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28. Computer Science (428) Specification grid 2077 Subject: Computer‘Sciénce Theory (Com. 428) Grade: 12 SW a uayvay wawoy | * | > [*f*] © |< |? | > | on xe 2} Vl Faromsan 50 -oN Zl [sen a fa 3] vs [sons 30-0 = =] oO [sew a ON [auonsend jo ON nm o [sew « (|_V]) [Rowsmno 50 on _ ={e] 0 Per ” a 2/8] vs( paeamoo on F 212) = a] > [six a 2] | OW [Roomengveron ” | | 0 [om [ Fe] VT [Gronsond jo ont i g| 0 [sex = ‘3 4 VS [suonsond so oN, a Slo [sen m OW [uo 707M > 2 [pan in /§|_vs_[Romsnos0-oN x = - 5 am a 2] 0 2] OW | suonsong 0 oN io Anoy BUPLOA, a} a jis}2)s) x Ble |_l| 4 5 [2 |Slo} $ 22)3 sf 8elgSle |S vary woo, Sales 42 429/38 Ole sjslale € £ SEs 3 ale 3 22/5 5[2)ele 85S sls lS S/S Ze alg esa] 8 2/8 = 2s 3|8| Be 18 | 8 ale A a8 S\2/2|6 £]5 =|e SI NS = fer [enfarfin po ie aE pu Surxidde 9og ‘Supuersrepun ycz “Fuvoqurauray/aspapnouy 9s] pau “asuodsar 1oaus09 se payzadxa auaj9 10d passe 94 | mun ow ing “ware qwoqOO MUN v UNA pomolTe aq qLANONELEA syroUE C= 4M Pua uc ‘sanoyZ TIO], pueIED SRST ORNS SWOT] samara 66 aomsuy woRsONO Hous | c samara sz 6 I ‘SUORSINO 10H >I T wa sad aunty” | a10s ox] warmer | soos | won yo odd N's uepd yeuts0y way Model Question School Leaving Certificate Examination 2078 Grade: Grade XT Subject: Computer Science (Th) Subject code: 428, Full Marks: 50 (9 marks Obj + 41 Marks Sub) Time: 2 Hours Group A: Multiple Choice questions (9 x 1=9) Time: 20 minutes, ‘Tick the correct answer. Which of the statements are used in DDL? A) Create, alter and drop B) Create, insert and select C) Insert, update and delete D) Delete, alter and drop. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table fariedPersons” where the value “ge irstName” ends with an “a of the column “ A) SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName=“a” B) SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘a%’ ©) SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE isstNaine LIKE “Ya” D) SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName="%a%" Which of the following statements\is true about a star network topology? _ A) Bach device is connected tS'aswitch or hub B) Each device is connéeted to each other C) Each device is connected in a trunk D) Each devicéis‘eonnected to a terminal Which of the following is the correct syntax to display "Stay Safe" in an alert box using JavaScript? Adalett-box("Stay Safe"); B) confirm("Stay Safe"); ‘C) msgbox("Stay safe"); | D)alent("Stay Safe"); "What is the use of tag? A) To insert an image B) To create a link © Toereateabypetink D) Tocreae alist 6. What is the output of given C program? void main(){ char str1{] = "FIRST"; char str2[20]; strepy(str2,str1); print("%s %s ",strl,str2); printf('"%d", (str1!=str2)); print{("%d", stremp(str1,str2)); } —_A)FIRSTFIRST OO B) FIRST FIRST 1 | ©) FIRST FIRST 10 D) FIRST FIRST 01 7. Where is a class derived in inheritance? A) Superclass BY Subclass ©) Subsetelass D) Relativeclass 8. Which of these is the correct order of the SDLC? B) Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation, Coding C) Implementation, Coding, Analysis, Design, Testing D) Design, Testing, Implementation, Coding, Analysis, 9. Why is cloud computing popular nowadays? B) As modern technology and tostly C) Accessible and freelyavailable D) Affordable to all as Model Question School Leaving Certificate Examination 2078 Grade: Grade XI Subject: Computer Science (Th) Subject code: 232 Full Marks: 50 (9 marks Obj + 41 Marks Sub) Time: 2 Hours Group B: Short Answer Questions (5 x 5=25) 1, Explain 2NF and 3NF with examples. OR Demonstrate the basic DML statement with an example. 2. Write a function to add any two numbers in Javascript, OR Demonstrate the external CSS implemented in the web page. 3. Describe any five features of OOPs. 4, What are the different stages of software planning?Describe. 5. Define the concept of Al and JoT. (2+3) Group C: Long Answer Questions (2 x 8=16) 6. How do you implement the Class CAP addtess in the local area network? Describe. Write a program to enter ten integer numbers into an array, sort and display them in ascending order. OR ‘Write a program tortead the marks of any 5 students in a subject and count how many students are pass"and fail, qo ousea 9q Kou xine 1891 SuoNsONb Jo sias J9yIO 0p 1Ng K[US DS Sup Joy paswdasd bab EU 3894 OM SH SHY, :210N, os st st a 3% 08 SHEN TEIOL a a e FopoMPA, wr spuary wae] (ds) 9 s|t Tt] ot Tepoyy ss2oorg arcanyyog | 9) - (doo) 9 He spl OF | suumesz01g pausno-r3al4 | ¢ 8 st ft 7 Du summon |p 2 s[i[ itt Wet a i EPL PM] nis 6 git Hye st pur uoreounuros veg |Z " (swag) 8 s} ty) iy t Wt T I a wash juauaseuepy aseqeieq | ol. EF) IE] JET. LE) IE) ERE LEI ET ETL BIZ ISIZISIZI6l Z lalzZlal ZAM lelElelzifsiziaizl., x |3le/3le/3| ¢ [3/5 /3/ g/ANS [Ble als islE (SIE 12 el EVEVEIE/ElE/ 2 (E/E E|AVEbe (EUFVEIEUE EEF IZ | ¢ z Eel lel lel fet lal (ASET Ue] lB) UEF Ue) le] 2 i 3 E i E zlozlocloxlozloslozlozlozlozl z Blob loglok | os |otlok| os loglozlo¢| ox] § 8 g Tay BH Satay SaypASTpAT, FaDqUaUTY eos SEAL xapuaddy

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