..Ansul Agrawal

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Submission of Summative Assessment

Assessment Details

Module Code and Title MN4W54- Learning Through Organizations of

Course Title BA (Hons) Business Administration
Level Level 04
Cohort Summer 2023
Credit Semester long
Component # Comp 002
Weight 70%
Assessment Title Individual Written Coursework (1500 words)
Module Lecturer Ms. Neeta Subedi

Submission Details

Student’s Name/s University ID

Ansul Agrawal 22067015

Date of submission (DD-MM-YYYY) 09-05- 2023

Word count # 1565

Ansul Agrawal 1
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................4

2. Body ..............................................................................................................................5

2.1. Module Reflection ..................................................................................................5

2.2. Important Insights ..................................................................................................6

2.3. Academic Development.........................................................................................7

2.4. "Identifying Areas for Improvement in Professional Development" ......................8

2.5. Developing an Effective Course of Action for Developing Skill ............................8

3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................9

4. References ..................................................................................................................10

5. Appendixes ................................................................................................................. 11

Part A: 11 RC with weeks and date specified. ............................................................... 11

Week 1 (RC) 24th February, 2023............................................................................... 11

Week 2 (RC) 3rd March, 2023 .....................................................................................12

Week 3 (RC) 10th March, 2023 ..................................................................................13

Week 4 (RC) 17th March, 2023 ...................................................................................14

Week 5 (RC) 24th March, 2023 ...................................................................................15

Week 6 (RC) 31st March, 2023 ...................................................................................16

Week 7 (RC) 3rd April, 2023 ........................................................................................17

Week 8 (RC) 10th April, 2023 ......................................................................................18

Week 9 (RC) 21th April, 2023 ......................................................................................19

Week 10 (RC) 28th April, 2023 ....................................................................................21

Week 11 (RC) 5th May, 2023 .......................................................................................22

Part B: 4 PDPs ................................................................................................................23

PDP 1 ..........................................................................................................................23

PDP 2 ..........................................................................................................................25

Ansul Agrawal 2
PDP3 ...........................................................................................................................27

PDP 4 ..........................................................................................................................29

Part C: LinkedIn Profile with professional picture and its URL......................................31

Part D: List of job Portals and proof of vacancy ............................................................34

Part E: CV .......................................................................................................................36

Part F: Cover Letter ............................................................................................................38

Ansul Agrawal 3
1. Introduction

The purpose of the paper is to complete the academic requirements for the summative
evaluation of the Learning through Organization module. The purpose of this report is to
illustrate, assess, and encourage thought on the abilities and attitudes required to
complete tasks in both one's personal and professional lives.

I revised my portfolio and personal growth plan over the course of the semester to be
ready for this report. I used both of those as the foundation for my reflection on what I've
gained from taking this module this semester.

I was given the chance to apply for a position as a sales executive with the trading
company Ventures worldwide. One of the requirements for the role is a bachelor's
degree, in addition to others like good public speaking ability, record keeping skills, a
positive outlook, organizational leadership abilities, and Microsoft Office competence. I
have all the requirements, but I still need to work on my leadership and public speaking
abilities. I need to hone my leadership and public speaking skills if I want the position.

Ansul Agrawal 4
2. Body

2.1. Module Reflection

This programme has taught me a lot about how to advance professionally, emotionally,
and academically. It has been simpler for me to reflect on my development and learning,
as well as to make connections between the course material and real-world situations,
as a result of routinely updating my portfolio and Personal Development Plan (PDP)..

I've come to understand the need of continuing education and career development for
advancing professionally. My professional development plan gave me a clear idea of the
skills and knowledge I would need to succeed in my chosen field, and the Job Vacancy
exercise helped me to relate what I had learned to actual employment opportunities.

In terms of personal development, I've been able to assess my skills and talents,
become more aware of my strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas where I may
improve. I've also shown that I'm willing to take criticism and use it to improve my work.
Additionally, we learned about interview techniques, elephant thinking, clever objectives,
emotional intelligence,

Overall, this curriculum has increased my capacity as a student and self-awareness, and
it has given me the tools I need to further my knowledge and skills in the future.

