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“Studying the acceptance of digital marketing in Saudi veterinary medicines market”


Ahmed Mahmoud Youssef Abdelaziz El fahl

(Student ID: EIU2020469)

Supervisor: Dr. Hisham Safwat

A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree Masters of business administration


European International University

September / 2022

Table of contents

1. CHAPTER ONE (Introduction)_________________________________________________7

1.1 Research topic______________________________________________________________7

1.2 Abstract_____________________________________________________________________7

1.3 Acknowledgement.____________________________________________________________8

1.4 Key words____________________________________________________________________9

2. CHAPTER TWO (Rationale review)______________________________________________9

3. CHAPTER THREE (Research Questions and Research Objectives)___________________11

3.1 Research Problem.____________________________________________________________11

3.2 Research Question.___________________________________________________________12

3.3 Research Objectives.__________________________________________________________12

3.4 Justification of study._________________________________________________________12

3.5 Scope of study_______________________________________________________________13

4. CHAPTER FOUR (LITERATURE REVIEW)_____________________________________14

4.1. A critical review of digital marketing (Bala.M, & Verma. D., 2018)___________________14

4.2. A Survey for Investigating Key Performance Indicators in Digital Marketing__________15

4.3. Difference between Digital Marketing of Europe and Saudi Arabia (Akther, I., 2020)___15

4.4. Market Orientation and Business Performance in the Veterinary Care Industry: An

Empirical Analysis. (Khamwon. A., & Speece. M., 2005)_______________________________17

4.5 Saudi Arabia Veterinary Therapeutics Market Growth Forecast_____________________17

4.6 Mobile marketing: A literature review on its value for consumers and retailers._______18


4.7.1 Conversion evaluation_______________________________________________________18

4.7.2 Evaluating the content of website______________________________________________18

4.7.3 Brand visibility and activity assessment_________________________________________18

4.7.4 Interaction assessment in social media__________________________________________19

4.7.5 Financial result evaluation___________________________________________________19

4.7.6 Evaluation of individual phases of customer decision_____________________________19


4.8.1 Factors related to customers;_________________________________________________19 Customer word of mouth has direct effect on digital marketing success.____________19 Perceived ease of use affects digital marketing success___________________________19 Perceived usefulness is positively affects digital marketing success.________________19 Customer innovativeness and its effect on digital marketing success._______________19

4.8.2 Factors related to organization;_______________________________________________20 Top management support affects digital marketing positively.____________________20 The organizational structure effect on digital marketing success.__________________20 Logistics role of the company and how it affects digital marketing success.__________20 Technical skills of the organization’s team affect positively on the digital marketing


4.9 Smart Digital Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Property Development: A Case of


4.10 Saudi Arabia veterinary medicine market_______________________________________23

4.11 The Moderating Effect of Technology Awareness on the Relationship between UTAUT

Constructs and Behavioral Inten…_________________________________________________24

4.12 e-Marketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing.____________25

4.13 Impacts of Digital Marketing on the Pharmacies Community in Saudi Arabia and

Determining the Future Model of the Industry: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-based Study.


4.14 Prevalence and Perceived Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Digital Marketing among

Community Pharmacies in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-Based Survey___27

5. CHAPTER FIVE (METHODOLOGY)__________________________________________28

5.1 Study design and samples._____________________________________________________28

5.1.1-Description of participants of study____________________________________________28 Group 1 (veterinary pharmacist, veterinary clinics’ veterinarians)________________28 Group 2 (veterinary sales representatives, sales supervisors, and sales managers)___29 Group 3 (the end customers, animals’ owners, farms’ owners)___________________29

5.2 Description of intervention and data collection tools._____________________________29


5.2.2- Focus group workshop._____________________________________________________33

5.2.3- Semi structured interviews.__________________________________________________33

5.2.4- Statistics__________________________________________________________________33

6. CHAPTER SIX (Data Analysis & Presentation of Results of Findings)_________________34

6.1. Result of finding and data analysis for questionnaire.______________________________34

6.1.1 Participants._______________________________________________________________34

6.1.2 Answer of research question._________________________________________________34

6.1.3 Results of promotional material_______________________________________________35 Results of video promotional material________________________________________35 Results of picture promotional material_______________________________________35 Results of audio promotional material________________________________________35

6.1.4 Result of digital marketing social media platform________________________________36 Results of Facebook preference as social media platform.________________________36 Results of SnapChat preference as social media platform.________________________36 Results of Twitter preference as social media platform.__________________________36 Results of Instagram preference as social media platform.________________________37 Results of WhatsApp preference as social media platform._______________________37

6.1.5 Result of digital marketing promotional message source___________________________37

6.1.6 Result of why the participant can use digital marketing___________________________38

6.2 Result of finding and data analysis for focus group workshop._______________________39

6.3 Result of finding and data analysis of semi structured interviews.____________________41

7. CHAPTER SEVEN (Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations)________________42

7.1 Conclusion and Implications___________________________________________________42

7.2 Recommendations for next researchers__________________________________________43

7.3 Recommendations for marketer and entrepreneurs.________________________________43

8. CHAPTER EIGHT (References)_________________________________________________44

9. CHAPTER NINE (Appendix/ Appendices)________________________________________46

Questionnaire form______________________________________________________________46

List of charts___________________________________________________________________47

Chart 1________________________________________________________________________47

Chart 2________________________________________________________________________47

Chart 3________________________________________________________________________47

Chart 4________________________________________________________________________48

Chart 6________________________________________________________________________48

Chart 7________________________________________________________________________49

Chart 8________________________________________________________________________49

Chart 9________________________________________________________________________49

Chart 10_______________________________________________________________________50

Chart 11_______________________________________________________________________50

Chart 13_______________________________________________________________________51

Chart 14_______________________________________________________________________51

Chart 15_______________________________________________________________________51

Chart 16_______________________________________________________________________52

List of statistics tables____________________________________________________________53

Statistics Table 1________________________________________________________________53

