Voice Based Gender Identification Using Deep Learning

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Voice Based Gender

Identification Using Deep

Submitted by:Karan
Under Mentorship Uni. roll no.2018865
Mr Ankit Gupta
Section : C
(Assistant professor) Class Roll no.35
Problem statement:To develop voice based gender identification
using deep learning

The identification of gender from voice signals has long been a topic of interest and
research in various fields, including speech processing, human-computer
interaction, and sociolinguistics. Accurate gender identification from voice has
numerous practical applications, ranging from improving the performance of voice
assistants and speech recognition systems to forensic analysis and sociological
studies.In the context of voice-based gender identification, an MLP can be
employed by extracting pertinent features from voice signals, such as pitch,
spectral characteristics, or statistical measures, and feeding them as input to the
network. During training, the MLP adjusts its internal parameters to minimize the
discrepancy between the predicted gender and the true gender labels provided in
a labeled dataset.
One of the key challenges in voice-based gender identification is the
variability of speech characteristics, such as pitch, intonation, and
speaking style, which can vary significantly between individuals and
even within the same speaker. Deep learning models have the
capacity to learn and generalize from large-scale labeled datasets,
enabling them to handle such variations and identify gender-specific
patterns accurately.

Tools Used
Python : is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, dynamic type, easy to learn and open source programming
language. Python combines remarkable power with very clear
Keras : Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either
TensorFlow or Theano.
TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph
represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors)
communicated between them. TensorFlow's flexible architecture allows you to use GPU or CPU to mainly conducting
machine learning and deep neural networks research, but other domains can be adapted easily.
NumPy is the open source fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains powerful capabilities
such as N-dimensional array objects, sophisticated
(broadcasting) functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code, useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and
random number capabilities
Building the model
Model Architecture
The model consists of five hidden dense layers with decreasing numbers of units. The input shape is
specified as a vector of length 128. Dropout regularization is applied after each dense layer with a rate of
0.3. The activation function used in the hidden layers is ReLU, which helps introduce non-linearity and
improve the model's ability to capture complex patterns in the data. The output layer consists of a single
neuron with a sigmoid activation function. A value of 0 indicates female, while a value of 1 indicates male.
Dropout Regularization
Dropout regularization is employed to mitigate overfitting. It randomly sets a fraction of the units to 0
during each training iteration, which helps prevent the model from relying too heavily on specific features
or relationships in the data. A dropout rate of 0.3 is used after each dense layer, striking a balance between
reducing overfitting and retaining valuable information.
Training the model
The voice-based gender identification system has been successfully developed and
tested. The application allows users to record their voice, and based on the audio
features extracted from the recorded voice, it predicts the gender of the speaker. The
system displays the predicted gender on the graphical user interface (GUI) for user
The system's accuracy in gender identification was evaluated using a test dataset
containing recorded voice samples from male and female speakers. The accuracy
metric was calculated by comparing the predicted gender with the actual gender labels
in the test dataset.
1. Accuracy and Performance: The accuracy of the voice-based gender identification system was measured to
assess its effectiveness in correctly classifying the gender of the speaker. The accuracy achieved during testing
indicates how well the model generalizes to unseen data. Higher accuracy indicates better performance in gender
2. Limitations and Challenges: Voice-based gender identification may face certain limitations and challenges. One of
the primary challenges is dealing with variations in voice patterns due to accents, languages, or age differences.
Ensuring the model's robustness across different demographics is essential for real-world applications.
3. Privacy and Ethical Considerations: Voice-based identification systems raise privacy concerns, as they involve
recording and processing personal voice data. It is crucial to handle user data securely and responsibly, following
privacy regulations and ensuring informed consent from users.
4. Real-Time Performance: The current implementation focuses on offline gender identification based on pre-
recorded audio. Future work can explore real-time voice-based gender identification, enabling immediate results
during live voice input.
5. Generalization and Diversity: For real-world applicability, the system should be tested with a diverse dataset that
includes a wide range of voices, accents, and languages. Generalizing the model across diverse speakers is
essential to avoid biases and ensure fair and accurate gender identification.
6. User Experience and Interface: Improving the user interface to be more intuitive and user-friendly can enhance
the overall user experience. Providing additional visualizations or feedback during recording and prediction can
make the application more engaging.
Conclusion and Future Work
The voice-based gender identification project To further enhance the voice-based gender
presents a successful implementation of a system identification system, several avenues for future work
that predicts the gender of a speaker based on can be explored:
voice features. The application allows users to Real-Time Prediction: Implement real-time gender
record their voice, and using a trained machine prediction to provide instantaneous results during
live voice input.
learning model, accurately determines the gender
Diverse Dataset: Test the system on a more diverse
of the speaker. The project demonstrates the
dataset encompassing various accents, languages,
potential of voice analysis in gender identification
and age groups for improved generalization.
and offers a user-friendly interface for easy Model Optimization: Explore advanced machine
interaction. learning models and feature engineering
Key achievements of the project: techniques to boost accuracy.
Developed a voice recording and gender Privacy and Ethics: Address privacy concerns and
prediction system. ensure ethical handling of user voice data.
Achieved a satisfactory accuracy in gender Integration: Integrate the system with voice
classification. assistants or other applications to extend its
Implemented a user-friendly GUI for ease of use usability.
Thank you

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