Ansul Agrawal 5
2.2. Important Insights

"This module on learning via organization has really changed the way I approach my
academic, professional, and personal development. I've learned a ton of useful
knowledge and abilities that have aided me in a variety of ways from the first lecture of
the first week.

The self-assessments were especially beneficial for my personal development because

they helped me become more self-aware and confident. I also developed the ability to
control my emotions and maintain composure under pressure. Additionally, I now
understand how to effectively plan my career by assessing my talents, abilities, and

The guest lectures from industry professionals were my favourite aspect of the course in
terms of my professional development. I gained a lot of knowledge about problems in the
real world and how to accomplish my objectives. Additionally, I gained knowledge on
how to write a strong résumé and cover letter, both of which will be crucial when I begin
searching for employment. My knowledge of corporate communication, negotiation,
coaching, and interview techniques will also be useful.

I'll be able to use the information and abilities I've learned in this course in my future
academic endeavours. Overall, I'm incredibly pleased with what I've learned in this
module and feel more confident and ready for the challenges of my future academic,
professional, and personal lives.

Ansul Agrawal 6
2.3. Academic Development
I have acquired important knowledge and skills through a variety of learning activities,
including books, lectures, and conversations, which have aided me in my academic

Elephant thinking, which refers to the capacity to perceive the broad picture and connect
the dots, is one idea that jumped out to me in particular. My ability to think critically and
solve problems, two qualities necessary for academic achievement, has improved
because to this idea. It bolsters the notion that people who have a growth mindset are
more likely to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving, which improves academic
performance. (Doherty, 2020)

I also discovered the chimp model, which clarified for me the significance of emotional
control in academic performance. Our emotional responses are represented by the
chimp, and learning how to control it can help us control our emotions and maintain
focus on our academic objectives. This concept is supported by Selye's academic
writing, which emphasises the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety on academic
achievement. (www.kcs.org.uk, 2021)

I also connected with the marshmallow test, which investigates the relationship between
delayed gratification and scholastic success. According to the study, people who could
postpone satisfaction did better in school. (Navidad, 2020)

The Wheel of Life and Ram's "The Psychology Behind Negotiation" TED Talk have also
been crucial to my academic growth. (Mind Tools Content Team,2022)The Wheel of Life
assisted me in identifying areas of my life that need attention and improvement, and the
TED Talk gave me practical insights into the art of bargaining and the value of empathy.
This notion is supported by Bandura's academic writings, which stress the significance
of self-efficacy in academic success.. (Ram, 2013)

The "Learning Through Organisations" subject, in conclusion, has considerably aided my

academic growth. I've gained skills in critical thinking, effective communication,
emotional regulation, self-control, and self-efficacy, all of which are necessary for
academic achievement, thanks to the many learning activities and academic literature.

Ansul Agrawal 7
2.4. "Identifying Areas for Improvement in Professional Development"

Effective communication is a skill that every sales executive needs to develop. A key
component of the work is having the ability to communicate with potential clients simply
and with assurance. Being a skilled orator requires training and practise because public
speaking is an art. A sales representative needs to be able to present to clients in an
interesting, educational, and compelling manner. Public speaking also requires the
capacity to read and comprehend the audience. Success in a sales job depends on
one's capacity for good communication, whether speaking to a small group or a huge
crowd. Success in the position also depends on having strong leadership abilities.

Sales executives are in charge of increasing sales, cultivating customer connections,

and overseeing a group of sales associates. To manage a successful sales team and
meet sales goals, effective leadership abilities are a necessity.

2.5. Developing an Effective Course of Action for Developing Skill

My goal for this semester is to improve my public speaking skills and leadership skills,
with a specific focus on developing confidence and effective communication. To achieve
this, I plan to set aside dedicated time each week for practicing public speaking and
leadership skills, including rehearsing presentations and seeking feedback from peers
and mentors and also taking part in group activities. I will also look for opportunities to
speak publicly, such as volunteering to present in class or taking main role is tasks . By
the end of the semester, I aim to have developed my skills to the point where I am able
to deliver a presentation without getting nervous or anxious, maintain eye contact with
my audience, use appropriate body language to show my work, captivate their attention,
convey my message effectively, and inspire action or change. I believe that achieving
this skill will benefit me in several ways, including advancing in my career, building my
professional network, and making a positive impact on my audience.

