Rise of Nationalism

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Nationalism un Euope
Chap- he Kise of
o o l d n i d e democerhic
he daieam af
6ocial iepublics.

So21zieu a Faench
asitist in 1818
epaed by iedeiie
Shows the peaple of Arneaica and EMope men and
o aul ages and Social classes mas1ching in a
nain and offeaing homgae e statue of ibeaty
hand and. Chaerter D
She beass a tooch ún one
Aightsof man in othes1.
imageda the
On the eas1th un the faneaaend. o the
absoutist institudons.
Shatleed aemains of Sumbols of

Jovieds Utopian Vision

The peaple of the waald aie gauped as distint nations

identified thaough theilags and naienal costume

Lending the paocession ay ast the staue uibeorty

CHe Dnited states and Shitzealand

ance identifiabe bu aoutimasyticolu just eadhed

the stabe.

Ske jeuoued bypeaple of Geemany bearing blacRed

Qnd aelden-|lag

kuom the heaven above , Cuui saints and angel&

gaze upen he kcence

ALL this symbolises Jaateandy aneng the

hations he osald
Page No.

The Faench Revolution and The ldea of Naion

Theiast cleas expaession o nathonalism came oth.

the iendh Revoution un H34

heaench Rerouien ld to the transfa of soveNeignity

Monachy Body of Fench ctizen
Shift of pooe)
Hoo wassense of collective identitu amona -the
hench people seated ?

The ideas of da paie (he fadhes1land) and

ecihoyenthe ctizens) emphaaised. he notion of
united communi having eual iahta.
A neo Foenchflagthe taicolcueuoas dhaen
The Estates Genetal h204 electa
by the
itizens and Henamea the Natinal bady eacave
Ne umnswene LOmpesed odhs taRen and
Commema1ated au in he namee natten mactyes
Unifo yetem eheighds and maiuaes
nteduced nCuene

French became the Lommon danguage


Napolcon Eonapaste NapoleenFpaneEuaope

Napcleon set abou intaaduing many the aefasms

that he had alaeady irtaeduced in aanca
to moncachy dapoleon had no dout
Thac aebsan
destaoed demoa un aance but in he
adminitsoive held he had incompeaated 2eveluuionay
whole ystem
pináples u n a d e a e maRe the
meae aaima and etfiaent

CiviL CobE oF 1B0H Atso Rnoon as Napoleonic Code)

i dduR Cth all paivileaes based. on bizth,
gh pa
e a l i y befnse Jaw and aeused

ed suant *o pacper
Simplified adminisaahve measuaes
Aboisnedfeuda ausem
entdom ond manaLaldues
aeed peasactá fAom
G u a aesticdions weeae2emoved

and commuicab sem e z e impaauec


Initiayún mony place u d as Holland and
Buusaels Muan and Oassau
Osu u as un útie JiR
eltomed bu tt Soon tusinod
Fenc aumy uas
pelitical2eadam inaea2a
poleon HooR aua o pin-
taxes impcsed censcochip and focedpenple
henc 09mi

TheMaRinaof of Nationalism in Ewiope

Example of Habsbustq Empiae
Ruled DYe AustuaHunga exAamble oas
padchoeRA wa ditenant egiens and þEcple
dt úncuded the Alpine aeaicns =The Tyma
Austua and the Sudetenland ohich wese Geeman sha
t al2o úndaded dtaliansPeakng paaunce
e Lembaady and Venetia
dn_Hurgay ha ethe bepulatienspoRe
Maaya c i e the cthe hal SpoRe Vaiey ot diakct
i n Galice austocsia seR relish

Atstocaacy andthe neus middle class_

.Aistocsac : Y

The and ouoing cJaa

SpoRe hench un high Society A

PTheiafamilies koeae connected, byhep Omoogiiop

Numesicolly a váma gaoup-
2. Middle elass

Neo Soual cdass emesged uuth gouth otouons

Educated cla whee ideas bt noiaonaiy gained, bpulaty

Majt c palaion
To the uoestthe buuR euend ua punedi
y tenants and Small aopess _
onile ún Easten and Cerdal euuepe fams
ene uuivated by sefs.
Page No. .

what did iberal Natondism tand faa9

The tesm beaism dezives omthe ikain0ctA
ibea, meanin ee Fo the nesimiddle claa
benasm staed fnfaeedom f the indiuidual and
equaliteau befame Jau

