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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

1. Communication and Problem-Solving

Skill Met Partially Not Example and brief description of how a

Met Met specific assignment or activity meets the

1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written, X In my Sports Nutrition course I took

multimodal, and oral sophomore year, the final project was to
communication, considering write a research paper and presentation on
purpose, audience, and format. a nutrition topic that was relative to us. I
chose to research pickle justice being used
for recovery and performance for exercise.
I chose this topic because at this time I was
a part of the track and field team at Seton
Hill University and would drink pickle
justice for cramps. I wanted to broaden my
knowledge on the topic. These assignments
let me be able to explore that idea through
research of peer-reviewed articles,
journals, and other research papers. Along
with the paper was a presentation of the
paper and findings to my classmates. This
project helped me work on my research
skills and public speaking.

1.2 Analyze issues, make decisions, X In my Special Population SER 400, I was
and address problems using critical given a case study on an individual with
thinking. diabetes. I had to analyze the individual's
medical information and history given and
diagnose them with a type of diabetes
based on their history. After this, I came up
with an exercise prescription for the
individual based on the sign. symptoms,
and the type of diabetes the individuals
had. This assignment helped me improve
my decision-making skills when I had to
choose the frequency, intensity, type, and
time of exercise that best suited the
individual based on their condition.

1.3 Demonstrate leadership, X In my Sports Psychology class my final

including negotiation, relational, project was to create a group presentation
consensus-building, and teamwork based on a chapter in our Sports
skills. Psychology book. It was a group
presentation with two other classmates of
mine. This was one of the first group
presentations I did at Seton Hill University.
During the process of making the
presentation, a lot of communication had to
be done between the group. We had to
discuss who was taking over certain
aspects of the assignments and what slides
we were reading. We also had to make sure
we met the required time limit of 30
minutes. We did this by practicing our
presentation and making sure we all had
enough information together. Before
completing this project, I was not always a
fan of group presentations. However, this
project helped me become better at
communicating and working together with
peers and being able to collaboratively
present to an audience.
1.4 Communicate and express ideas X In Clay SAR 225, my final project was to
through the arts. make a tea set. For this assignment, I had
to create a ceramic tea set inspired by a
painting from the Westmoreland Art
Museum. I also had to present what I made
to the class and my professor while
explaining why I chose the tea set's shape,
colors, and overall theme. This assignment
allowed me to use my creativity and
express my ideas to my classmates.

1.5 Integrate appropriate X During my four years at Seton Hill

technologies to solve problems, University, I have used multiple online
complete tasks, and accomplish software to analyze and store data. One
goals. class was Introductory to Statistics. SPSS
Statistics was a software that I had to be
able to learn and use through my
Introductory to Statistics class. This
program is a statistical analysis program
that is used by researchers for quantitative
analysis of complex data. This software
was used on multiple projects, and
homework. and assignments throughout
the course. This software helps accomplish
all the coursework assigned. The
assignments could not be completed
without this software. With using SPSS
Statistics software in Introductory to
Statistics, I had to know how to correctly
analyze data, enter the data into the
software, and know what formats to use to
get the correct answer. This software was
also used for homework assignments,
projects, and exams. I had never used this
software before so learning the process was
frustrating in the beginning but it helped
me broaden my skills for the future.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

2.1 Relate effectively across various X In my Spanish ll course, one of the

linguistic and cultural settings. assignments we had to do once a month
was to write diaries/journals. These
journals were to be written in Spanish
using the vocabulary we were learning in
the class. To complete this, a partner and I
were given different prompts for all 4. We
had to then create a conversation that we
were able to write, read, and speak. These
conversations consisted of different
elements of the Spanish-speaking
community and the various cultural
settings. The last diary we had to write also
had to be spoken out loud and be a certain
amount of word limit. These diaries/ joules
helped me be able to learn how to read,
write, and speak the Spanish language.
They also helped me learn more about the
different cultures who speak Spanish.

2.2 Use time, place, and social X In my Topics in Ethics: Black Lives Matter
change as frameworks for analyzing class, one assignment I was to complete
social developments from multiple was about issues Black Americans are still
disciplinary perspectives. facing today. For this project, my classmate
and I chose the topic of discrimination and
segregation in the school system. In the
presentation, I went into depth about what
discrimination and segregation are and how
black Americans are affected by it,
especially in the school setting. This is a
topic I am passionate about and being able
to express and teach my classmates more
about it was a great experience. This
project helped me be able to analyze and
look at different social changes throughout
history and if there was social development
of it all.
2.3 Evaluate current and historical X Topics in World Literature: Global Horror
events through the lens of was a part of my liberal arts: global
spirituality and global social justice. perspective credits. This class's goal was to
learn more about the non-Western world
through the concept of horror. This was
done by reading, watching, and listening to
stories and folklore from different artists
around the globe. One assignment I was to
complete was a group project. This project
was to choose a country that we had been
learning about and give a geography lesson
about the country we chose, research and
share a cultural artifact, historical events,
and the stories or folklore that had come
from Australia. Through this assignment, I
was able to broaden my knowledge of a
country that I had not known a lot about
before. I got to learn about the country's
geography, spiritual beliefs, and folklore
that they had/ have.