Ansul Agrawal 8
3. Conclusion

The college project that I have recently completed has been an enriching and
transformative experience for me. Through this project, I have gained valuable insights
into various aspects of my academic and personal life. I have learned about my
strengths and weaknesses, which has helped me focus on areas that require
improvement. Moreover, this project has enabled me to set realistic goals and objectives
that align with my academic and professional aspirations.

The project involved conducting a thorough self-assessment to identify my strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I used a SWOT analysis framework to conduct
this assessment, which helped me gain a holistic understanding of myself. Through this
process, I discovered that my strengths lie in my analytical and problem-solving abilities,
while my weaknesses are my tendency to procrastinate and my lack of assertiveness.
This self-awareness has been crucial in helping me address my weaknesses and build
on my strengths.

Additionally, the project required me to develop an action plan based on my self-

assessment results. I identified specific steps that I need to take to achieve my academic
and professional goals. For instance, I plan to improve my time management skills to
overcome procrastination, develop my communication skills to become more assertive,
and take on more leadership roles to build my leadership skills. This action plan will
serve as a roadmap for my future growth and development.

In conclusion, the college project has been an instrumental part of my academic journey.
It has provided me with valuable insights into myself, enabling me to focus on areas that
require improvement. Moreover, the project has helped me set realistic goals and
objectives that align with my academic and professional aspirations. The skills and
knowledge gained from this project will aid me in achieving my academic and
professional goals. Overall, this project has been a transformative experience that I will
carry with me throughout my academic and professional journey.

Ansul Agrawal 9
4. References

• Lucas, S. (n.d.). The Art of Public Speaking.

• Gallo, C. (n.d.). Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top
• Berkun, S. (n.d.). Confessions of a Public Speaker.
• Kim, L. (n.d.). 9 Places to Learn Public Speaking Skills for Free. Inc.com.
Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/nine-places-tolearn-

• Doherty, E. (2020). Elephant Thinking. [online] www.linkedin.com. Available at:

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/elephant-thinking-ed-doherty/ [Accessed 9 May

• Mind Tools Content Team (2022). MindTools | Home. [online]

www.mindtools.com. Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/ak6jd6w/the-wheel-

• Navidad, A. (2020). Marshmallow Test Experiment | Simply Psychology. [online]

www.simplypsychology.org. Available at:

• Ram (2013). The Psychology Behind Negotiation. [online] www.ted.com.

Available at: https://www.ted.com/talks/ram_the_psychology_behind_negotiation.

• www.kcs.org.uk. (2021). King’s College School. [online] Available at:

https://www.kcs.org.uk/senior-school/news/the-chimp-model [Accessed 9 May

Ansul Agrawal 10
5. Appendixes

Part A: 11 RC with weeks and date specified.

Week 1 (RC) 24th February, 2023

Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour assessments

The most interesting aspect of today's session was learning about my personality type
and how it affects my behavior and relationships with others. I found it fascinating to learn
that I have a natural inclination towards leadership and commanding positions.One thing
I learned is the importance of having a clear personal vision and mission statement. By
writing them down, I was able to articulate my goals and aspirations, and this exercise
gave me a sense of direction and purpose.

I'm not sure about how accurate the personality test was and whether it truly captures all
aspects of my personality. I might have learned more if we had gone more in-depth into
the different personality types and their characteristics.

After this session, I want to focus more on my personal growth and creativity while also
prioritizing my relationships with my loved ones. I plan to use my leadership skills to inspire
and support others on their own journeys of growth and creativity. Overall, this session
has helped me gain a better understanding of myself and my values, which will help me
in my personal and professional development.

Ansul Agrawal 11
Week 2 (RC) 3rd March, 2023
Topic: Career Planning and Occupational Choice

Raman Sir's guest lecture was truly inspiring and made me realize that success can be
achieved through hard work and perseverance. I have decided to focus on improving
my public speaking skills as my goal for this semester. As someone who often struggles
with nervousness during presentations, I believe that developing these skills will make
me a more effective communicator and help me advance in my career.

To achieve this goal, I plan to focus on developing specific skills such as clear
communication, audience engagement, effective storytelling, and confidence. By the
end of the semester, I hope to deliver presentations without excessive nervousness,
maintain eye contact with my audience, and use appropriate body language to convey
my message.

