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1. Which of the following substances in the kitchen is harmful when

A. Caramel
B. Detergent
C. Oil
D. Salt
E. Sugar

2. Which of the following products is injurious to the skin?

A. Bleaching cream
B. Cleansing lotion
C. Exfoliating gel
D. Moisturizing oil
E. Toning lotion

3. Which of the following practices should be considered when

packaging meals for a picnic?
A. Carry cakes in poly bag
B. Carry chilled drinks in baskets
C. Cold and hot foods should be packed separately
D. Pack fresh vegetables in hot water
E. Unwrap sweets and arrange them in a tray

4. A chef can practice good hygiene during food preparation by

A. Adorning the body with jewelries
B. Coughing over foods
C. Decorating the kitchen with ornaments
D. Observing personal cleanliness
E. Wearing long coloured nails

5. Obesity is a health condition that is associated with

A. balanced diet
B. over feeding
C. old age
D. Exercise
E. Extra calories

6. An example of animal stain is

A. Blood
B. Coffee
C. Ink
D. Juice
E. Tar

7. The tool in the diagram above is a

A. Chopping board
B. Pestle
C. Rolling pin
D. Spatula
E. Turning stick

8. The tool is used for

A. Carrying food
B. Cutting vegetables
C. Flattening dough
D. Opening tinned foods
E. Separating lumps from flour

9. The following factors can influence the selection of household

linen except
A. Availability of money
B. Durability of fabric
C. Health status of family
D. Need of the home
E. Softness of fabric

10. The diagram below shows a dressmaker pattern for a

A. Dart
B. Fold
C. Grain
D. Notch
E. Seam

11. Fresh vegetables for salad preparation are kept in the

refrigerator to prevent the following except
A. Contamination
B. Deterioration
C. Discolouration
D. Drying-out
E. Ripening

12. The ideal heating temperature required for the production of

pomade is ____ ˚C.
A. 1 – 10
B. 11 – 20
C. 21 – 30
D. 50 – 70
E. 100 – 120

13. Re branding an already existing business is a principle for

A. Distribution
B. Evaluation
C. Manufacturing
D. Marketing
E. Purchasing

14. Which of the following is a source of air-borne contamination

of foods in local markets?
A. Dust
B. Equipment
C. Refuse
D. Sewage
E. Water

15. Which of the following fibres is of animal origin?

A. Cotton
B. Linen
C. Nylon
D. Rayon
E. Silk

16. A cellulose based fibre produced by treating wood pulp is

A. Rayon
B. Acrylic
C. Nylon
D. Polyester
E. Terylene

17. Sorting, mending, washing and drying are steps in ________

A. Finishing
B. Ironing
C. Laundering
D. Rinsing
E. Stitching

18. The part of the sewing machine that pulls fabric along for
stitching is the
A. Balance wheel
B. Feed-dog
C. Needle clamp
D. Spoon pin
E. Tension disc

19. The method of processing dry grains into flour is

A. Canning
B. Drying
C. Freezing
D. Frying
E. Milling

20. A consumer does not have the right to

A. Be heard
B. Choose
C. Redress
D. Resell
E. Safety

21. The act of buying items for meal preparation is known as food
A. Analysis
B. Hygiene
C. Management
D. Purchasing
E. Safety

22. Which of the following food stuff can be preserved by

A. Cassava
B. Rice
C. Spinach
D. Tomato
E. Yam

23. Cotton and ______ are good fabrics that can be stiffened.
A. Linen
B. Nylon
C. Polyester
D. Silk
E. Wool
24. Which of the following machine accessories is used for
stitching a narrow hem without basting or pressing?
A. Button-hole maker
B. Edge stitching foot
C. Gathering foot
D. Hemmer foot
E. Zipper foot

25. Throw-pillows are best stuffed with

A. Kapok
B. Linings
C. Newspapers
D. Old clothes
E. Wadding

26. Which of the following is not an effect of unhealthy eating

A. Bacterial infection
B. Digestive disorder
C. Instant choking
D. Skin irritation
E. Stomach aches

27. Vinegar is effective for

A. Bleaching fabric
B. Cleaning drains
C. Removing ink stain
D. Scouring pot
E. Softening water

28. Which of the following habits is commendable while eating?

A. Chatting on the phone
B. Chewing food with the mouth closed
C. Dancing to music
D. Playing with the cutlery
E. Talking with food in the mouth

29. Consumption of contaminated foods can cause

A. Arthritis
B. Diarrhea
C. Polio
D. Rickets
E. Scurvy

30. A bed linen used as a covering for a person lying on the bed is
A. Bed sheet
B. Bed spread
C. Blanket
D. Mattress
E. Pillow case

