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Name of the Candidate: Reg. No.

Duration : 3Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Students may be allowed to use Non-programmable
Scientific Calculators
Answer All Questions
PART – A (6 x 5 = 30) CO Marks
A1. Explain in detail about the collection of data in statistics. CO1 (5)

A2. Find the mean and median for the following distribution. CO1 (5)
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
22 38 46 35 20

A3. Compute the mode of the following distribution. CO1 (5)

Class 0-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-35 35-42 42-49
Frequency 19 25 36 72 51 43 28

A4. The following distribution gives the pattern of overtime work per week done by CO1 (5)
100 employees of a company. Calculate Q1, D7 and P60.
Overtime Hours 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40
Number of 11 20 35 20 8 6
A5. A random variable X has the following probability function. Find the value of a and CO5 (5)
hence find the expectation, variance of X.
X=x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(X=x) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a

A6. Find the first four moments about the origin for a random variable X having CO5 (5)
2 x
2 e , x0
probability density function f ( x )   .
0, x0

PART – B (70 Marks) CO Marks

B1. a) Find the correlation coefficient for the following data. CO2 (8)

x 10 12 18 24 23 27
y 13 18 12 25 30 10

b) Calculate the rank correlation coefficient between the height and weight of 6
soldiers in Indian Army.
Height(in cm) 165 167 166 170 169 172 CO2 (7)
Weight(in Kg) 61 60 63.5 63 61.5 64

B2. The following data relates the marks of 10 students in the internal test and the CO2 (15)
university examination for the maximum of 50 marks in each.
Internal 25 28 30 32 35 36 38 39 42 45
University 20 26 29 30 25 18 26 35 35 46
(i) Obtain the two regression equation and determine
(ii) the most likely internal mark for the university examination mark of 25.
(iii) the most likely university mark for the internal mark of 30.

B3. a) Suppose an item is manufactured by three machines X, Y, and Z. All the CO3 (8)
three machines have equal capacity and are operated at the same rate. It is
known that the percentages of defective items produced by X, Y, and Z are 2,
7, and 12 per cent, respectively. All the items produced by X, Y, and Z are
put into one bin. From this bin, one item is drawn at random and is found to
be defective. What is the probability that this item was produced on Y?

b) From a vessel containing 3 white and 5 black balls; 4 balls are transferred CO3 (7)
into an empty vessel. From this vessel a ball is drawn and is found to be
white. What is the probability that out of four balls transferred 3 are white
and 1 is black?

B4. a) In class of 75 students, 15 were considered to be very intelligent, 45 as CO3 (8)

medium and rest below average the probability that a very intelligent student
fails in a viva-voice examination is 0.005. The medium student failing has a
probability 0.05 and the corresponding probability for a below average
student is 0.15. If student is known to have passed the viva-voice
examination, what is the probability that he is below average ?

b) The chances that doctor A will diagnose a disease X correctly is 60%. The CO3 (7)
chances that a patient will die by his treatment after diagnosis is 40% and
the chance of death by wrong diagnosis is 70%. A patient of doctor A, who
had disease X, died. What is the chance that his disease was diagnosed

B5. a) (i) A probability model describe a situation where 100 misprints are CO4 (12)
distributed randomly throughout the 100 pages of a book follows a poisson
distribution. For this model, what is the probability that a page observed at
random will (a) contain at least three misprints? (b) at most 4 misprints?
(ii) If the probability that an applicant for a driver’s license will pass road
test on any given trial is 0.8, what is the probability that he will finally pass
the test (a) on the fourth trial (b) fewer than 4 trials?

b) If 6 dice are thrown simultaneously 720 times, getting 3 or 5 is considered as CO4 (8)
success. Find the number of times at least 3 dice to show 3 or 5?

B6. a) (i) Starting at 5.00 am every half hour there is a flight from San Francisco CO4 (12)
airport to Los Angeles international airport. Suppose that none of these
planes is completely sold out and that they always have room for passengers.
A person who wants to fly to Los Angeles arrive at the airport at a random
time between 8.45 am and 9.45 am. Find the probability that he waits
(a) at most 10 minutes (b) at least 15 minutes.
(ii) The time in hours required to repair a machine is exponentially
distributed with parameter   1 / 2 , what is the probability that the required
time (a) exceeds 2 hours (b) exceeds 5 hours?

b) A car hire firm has 2 cars. The number of demands for a car on each day is CO4 (8)
distributed as poisson variate with mean 0.5. Calculate the proportion of days
on which (i) neither car is used. (ii) some demand is refused.

B7. 2 CO6 (10)
 t2  2 
(i) Evaluate the following: (a) lim 3 
t 2 t  3t  5 
 
4 2
(ii) (b) lim ( x  3x )( x  5 x  3)

x2  1
(ii) Find all the vertical asymptotes the function y  .
3x  2 x 2

B8. CO6 (10)

Evaluate  ( x  2 y )dA
, where D is the region bounded by the parabolas

y  2x and y  1  x 2 .

B9. Find the mass and center of mass of the triangular lamina with vertices (0,0), CO6 (10)
(1,0), (0,2) if the density function  ( x , y )  1  3 x  y.


B10. CO6 (10)

Evaluate the integral  y dV
, where E is the solid is given by

E  {( x, y, z ) : 0  x  3, 0  y  x, x  y  z  x  y} .

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