To ensure that I stay on track, I have set aside two hours per week to practice public
speaking and seek feedback from peers and mentors. I believe that this time-bound
plan will help me achieve my goal of improving my public speaking skills.

Overall, Raman Sir's lecture reminded me that success is attainable with hard work and
determination. By improving my public speaking skills, I hope to become a better
communicator and advance in my career.

Ansul Agrawal 12
Week 3 (RC) 10th March, 2023
Topic: Emotional intelligence and multiple intelligence

This week's session taught me a lot about how our brains work and how they affect our
decision-making processes. One of the key takeaways was the "chimp model," which
suggests that our brains can be divided into two parts: a rational, logical part, and an
emotional, instinctual part (often referred to as the "chimp" brain). Understanding how
these two parts function can help us make better decisions.

We also learned about the famous "marshmallow test," which measures our ability to
delay gratification and predicts future success. Additionally, we took a personality quiz
that helped us better understand our own decision-making tendencies.

The case studies we conducted further emphasized the importance of emotional

intelligence in decision-making. By being aware of our personality traits and emotional
intelligence, we can make decisions that align with our goals and values.

Overall, the workshop was informative and gave me valuable insights into how our
brains work and how we can improve our decision-making processes. I look forward to
applying these lessons in my personal and professional life.

Ansul Agrawal 13
Week 4 (RC) 17th March, 2023
Topic: Self Development and Self Leadership

Last week's session on self-leadership was truly insightful and helped me learn more
about how to develop and lead myself. We discussed the importance of leadership
principles and self-improvement skills, which I believe will be valuable in the future. I
found the three videos about leadership particularly fascinating, and they have helped
me improve my leadership abilities.

During today's lesson, we explored the concept of "Elephant Thinking" and how our
mental constraints can limit us. It was eye-opening to realize how our childhood beliefs
and experiences can shape our mindset and limit our potential. However, like the circus
elephant, we too can break free from our mental constraints and achieve great things.

To do so, we need to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, take risks, and avoid
blaming others for our shortcomings. Instead, we must focus on our own actions and
have faith in our abilities. By being mindful of our cognitive processes and working to
overcome our self-imposed limitations, we can unlock our full potential and achieve

Ansul Agrawal 14
Week 5 (RC) 24th March, 2023
Topic:-Creating an excellent CV and cover letter

Last week's Learning Through Organizations class taught me how to develop my CV

and cover letter for specific sectors, organizations, and roles. The class provided useful
strategies that I believe will benefit me in my future job applications. One of the most
valuable lessons I learned was how to use language effectively to showcase my
relevant skills.
I used to think that just listing my skills on my CV was enough, but the class taught me
to provide specific examples and results to demonstrate my skills in different areas. This
not only made my CV more convincing, but it also boosted my confidence in my
abilities. Another important takeaway was how to tailor my CV and cover letter to
specific job postings by identifying keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job.
This helped me understand what employers are looking for and how to position myself
as the best candidate for the job.

In addition, writing my own CV during the workshop class was a valuable experience as
it allowed me to apply the strategies learned in class to my own CV and receive
constructive feedback from my peers and instructor. Overall, I gained a better
understanding of how to showcase my skills and accomplishments on my CV and cover
letter for future job applications.

Ansul Agrawal 15
Week 6 (RC) 31st March, 2023
Topic: Creating an excellent CV and cover letter

Attending the lecture on cover letter writing was a valuable experience for me. The
speaker emphasized the importance of having a well-written cover letter when applying
for a job, and provided us with useful insights on how to make a strong impression on
potential employers. I learned about the different components of a cover letter, such as
the introduction, body, and closing, and the different styles and formats that are
commonly used.

During the workshop class, we were given a cover letter template and a vacancy post to
work with. I found this to be very helpful because it gave me a starting point and
structure for creating my own cover letter. Working together with my instructor and
peers, I was able to receive feedback and improve my cover letter writing skills.

The most valuable part of the workshop class was when we had to create a cover letter
for a specific job posting found on the internet. This allowed me to put what I had
learned in the lecture into practice and tailor my cover letter to the requirements of the
job posting. Although it was challenging, I was able to incorporate the necessary
keywords and showcase my qualifications effectively.