Statistic table 2__________________________________________________________________53

Statistic table 3__________________________________________________________________53

Statistic table 4__________________________________________________________________53

Statistic table 5__________________________________________________________________54

Statistic table 6__________________________________________________________________54

Statistic table 7__________________________________________________________________54

Statistic table 8__________________________________________________________________54

Statistic table 9__________________________________________________________________55

Statistic table 10_________________________________________________________________55

Statistic table 11_________________________________________________________________55

Statistic table 12_________________________________________________________________55

Statistic table 13_________________________________________________________________56

Statistic table 14_________________________________________________________________56

Statistic table 15_________________________________________________________________56

Statistic table 16_________________________________________________________________56

1. CHAPTER ONE (Introduction)

1.1 Research topic

Studying the acceptance of digital marketing in Saudi veterinary medicines market

1.2 Abstract

As we live in a VUCA world all the technological approaches affects the audience’s direction

toward the purchasing products in the process of sales and marketing, So the veterinarians who are

working in the field should consider the new technology and the social media communication for

marketing their services, medicines, feed additives and sharing their knowledge and experience

from the scientific point of view that will be reflected on the animal health and productivity and

also reflected on their income and sales, starting from the customer needs that will meet the science

and profitability for the two sides in win-win situation. However the traditional method of sales and

marketing is not suitable now in the VUCA world. This study aims to search and explore the

difference between the traditional sales and marketing approach in the veterinary medicines market

in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the digital marketing approach through social media to

highlight the more productive and profitable approach. This will be done by the researcher as a

facilitator in collecting data as the researcher plays a role of a blank paper with the veterinarians,

medical representatives, sales managers through in-depth interviews as a qualitative method for

data collection and questionnaires for collecting primary data and using the reference books,

Journals and websites as secondary source of data. The researcher depends on the individuals as

unit of analysis and determines some individuals for in-depth interviews and others for

questionnaires; the whole population is veterinarians have enough experience working in the Saudi

market, medical reps. and sales managers.

This study is a descriptive non-contrived to describe the current situation of veterinary medicines

sales and marketing in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and measuring the acceptance of the

stakeholders to use the digital marketing in this market that will be promising for marketing

development in this field from the researcher point of view. The findings, conclusion, and research

limitation will be found and presented in the study.

1.3 Acknowledgement.

First of all I would like to appreciate the effort and support has been done for me from my

supervisor Dr. Hisham Safwat as he hasn’t hesitate to support at any time and under any

circumstances, many thanks for my respectful university European international university (EIU)

and I can’t forget the role of CEO for their academic support, all my appreciation and love for my

wife, daughter and sons for their support and time.

1.4 Key words

Digital marketing, veterinary medicines, old concepts of marketing, sales development, promotions,

customer needs, social media, consumer attitude

2. CHAPTER TWO (Rationale review)

At the time of choosing the thesis topic the researcher found that the future of digital marketing is

very important to be applied in the field of veterinary medicines trading in the kingdom of Saudi

Arabia as it is one of the largest markets in the middle east as there are diverse in animal production

of different species and purposes like;

1.Camels are used for meat, milk production in addition to using in sports as in racing as an old

culture of the society so the people is interesting in camel heath care and breeding that has the need

for veterinary medicines.

2. Horses are used for the different types of competition like flat race, endurance and polo rather

than breeding for show of Arabian horses’ competition that is developed tell reaching embryo


3. Sheep and goat ranching for meat and milk production.

4. Cattle ranching for milk and meat production as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the largest

cattle farm in the world called Almarai dairy farm. (Osland, A., 2021).

5. Different poultry industry for different purposes of meat and egg production.

6. Nowadays after vision 2030 of the kingdom of more freedom the pet animals have got a chance

of health care and welfare.

As the Saudi people have a good income and welfare they also have the originated culture of animal

care and welfare so they can spend a lot of money for saving animal life rather than production so

the field of trading veterinary medicines has the need to develop the digital marketing activity for

developing the sales. And the researcher has found the spread of digital marketing in the veterinary

medicines marked is limited so this research will discuss the causes of this limitation and the

acceptance of veterinary professionals of the idea in different fields.

From the researcher point of view trading veterinary medicines in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has

many and diverse channels as follows;

1. Veterinary pharmacies that are distributed all over the kingdom that have close relation to

the animal owners.

2. Veterinary clinics which may be specialized or generalized and also has its relation to the

animals owners and build relation trust.

3. Veterinary hospitals have a good chance in the near future to be developed as the awareness

developed in the Saudi society.

4. Veterinary stores and pharmacies chain now started in the market to be the future.

5. Veterinary medicines companies that are the distributors for the veterinary medicines that

may be imported from different countries or produced locally and they have a relation to the

large farms or the distributors or the veterinary pharmacies (transparencymarketresearch,


The veterinary medicines can be classified into two main categories; medicines that can be sold

freely without prescription and others that cannot be sold without prescription the first one can be

marketed with no problem and the plan of marketing can be open by different strategies while the

second prescription can be marketed through the professionals approach. (Saudi FDA, 2015)

From the market research that expect the growth of veterinary medicines market size from 452

million dollars in 2020 to 805 million dollars by the end of 2031 as it depends on the kingdom

vision to develop all the veterinary activities that need the direction of the working companies in

this field to develop the method of sales and marketing toward the digital marketing that make

delivery more easy (transparencymarketresearch, 2022)

3. CHAPTER THREE (Research Questions and Research Objectives)

3.1 Research Problem.

Although the digital marketing is now the most popular method for marketing of most of products

all over the world generally and also in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia market the veterinary

medicines marketing have limited digital marketing approach and these limited approaches depends

on individual efforts and only on some limited social media.

3.2 Research Question.

During this study the researcher wants to clarify the answer for the question of (Does the

veterinary medicines market’s stakeholders accept digital marketing to develop their sales of

veterinary medicines in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia?) this is the most important question

which should be discussed briefly in the study to know the root of the problem and how can the

researcher clarify the explanations and the details of the answer will be clarified through the study.