2.4 Critique privilege and X In my Topics in Ethics: Black Lives Matter

oppression from the perspective of class, every few weeks we were to
diverse identities. complete a reflection paper about the
themes were were discussing those weeks.
For this week, we had been discussing,
watching, and listening to topics that had to
deal with social issues. I chose to write
about how the police enforce the law on
black people. During this paper, I
questioned whether or not police officers
truly serve and protect everyone equally
and with fairness compared to others. I
used multiple articles, blogs, and real-life
experiences people went through to be able
to write this paper. I compared how police
treat and enforce the law unfairly on black
Americans and how it has been a rising
issue for decades. I explained how white
privilege plays a role in how police enforce
the law so differently among the two. This
assignment allowed me to see through the
eyes of the oppressed by researching and
writing about their experiences with the

3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or
Met Met activity

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret X In my Business Plan Development course,

numerical data. there was a partner project we worked on
throughout the whole semester in small
chunks. This project was to create our own
business and to be as realistic as possible.
My partner and I chose to create an athletic
complex. To accomplish this, throughout
the semester we learned more in depth the
financial side of businesses. This included
making a budget sheet and writing up a
source and use of funds to know how much
everything we needed for our business was
going to cost. We then had to analyze this
cost with the cost of hiring employees,
buying land, and the cash flow to see how
much of a loan was going to be needed to
start the athletic complex. I am not the best
at being able to interpret numbers,
especially finance, so this project gave me
a lot of practice. I learned how important it
is to be able to analyze and interpret data.

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and X In my Evidence Based Practice course, the
organize, primary and secondary final project was to create a scientific study
sources, including expressive media, based on previous research and show the
to comprehend the significance of an steps to creating a scientific study. This
issue or an event. course is designed to help students learn
how to analyze, choose, and be able to cite
sources to use in a study. We were also
taught how to use websites like EbscoHost
to find legitimate articles. To be able to
conduct this scientific study project, I had
to utilize multiple peer-reviewed literature.
I then had to learn the difference between
primary and secondary sources to know
which ones to use for my particular
project. This assignment helped me feel
more confident in being able to locate
peer-reviewed articles and primary and
secondary sources and able to implement
them in my own study.

3.3 Interpret quantitative and X In my Testing and Exercise Prescription

qualitative information to formulate Lab course, I was to complete a number of
positions to reach conclusions or to different cardiovascular and
present a logical argument. musculoskeletal tests on my peers in and
outside of my class. For these tests, I had
to use the data I found on my clients to
analyze and interpret it. I then had to look
at my client's data and be able to reach a
conclusion that their values/data were in
the poor, moderate, normal, or excellent
category for their age. These assignments
helped me be able to come to logical
conclusions and be able to present them in
a realistic manner.

3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple X In my Faith, Religion, and Society course,
ideas and worldviews. I was to make a presentation on a religion
that I was not familiar with. I chose the
religion Hinduism and its festival
Navaratri. I had never heard of this festival
before so being able to research and
present my findings to my peers was
exciting. Through my research I was able
to learn more about the Hindu festival
Navaratri, how it is celebrated, and why it
is celebrated. I found this to be one of the
more interesting projects I had completed
here at Seton Hill. This is because I was
not educated on religion before, especially
those of other cultures. This assignment
gave me the opportunity to learn more
about other cultures around the world what
their beliefs are and why.

4. Self-Reflection and Assessment

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making X Exercise Science Senior Synthesis is a

grounded in philosophical inquiry. class that helps exercise science majors put
together what they learned in the past 4
years and be able to apply that to a client
and towards graduate school. One
assignment in this course was to make an
exercise science portfolio with the exercise
science objectives and outcomes. One
aspect that needed to be included was our
own philosophy statement. I had never had
to write a philosophy statement before
however, this part of the project was my
favorite part of the assignment. It made
me think about what I believe. I want my
ethical thoughts and how I will apply it
through occupational therapy. This helped
me to understand more about myself and
how I plan to accomplish my goals of
being an occupational therapist

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to X One of the biggest aspects of the Setonian
the analysis of contemporary social Seminar was to learn about social justice
issues. and social issues that are happening/ been
happening in our world. We discuss a
handful of social issues including poverty,
global warming, war, etc. We were then
assigned to find a social issue topic that we
felt was important and related to the
Catholic Social Teachings, write a paper,
and present our topic to the class. The
topic I chose to present was about
Ex-convicts still being pushed after
imprisonment. I felt that this topic was not
discussed enough and wanted to shine
awareness on it. I connected this to the
Catholic Social Teachings of the Dignity
of the Human Person and the Social
Nature of the Human Person. Before this
assignment, I was not familiar with the
Catholic Social Teachings. This
assignment helped me relate the topic I
knew about to Catholic Social Teachings.
and be able to understand more about it