Overall, the lecture and workshop class have helped me to write a strong and effective
cover letter. I feel more confident in my ability to apply these skills to my future job
applications and look forward to seeing the results of my efforts.

Ansul Agrawal 16
Week 7 (RC) 3rd April, 2023
Topic: Business Communication

I discovered the value of efficient workplace communication during the lesson on business
communication in week 7 of the course Learning through Organizations. The lecture
covered a variety of communication-related topics, such as different communication
styles, jargons, workplace communication, external and international communication, and
steps to perform effective communication, such as audience knowledge, purpose
comprehension, and channel selection.

The in-class exercises served to further emphasize how crucial good communication is in
the workplace. In the first exercise, we tore and folded a piece of paper to show how
ambiguous communication can cause confusion and misconceptions. In the second
activity, we identified workplace jargons and spoke about how they affect business
communication. The final task involved analyzing an email to determine its flaws and
learning how to write productive emails in a business context. The fourth activity involved
identifying frequently misspelled words and talking about how spelling mistakes affect
business communications.

I was able to better comprehend the value of excellent communication in the business as
a student thanks to this lecture and the in-class exercises. I've learnt to steer clear of
jargon, pick the best channel for communication, and craft persuasive communications. I'll
use these abilities in my future professional life to effectively communicate with my clients
and colleagues. Overall, I learned a lot from this lecture and the activities, and they helped
me get better at communicating.

Ansul Agrawal 17
Week 8 (RC) 10th April, 2023
Topic: Negotiation skills

In week 8 of our Learning Through Organizations course, we focused on negotiation skills.

The lecture introduced the characteristics of successful negotiation and the three basic
rules of negotiation: knowing oneself, knowing the other party, and knowing the situation.
We also learned about negotiating styles, such as competing, accommodating, avoiding,
collaborating, and compromising, and the importance of being aware of one's own default
style and the counterpart's style.

The workshop included watching a TED Talk by Ram, titled "The Psychology Behind
Negotiation." In the video, Ram emphasized the importance of understanding the other
party's emotions and how they can impact the negotiation. He also discussed the concept
of BATNA, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement, and how it can help protect
oneself against a bad agreement.

Overall, the lecture and workshop helped me understand the key characteristics of
successful negotiation and the various strategies and techniques that can be employed. I
learned the importance of preparing and listening, as well as the significance of
maintaining personal integrity and being aware of one's communication style. The
workshop video by Ram provided additional insights into the psychology behind
negotiation and highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in the negotiation
process. I feel better equipped to approach negotiations in both personal and professional
contexts after this week's class.

Ansul Agrawal 18
Week 9 (RC) 21th April, 2023
Topic: Coaching skill

In this week's class on learning through organizations, we explored the topic of coaching
as a human development process. We learned that coaching involves a structured and
focused interaction aimed at promoting desirable and sustainable change for coaches and
other stakeholders, using appropriate strategies, tools, and techniques. We also learned
about various coaching approaches, such as sports coaching, life coaching, evidence-
based coaching, and executive/leadership coaching.

The lecture emphasized the importance of emotional intelligence, people skills, and
motivating others, and interacting with peers, employees, clients, and superiors in
coaching. We also learned about the essential elements of coaching, such as active
listening, creating rapport, and asking powerful questions. The GROW model, a widely
used coaching model, was introduced to help individuals clarify their goals, explore the
current reality, identify options, and commit to action.

The Wheel of Life workshop was an excellent exercise in self-reflection and self-
awareness. It allowed us to evaluate different aspects of our lives, such as health,
relationships, career, and personal growth, and identify areas that need improvement. This
exercise helped us prioritize our goals and focus our efforts on the areas that need the
most attention

Overall, this week's class on coaching and Wheel of Life was beneficial in broadening our
understanding of the importance of coaching in personal and professional development.
The knowledge and skills gained from this week's lecture and workshop will be valuable
in our personal and professional lives. We look forward to applying these concepts in
practice to achieve our goals and aspirations.