Another question (what are the benefits and expected sales developments that will be reflected

on the stakeholders by using veterinary medicines digital marketing in near future for the

stakeholders believe in it ?) , the answer for this question will direct the researcher toward the

main root and the details of digital marketing in near future and suggestions for development.

3.3 Research Objectives.

Through the study the researcher want to find the main cause behind limited veterinary

medicines digital marketing and the best way for employing digital marketing in developing

veterinary medicines sales in the Saudi market. And what is the most suggested suitable digital

marketing tool to develop the organizations’ sales.

3.4 Justification of study.

As we are in a VUCA world and after the pandemic of COVID-19 the digital marketing and online

education spread and became the common easy and safe method that lower the cost and develop the

sales for the companies were ready by digital marketing tools before pandemic.

3.5 Scope of study

The study will concentrate on some pharmacies veterinarians, veterinary clinics veterinarians,

veterinary sales and medical representatives, animal owners of different ages to find the advantages

and disadvantages of digital marketing in developing sales and if used how it can be applied in the



A lot of research papers and reports have discussed the role of digital and internet marketing and

their impact of the marketing success

4.1. A critical review of digital marketing (Bala.M, & Verma. D., 2018)

In this article the authors have discussed the cost and impact of digital marketing in the Indian

market and how online marketing can attract the customers through different platforms through

searching engines optimization or search engine marketing and how this method can be beneficial

for the companies and also cost-effective. As it can be used for campaigns and the availability for

the customer is for 24 hours and the customer can find this way easier than traditional marketing,

also they discussed the impact of social media and other internet marketing techniques on marketing


The social media and internet marketing have been expected to be essential and the strongest tool

for every organization in this decade (Giedd,J.N., & Chief, M., 2012), in addition of the spread of

smart phones the using of digital marketing now is critical for organizations and will cause a threat

for companies away from technology.

The article discussed a lot of tools used for marketing; Internet Marketing, power of the internet

digitization and the companies that was initiative in this field and their position now like Uber,

Facebook, Amazon Alibaba, and Booking, how these companies start early and their position now

depending on their internet digitization power.

Using Digital display advertises and directions toward targeted audience by the main marketing

message that will initiate the purchasing need through different formats, texts, banners, etc.

Mobile marketing as now very important tool that communicate the companies to their customers

through SMS and keep in touch with them for customers services, advertising campaigns, and even

for getting feedback.

Other tools like Email marketing, affiliate marketing, online public relations, all these and more

tools can affect customer behavior toward purchasing needs.

4.2. A Survey for Investigating Key Performance Indicators in Digital Marketing

The article highlight the importance of digital marketing strategies as it is easy and inexpensive and

considered as strong start up for and also a challenge against traditional marketing, and the digital

marketing should be evaluated by a method absolutely different than the method of evaluating

traditional marketing through different key performance indicators (Ghahremani-Nahr, J., & Nozari,

H., 2021).

The article summarized the marketing cycle in 4 phases started by preparation depending on

customer needs to design the product, Communication to the target audience, transfer or delivery of

the product to the customer. Then finalized by the after sale services to build customer relation.

(Ghahremani-Nahr, J., & Nozari, H., 2021).

Digital marketing KPIs for evaluating the situation is depending on the inputs through measuring

the indicators for resources utilization, and outputs indicators for customer relationship and

organization growth indicators. (Ghahremani-Nahr, J., & Nozari, H., 2021).

4.3. Difference between Digital Marketing of Europe and Saudi Arabia (Akther, I., 2020)

The Dissertation noted that the slow development of digital marketing in Saudi market compared to

the fast developed digital marketing in Europe, this is returned to the difference in the culture and

awareness of the people in the compared markets that forced the government in saudi market to

support this issues by campaigns. (Akther, I., 2020)

Figure 1 (digital marketing community, 2019)

The Dissertation cited that the most used social media that reach a lot of audience were Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, and LinkedIn as shown in Figure 1.

Also the dissertation explained the TAM (technology acceptance model), and how the external

variable that affect the audience that has perceived usefulness for the targeted audience and thet can

be introduced in easy way will affect the attitude of customers toward intention to use the

technology and use it in purchasing. Figure 2 (Miller, J., & Khera, O., 2010)

Figure 2 (Miller, J., & Khera, O., 2010)

4.4. Market Orientation and Business Performance in the Veterinary Care Industry: An

Empirical Analysis. (Khamwon. A., & Speece. M., 2005)

This study has been performed in Thailand to link between market orientation and business

performance in veterinary services sector as the researcher linked the customer orientation and

competitor orientation toward the market needs and long term profitability for the veterinary clinics

and the veterinary hospitals. The study focused on the customer orientation related to two main

factors; the customer response and financial performance, the study revealed that the customer

orientation has significant effect not only on the customer response but also the firm financial

response. (Khamwon. A., & Speece. M., 2005)

So understanding customer needs and orientation in introducing high level of professional

veterinary care services can help the firm to gain competitive advantage that will reflect on the

organization business performance. (Khamwon. A., & Speece. M., 2005)

The good competitive advantages you offer for your customer has the greater effect on the

organization financial and business performance started from market orientation. (Slater, S. F., &

Naver,J. C., 1994)

4.5 Saudi Arabia Veterinary Therapeutics Market Growth Forecast.

(transparencymarketresearch, 2022)

The report discuss that the direction of Saudi Arabia toward developing income instead of fuel, and

the direction of kingdom of Saudi Arabia to increase the production of high quality protein from

animal production and it is a promising business in the future to increase the business volume from

452.7 M USD to 805 M USD, by increasing the distribution channels; veterinary pharmacies,

veterinary clinics, hospitals and drug stores. (transparencymarketresearch, 2022)

So it is very important for the firms working in this business to be characterized by competitive

advantages originated from customer needs and market orientation. (Slater, S. F., & Naver,J. C.,


