Letter To Decline

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October 4, 2022


Dear Sir,

Greetings of peace!
Upon receiving the letter of assignment for the upcoming Intramurals 2022, I was honestly pleased and honored
to be part of the working committee as I have been very active in any extra-curricular activities in our
But now, I am extremely sorry to let you know that my condition may not be able to fulfill my future
responsibilities as a chairperson for the Festival of Talents. I am recently diagnosed with Alopecia Aerata, an
autoimmune disease due to stress and anxiety. With this, I am currently having medications and regular
consultation every weekdays for my steroid injections.
I am sure that it will be a great event if the person in-charge will be able to commit and give his/her full energy
and time. Hence, I would certainly try my best to help in any other ways.
Attached herewith is my medical certificate. Thank you so much for considering and God bless you!

Respectfully yours,


1. Medical Certificate

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