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Halls (1982), states that classroom climate is not only affected by flagrant instances of

inequality towards a student, person, or group, it also can have negative impacts on learning

by smaller, micro inequalities. Being a teacher, I strongly believe in what Halls says and I

strive to make difference in the classroom environment by making it conducive to learning

and safe for my students. I have taught culturally diverse students before, and currently as I

am teaching in an international school where the student body is comprised of different

cultures and diversity. My classroom is comprised of learners from diverse socio-cultural,

economic, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds. My classroom environment depicts what

Alison (1996) states to be a typical American classroom that consists of learners to be

minority students from culturally diverse backgrounds as compared to that of white

majority. The only difference is that instead of Americans, I have Japanese students.

As a teacher, my role as I take it is to break the socio cultural and economic barriers

making my learners think critically and constructively while utilizing all the resources that

enable my students to overcome the classroom challenges, they encounter due to their

morals, beliefs and attitudes. As advocated by Mwangi (2012) I also have diversity in my

classroom that allows me to use the resources and knowledge to develop and transform my

classroom into a positive and friendly place via activities that support all students and

encourage them to communicate and collaborate with each other equally.

My diverse learners bring diverse skills that I harness to contribute and add value to the

team efforts (Mwangi, 2012). I make sure that diversity in my classroom motivates my

learners to participate in teamwork enabling them to react divergently and intemperate

different circumstances in various ways. Furthermore, my teaching practices include

culturally responsive instruction to address the racial disparities in students’ development

and achievement. I have students who speak English as a second language for which I

thrive to play the pivotal role of aiding the students understand each other, build healthy

relationships, feel safe and influence each other. Paramount to the safe protection and

education, I try to create learning environment that empowers students where they

acknowledge the differences.

I have had classes that were majority of boys and very less girls. In this scenario, as

mentioned by creating inclusive learning environments(n.d.), I always had discussions

where the gender dynamics were talked about thoroughly so that everyone understands

their role and enhance the communication skills between the students. As a science teacher

I always try to relate the content with the context making sure each students discusses

different issues and share their ideas respecting each other’s opinions. Furthermore, we

always celebrate cultural days so that all the students get to know the cultures of their peers

and respect them throughout the academic year. I make sure that my students are always

involved in group work consisting of different types of learners so that everyone helps and

involves in the teamwork in order to build communication skills and better relationships.

In conclusion, my classroom is diverse and inclusive as it consists of different learners

having various diverse backgrounds and learning abilities. I make sure to bring positivity in

the classroom that allows my students to learn from each other and communicate in a way
that create an environment supportive for all students regardless of their race, learning

abilities or backgrounds.

Alison, W. (1996). Diversity in the Classroom. Retrieved from:

Creating inclusive learning environments. (n.d.). Uarizona-diversity.pantheonsite

Hall, S. (1982). The classroom climate: A chilly one for women? Washington D.C.:

Association of American Colleges.

Mwangi, M. (2012). 5 benefits of diversity in a 21st-century classroom. Tides Inc.

Retrieved from


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