Tucal Feonoic
A constituion & iepesentahue Challenge 'in the eionomie setup
put teiauah paaliament Dienente in unt of oégnt and
qualibeae Laue nee measusement (ea Elle)
kolevesen as med. bu PauÁa
uhich oaboisned toúf basuuess 2
Sducod numb d ue1sendes eomto

A Nes Consesvatism aftea 18isS

efeat of Napoleon IbiS Sizit o conser vatism neael

Consesyvatives beieved thot establishea. iaditional

institutions sate and Soúea- Re the menaachy,the
Chuch shouid be parotected
reaty of Vienna
Paaaia, RusaiaAusia, Baitán defeated Napoleon met
o Vienna to duaus etlemert faa u e
lhe Congae a s hosted by_Austian chapcelor buRe Matteznich
The main 'intention uwas to sezatase monaadies that had
en ove?ttharewn bu Na pden and, (oeate a nee conSCatue
Oade in acpe
Page No 6

Chanaes irtaoduced und eu eatu of Viena

he Beubon dunaztuwhich had been deposed
dusinaFoendh Revcluaion san oesstozed. to pac
aance lost the tesvúteies itt had Onnexed, ondes Notceco
A seies etates use1e satup on bsundasiies o tnence
to poievent Faench expansion in ube
The Revoucionasies

A Commitment to oppOse monachia. omsthat

had been estobished altes Vienna Congaess and o
gef dibent and peedom

Guseppe Mazzini talian aevoutionayorn in

Genoa in I8H
Memben bf eget sodety e
Foudod. 2 soidies
Jouna talu in Maseilues
1oung Eusope in Beane
Beieued in urificatin of tal into a
TheThe Age e hevolutions :1830-1848
July Kevolwti on n Fna

When bane sneezesthe sies

tusiope catches Cold.
The Beben Rias oho
Duke Metteanich
had bean usted te poue
duing the on Seavadiue suoaction atea,
1815 wee noo
OVthuoon u ibesal tonse1vati ues
nstallld O
constiu onal
Loui ruippe as ts had monaidy
Page No. 7
eeR kO of lndependenca.bro
An event that mobilised inationalist feelings ameng
he educaed ellte aces Ewmepe
Gaeece. has been páade eotenodn Erapitne sine 1ScEE
Th gpLDUth e2evauinaatiaa in EusepeSpaaRedi
eb sugaee ndspendenta among peeRs in 182
Natiornalists n Gaeece get duppo em eth GaeRs
foets and artists daudad. Gaeece a the cacle o -
Eusepean ciuiisation and mebiised people epinion faa
upperd aganst husimn empiae
Lond Byaon Enalish poet oent Loas & died ves
heaeatefCcostanárgple 1832 recegnise Gaeece
as independent nation >(cityin TuRe
he Kormantic Imag'ination and Nationa feelina
ati ovalisw die net come abslut u y oug
Lwas ano *euitopia, eXpandie
ult played: a napsutaut uele u uatng
ut uolea eHatieiaut aue peetuy, stoue 2
hulped a shape nationalat qeeAng

Tldeas d Johann Gottfaied Hendes

Claimed that tuue Gesman cultune oasto
discoveaed among he common peoble-àas VolR
t was aouah -folR senas eR paoet ave jolR
daues that He dune spiuik enatien yolksqeist)
Was pepulaxised
So Coleckina ad uacodiua L Jobms o Cultu oLR
Could hup úw natiuon building
Kole e venacuao uanquage eland d ledih danguage
Juligjus unstsuudtbon
KAROL KuRPINSKI Celebratnd naional ssuuggle
though mu
nd douningelR dance diReplenae 2
notionalit ymbols. mazusRa into
Page Na 8
#Hadship,ttunqe. and.fopulan KRevolt
1830'sJears eonomichaxdthip in Eusape

on plaien incuoplcunatmipain 1sums

eofadpaices aucaa q bad hammst led t þaupensm
ndaustsiaisaion in England fthea C2IeatedhandahpS
Posts Cheeap machine -made aoads from englance.
Smau paaducame, In houon face shif t Competitäon
tile poioducion (Grmall scale) eed a dot