4.6 Mobile marketing: A literature review on its value for consumers and retailers.

Customers who depending on mobile application shopping are of great importance for retailers as

they have a high purchasing power (Barutcu, 2007, Okazaki, 2007b), their mobile shopping

behavior differs according to multiple factors like sex, age , and mainly depending on customer

needs (Ström, R., Vendel, M., & Bredican, J., 2014)


As the digital marketing is relatively new approach for the companies to it still has not a clear

metrics that evaluate the effectiveness of the campaigns, in this papers the author discussed some

methods that will guide the marketer to evaluate the digital marketing process and studying the

effect on the marketing plan. (Gaitniece, E., 2018, September)

The article mansions six methods that can be used for evaluation of digital marketing effectiveness;

4.7.1 Conversion evaluation in this method we can measure how many customers has reacted

toward the product by enquiry or purchase or searching.

4.7.2 Evaluating the content of website in the sequence of customer behavior, how many visitors

for the web site, how the customers can know about the website, how long do they spend, why they

leave the website, what they do search for, what is the search engine they use.

4.7.3 Brand visibility and activity assessment; for videos, registration, sharing, social media


4.7.4 Interaction assessment in social media; through customer’s reaction activities, enquiry,

followers, registration, frequency, comments, rating, shares and subscriptions.

4.7.5 Financial result evaluation; success of digital marketing campaign should be reflected on

the financial income of the firm and according to the growth of financial income we can evaluate

the result reach the targeted audience and sales or not.

4.7.6 Evaluation of individual phases of customer decision from the visiting website, reaction,

buying, registration, and finalized by the review.


(Eldahamsheh, M. M., Almomani, H. M., Bani-Khaled, A. K., Al-Quran, A. Z., Al-Hawary, S. I. S., &

Mohammad, A. A., 2021)

The article discussed the digital marketing success depending on different factors; the authors

classified the factors into two major groups; 4 factors related to the customer and 4 factors related to


4.8.1 Factors related to customers;

Generated from technology acceptance model (TAM) Customer word of mouth has direct effect on digital marketing success. Perceived ease of use affects digital marketing success Perceived usefulness is positively affects digital marketing success. Customer innovativeness and its effect on digital marketing success.

4.8.2 Factors related to organization; Top management support affects digital marketing positively. The organizational structure effect on digital marketing success. Logistics role of the company and how it affects digital marketing success. Technical skills of the organization’s team affect positively on the digital marketing


4.9 Smart Digital Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Property Development: A Case of

(Low, S., Ullah, F., Shirowzhan, S., Sepasgozar, S. M., & Lin Lee, C., 2020)

The authors mention that the smart sustainable digital marketing is very important channel for

understanding customer needs and the companies use digital marketing strategy as one of the

company marketing strategy that build good relationship with the customers and help in market

needs and requirements and also help in sales growth, attract and maintain more customers, develop

more and sustainable products, focused digital marketing now become a trend and essential for

growth of CRM to reach sustainability and long lasting customer relationship and help the company

to have competitive advantages.

The following table 1 shows the various marketing technology in different business field and its

direct effect achieving targeted objectives of the companies.

Table 1 (Low, S., Ullah, F., Shirowzhan, S., Sepasgozar, S. M., & Lin Lee, C., 2020)

The researcher developed six hypotheses from the technology acceptance model as shown in the

next table 2

Table 2 (Low, S., Ullah, F., Shirowzhan, S., Sepasgozar, S. M., & Lin Lee, C., 2020)

4.10 Saudi Arabia veterinary medicine market (, 2022)

Improving of research and development toward growth demand for medicines, additives, vaccines

to develop animal production that is reflected directly on the veterinary medicines market growth

(, 2022)

The report shows the Saudi veterinary medicines market segmentation according to the region, and

value showing growth and continous expected growth.

Chart 1 (transparencymarketresearch, 2022)

4.11 The Moderating Effect of Technology Awareness on the Relationship between UTAUT
Constructs and Behavioral Inten…

The authors of research built their research on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of

Technology and its strong conceptual result of positive relation between technology awareness and

the used four factors in the research framework; performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, social

Influence, and facilitating conditions on the customer behavioral intention to use point of sale

(Abubakar, F. M., & Ahmad, H. B., 2013)

Figure 3 (Abubakar, F. M., & Ahmad, H. B., 2013)

4.12 e-Marketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing.

The authors of this book were highlighting the importance of digital marketing in growth of the firm

and how to achieve the marketing objectives through different digital technologies from the internet

and mobile phones to reach their customer by display advertising that attract the customer attention

through suitable media, to achieve market objections, sales growth, customer acquisition and

engagement. The authors create their own planning framework and registered is as a trademark and

called it SOSTAC® ;( Situational analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactic, Action and Control)

(Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R., 2013) as shown in the Figure 4

Figure 4; SOSTAC planning framework (Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R., 2013)

4.13 Impacts of Digital Marketing on the Pharmacies Community in Saudi Arabia and

Determining the Future Model of the Industry: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-based Study.

(Alyahya, M., Dhruvakumar, S., Siddegowda, S. H., & Sreeharsha, N., 2020)

From the study the researcher reveals that the culture of digital marketing is now has a chance in

Saudi Arabia through different channels; websites and social media, the study asked about the most

preferred social media used for advertising the pharmaceutical products and service and arranged it

in the used samples starting from Instagram, followed by YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp. And the

least preferred application was Snapchat. (Alyahya, M., Dhruvakumar, S., Siddegowda, S. H., &

Sreeharsha, N., 2020)

The study divided the medicines into two categories according to the legal situation for advertising

into OTC product and prescriptive products (Alyahya, M., Dhruvakumar, S., Siddegowda, S. H., &

Sreeharsha, N., 2020)

The study recommended that the digital marketing is knocking the door to invade all the market and

it is very important for the pharmacies to keep in the way of improvement to the new method of

marketing and the Saudi people are ready to use the platforms for purchasing all their need even

medicines. (Alyahya, M., Dhruvakumar, S., Siddegowda, S. H., & Sreeharsha, N., 2020)

4.14 Prevalence and Perceived Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Digital Marketing among

Community Pharmacies in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-Based Survey

(Ben Said, Y., Bragazzi, N. L., & Pyatigorskaya, N. V., 2020)

The survey indicated that the pharmaceutical companies drive their marketing plan toward digital

marketing as to reach their audience and started to replace the traditional method of promotion to

the digital method as is more cost effective and reach for more audience.