Ansul Agrawal 19
Ansul Agrawal 20
Week 10 (RC) 28th April, 2023
Topic: : Interview Skills

During this week's lecture on selection interviews, we learned that HR's main purpose for
conducting an interview is to answer three questions: Can the candidate do the job? Will
the candidate do the job? And how will the candidate fit into the team? We were
introduced to various types of questions that can be asked during an interview, including
open-ended, closed, capability, probing, and strength-based questions. We were also
advised on how to prepare for an interview, by identifying our strengths and abilities and
creating a positive impression through our dress, body language, and speech.

In the workshop, we applied our knowledge of selection interviews by creating our CV

and cover letter for a job we found on a job portal. This exercise helped us understand
the importance of presenting ourselves professionally and highlighting our relevant skills
and experience. I believe this activity will be valuable in the future when applying for jobs
and going through the interview process.

Overall, this week's lecture and workshop on selection interviews has been informative
and practical. It has given us a better understanding of the interview process and how to
prepare for it effectively. I am confident that the knowledge and skills gained from this
week's class will serve me well in my future career endeavors.

Ansul Agrawal 21
Week 11 (RC) 5th May, 2023
Topic: Reflection of Module Learnings

I have learned a lot about how to progress professionally, personally, and academically
as a result of this programme. Regularly updating my portfolio and Personal
Development Plan (PDP) has made it easier for me to reflect on my growth and learning,
as well as to draw links between the course material and actual circumstances.

I've realised the value of career development and ongoing learning in terms of
professional growth. My professional development plan offered me a clear picture of the
abilities and knowledge required to thrive in my chosen profession, and the Job Vacancy
exercise assisted me in making the connection between my learning and actual job

In terms of personal development, I've become more aware of my strengths and

shortcomings, been able to evaluate my abilities, and been able to pinpoint areas where
I can improve. I've also demonstrated a willingness to accept criticism and apply it to my
work. We also gained knowledge regarding interview skills, elephant thinking, smart
goals, emotional intelligence,

Regarding academic growth, I have read academic literature to support my reflections

and have shown that I have a solid grasp of the ideas presented in the module.

Overall, this programme has improved my self-awareness and capacity as a student and
equipped me with the resources I need to further my knowledge and abilities in the

Ansul Agrawal 22
Part B: 4 PDPs

MN40W54NI- Learning through organization

Week 2 - WORKSHOP 2– Individual activity

Name: Ansul Agrawal

Section: B3

Date: 3rd March 2023

Goal: To improve my public speaking skills this semester.

Required skill sets:

1. Confidence

2. Effective communication

3.Audience Engagement

4. Leadership

Now, Analyze one of the skills in this template. Please elaborate your answers

SPECIFIC ( What skill do I want to develop and why? ) :

I want to develop my confidence in public speaking because I often struggle with nerves
and anxiety before and during presentations. Improving my confidence will help me
deliver my work more effectively and engage my audience better.

Ansul Agrawal 23
MEASURABLE ( How will I know if I am successful?)

I will know that I am successful in developing my confidence in public speaking when I

am able to deliver a presentation without getting nervous or anxiety and able to maintain
eye contact with my audience, and use appropriate body language to show my work.

ATTAINABLE ( Is it possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today?)

Developing confidence in public speaking is achievable for me based on where I am

today. I have some experience in public speaking, and with focused effort and practice, I
believe I can improve my confidence and skills.

RELIABLE ( What are the benefits of achieving this particular skill ?)

Developing confidence in public speaking will benefit me in several ways. It will increase
my effectiveness as a communicator, help me to advance in my career by improving my
presentation skills, and give me the confidence to pursue people that may help me get
funds for my business in future.

Time bound ( When do I want to perfect this skill ? How much time should I set aside
to work on this?)

I want to perfect my confidence in public speaking by the end of this semester. To work
on this skill, I will set aside at least two hours per week for practicing public speaking,
including rehearsing presentations and seeking feedback from peers and mentors.

Ansul Agrawal 24

MN40W54NI- Learning through the organization

Week 4 - WORKSHOP 4– Individual activity

Name: Ansul Agrawal Section:


Date: 17th March 2023

Goal: To improve my public speaking skills this semester.

