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NAPOLCOM - GENERAL INFORMATION ( Police Operation Part 2 )
Directions: Read the questions carefully before you decide to answer them. Select the
best or nearest answer.

1. The law that governs the operations of public conveyance otherwise known as the
Public Service Law is:
a. C.A No. 136
b. C.A No. 146
c. C.A No. 156
d. C.A No. 166

Ans: c

2. Making strips outside of their regular route provided by law is a violation of:
a. Rules and Regulations on National Roads
b. Land Transportation & Traffic Codes
c. Bureau of Internal Revenue Code
d. Rules and Regulations of Public Service Law

Ans: b

3. Section 12, RA No. 2868 was amended by PD No. 263 and among others, it provides
a. a policeman may be promoted to a higher rank if her possesses the appropriate
eligibility, although he lacks educational qualification
b. a policeman may be promoted to a higher rank and provided he has performed an
exemplary act beyond the call of duty
c. a policeman who as been in the continuous police service for at least twenty (20) years
at the time of the effectivity of RA 4864 and who was subsequently promoted, and/or may
hereafter be promoted to a higher rank despite the rank the lack of educational
d. a policeman can not be promoted unless he possessed all the the
necessary qualifications.

Ans: d

4. It is the constitutional responsibility of the State to established, maintain and ensure

adequate which of the following?
a. religious freedom
b. social services
c. non - sectarian education
d. economic well - being

Ans: b

5. Freedom which recognizes no legal restraints is:

a. liberty
b. license
c. dominance
d. legal right

Ans: b

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6. An individual is deprived of his property if:

a. it is physically taken from him
b. its value is distroyed
c. its capability for enjoyment is hindered
d. its adaptability to some particular use is impaired
e. all of the above

Ans: e

7. There is taking privately property when:

a. the owner is actually deprived of dispossessed of his property
b. there is practical destruction or material impairment of its value
c. it is deprived of its jurisdiction, supervision and control
d. a & c as stated
e. all of the above as stated

Ans: e

8. The Billof Rights of the New Constitution is found in Article:

a. VII
b. VI
c. V
d. IV
e. III

Ans: d

9. The following are essential elements of State, except:

a. people
b. territory
c. sovereignty
d. government
e. constitution

Ans: e

10. Which law makes an act criminal, which at the time of its commission was not?
a. due process
b. expost facto law
c. equal protection of the law
d. bill of attainder
e. none of these

Ans: b

11. Constitutional Rights of Persons under Custodial Interrogation are expressly provide
a. Sec. 20, Art. IV of the New Constitution
b. Sec. 8, Art. III of the New Constitution
c. Sec. 8, Art. XII of the Constitution
d. Memorandum Circular No. 11, DND, s. 1975
e. none of the enumerated
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Ans: a

12. Guidelines for Arrest, Searches and Seizures conducted by Military Personnel are
prescribed under:
a. Gen. Order No. 20
b. Gen. Order No. 4
c. Dept. Circular No. 49
d. Dept. Circular No. 12

Ans: c

13. The right of property, personal security and freedom from unreasonable searchers and
seizures, liberty of abode and religious freedom which are guaranteed by the Constitution
are examples of:
a. statutory rights
b. political rights
c. civil rights
d. social rights

Ans: c

14. No constitution of a democratic state is complete without a:

a. declaration of principles
b. preamble
c. bill of rights
d. national territorial limit
e. repealing clause

Ans: c

15. A wrongdoer who does an act which he ought not do is guilty of a crime of
a. omission
b. commision
c. voluntary commission
d. light felony
e. none of the above

Ans: b

16. Act of omission committed by a person freely and voluntarily makes him:
a. civilly liable
b. criminal liable
c. both a & b as stated
d. none of the above

Ans: b

17. A would - be murderer put poison into the other person's soup, and the latter actually
took the soup but did not die because of the timely assistance of a physician. The offense
or crime is:
a. consummated
b. attempted
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c. frustrated
d. completed
e. executed

Ans: c

18. When the offender has performed all the acts of execution and the felony is actually
accomplished, the crime is:
a. consummated
b. completed
c. justified
d. aggravated

Ans: a

19. An accusation in writing charging a person with an offense subscribed by the fiscal
and filed with the court is:
a. complaint
b. suppoena
c. information
d. declaration
e. none of the above

Ans: c

20. The right of the defendant to be admitted to bail in accordance with the constitution is
provided specifically in the:
a. Revised Penal Code
b. Rules of the Court
c. Revised Administrative Code
d. General Orders

Ans: b

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