The survey found that the digital marketing is more effective through social media platforms than

emails. That will help the decision makers to change their policies and marketing strategy in Saudi

Arabia. (Ben Said, Y., Bragazzi, N. L., & Pyatigorskaya, N. V., 2020)


The main objectives of this study is to measure the limit of acceptance of veterinary medicines

digital marketing and to find the best method can be used for developing digital marketing in

veterinary medicines market in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And to find the most suggested

suitable digital marketing tool to increase the sales in this chapter the researcher explains the

random participant’s samples, the data collection tools, the data collection procedures.

5.1 Study design and samples.

This study is designed as descriptive non-contrived to describe the current situation of veterinary

medicines market in Saudi Arabia. So it was carried out in different levels of stakeholders to find a

reasonable answer for our main questions of the study and to find the result that will direct the

recommendations toward veterinary medicines market development more efficiently and


5.1.1-Description of participants of study

The participants were veterinary pharmacists, clinics veterinarians, veterinary sales representatives,

sales supervisors, sales managers, and end customers.

The participants divided into 3 groups according to the questions were asked to measure the key

indicators for the study Group 1 (veterinary pharmacist, veterinary clinics’ veterinarians)

The group is chosen as these are the stakeholders who are close related to the end customer or

animal owners to find the valuable data that indicate and to understand the acceptance of the digital

marketing of veterinary medicines in Saudi Arabia from their point of view, and measuring the level

of impact on the firm’s sales. The group of participants should be representative random sample that

give the understood message and representative results, and finding if there a chance for

suggestions of new approach. Group 2 (veterinary sales representatives, sales supervisors, and sales managers)

This group is used for collecting data from the stakeholders who are dealing with the vets who work

with the end customers and play an important role in directing the veterinary market business

toward traditional or the digital method and they are considered as a drivers of the market, and to

which level the companies can gain benefits if digital marketing used, and also give indication of

the needs of their customers to use digital marketing method for promotion. Group 3 (the end customers, animals’ owners, farms’ owners)

This group of customers is very important to measure the level of acceptance of the end customers

of the veterinary medicines in Saudi market and the customers’ needs that can help the spread of

veterinary medicines digital marketing and how this method of marketing can be more beneficial

for the customers, the level of trust of the customer in the promotion materials and their preference

to accept the promotional message.

5.2 Description of intervention and data collection tools.

The researcher has design three tools for quantitative and qualitative evaluation for the different

factors that affect the stakeholders’ acceptance of digital marketing which are questionnaire, focus

group workshop, and semi structured interviews.


The questionnaire was developed by the researcher and designed according to shared points

between the participants into three groups one (G1) for veterinarians in pharmacies and clinics,

Group two (G2) for sales representatives, sales supervisors & managers, and group three (G3) for


The questionnaires should have a lot of questions that cover all the point to be collected for

statistics comparison to find the result.

As the researcher makes the study for the acceptance of the stakeholders to the digital marketing so

the questionnaires have some questions that can be used for classification of audience according to

the age, sex, occupation. Also the questionnaire is designed to find the ability and knowledge of the

participants to use the digital marketing or what can be called technology awareness, the design of

questionnaire give the researcher indications about the most preferred promotion material, key

opinion leaders who drive the marketing tools, the most preferred social media application, and

factors that can affect the customer direction toward digital marketing more than traditional

marketing which is called behavioral intension.

The researcher designed the questionnaire to differentiate between the two sexes males or females

in acceptance of digital marketing in veterinary medicines as females can represent specific

customers who are interested in pet animals in KSA, and most of males are representatives for large

animals interested customers, also there is a question for age to help in differentiation between

different ages for accepting technology.

The researches added a question if the participant has smart phone or not to measure the economical

and knowledge level of participant to have an access to the technology.

There is another question that the researcher added to give indication of the previous experience of

the participant of using digital marketing to buy any other products or even veterinary medicines

that can be reflected on the participant’s point of view.

During designing the marketing mix we cannot ignore the advertising message to the customer that

affect his intention to buy the product so it take more interest in designing the questionnaire to find

the most preferable kind of message the veterinary medicines customer can receive and affected

with; Does he prefer the advertising message in the form of audio, video or photo.

Not only the form of advertising message affects the customer attraction but also the platform

which has the advertising message. So it was of more interest while designing the questionnaire to

find the most preferable social media platform the customers in KSA use and the researcher added

the most used social media platforms to differentiate between them; Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter,

Instagram, and WhatsApp.

It was very important point to be collected from the participants; who can they trust in to receive the

advertising message, is he trusted vet?! , is he trusted animal owner as celebrity?! , or is it a trusted

pharmacies chain?! . To find indicators about the most effective channels we can pass the

advertising message through it.

The last information to be collected is that how beneficial is the digital marketing of veterinary

medicines to the customers through asking about what they can use for; certain brand, certain

quality, certain price or even easy access and use.

The questionnaire is sent to pharmacies’ veterinarians to collect data from them directly and

introduced for customers in paper form.

The following is the questionnaire template.