Required skill sets:

1. Confidence

2. Effective communication

3. Audience Engagement

4. Leadership

Now, Analyze one of the skills in this template. Please elaborate your answers

SPECIFIC (What skill do I want to develop and why? ) :

= The skill I want to develop is effective communication through public speaking. I want
to be able to deliver speeches and presentations confidently, clearly, and with impact to
different audiences.

MEASURABLE (How will I know if I am successful?)

= I will know I am successful in developing this skill when I receive positive feedback
from my audience, such as being able to captivate their attention, convey my message
effectively, and inspire action or change. I can also measure my progress by the number
of opportunities I get to speak publicly, the variety of audiences I am able to address,
and my ability to adapt my message to different contexts.

Ansul Agrawal 25
ATTAINABLE (Is it possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today?)

= While I have some experience with public speaking, I know I have room for
improvement. With practice and feedback, I believe I can achieve this skill and become
a more confident and effective communicator.

RELIABLE (What are the benefits of achieving this particular skill?)

= Developing effective communication through public speaking can bring many benefits.
It can help me advance in my career, build my professional network, and make a
positive impact on my audience. Being able to deliver speeches and presentations
confidently can also boost my self-confidence and help me become a more persuasive
and influential speaker.

Time-bound (When do I want to perfect this skill? How much time should I set aside to
work on this?)

= I want to perfect my public speaking skills by the end of the semester, which gives me
around four months to work on it. I plan to set aside dedicated time each week to
practice, seek feedback, and reflect on my progress. I will also look for opportunities to
speak publicly, such as volunteering to present in class or joining a public speaking club.

Ansul Agrawal 26

MN40W54NI- Learning through the organization

Week 10 - WORKSHOP 10– Individual activity

Name: Ansul Agrawal

Section: B3
Date: 28th April 2023

Goal: To improve my public speaking skills this semester.

Required skill sets:
1. Effective communication
2. Confidence
3. Audience Engagement
4. Leadership
Now, Analyze one of the skills in this template. Please elaborate your answers
SPECIFIC (What skill do I want to develop and why?) :
=The skill that I want to develop is Audience Engagement in public speaking. This is
because I want to become a more effective speaker and make my presentations more
interesting and memorable for my audience.
MEASURABLE (How will I know if I am successful?)
= I will know that I am successful in developing this skill when I receive positive feedback
from my audience. If they are actively listening, asking questions, and participating in the
discussion, I will know that I have engaged them effectively.

ATTAINABLE (Is it possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today?)
= Yes, it is definitely possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today. I
can start by researching different techniques for audience engagement and practicing
them in my presentations. Additionally, I can seek feedback from my peers or professors
to improve my skills.

Ansul Agrawal 27
RELIABLE (What are the benefits of achieving this particular skill?)
= Developing audience engagement skills will have several benefits. First, it will help me
become a more effective communicator and convey my message more clearly. Second,
it will make my presentations more memorable and interesting for my audience, which
can help me build stronger connections and relationships. Lastly, it will boost my
confidence in public speaking, which can help me in my personal and professional life.
Time-bound (When do I want to perfect this skill? How much time should I set aside to
work on this?)
= I want to perfect my audience engagement skills by the end of this semester, which
gives me about four months to work on it. I plan to set aside at least an hour each week
to practice and incorporate new techniques into my presentations. Additionally, I will
seek feedback after each presentation to assess my progress and identify areas for

Ansul Agrawal 28
MN40W54NI- Learning through the organization
Week 10 - WORKSHOP 10– Individual activity

Name: Ansul Agrawal

Section: B3
Date: 28th April 2023
Goal: To improve my public speaking skills this semester.
Required skill sets:
1. Effective communication
2. Confidence
3. Audience Engagement
4. Leadership

Now, Analyze one of the skills in this template. Please elaborate your answers
SPECIFIC (What skill do I want to develop and why?) :
= The skill that I want to develop is Leadership in public speaking. This is because I want
to become a more confident and effective leader when giving presentations, by guiding
and inspiring my audience.
MEASURABLE (How will I know if I am successful?)
= I will know that I am successful in developing this skill when I receive positive feedback
from my audience regarding my leadership qualities. Specifically, if my audience feels
motivated, inspired, and eager to take action after my presentation, I will know that I
have effectively demonstrated leadership skills.

