by dynamic composition, colorful
style, more ornate, and more dramatic.
Influenced by developments in science, geometry, and
Irregular stylistic tendencies informed by Mannerism
and the Council of Trent.
Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet and Michelangelo di
considered as the greatest artists of all time.
Buonarroti Simon
His outstanding works as a sculpture: Pieta,
Bacchus, Moses, David, Dying Slave, Dawn and
Last Judgment on the altar wall of the
Sistine Chapel in Rome, the most influential
works in fresco in the history of Western art
Italian painter and architect of the High Raffaello Sanzio da
Urbino (Raphael)
Renaissance period.
Clarity of form and ease of composition and
for visual achievement of interpreting the
Divine and incorporating Christian doctrines.

Formed the traditional trinity of great masters

with Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci of that
The Sistine Madonna, The School of Atens, and The
Transfiguration were his famous works

His unique draftsmanship and compositional skills were his

main consitribution.

His last painting was The Transfiguration which he worked on

up to his death.
Painter, architect, scientist, and mathematician Leonardo di
ser Piero Da
Vinci (1452-
Popularized in present times through a novel and movie

entitled, “Da Vinci Code”
Know as “Renaissance man” due to his talent, intellect,
interest, and expression of humanist and classical values.
Considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time.

The Last Supper (most religious painting of all time),

and Mona Lisa (the most famous parodied portrait) as
his well-known works
An early Renaissance Italian sculptor from Donato di
Niccolo di Betto
Florence and one of Italian great artists of Bardi
the period (Donatello)
Know for his bas-relief work, form of
shallow relief sculpture
David, Statue of St. George, Equestrian Monument
of Gattamelata, Prophet Habacuc, and The Feast
of Herod were his statues and relief sculptures
Michelangelo Merisi da
Caravaggio or Amerighi
da Caravaggio (1571-1610)
Known as Caravaggio, an Italian artist who wanted
to deviate the classical masters of Renaissance

His own actions and the lack of modesty and

reverence for religious subjects, his own
paintings made him outcast in his society
He started out as specialist in his paintings of still life,
especially of fruits.
Studies of single figures, they are clumsier than the
fruit which gives their savor of orginality and charm

His models at this period were either himself or young persons

who have an air of being promising but wicked
Flemish Baroque painter Peter Paul
Paintings of mythical and figurative subjects,
landscapes, portraits, and Counter- Reformation
altarpieces where he is well known for (1577-1640)
Religious subjects, history paintings of magical
creatures, and hunt scenes are his mostly
commissioned works
Samson and Delilah, Landscape with a Tower, Portrait of
Helene Fourment, And The Three Graces are his famous
First Baroque Italian artist Gian Lorenzo
Last in the list of the dazzling universal geniuses Bernini (1598-
and a prodigy
Skillful in painting, sculpture, architecture, and
stage design
He was also a playwright
First artworks date from his 8th birthday
The Goat Amalthea with Infant Jupiter and Faun,
Damned Soul, and the Blessed Soul. Are his early
Made a sculpture of “David” for Cardinal Borghese and is
different from Michelangelo’s David

The design of Piazza San Pietro in front of the Basilica

made him as the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect

The famous “Ectasy of St. Tresa” and the Colonnade of the

Piazza of St. Peter’s Rome were his greatest achievements.
Brilliant Dutch realist, painter, and etcher Rembrandt
European art, he was considered as one of the
van Rijn (1606-
greatest painters and printmakers
Fascinated with spiritual values and frequently
chooses religious subjects

He shares with Rubens the revolution which

painting came to depict the more personal aspects
of the painter: his own home and his family
He often painted himself
His concept of himself continued to deepen in
grasp and subtlety, and his technique grew more

Popular work was “Self portrait in Old Age”

Artist from Spain Diego
One of the finest Master of Composition and one of the Velasquez
most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age
come out with solutions to pictorial problems of
design that transcend the style of any period
Almost at the very start of his career, he discovered his
The Surrender of Breda, Las Meninas (The maids of
honor), Los Barachos (The Drinker), and Maria Theresa
are his famous works
Tha n k
y o u fo r
liste n in g !

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