1- Participant Age 2- Participant gender M ☐ F ☐

3- Participant Veterinarian Customer

4- Do you have smart phone? Yes ☐ No ☐

5- Have you ever used digital marketing? Yes ☐ No ☐

1 is Strong Refuse,2 Refuse,3 May Accept,4 Accept ,5 Strong Acceptance 1 2 3 4 5

6 Do you accept digital marketing while purchasing veterinary medicines? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

7 To which level do you prefer promotion material through video display? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

8- To which level do you prefer promotion material through picture? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

9- To which level do you prefer promotion material through audio display? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

10- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Facebook? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

11- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Snapchat? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

12- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Twitter? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

13- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Instagram? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

14- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from WhatsApp? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

15- Do you trust the marketing message from veterinary pharmacist through ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
social media?

16- Do you trust the marketing message from clinic veterinarian through ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
social media?

17- Do you trust the marketing message from animal owners through social ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

18- Do you prefer digital marketing for easy use? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

19- Do you prefer digital marketing for comparing prices? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

20- Do you prefer digital marketing for certain Brands? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

21- Do you prefer digital marketing for certain qualities? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

22- Do you prefer digital marketing from certain veterinarian? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

23- Do you prefer digital marketing from certain pharmacies? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

5.2.2- Focus group workshop.

Focus group workshop is designed by researcher in the company who is working for by inviting 5

members of veterinarians, sales representatives and discussing the main topic of the research and

collecting data through brain storming of all attendants.

The discussion started by an open question of how can we apply the digital marketing in our

business and what about your thoughts in the customers if they accept the method or not and if they

accept what are the reasons and if they refused what are the causes and how can we persuade them

by the digital marketing.

5.2.3- Semi structured interviews.

Interviews that has been designed by the researcher to collect qualitative data that can be used or

analyzed to get more information of research topic, five semi-structured interviews have been

planned for the sales managers in the veterinary market in Saudi Arabia to get rich information by

open questions that will be important for the interpretation of the research, the conclusion and final

recommendations. The questions will be presented in a way of discussing the main questions in the

questionnaire but in open question manner.

5.2.4- Statistics

All the collected data will be entered in the IPM SPSS data editor for data analysis.

Version: (241)

6. CHAPTER SIX (Data Analysis & Presentation of Results of Findings)

6.1. Result of finding and data analysis for questionnaire.

6.1.1 Participants.

Number of participants were 74 participants four of them were females and 70 males, 22

veterinarians and 52 customers; 73 of them have smartphones and only one participant doesn’t have

a smart phone, 40 people have used the digital marketing before in purchasing goods and 34

haven’t, that reveals 54 % of them have experience of using digital marketing. Statistic tables 1, 2, 3

and 4 and presented in charts numbers1 to 4 in appendix shows the values and percentages.

The selected participant have been chosen to be mature enough and have their own opinion as the

age of participants ranges 33 years with minimum age 27 to and maximum age 60 years old with

mean 40.7568 and median 40, as shown in statistic table number 5.

6.1.2 Answer of research question.

The statistics reveals that the acceptance of participants to purchase veterinary medicines via digital

marketing which is the main question of the study. As follows 8 participants who represent 10.8%

of participants refused strongly the digital marketing of veterinary medicines, 5 participants who

represent 6.8 % refuse the digital marketing of veterinary medicines, and 22 participants that

represent 29.7 % no problem for them to accept the issue, 18 participants that are 24.3 % accept the

topic and 21 participants about 28.4 % strongly accepted the digital marketing of veterinary

medicines that reveals about 61 participants who are 82.4 % accept digital marketing in different

degrees of acceptance. The statistics table 6 and chart 6 present the results.

6.1.3 Results of promotional material

The researcher put three types of promotional materials which are video display, pictures, and audio

and the questionnaire was to measure the different acceptance level for all materials and the results

reveal that the most preferred promotional material to be received by the audience is video then the

picture and the last promotional material can be accepted in the form of audio. Results of video promotional material

For video display as shown in table 7 and chart 7; 10.8% of participants strong refused videos, 5.4%

refused, 14.9% may accept and 25.7% accepted and 43.2 % of participants strongly accepted video

promotional material. Results of picture promotional material

During measuring the acceptance of picture promotional material the questionnaire reveals that 18.9

% of participant strongly refused the pictures, 5.4 % of participants refused, 31.1 % may accept and

17.6 % accepted picture as promotional material, and 27 % of participants accepted picture as

promotional material, as shown in table 8 and chart 8. Results of audio promotional material

When the researcher was asking the participants about receiving the promotional material of

veterinary medicine in the form of audio message, 37.8 % strongly refused this form, 17.6 % of

them refused this means more than 55 % of participants refused this type of promotional material

and 13.5 % may accept, 13.5 % accepted and only 17.6 % strongly accept, as shown in chart 9 and

table 9.

6.1.4 Result of digital marketing social media platform

The researcher defined the most popular social media platforms; Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter,

Instagram, and WhatsApp to measure which one is most preferred for the participants in Saudi

Arabia to send the promotional message through. Results of Facebook preference as social media platform.

As Facebook is one of most popular social media platform so it was very important to ask the

participants about the acceptance level of promotional material from. And the results appeared as

45.9% of participant strongly refused Facebook to receive the promotional material through, 16.2%

of participants refused, that means 62.1% refused Facebook, 12.2 % may accept, 13.5% accept and

12.2 % strong accept Facebook as social media platform they can receive the promotional material

through. Table 10, chart 10. Results of SnapChat preference as social media platform.

As it is clear in table 11 and chart 11 the SnapChat has different levels of acceptance by 37.8 % of

participants strong accept and at the same time 32.4 % strongly refused SnapChat as a social media

they can receive the promotional material from, 6.7 % refused and 13.5 % may accept and 9.5 %

accept that means about 39.2 % of participants refused accepting promotional material via

SnapChat that reveals it has a better chance more than Facebook. Results of Twitter preference as social media platform.

Twitter as one of the social media platform all over the world so the researcher has chosen it to find

the customer preference to get the promotional message through, however the found results was

unexpected as 51.4 % refused strongly twitter to receive the marketing message through, 9.5 %

refused, 12.2% may accept, 6.8% accept and 20.3% accepted twitter as presented in table 12 and

chart 12. Results of Instagram preference as social media platform.