ATTAINABLE (Is it possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today?)
= Yes, it is possible for me to achieve this skill based on where I am today. I can start by
researching and studying different leadership styles and techniques, as well as
practicing them in my presentations. Additionally, I can seek feedback from my peers or
professors to improve my skills.

Ansul Agrawal 29
RELIABLE (What are the benefits of achieving this particular skill?)
= Developing leadership skills in public speaking will have several benefits. First, it will
help me become a more effective communicator and guide for my audience. Second, it
will improve my ability to inspire and motivate others, which can be useful in both
personal and professional contexts. Lastly, it will boost my confidence in public speaking
and give me the skills to become a successful leader in a variety of situations.
Time-bound (When do I want to perfect this skill? How much time should I set aside to
work on this?)
= I want to perfect my leadership skills by the end of this semester, which gives me
about four months to work on it. I plan to set aside time each week to research, study,
and practice different leadership techniques. Additionally, I will seek feedback after each
presentation to assess my progress and identify areas for improvement. By the end of
the semester, I aim to be able to confidently lead and inspire my audience during public
speaking engagements.

Ansul Agrawal 30
Part C: LinkedIn Profile with professional picture and its URL

URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/ansul-agrawal-40a110272

Ansul Agrawal 31
Ansul Agrawal 32
Ansul Agrawal 33
Part D: List of job Portals and proof of vacancy

Some list of Job Portals are: -

• https://merojob.com/
• https://www.jobsnepal.com/
• https://www.jobejee.com/
• https://www.kumarijob.com/
• https://www.merorojgari.com/

Proof Of Vacancy

Ansul Agrawal 34
Ansul Agrawal 35
Part E: CV

Bhatkekopol, Kathmandu

Ansul Ansul7495@gmail.com

Agrawal Instagram = @agrawalansul4

Knowledgeable Social Media Manager experienced in executing social media strategies

across social platforms. Demonstrated time management and collaboration skills.
Flexes easily with new information and branding changes to consistently exceed targets
for engagement, acquisition, and retention. Detail-oriented team player with strong
organizational skills. Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously with a high
degree of accuracy.

● Content and digital asset management ● Marketing analytics
● MS Office
● Online marketing strategies ● Social Media Management

Ansul Agrawal 36
DATES 4 August 2022-26Febrary 2023

Social Media Manager/ Sadasyata, Work from Home

Worked with department personnel to deliver brand consistency in social media

• Suggested and implemented new features to develop brand awareness.

• Communicated with followers to promptly respond to queries and monitor reviews.

• Set clearly defined goals to drive customer retention, brand awareness and website or
social Media traffic.

• Increased customer engagement through social media.

March 2022

+2 / Modern Indian School , Chobar

November 2022

BBA / Islington College, Naxal

I am a very kind and competitive person. I also love giving back to the society and
getting some from the society. I have previously done some social work like cleaning
temples and feeding people and still whenever I see someone in need I am there to
help them.

Sadasyata (Jivan Shakya) CEO = 9823567888

Ansul Agrawal 37
Part F: Cover Letter

Ansul Agrawal

Kalopol, Kathmandu | 9823560388|Ansul7495@gmail.com

Date: 31st March ,2023
Mero job
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Executive position at Ventures
International. With over one year of experience in sales and a bachelor's degree in
business, I am confident that my skills and experience align with the requirements of the
In my previous roles, I have developed and maintained relationships with distributors
and potential clients, identified potential customers for new business, and represented
the organization at trade exhibitions, events, and demonstrations. Moreover, I am
comfortable with sales and marketing, credit checks, account settlement, and generating
new sales opportunities through cold-calling and outbound emails.
Furthermore, I possess excellent organizational and problem-solving skills, interpersonal
skills, verbal communication skills, and proficiency in MS Office applications. I am also
familiar with the province for which the job has been posted initially, and I have
knowledge of electronics.
As a result-oriented individual, I am confident in my ability to identify and analyze
customer needs, negotiate, and close deals, and prepare and present sales proposals. I
am willing to shift to any location as and when required by the company.
Thank you for considering my application for the Sales Executive position at Ventures
International. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the
success of the organization.

Ansul Agrawal

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