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Gives Users Access To The
ME00 Purchasing Menu
Purchasing Menu.
Create A Source List For A
ME01 Maintain Source List
Material At A Specified Plant.
Display The Source List For A
ME03 Display Source List
Material At A Specific Plant.
Shows The Changes That Have
ME04 Changes to Source List Been Made To A Source List
For A Specific Material.
Generate A Source List Using
ME05 Generate Source List The System Rather Than
Manually Entering Values.
Analyze The Source List For A
ME06 Analyze Source List
Material Or Range Of Materials.
ME07 Reorganize Source List Reorganize The Source List.
Send Source Lists To Another
ME08 Send Source List
System Via Ale.
Display The Source Lists For A
ME0M Source List for Material
Given Material.
Create A Purchasing
ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record Information Record For A
Allows The User To Change An
Change Purchasing Info
ME12 Existing Purchasing Info
Display The Details Of An
Display Purchasing Info
ME13 Existing Purchasing Info
Display Changes That Have
Changes to Purchasing Info
ME14 Been Made To A Purchasing
Info Record.
Flag A Purchasing Info Record
ME15 Flag Info Record for Deletion
For Deletion.
ME16 Deletion Proposals for Info Delete Purchasing Info Records
Based On The Selection
Archive Purchasing Info Archive Purchasing Info
Records Records.
Send Purchasing Info Records
ME18 Send Purchasing Info Records
To Another System Via Ale.
Archived Purchasing Info Access Archived Purchasing
Records Info Records.
Display Price History From The
ME1E Quotation Price History
Purchasing Info Record.
Display All The Purchasing Info
ME1L Info Records per Vendor Records For A Single Or Range
Of Vendors.
Display All The Purchasing Info
Purchasing Info Records per
ME1M Records For A Single Or Range
Of Materials.
Display The Purchase Order
ME1P Purchase Order Price History Price For Each Purchase Info
Purchasing Info Records per Display The Purchasing Info
Material Group Records For A Material Group.
Display The Purchasing
Information Record Data For
Print Buyer’s Negotiation
ME1X Each Material That Has Been
Sheet for Vendor
Purchased From The Vendor
Display The Purchasing
Print Buyer’s Negotiation Information Record Data For
Sheet for Material Vendors Based On The Material
That Has Been Entered.
ME21 Create Purchase Order Create A Purchase Order.
ME21N Create Purchase Order Create A Purchase Order.
ME22 Change Purchase Order Change A Purchase Order.
Change A Purchase Order And
ME22N Change Purchase Order Has Superseded Transaction
ME23 Display Purchase Order Display A Purchase Order.
Display A Purchase Order And
ME23N Display Purchase Order Has Superseded Transaction
ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Add Or Change Header Texts
For An Existing Purchase
Allows The User To Create A
Create Purchase Order with Purchase Order Where The
Source Determination Vendor Can Be Determined By
The Transaction.
Display Purchase Order Display Header Texts For A
Supplement Purchase Order.
Create Purchase Order with Create A Stock Transport
Transfer Order Order Between Two Plants.
Allows The User To Release
Release Purchasing
ME28 Purchase Orders That Are
Subject To A Release Strategy.
Release A Purchase Document,
Release Purchasing
ME29N Such As A Purchase Order Or A
Stock Transport Order.
ME2A Monitor Vendor Confirmations Display Vendor Confirmations.
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents per
ME2B Documents With A Specific
Requirement Tracking Number
Requirement Tracking Number.
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents for
ME2C Documents With A Specific
Material Group
Material Group.
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents per
ME2J Documents With A Specific
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents per
ME2K Documents With A Specific
Account Assignment
Account Assignment.
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents for
ME2L Documents With A Specific
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents for
ME2M Documents With A Specific
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents per
ME2N Documents With A Specific
Document Number
Document Number.
Display The Materials That
Subcontractor Stock
ME2O Have Been Sent To A
Monitoring for Vendor
Subcontracting Vendor.
Purchase Order Reporting with Shows Purchase Orders That
Services Contain Services.
Shows The Expected Goods
ME2V Expected Goods Receipts Receipts For A Specific Or
Range Of Plants.
Display The Purchasing
Purchasing Documents per
ME2W Documents For A Supplying
Supplying Plant
Create An Outline Agreement,
Which Can Be Referenced To A
ME31 Create Outline Agreement
Purchase Requisition Or A
Request For Quotation.