Instagram preference has a percentage of 47.3 % strong refuse, 4.1 % refuse, 10.8 % may accept,

and 13.5 % accept, and 24.3 % strong acceptance as appears in table 13 and chart 13. Results of WhatsApp preference as social media platform.

The Questionnaire data collected revealed that WhatsApp is the most preferred application that

most of participants prefer as 45.9% of participants strong accepted, 28.4% accepted that means

74.3 % of participants accepted the application to receive the message through. And 12.2% may

accept, 2.7 % refused, and 10.8 % strongly refused. The figures and percentages are clear in table

14 and chart 14.

6.1.5 Result of digital marketing promotional message source

The source of promotion message acceptance differs according to everyone trusts as some

customers trusts veterinary pharmacists, others trust clinic veterinarian, some customers trust

animal owner, others trust in certain pharmacies chain and some trust certain veterinarian, the

questionnaire was supported by the questions to find the most preferred source of promotional

message that the customer can trust to get the intension of purchasing. As presented in table 15 and

chart 15.

That reveals that the most preferred message that can be strongly accepted is from clinic

veterinarian as the clever clinic veterinarian translates the trust to the customer through evidence

based results.

6.1.6 Result of why the participant can use digital marketing

The questionnaire is searching the secret of whey the customer will be directed toward the digital

marketing of veterinary medicines instead of traditional way of marketing, and there are 4 points

suggested to measure the most important factor for the customer to direct him to the digital

marketing ; easy use, comparing prices, searching for certain quality or certain brand. The result

represented in table 16 and chart 16.

The most important factor for encourage the customers is prices then brand and quality, finally easy


6.2 Result of finding and data analysis for focus group workshop.

A planned focus group workshop for the team members of the company which the researcher works

for and the discussion of the research topic started by a way of brain storming to collect and analyze

the data from the team members who are working in the Saudi market in different positions and in

different areas of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Everyone from the team started to mention his point of view regarding the research topic from the

close relation to his customers and the results were summarized as following;

The sales representatives and medical representatives’ discussion reveals that:

 Most of pharmacies veterinarian now in Saudi Arabia now are of youth age and have

experienced the social media and have experienced digital marketing in different products

other than veterinary medicines as the regulations of SFDA have a strict roles.

 Few of highly experienced veterinarian of old age are unfamiliar to the technology so they

will not believe the digital marketing even they know it is nowadays revolution.

 Most of young veterinarians believe using of technology to increase their sales but they

don’t have the enough knowledge to apply but some of them try to make some video

materials to advertise their work and share some simple success stories of cases before and

after treatment on different platforms like WhatsApp groups or SnapChat.

 Some of medical representatives said during their pharmacies visits there are some

customers ask about delivery to their farms.

 Some veterinarians in pharmacies ask the medical representatives to send all the data

belongs to the promoted veterinary medicines to their WhatsApp accounts.

 Most of pharmacies in KSA are individual pharmacies and are not belonged to chains so it is

very difficult for them to use their own application for digital marketing and are close to

their areas in closed community.

 The most used social media application differs according to the community for example the

Egyptian veterinarians in the veterinary field in Saudi Arabia use Facebook for

communication more than other applications; however Saudi customers use WhatsApp and

SnapChat more.

 Most of vets prefer to get the advertising message in form of picture more than animals’

owners who prefer the videos.

 Vets cannot receive a message from animal owner as they are professional and need

reference evidence.

6.3 Result of finding and data analysis of semi structured interviews.

Five held Semi structure interviews with sales managers and supervisors revealed that the digital

marketing now became the most important intervention of any company that want to continue in the

market and that can be on the surface of competition particularly after the Covid-19 pandemic, as

we observed the companies which are ready for this procedures before pandemic and their

development during and after pandemic like amazon, However there are some restrictions regarding

veterinary medicines in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia because of the control role of SFDA in the

method of advertising, distribution, and transporting the medicines in restricted circumstances of

controlled safe transporting temperature and the prescribed medicines control but these restrictions

can be overcome by simple regulation with SFDA for well-organized companies however this will

need more invested capital so it will be a good chance for the pharmacies chains more than

individual veterinary pharmacies.

7. CHAPTER SEVEN (Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations)

7.1 Conclusion and Implications

The study clarified that digital marketing have invaded the Saudi market intensively by the start of

Covid-19 pandemic and have developed rapidly, and now about all the community have access to

the internet except rare people who don’t have smart phones, also more than half of participants

have experienced the digital marketing in purchasing different types of products but only one the

researcher has met who had an experience in purchasing veterinary medicines from outside the


In conclusion of the previous study from the data collection tools of focus group workshop, semi

structured interviews, and questionnaires and using IPM SPSS statistics application for data

analysis the researcher found the answer for the study question of acceptance of digital marketing in

veterinary medicines market in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia with covering and finding the most

important factors that can help the entrepreneurs in this field to target their plans towards the

customer need from the point of product designing, and preparing the promotional material that the

audience can accept through video displays as the study revealed then pictures materials, and the

last thing that the audience can accept is audio however this material is not preferred bay most of


The study finding the result of most preferred social media platform that the entrepreneurs can send

their promotional message through as ranked firstly by WhatsApp, then SnapChat, and twitter is not

preferred platform for customers to receive promotional material on.

The questionnaire revealed that the customer can receive the promotional marketing message from

clinic veterinarian more than other Person as their trust in him depends on evidence based results

then pharmacist then animal owners.

All the participants accepted the digital marketing in veterinary medicines in Saudi Arabia prefer

this method for marketing to compare prices, searching certain brands, finding certain quality and

finally easy use.

7.2 Recommendations for next researchers

The field of veterinary medicines market still needs a lot of research for studying the most

important way for serves the customers by safe and fast product delivery which will be compatible

with the SFDA regulations.