31. Wax is applied on the fabric to be dyed in order to make it

A. Absorb dye properly
B. Colour fast
C. Easy to dry
D. Resistant to dye
E. Stiff and firm

32. Which of the following is a quality of good food?

A. Attractiveness
B. Mouldy patches
C. Rottenness
D. Undesirable taste
E. Unpleasant smell

33. Which is the odd one out?

A. Spoon
B. Fork
C. Knife
D. Plate
E. Scissors

34. The list of dishes available at a restaurant is called

A. Card
B. Docket
C. Invoice
D. Menu
E. Plan

35. Which of the following is a factor to be considered when

buying food for the family?
A. Company’s trade mark
B. Location of the house
C. Money available
D. Number of cooks
E. Weather condition

36. Which of the following defines garment repair? It is a process

A. Dyeing furniture fabric
B. Folding clothes into boxes
C. Mending clothing articles
D. Prolonging life of household linen
E. Saving money to acquire new fabrics

37. Proper care of clothes would

A. Cause wrinkles on the fabric
B. Give it expensive look
C. Increase its durability
D. Make it fade out easily
E. Make it tear easily

38. Elimination of waste from the body is a/an _________ need

A. Developmental
B. Emotional
C. Physiological
D. Psychological
E. Social

39. Healthy handling of food improves its

A. Colour
B. Flavor
C. Quantity
D. Safety
E. Texture

40. The functional area for welcoming and receiving of guest in the
home is ---------------
A. Kitchen
B. Store
C. Sitting room
D. Dining room
E. Bed room
41. An example of a beverage is
A. Custard
B. Gravy
C. Sauce
D. Soup
E. Tea

42. Which of the following storage facilities is suitable for palm

A. Bowl
B. Jerry can
C. Poly bag
D. Sack
E. Silo

43. Breast development in girls is a sign of

A. Adolescence
B. Adulthood
C. Maturity
D. Puberty
E. Womanhood

44. An individual’s needs and desires in life is a reflection of

_____ value
A. Community
B. Family
C. National
D. Personal
E. Social
45. Which of the following factors should not be considered when
buying food?
A. Availability of income
B. Family size
C. Foods in season
D. Food preferences
E. Tribe of the food seller

46. Which of the following substances is harmful when consumed?

A. Boiled plantain
B. Cole slaw
C. Hot tea
D. Mouldy bread
E. Sachet water

47. The first set of teeth in children is called

A. Artificial
B. Honey
C. Milk
D. Permanent
E. Strong

48. The following are women’s right except right to

A. Be heard
B. Early marriage
C. Education
D. Employment
E. Health care

49. The effects of drug abuse include except

A. Central nervous system stimulation
B. Damaged lungs and heart
C. Increased pulse rate and blood pressure
D. Mental disorder
E. Proper functioning of the brain

50. A method of food preservation that involves reducing water

content is
A. Canning
B. Drying
C. Fermentation
D. Freezing
E. Salting

51. Which of the following is a responsibility of the consumer?

He / she should
A. Be considerate
B. Be informed about goods and services
C. Ensure the safety of the goods
D. Be heard
E. Seek redress

52. An example of a non-perishable food is

A. Fresh fish
B. Granulated sugar
C. Lettuce
D. Raw meat
E. Yoghurt

53. The period between the end of childhood and the beginning of
adulthood is referred to as
A. Adolescence
B. Infancy
C. Maturity
D. Puberty
E. Womanhood

54. One of the symptoms of HIV/AIDS is

A. Frequent urination
B. Persistent cough
C. Protruded stomach
D. Swollen feet
E. Yellowish eye

55. Good grooming is the act of taking care of one’s

A. Appearance
B. Desire
C. Family
D. Feeding
E. Interest

56. Which of the following is vital to consumer’s health in packaged

A. Batch number
B. Content colour
C. Expiry date
D. Manufacturer’s address
E. Production date

57. What is the function of toning cream?

A. Blends makeup smoothly on the skin
B. Cleanses the skin
C. Keeps the skin fresh
D. Makes the skin firm
E. Prevents dryness of the skin

58. The following are duties of a seller to the public except to

A. Cover cooked food properly
B. Demonstrate the use of cutlery
C. Maintain high level off personal hygiene
D. Package food properly for buyers
E. Prepare nutritious food for consumption

59. Which of the following is a way of achieving food safety?

A. Keeping meals uncovered
B. Portioning food with bare hands
C. Storing fresh vegetables in jars
D. Storing tubers in sacks
E. Washing hands before handling foods

60. An example of secondary need is

A. allowance
B. food
C. health
D. shelter
E. clothing

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