evoltsepoo in ance 4
Tepd vsloutage6 and unemplaument baDat bece oTas on Dad
Baruucades u e ected 2kouuue Filitpefoced olee
Naional Assembly paoclained a kepubkc
Kesult S.GKanted. sMage to malus auove 21
Guas1anteed Rigkt to wazR
F 1848 : The Revolubion o the kibeals
fallel to Hevolt e peatheue was aolt o educated
mddle class Events e Febzuaay 1848 un_ Eeanca bmught
theabdication e monaich and a epublic base
wnivesol mal Áuage had ban puaclaimed
d Geum arypeeple eedurateo mddlr cda
Ond decide to vet Cametogethe
an au Geman National Asemly
On 18May 1848
$31 elluted uepLAeLatuA mauched
Oiamert, duatted a constitutian fe Quman nation. to anRfuot_
menuc Faieduch Wilhelm IV uuected he sian
uas disband. consitution Jatu it
At this time , uomen au ow
Euope ampaignd n yotinq nghts
Page No.
The MaRing o Geamany &Otay
Gemany an the oimy be the aachitect of a nation 2
Taied tounite the ditteent
The ibexal middle class Germans 1848 2egions Gesman Confedeartion.
itoa ngation-state aoueaned
by elacted paouiament
Thisdibe1al initiative to nation-building uoas, hooeves
epuALd hy combunad. foucas omonanch upheta b
dandouenexs junkeas) oKuasia.
The Making of qeamany

Ate the faila ottempt o ibeal, busia ecR on te

deadeuship e the movement et national unifiation
lEs chie ministez Otto von BismaaR aas the 0sichitect.
e hispunces
Thae ans e 7 yoaus=uith Aushua omark 2 tzanca
ndd up uuit lussian victey utu unifiation ea
Jan 187L he kuuaaian Rinq h2iiamIuas puoclaimad
LeLnna Enspee at zsailes

taly Unified
Quug u uiddlu q 14E italy Luas diuóleod uinto slatu
oodh enly Souiduna'Hedmontas uulsd. by ltalian

The but uas wmdu Ausbuio Habsbuug

-The Cut eas_uuled by Hu Pope
The AOutlun ugaana ua und doniuanc_e Beuuubon kg
King Yictes Emmahul T wnity ttaliaw átat
Ho nitication ef tiaty uit hp Caveowr& Ganibaddi
pauibiiy etonDic dauatpment pelihtal

Contibuctien e_Clue Muustt Cayou

a i Ministeer Caveiu cuo dd. ine ueumank 1p
un aulugieeiet dealy wsas_heitu a eoludina-
ApeR funu iuwnbuttey hau he did dtaiian
kaeug a tackut diploanatie aliauu rana
Cengineeeued by laeu Sasainia Bidmont ALLLDdia-
jeatin itw Austaan ouas 2S1.
Lertuibutisn Giuseppe Gardibaldi
A Ue hunnp elaunnud Volunteesundue HML
diadllip eGuiseppe Lasibaldi youaht oe e
wwiication sesthira pau taly
186oRke y ascud iuto soutiw taly and nu
Kungdem eTwo Siclies aud ucceeded.
w uinning
l uppoc e ne decal peasat w pudiw to
ouive _cut n spaus uulws
w 1£61 Victo Emmanuel I
oas madi. Rurg d unrted ftaly
he sbange lase o buitain
1688 Eugland establis a natign stat
tgtsv paianed 6eized peui
Act o iou17 Maulted u ew nonauchs
ited Kinggou Joumatieu e
18oll8ol ueland uas
at t
Jeibly utalew by e Bnitsy
aild euóutia
A ue 8uih6h NotioK as
ounded, thwough
puobagation e deniat nglia cutne
Vi4ualisiug heu Netbou

Natias e potuayed as emaleanaAMegeuy)

h snale eune that uas chesun to pLnid
the ation a Lenete Jeu
auu he autgedy uas Chzistene as
Mariamne vuw GemuayGeumana became allegau

Nationalism and iupeialism

The Balkans tompsised modesn -day Hamansa Bulasua
AbaniaGeecar Matedoniasebia aaa 5lovenia
Balkans tuas a uegin e qeoguaphical and. ethnie Vauiatin
und tha Letel the 0ttoman Enmpin
The idea eKonsanticnatienalism_madethis
gien_Vey éaplpsu
TheBalkanastats ueLA pen.coly jealeus a a2c
etun and nc hepod te gain me teaitey at
the epense e each eth
ueean peiLs ueLe aAss deekng He rtend e
This ded b a seuis lans u he uegins
aud ioay ALsuLed w Eiust uuOlA _uas

Nationalim alianed ittu mpenialam led Eueope -todiuastelP4

May uunluis ww he uguld bcqante eppes
uwpeuia domination
m e dense to oum independort natien -dtatu and. wue
apied by a mt couLLcbue naienal uniy-
Aea nto con!ontatien uutm impeuualiam.
The idea natiendtate came to ba aceepted
s na a and uniwaAal.

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