4.3 Explain the value of diverse X In my Fatih, Religion and Society LA 150
spiritual and religious perspectives. class I took at Seton Hill, it taught me
about 3-4 different religions that I did not
know before. One religion we focused on
was Catholicism and the Catholic Social
Teachings. One assignment we were to
complete was a text-reading assignment
about catholic social justice. For this
assignment, we had to use and cite
information from an introduction to a
catholic social teachings book called
Living Justice by Thomas Massaro. This
assignment helped me be able to see
through the eyes of catholic social
teachings and the religious perspectives
that are grounded in them. It also
explained the history and value of the
catholic religion.
4.4 Integrate the action of charity X Setonaian Seminar is a class that is used to
with the virtue of justice be able to reflect on my years at Seton Hill
while also giving back to the community.
One of the biggest projects to complete in
the Setonian Seminar is a social justice
project. My class and I decided to
collaborate with Central Westmoreland
Habitat for Humanity to help volunteer,
develop their social media, and help with
the marketing aspect. We also were in
contact with the director of the Central
Westmoreland Habitat for Humanity to
know what type of help would be the most
beneficial for them. My individual part of
the project was to help with the marketing
aspect. I chose to make a flyer that had
information about what Central
Westmoreland Habitat for Humanity does
and how to become a part of it. By helping
Habitat, I was able to help spread
awareness to the community about Habitat
for Humanity and how they contribute/
help give back to the community.

4.5 Exercise responsible freedom X I am a part of the Exercise Science Club at

and civic engagement based on an Seton Hill. This club creates
informed value system. exercise-based informational bulletin
boards, and exercise merchandise, and
contributes back to the community. I had
the opportunity to spend a few hours
volunteering for the Westmoreland Special
Olympics basketball team.I have always
wanted to be a part of working with the
Special Olympics for years and the
Exercise Science club gave me the
opportunity. My value system is being
able to empower individuals affected by
physical, emotional, and cognitive
conditions. I did this by encouraging and
engaging in coaching basketball to those
with physical, emotional, and cognitive
conditions. This experience helped me in
my professional career when I was able to
work with individuals who also have

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or
Met Met activity

5.1 Model ethical behavior, X In Senior Synthesis class I had the

responsible freedom, and engaged opportunity to have a client who I trained
citizenship. throughout the semester. A part of training
them was to create weekly logs that
showed the type of exercises, modes, and
intensity my client performed during the
workout sessions. I was mostly given free
rein with my client to create exercises for
them every week based on their fitness
goals and levels. These exercises were all
individualized for my client based on their
past medical and physical history. Most of
what I did with my client was
unsupervised, giving me more freedom
and responsibility. Since these logs
contained medical information about my
client, I also had to follow the Code of
Ethics of keeping my client's medical
documentation safe and not sharing it. I
am grateful for this class and assignments
because I Got to practice what I will
encounter in my professional career.

5.2 Demonstrate accountability, X A huge part of Exercise Science Senior

effective work habits, and the Synthesis was being assigned a client and
ability to assess areas necessary prescribing them an exercise prescription
for professional, personal, and plan that they could implement into their
societal growth. lifestyle. One of the assignments was to
create a Fitness Profile for our client. To
be able to begin prescribing them, the first
step we had to do was run different
cardiovascular and musculoskeletal fitness
tests to measure their levels and assess
where they are. I was also able to create
fitness and health recommendations for
them. My client relied on me to be able to
run these tests correctly and be able to
assess the measurements to be able to
make them a realistic exercise prescription
they could follow and incorporate into
their lives. This also helped me improve
my time management skills because the
testing was one of the longest aspects and
had to be done outside of class with my
client. This helped me learn how to
manage my time and work on being able
to schedule.

5.3 Identify and articulate skills, X In the Setonian Seminar a part of the class
strengths, knowledge, and was to look more in depth into our
experiences relevant to one’s profession’s Codes of Ethics. For this
career goals. assignment. I researched the Code of
Ethics for occupational therapy. This
assignment allowed me to understand and
gain more knowledge about what is
expected of me as a professional
occupational therapist. Being able to
understand the legal aspect of
occupational therapy will help me know
how to approach situations that could
occur during my career. It helped me
prepare for my future as an occupational
therapist by being able to understand the
Code of Ethics my profession had and
how to treat a patient ethically.

5.4 Complete experiential learning X During my four years at Seton Hill

to pursue professional University I had to complete a total of
opportunities. four career observations over the span of
two different classes. I completed two
during my freshman year and two during
my senior year in Exercise Science Senior
Synthesis. The point of these career
observations was to observe and interview
a professional in the exercise science
field. One of the observations I did was
intervening as a childcare assistant
director. I chose this because, at this
specific daycare, they have occupational
therapists who come to work with the
children. This beginning is an aspect of
occupation therapy I am interested in, it
was a great opportunity to grow more
knowledge about my profession. Since I
completed two freshman years and two
my senior year, I was able to look back on
my growth not just as a student, but what I
am looking for in my profession. These
assignments also gave me the opportunity
to network throughout the exercise
science field for my future.

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