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AY 2023-24 Subject: Science HW NUMBER :11

Term: 1 Week-12 Date of Issue: 18/11/2023 Due date of Submission: 18-25/11/2023

Name of the student: Year/Division: 7

Marked By: Total Marks: /10


Q1. Fill in the blank with the correct word: 4

a. ------------------- is the amount of matter in an object, measured in ---------------- .

b. -------------------- is the force of gravity on an object, measured in -----------------.

Q2 Compare between the Moon’s gravity and Earth’s gravity, with examples 2

The moons gravity is weaker than the earths you weight a lot less up there you
can Jump much higher on the moon but you still fall back downward








Q3. Fill in the blank with the correct word: 2

Friction is a force that acts when two surfaces are in contact with each other.
a. --------------------

b. Friction acts to --------------------------- motion.

Lesson-4 2

Q4. Press your hands very gently together and rub them. Now press much harder and rub

again. Describe what you observe. What does this tell you about the force of friction?

Friction is a force that can appear when to objects are in contact with each other
rubbing your hands together The force of friction causes them to warm up







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