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NAPOLCOM - GENERAL INFORMATION ( Police Operation Part 6 )
Directions: Read the questions carefully before you decide to answer them. Select the
best or nearest answer.

1. In the conduct of reconnaissance of the objective, some factors to be considered are:

a. building and neigborhood
b. person and security
c. topography
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Ans: c

2. In its broadest sense, the killing of one human being by another human being is :
a. homicide
b. murder
c. suicide
d. parricide
e. none of the above

Ans: b

3. In enforcing the laws of traffic you also:

a. make arrest
b. deter people from committing violations
c. institute disciplinary action
d. take care of the injured
e. all of the above

Ans: c

4. The ultimate or principal fact and / or proposition to be established is called the :

a. Factum probans
b. arguments
c. Factum probandum
d. none of the above

Ans: c

5. Proof beyond reasonable doubt means:

a. that degree of the proof in criminal cases which will exclude all doubts that the accused
is guilty
b. preponderance of evidence
c. that degree of proof which produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind
d. all of the above

Ans: c

6. It is suggested that, while performing surveillance:

a. you must have an eye - to - eye contact with subject
b. you must create attention to the public to wind their support
c. you must take down noted to practice notes taking
d. all of the above
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e. none of the above

Ans: a

7. A surveillance when it is covert in operation can be adopted for:

a. criminal investigation
b. intelligence operation
c. public information
d. detective operation
e. all of the above

Ans: b

8. The following are the objectives of the Surveillance, except:

a. to prevent commission of crime
b. to effect arrest
c. to convict the criminal
d. to obtain evidence
e. all of the above

Ans: c

9. When foot patrol operations are being used, the first thing that the officer should go
upon arriving at his patrol area is:
a. take down the time of arrival
b. inform your barangay captian
c. make a complete your of that area
d. blow your whistle
e. a & b as indicated

Ans: c

10. An officer's most effective tool when on foot patrol:

a. memory
b. description
c. observation
d. memory and description
e. memory and observation

Ans: d

11. Loaded firearms found in the crime scene should be unloaded if fingerprints is not
necessary before submitting it to crime laboratory:
a. false
b. fallacious
c. vague
d. true

Ans: d

12. Blood specimen submitted for alcohol determination should be drawn by a laboratory
a. false
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b. fallacious
c. vague
d. true

Ans: d

13. In the event the hair is found, the following procedures should be followed:
a. handle the hair with clean fingers
b. prevent from getting lost or mixed with other hairs or fibers
c. all of the above
d. none of the above

Ans: b

14. In criminal investigation, the suspect of interrogation is usually a:

a. suspect
b. witness
c. accused
d. criminal

Ans: a

15. On the other hand, the subject of the interview is usually a:

a. suspect
b. witness
c. accused
d. criminal

Ans: b

16. For the investigator to ascertaint he complete facts of the crime, he must established
a. identity of the culprit
b. identity of the witness
c. 6 cardinal principles of criminal investigation
d. scene of the crime
e. all of the above

Ans: c

17. Body of knowledge regarding crime or simply means the study of crime:
a. criminology
b. criminal investigation
c. interrogation
d. crime

Ans: a

18. The act of compelling the fulfillment of law or order or obedience thereto is:
a. Duty
b. Obligation
c. Regulation
d. Enforcement
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e. Crime

Ans: d

19. It is not satisfactory to attribute all delinquency to "poverty" "bad parents", etc.
a. The causes of delinquency are very complex and very considerably from one case to
b. Some juveniles who come from poverty - stricken homes do not commit act of
c. We may think certain parents are bad, but their children might not
d. all of the above as stated

Ans: a

20. Juveniles can be classified in various ways. Which of the following groups of
categories would be most useful in classifying juveniles as delinquent or non - delinquent?
a. Incorrigible, truant, runaway
b. Moron, sociopath, neurotic
c. Burglar, car thief, shoplifter
d. Lowerclass, middleclass, upperclass
e. None of the above as stated.

Ans: c

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