7.3 Recommendations for marketer and entrepreneurs.

The veterinary medicines market in Saudi Arabia is a promising market and expected to be

developed by the double of its size by the year 2030 according to Saudi Arabia vision 2030 so it is

very important for the companies in the Saudi market to be initiative in the procedure of digital

marketing through developing applications, and presenting easy competitive services for their

customers as soon as possible as we are in a VUCA world that need agile change and development

that will make the company characterized by competitive advantages.

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9. CHAPTER NINE (Appendix/ Appendices)

Questionnaire form

1- Participant Age 2- Participant gender M ☐ F ☐

3- Participant Veterinarian Customer

4- Do you have smart phone? Yes ☐ No ☐

5- Have you ever used digital marketing? Yes ☐ No ☐

1 is Strong Refuse,2 Refuse,3 May Accept,4 Accept ,5 Strong Acceptance 1 2 3 4 5

6 Do you accept digital marketing while purchasing veterinary medicines? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

7 To which level do you prefer promotion material through video display? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

8- To which level do you prefer promotion material through picture? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

9- To which level do you prefer promotion material through audio display? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

10- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Facebook? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

11- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Snapchat? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

12- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Twitter? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

13- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from Instagram? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

14- To which level do you prefer to get marketing message from WhatsApp? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

15- Do you trust the marketing message from veterinary pharmacist through social media? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

16- Do you trust the marketing message from clinic veterinarian through social media? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

17- Do you trust the marketing message from animal owners through social media? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

18- Do you prefer digital marketing for easy use? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

19- Do you prefer digital marketing for comparing prices? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

20- Do you prefer digital marketing for certain Brands? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

21- Do you prefer digital marketing for certain qualities? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

22- Do you prefer digital marketing from certain veterinarian? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

23- Do you prefer digital marketing from certain pharmacies? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

List of charts

Chart 1

Chart 2

Chart 3

Chart 4

Chart 6

Chart 7

Chart 8

Chart 9

Chart 10

Chart 11

hart 12

Chart 13

Chart 14

Chart 15

20.00% Strong refuse
15.00% Refuse
10.00% May Accept
5.00% Strong acceptance
ist Ve
ac ci _ w _ m
m in O ia n r
ha Cl al_ rt ha
im Ce n_P
Ve i
An rta

Chart 16
25.0% Prices
Strong refuse Refuse May Accept AcceptStrong acceptance

List of statistics tables

Statistics Table 1
Participant’s gender
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 70 94.6 94.6 94.6
Female 4 5.4 5.4 100.0
Total 74 100.0 100.0

Statistic table 2
Participant’s occupation
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Veterinarian 22 29.7 29.7 29.7
Customer 52 70.3 70.3 100.0
Total 74 100.0 100.0

Statistic table 3
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Va Has Smart Phone 73 98.6 98.6 98.6
lid Doesn't Have Smart Phone 1 1.4 1.4 100.0
Total 74 100.0 100.0

Statistic table 4
Participants have used digital marketing before
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Used Digital Marketing 40 54.1 54.1 54.1
Didn't use Digital 34 45.9 45.9 100.0
Total 74 100.0 100.0

Statistic table 5
Participants’ age
N Valid 74
Missing 0
Mean 40.7568
Median 40.0000
Range 33.00
Minimum 27.00
Maximum 60.00

Statistic table 6
Accepting Digital Marketing of Veterinary Medicines
N %
Strong refuse 8 10.8%
Refuse 5 6.8%
May Accept 22 29.7%
Accept 18 24.3%
Strong acceptance 21 28.4%

Statistic table 7
N %
Strong refuse 8 10.8%
Refuse 4 5.4%
May Accept 11 14.9%
Accept 19 25.7%
Strong acceptance 32 43.2%

Statistic table 8
N %
Strong refuse 14 18.9%
Refuse 4 5.4%
May Accept 23 31.1%
Accept 13 17.6%
Strong acceptance 20 27.0%

Statistic table 9
N %
Strong refuse 28 37.8%
Refuse 13 17.6%
May Accept 10 13.5%
Accept 10 13.5%
Strong acceptance 13 17.6%

Statistic table 10
N %
Strong refuse 34 45.9%
Refuse 12 16.2%
May Accept 9 12.2%
Accept 10 13.5%
Strong acceptance 9 12.2%

Statistic table 11
N %
Strong refuse 24 32.4%
Refuse 5 6.8%
May Accept 10 13.5%
Accept 7 9.5%
Strong acceptance 28 37.8%

Statistic table 12
N %
Strong refuse 38 51.4%
Refuse 7 9.5%
May Accept 9 12.2%
Accept 5 6.8%
Strong acceptance 15 20.3%
Statistic table 13
N %
Strong refuse 35 47.3%
Refuse 3 4.1%
May Accept 8 10.8%
Accept 10 13.5%
Strong acceptance 18 24.3%

Statistic table 14
N %
Strong refuse 8 10.8%
Refuse 2 2.7%
May Accept 9 12.2%
Accept 21 28.4%
Strong acceptance 34 45.9%

Statistic table 15
Vet_Phamacist Clinic_Vet Animal_Owner Certain_Vet Certain_Pharmacy
refuse 13.50% 6.80% 17.60% 8.10% 9.50%
Refuse 2.70% 5.40% 9.50% 8.10% 6.80%
May Accept 25.70% 21.60% 27.00% 25.70% 33.80%
Accept 33.80% 36.50% 20.30% 33.80% 29.70%
acceptance 24.30% 29.70% 25.70% 24.30% 20.30%

Statistic table 16
Easy_Use Prices Brand Quality
Strong refuse 13.5% 9.5% 9.50% 6.8%
Refuse 4.1% 4.1% 9.50% 6.8%
May Accept 18.9% 10.8% 8.10% 13.5%
Accept 24.3% 31.1% 31.10% 31.1%
Strong acceptance 39.2% 44.6% 41.90% 41.9%


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