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RUMAH SAKIT WIJAYA JL. Raya Menganti No.398, Wiyung— Surabaya RS. woava Telp (031 )7523087 Fax (031)7525660 SURAT PERMOHONAN REKREDEN: Nomor: 006/RSW/KomDik/VII/2022 Kepada Yth, Direktur RS Wijaya Surabaya JI, Raya Menganti No. 398 Wiyung-Surabaya Dengan hormat, Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : Nama : dr. Soeharjoko Jabatan Dokter Umum Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan rekredensial untuk mendapatkan rincian Kewenangan klinis di RS Wijaya Surabaya, JI. Raya Menganti No. 398 Wiyung-Surabaya, sesuai dengan kompetensi saya sebagai © Dokter Umum © Dokter Spesialis Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, bersamaan dengan ini saya lampirkan — Fotokopi Sertifikat Pelatihan dan Seminar (Terlampir) — Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir (Terlampir) ~ Foto 3x41 lembar (Berwama) Demikian surat permohonan ini saya buat, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya saya sampaikan terima kasih Surabaya, 08 Agustus 2022 Pemohon, \ bse jocharjoko) RUMAH SAKIT WIJAYA Jl. Raya Menganti Wiyung RUMAH SAKIT WIJAYA JL. Raya Menganti No.398, Wiyung — Surabaya Telp (031 )7523087 Fax (031)7525660 RS. whava SURAT PERSETUJUAN REKREDENSIAL ‘Nomor: 006. 1/RSW/KomDik/VII1/2022 Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini : Nama dr. Aditya Ariditia, $.H. NIP NIP. 198011212011001 Jabatan Direktur RS Wijaya Surabaya Dengan ini menyetujui permohonan rekredensial kepada Nama dr. Soeharjoko Jabatan Dokter Umum Mohon diproses sesuai dengan SPO Komite Medis. Surabaya, 08 Agustus 2022 Direktur RS Wijaya dr. Aditya Ariditia, SH. NIP. 198011212011001 RUMAH SAKIT WIJAYA Jl, Raya Menganti Wiyung No. 398 Surabaya Telp. (031) 7523087-7528232 KEWENANGAN KLINIS (CLINICAL PRIVILEGE) Kategori Kewenangan berdasarkan pelayanan yang dibutubkan pasien, Kewenangan Klinis diberikan bagi dokter umum dalam pengelolaan pasien di RS WIJAYA Surabaya DAFTAR PENYAKIT ‘Jenis Pelayanan : Rekomendasi Basic of Cardiovascular Basic of Respiratory _ Basic of Gastrointestinal Basic of Nephro-urology Basic of Hematology Basic of Immunology Basic of Genetics / newborn / chromosomal disorders Basic of Endocrine, metabolic disorders and nutrition Basie of Central and peripheral neural system Basic of Ear, nose and throat Basic of Fye Basic of Infectious and tropical medicine Basic of Neoplasm ‘Basic of Psychiatry and mental health Basic of Musculoskeletal system Basic of Traumatology Basic of Reproduction system DAFTAR KETRAMPILAN KLINIS ‘enis Pelayanan : Diminta Internal Medicine Physical examination Rekomendasi + General survey - Head and neck ~The spine - Thorax - Abdomen - Perineal + Female genitalia lia Diagnostic procedures Therapeutic skills c]SINSSSNSAINSS ‘Neurology Physical examination - Cranial nerve function ~The motor system Kl = Coordination ~The sensory system ~ Radicular sensation disorders ~ Higher functions + Reflexes Other Additional diagnostic investigations Therapeutic skills df} ds9s4 The spine Psychiatry Diagnostic skill = History taking, + Psychiatric examination - Identifying problems = Additional examination Therapy Ud Paediatrics History taking Physical examination - General ~ Newborn and infant = _Allages ‘Therapeutic skills, examinations and operation of the child qs Surgery Diagnostic skill ~ Physical examination ~ Orthopedic examination ~ Varicose veins ~ Arterial vascular disorders ~ Abdominal hernia > Male genitalia = Accident and emergency dd adele ‘Additional examinations Operative surgery Gynecology Physical examination ~ General, including breast ~ Extemal genitalia ~ Speculum examination ~ Bimanual examination + Rectal examination = Combined recto-vaginal septum S49 s ‘Additional diagnostic examination Additional diagnostic for sub fertility Therapy and prevention Contraception / sterilization Obstetry Selection of high risk pregnancy Pregnane) ‘Normal delivery Puerperium. Dermatology Diagnostic skill ~ Physical examination - Terminology of skin lesions + Additional examinations Therapy Prevention eS! [ss is/55 Otolaryngology (ENT) Diagnostic skill ~ Ears, hearing, equilibrium ~ Nose, sinuses =__Mouth, throat, speech, esophagus, neck Therapeutic skill

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