Create A Contract, Which Can
Be For A Specific Value Of
ME31K Create Contract
Material Or Quantity Of
Create A Scheduling
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
Agreement With A Vendor.
Allows The User To Change
ME32 Change Outline Agreement The Details Of An Outline
Allows The User To Change
ME32K Change Contract The Details Of A Value Or
Quantity Contract.
Allows The User To Change
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement The Details Of A Scheduling
Allows The User To Display
ME33 Display Outline Agreement The Details Of An Outline
Allows The User To Display
ME33K Display Contract The Details Of A Value Or
Quantity Contract.
Allows The User To Display
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement The Details Of A Scheduling
Maintain Outline Agreement Change Header Texts For An
Supplement Outline Agreement.
Maintain Header Texts For A
ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement
ME34L Maintain Scheduling Change Header Texts For A
Agreement Supplement Scheduling Agreement.
Allows The User To Release
Release Purchasing
ME35 Outline Agreements That Are
Subject To A Release Strategy.
Allows The User To Release
ME35K Release Contracts Contracts That Are Subject To
A Release Strategy.
Allows The User To Release
Release Scheduling Scheduling Agreements That
Agreements Are Subject To A Release
Display Outline Agreement Display Header Texts For An
Supplement Outline Agreement.
Create Transport Scheduling Create A Transport Scheduling
Agreement Agreement Between Plants.
Allows The User To Change
Maintain Scheduling
ME38 The Details Of A Transport
Agreement Schedule
Scheduling Agreement.
Allows The User To Display
Display Scheduling Agreement
ME39 The Details Of A Transport
Scheduling Agreement.
Display Outline Agreements
Purchasing Documents per
ME3B With A Specific Requirement
Requirement Tracking Number
Tracking Number.
Purchasing Documents for Display Outline Agreements
Material Group For A Specific Material Group.
Outline Agreements per Display Outline Agreements
Project For A Specific Project.
Display Outline Agreements
Purchasing Documents per
ME3K With A Specific Account
Account Assignment
Purchasing Documents per Display Outline Agreements
Vendor For A Specific Vendor.
Purchasing Documents for Display Outline Agreements
Material For A Specificmaterial.
Display Outline Agreements
Purchasing Documents per
ME3N With A Specific Document
Document Number
Contract Reporting with
ME3S Display Contracts For Services.
ME41 Create Request for Quotation Create A Request For
Change A Request For
ME42 Change Request for Quotation
Display A Request For
ME43 Display Request for Quotation
Maintain Request for Display Header Texts For A
Quotation Supplement Request For Quotation.
Allows The User To Release
Request For Quotations That
ME45 Release Request for Quotation
Are Subject To A Release
Enter The Quotation Sent From
ME47 Maintain Quotation A Vendor Who Had Received A
Request For Quotation.
Display The Details From A
ME48 Display Quotation
Vendor’S Quotation.
Compare Quotations To Give
ME49 Price Comparison List The Purchasing Department A
Price Comparison.
Shows The Request For
Purchasing Documents per Quotations For A Single Or
Requirement Tracking Number Range Of Requirement
Tracking Numbers.
Shows The Request For
Purchasing Documents for
ME4C Quotations For A Single Or
Material Group
Range Of Material Groups.
Shows The Request For
Purchasing Documents per
ME4L Quotations For A Single Or
Range Of Vendors.
Shows The Request For
Purchasing Documents for
ME4M Quotations For A Single Or
Range Of Materials.
Shows The Request For
Purchasing Documents per
ME4N Quotations For A Single Or
Document Number
Range Of Rfq Numbers.
Shows The Request For
ME4S RFQ’s per Collective Number Quotations For A Single Or
Range Of Collective Numbers.
ME51 Create Purchase Requisition Create A Purchase Requisition.
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition Create A Purchase Requisition
And Has Superseded
Transaction Me51.
Change A Purchase
Requirement But Has Been
ME52 Maintain Purchase Requisition
Superseded By Transaction
Change A Purchase Requisition
ME52N Maintain Purchase Requisition And Has Superseded
Transaction Me52.
Display A Purchase
Requirement But Has Been
ME53 Display Purchase Requisition
Superseded By Transaction
Change A Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition And Has Superseded
Transaction Me53.
Allows The User To Release A
Single Purchase Requisition
ME54 Release Purchase Requisition
That Is Subject To A Release
Allows The User To Release A
Single Purchase Requisition
ME54N Release Purchase Requisition
That Is Subject To A Release
Release A Number Of Purchase
Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions At One Time That
Requisitions Are Subject To A Release
Assign A Source Of Supply To
Assign Source to Supply to
ME56 Existing Purchase
Assign A Source Of Supply To
Assign and Process Purchase
ME57 Existing Purchase Requisitions
And Process Them.
