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The Three Little Pigs

Three little pigs, one pig old that plays so much with the small
one and doesn’t like to do homework, the other middle one
that is independent and cares about his things, and the last
pig little one, that does much antics and loves to play.

One time their father tells them to do their house (one house
for the three pigs.) Everyone has to do apart. They can't
decide if wood, iron, or glass so they do a part of the home
with that type of material. So the old do the iron part, the
middle one the glass part, and the little one the wood part.

First, the old one and the little one were playing, and the
middle one was doing his part. The middle one tells them
that they have to do their part, because if not they not will
have the house completed and any wolf can attack. The
middle one convinced them and the old one and the little
one started to do their part of the house. The old one does
the glass part.

Finally, they finished their home and now is completed. One

day, they are cooking in the chicken when the wolf coming.
They eared and tried to put off the house, but they couldn’t
and the wolf entered. The wolf scares them, but the middle
pig and the biggest pig have an idea so the middle tell “I have
an idea! We can hide and put a tramp to the wolf” so they do
it. The wolf fell into the trap but unfortunately managed to
escape and re-enter through the chimney. He tried, but the
pigs eared too so the smallest pig told the old pig fire there.
They do it and the wolf burns and then she runs out scared.

And that is the end of my contrast story of

The Three Little Pigs. My writing, Final story w/Twist

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