Project Curriculum Mapping

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1. Reflect on your philosophical, educational, and curriculum assumptions that will guide you in your
curriculum mapping.
2. Reflect on the psychological theories and principles guiding the instructional approaches and student
learning experiences.
3. Review the learning standards and competencies of the assigned subject and grade level from the K to
12 curriculum guide.
4. Establish a clear progression of learning competencies within each category of learning goals (i.e.,
Acquisition, Meaning-Making, and Transfer).
5. Design a comprehensive assessment framework that aligns with the identified learning competencies
and learning goals. Incorporate varied assessment methods to evaluate students' understanding and
application of knowledge across the different categories.
6. Design a diverse range of activities that promote active engagement and meaningful learning
experiences that align with the learning competencies, within the different learning goals categories.
7. Identify and evaluate the resources required to support the implementation of the curriculum,
including textbooks, digital materials, and other educational resources. Ensure that the selected
resources are aligned with the learning competencies, across different categories.
8. Integrate the institution's core values into the curriculum map, emphasizing their role in shaping
students' holistic development.


1. What are the underlying philosophical and psychological assumptions that inform your curriculum
2. What are the assessment tools and criteria used to measure student learning? How will they align with
the learning outcomes? How will they provide feedback for improvement?
3. On what criteria have you based your selection of content and experiences to be included?
4. How does the curriculum incorporate the principles of BASIC for organizing content and experiences?
5. What are the instructional methods and materials used to deliver the content? How will they facilitate
student engagement, interaction, and learning?
6. In what ways does the curriculum map integrate various types of resources to cater to diverse learning
styles and promote a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter?
Component Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Assessment Demonstrates a Shows a clear and Presents a basic Provides a limited
comprehensive effective assessment plan or unclear
and well-aligned assessment plan for the curriculum assessment plan
assessment plan for the curriculum map. for the curriculum
for the curriculum map. map.
Activities Designs a diverse Develops effective Includes some Lacks meaningful
range of engaging and appropriate basic activities for activities for the
and meaningful activities for the the curriculum curriculum map.
activities for the curriculum map. map.
curriculum map.
Resources Integrates a wide Includes Provides limited Lacks relevant
array of relevant appropriate resources for the resources for the
and suitable resources curriculum map. curriculum map.
resources supporting the
supporting the curriculum map.
curriculum map.
Institutional Core Effectively Integrates Includes some Lacks effective
Values integrates institutional core institutional core integration of
institutional core values into the values in the institutional core
values into the curriculum map, curriculum map. values into the
curriculum map, supporting curriculum map.
fostering holistic student
development. development.
Analysis Provides a Offers a Presents a basic Provides a limited
comprehensive substantial analysis of the or unclear
and insightful analysis of the curriculum analysis of the
analysis of the curriculum mapping process. curriculum
curriculum mapping process. mapping process.
mapping process.
Organization The project is The project is The project is The project lacks
well-organized, mostly organized, somewhat organization, with
with a clear and with a clear flow organized, with an unclear and
logical flow of of ideas. some disjointed flow of
ideas. inconsistencies in ideas.
the flow of ideas.
Presentation Presents the Presents the Presents the Presents the
curriculum map in curriculum map curriculum map curriculum map
a clear, engaging, clearly and with with minor issues unclearly and with
and professional some affecting clarity a lack of
manner. engagement. and engagement. engagement.
Collaboration Demonstrates Shows effective Demonstrates Displays poor
exceptional teamwork and basic teamwork teamwork and
teamwork and collaboration and collaboration collaboration with
collaboration among most with some issues significant issues
among all group group members. among group among group
members. members. members.

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