Vedic Literature (Shruti)

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Vedic Literature (Shruti)

Rigveda: oldest written book in Vedic Sanskrit. Total hymns:
1028. 10 mandals. Original: book (2-7), new addition (book:
Yajurveda: It contains 2086 verses.
Samaveda: It contains 1549 verses.
Atharvaveda: It contains 730 hymns.

● Brahmanas: (commentaries on Vedas). Total 8 in numbers.

Oldest: Shatapatha Brahmana- commentry on Yajurveda
● The Aranyakas:(Forest texts). They are the concluding portions
of Brahmanas. Main 7 are there.
● Upanishads: (approaching and sitting near). Basically, they're
the philosophical texts also known as Vedanta. There are 108
Upanishads in total. Oldest- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad which
contains the vidushi-gargi dialogue with Rishi Yajna Valkya. The
motto of India 'satya mev jayate' which means 'truth alone
triumphs' is taken from Mundaka Upanishad.

Literature of Vedic tradition (600 BC - 600 AD)(Smritis)

1. Vedangas
2. Smriti Dharmasutras
3. Mahakavyas
4. Puranas
5. Upveds
6. Shad darshans (the six schools of Indian philosophy)

● Vedangas:
1. Shiksha (Phonetics)
2. Kalpa Sutra (Rituals)
3. Vyakarana (Grammar)- Ashtadhyayi the oldest grammar book
written by 'Panini'
4. Nirukta (the oldest dictionary)
5. Chhanda (Metrics)- Chhanda Sutras written by 'Pingala'
6. Jyotisha (Astronomy)- Vedanga Jyotish by 'Lagadh Muni'

● 6 Smritis:
1. Manusmriti by Maharshi Manu (the oldest)
2. Yajna Valkya smriti
3. Narad smriti
4. Brihaspati smriti
5. Parashar smriti
6. Katyayana smriti

● 2 mahakavyas
1. Ramayana by Valmiki
2. Mahabharata by Ved Vyas

● 18 Puranas: 'Matsya Purana is the oldest.

● Upvedas: Ayurveda, Gandharvaveda, Dhanurveda, Shilpaveda

6 schools of Indian philosophy (Shad Darshan)

1. Sankhya Darshan founded by Sage Kapil
2. Yoga Darshan founded by Sage Patanjali
3. Nyaya Darshan founded by Sage Akshpada Gotama
4. Vaisheshika Darshan founded by Sage Uluka Kanad
5. Purva Mimansa founded by Sage Jaimini
6. Uttar Mimansa (Vedant) founded by Sage Badryana

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