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DNA is a molecule containing genetic instructions for living
It's a double-stranded helix made up of nucleotides with four
bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine
The sequence of these bases determines genetic information
passed from parents to offspring
Embryology is the study of the formation and development of
fetuses and embryos, including prenatal gametes and
It helps understand congenital defects and diseases, their
causes, and how to prevent them.

How embryoology prove evolution

Embryology studies how organisms develop from embryos to
Similarities in embryonic development provide evidence for
Embryonic structures can be homologous features between
different species
All vertebrate embryos have homologous pharyngeal arches,
which develop into different structures in different species
Some structures disappear as embryos develop into adults
Remnants of embryonic structures can be seen in vestigial
features in adult organisms, such as the tailbone in humans.

How does DNA prove Evolution

DNA provides the hereditary basis for changes in
populations over time
Mutations occur spontaneously and randomly, and can be
neutral, harmful, or beneficial
Beneficial mutations can increase in frequency in a
population through natural selection
Recombination during sexual reproduction can create new
combinations of alleles in offspring
All living organisms use the same genetic code and share
many of the same genes, supporting the concept of a
common ancestry.

Exmaples of DNA supporting

DNA has been used by scientists to compare various organisms and
understand evolution
DNA of humans and chimpanzees have been compared to pinpoint
genetic changes that led to bipedalism and language development in
Bird and reptile DNA have been compared to identify genetic changes
that led to the evolution of feathers and flight in birds
DNA of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has been studied to identify
genetic alterations that enable bacteria to live in the presence of

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