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if you were the HR manager, how would you react in all three stories.

How would
you handle the situation unlikely to each managers? Write your opinion in about
atleast 100 words for each stories
Story 1: As the HR manager, in response to Sarah's departure and the rush to craft a
counter-offer, I would take a more systematic approach. I would gather information of
her problems and the ways in which she is underpaid and provide her with adequate
compensation for her previous pay and also make a new pay structure for her.
Simultaneously, I would meet with Jason to discuss the situation and direct him to
more give more attention to workers.
To address the compensation issue, I would initiate a comprehensive salary review
for all employees in similar roles, ensuring that they are compensated fairly compared
to industry standards. Additionally I would organize weekly or monthly reviews and
feedback to gather info about the employees problems and try to solve them.
In the long term, I would implement a robust talent retention strategy that includes
competitive compensation packages, career development opportunities, and an open
communication culture to proactively address any concerns.
Story 2:
For Joe's situation, I would acknowledge his desire for a new challenge and his
proactive efforts to explore opportunities. As HR manager, I would support his career
transition within the company. I would work with Joe to identify potential roles that align
with his skills and interests, and then facilitate internal networking, mentorship, or
training programs to help him acquire the necessary skills for the new role.
Furthermore, I would establish an internal career development program that
encourages employees to explore different paths within the organization, thereby
fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. By proactively engaging with
employees like Joe, we can retain valuable talent and benefit from their evolving skills
and expertise.

Story 3: In this scenario, I would recommend a more flexible and inclusive approach
to filling the marketing manager position. Instead of immediately assuming that none
of the internal candidates may be interested, I would encourage HR and the team's
Director to have discussions with the present employees and try to find a adequate
manager with our present employees.
Simultaneously, I would start a talent assessment process internally to identify
potential successors for any internal candidates who decide to pursue the new role.
The goal is to create an environment where internal candidates feel valued and
supported in their career progression while ensuring that the organization has
contingency plans in place for key positions.

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