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 Writing format & Style: <= pages, 12 font size, font style: Times New
Roman, 1.5 spacing
 You are expected to use standard referencing style/APA (strictly follow APA for both in-
text citations and bibliography/reference writing).
 You have to at least refer 10 standard articles from reputable journals preferably
Emerald, Elsevier, Tylor and Francis etc and duly acknowledge them.

 Due date will be communicated later but bear in mind that any submission after the
deadline has no value
 Assignment must be submitted in soft copy one week ahead of presentation time.
Articles used for the analysis shall be submitted along with the assignment in zipped
folder (soft copy)
 The report shouldn’t exceed 20 pages including cover page and references


1. Specify the topic: verify that there are no published meta-analyses on your topic in order
to avoid duplication of efforts. You shall notify the selected topic before starting the
analysis. Do not forget that the topic shall be on the area of DELIVERING VALUE/
marketing channel management or COMMUNICATING VALUE/Promotion.
2. Establish inclusion criteria and define key variables: You should establish in advance
the inclusion criteria such as type of study, language of publication, place of the study,
context of the study, among others and exclusion criteria, which could include minimal
sample size, variables used, among others. You should clearly define the variables that
will be extracted from each primary article. Broad inclusion criteria increase
heterogeneity between studies, and narrow inclusion criteria can make it difficult to find
studies; therefore, compromise should be made in this regard.
3. Carry out a systematic search in different databases and extract key data: usually,
searching in several databases helps to minimize the possibility of failing to identify all
published studies. You may approach IT technician of the department, program or
library technician to find accessible journals. In fact, the above-recommended journals
are accessible to our university.
4. Provide enough data in your manuscript: A table with complete information about
included studies (such as author, year, and details of included subjects) is quite useful and
recommendable in the assignment.
5. Provide context for your findings and suggest future directions: the discussion
section is an important scientific component in a manuscript describing a meta-analysis,
as you should discuss the current findings in the context of the available scientific
literature and existing knowledge. You may also discuss possible reasons for the positive
or negative results of the selected articles; provide an interpretation of findings based on
available evidences, and comment on particular features of the methodology and findings
of the studies.
6. Your analysis shall focus on finding research gaps in the area. Identify the
limitations of the selected studies and recommend possible future researchable issues in
the area.
7. List all references: strictly follow APA style and list all articles used in your analysis.
Do not forget to annex all references used in the meta-analysis.

Note: you may choice from the following topics but you may also go for any other topics
related to delivering value and communicating value
 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels

 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and

 Experiences, and Public Relations

 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word of Mouth,

and Personal Selling

 Marketing channel system and value network.

 Logistic and digital marketing

 Conflict, Cooperation and Competition in distribution channels

 Ethical and legal Issues in distribution channels

 Developing and managing an advertising program

 Communication Medias and its effectiveness

 Trends in communication Medias

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