Soal STS B.inggris Kelas 4

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The kids are hopping

TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022 – 2023 B: She is drinking milk.
a. What are you doing
Tanda Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nilai : b. What is Budi doing
Tangan Kelas / Semester : IV (Empat) / I c. What is Lia doing
Orang Tua Hari/Tgl : ……………………………….. d. What am I doing
No / Nama Siswa : ……………………………….. ParafGuru
7. The students are playing in the schoolyard.
The correct picture based on the sentence is … .
A. Choose the correct answer. a. c.
1. A: What are you doing.
B: … .
a. I am praying
b. I am eating b. d.
c. I am running
d. I am sleeping

2. A: What is he doing? 8. Heru : ... ?

B: ….
Mila : I am writing a poem
a. He is drinking
a. What are you doing
b. He is sitting
b. What is Budi doing
c. He is drinking
c. What is Lia doing
d. He is sleeping
d. What am I doing
3. Anita is … in the bedroom.
9. The students … cleaning the class room
a. Drinking
a. Am b. is c. are d. do
b. Eating
c. Sitting
10. Amanda … reading a book.
d. Sleeping
a. Am b. is c. are d. do
4. is – sweeping - the – Mery – floor
11. The correct sentence based on the picture is … .
The correct arrangement is … .
a. Father is listening to radio
a. Mery is the floor sweeping
b. Father is watching TV
b. Mery is sweeping the floor
c. Father is playing video
c. Mery sweeping is the floor
d. Father is reading newspaper
d. Mery the floor is sweeping
12. The correct sentence based on the picture is … .
5. The correct sentence based on the picture is … .
a. Farel is listening to music
a. The kids are skipping
b. Farel is watching TV
b. The kids are jumping
c. Farel is playing video
c. The kids are running
d. Farel is reading newspaper a. Nineteen nine
b. Ninety nineteen
13. I have … books in my bag. c. Ninety nine
a. Seven d. Nineteen nine
b. Eight
c. Nine 21. Thirty eight minus eight is … .
d. Ten a. Thirty
b. Twenty
14. We have … tables in the class. c. Forty
a. Eleven d. Fifty
b. Twelve
c. Fifteen 22. Twenty two plus eighteen is … .
d. Sixteen a. Twenty
b. Thirty
15. Five plus eleven is … . c. Fourty
a. Eleven d. Fifty
b. Twelve
c. Fifteen 23. There are … students in the class.
d. Sixteen a. Eight
b. Seven
16. Seventy minus sixty is … . c. Six
a. Seven b. Eight c. Nine d. Ten d. Five

17. 75 – 15 = … . 24. One hundred one is … .

In English we can say … . a. 100 b. 101 c. 102 d. 103
a. Seventy five minus Five is fifty five
b. Seventy five minus fifteen is sixty 25. This is number
c. Seventy five minus fifteen is fifty a. Thirty three c. Thirty one
d. Seventy five minus fifty is sixty b. Thirty two d. Thirty five

18. 100 + 400 = 500

In English we can say … . B. Fill in the blanks with suitable answer.
a. One hundred plus four hundred is five hundred
b. One hundred plus five hundred is four hundred 26. Make a simple sentence based on the picture.
c. One hundred plus four thousand is five thousand ___________________________________
d. One hundred plus five thousand is four thousand
27. Make a simple sentence based on the picture.
19. There are … students in the library ___________________________________
a. Eight
b. Nine 28. Is - Cici - books - the library – in – borrowing
c. Ten The correct arrangement is … .
d. Eleve ___________________________________
20. This is number … .
29. 30 + 13 = . . . We can say in English ____________________________
30. 100 - 25 = . . . We can say in English ____________________________

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