Allows The User To Select
Assigned Purchase
Ordering: Assigned Purchase
ME58 Requisitions And Manually
Convert Them Into Purchase
Automatic Creation of Automatically Convert
ME59 Purchase Orders from Purchase Requisitions To
Requisitions Purchase Orders.
ME5A List Display of Purchase Display A List Of Purchase
Requisitions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Purchase Requisitions
Release Reminder: Purchase That Are Subject To A Release
Requisitions Strategy And Have Yet To Be
Shows A List Of Purchase
List Display of Purchase
ME5J Requisitions That Are Attached
Requisitions for Project
To A Project.
List Display of Purchase Display Purchase Requisitions
ME5K Requisitions by Account Associatedwith A Single Or
Assignment Range Of Cost Centers.
Generate A List Of Purchase
Resubmission of Purchase
ME5W Requisitions That Are To Be
Resubmitted For Processing.
Manually Maintain The
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation Evaluation Scores For A
Display The Evaluation Scores
ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation
For A Vendor.

Calculate Scores for Semi- Calculate The Vendor

ME63 Automatic and Automatic Sub- Evaluation Scores For A
Criteria Vendor.
Allows You To Compare A
Vendor’S Evaluation General
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
Score Against That Vendor’S
Score For A Specific Material.
Rank A Specific List Of
ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
Display Changes That Have
ME6A Display Change Documents Been Made To A Vendor’S
Evaluation Score.
Shows The Ranking Of Vendors
Ranking List of Vendor
For A Material Or Material
ME6B Evaluations Based on
Group Based On Their Vendor
Material/Material Group
Evaluation Scores.
Show Vendors That Have Not
ME6C Vendors without Evaluation
Been Evaluated.
ME6D Vendors not Evaluated Since Will Show A List Of Vendors
Who Have Not Been Evaluated
Since A Specific Date, Which
The User Can Enter.
Evaluation Records without Display Evaluation Records
Weighting Key That Have No Weighting Key.
Allows The User To Print A
ME6F Print Vendor Evaluation Sheet
Vendor Evaluation Sheet.
Perform Analysis On Vendor
ME6H Vendor Evaluation Analysis Evaluation For A Given Set Of
General Analysis of Purchasing Perform An Analysis Of
Documents Purchasing Data.
Perform An Analysis Of
ME80A General Analysis of RFQs Purchasing Data, Specifically
Requests For Quotation.
Evaluate The Requests For
General Evaluations of RFQs Quotation For A Given Set Of
Perform An Analysis Of
General Analysis of Purchase
ME80F Purchasing Data, Specifically
Purchase Orders.
ME80F General Evaluations of Evaluate The Purchase Orders
N Purchase Orders For A Given Set Of Criteria.
Perform An Analysis Of
General Analysis of Outline
ME80R Purchasing Data, Specifically
Outline Agreements.
Evaluate The Outline
ME80R General Evaluations of Outline
Agreements For A Given Set Of
N Agreements
Analysis of Purchase Order Perform A Financial Analysis Of
Values Purchase Orders.
Create Scheduling Agreement
ME84 Create Releases Releases After Delivery
Schedules Have Been Created.
Individual Display of
Display The Releases For A
ME84A Scheduling Agreement
Scheduling Agreement.
Re-number Scheduling Re-Number The Scheduling
ME85 Agreement Delivery Schedule Agreement Delivery Schedule
Lines Lines.
ME86 Aggregation/Disaggregation of Aggregate Or Disaggregate The
Scheduling Agreement Scheduling Agreement Delivery
Schedule Lines Schedule Lines.
Summarize And Remove
Summarization and Removal of
ME87 Purchase Order History
PO History Records
Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Is Used Set Or Reset The
ME88 Quantity and Reconciliation Agreed Cumulative Quantity
Date And Reconciliation Date.
Purchasing Documents: Generate Reminders And
Reminders/Expediters Urging Letters.
Quotations: Reminders/ Generate Reminders And
Expediters Urging Letters For Quotations.
Generate Reminders And
Scheduling Agreement:
ME91E Urging Letters For Scheduling
Generate Reminders And
Purchasing Orders:
ME91F Urging Letters For Purchase
Display Purchase Documents
Monitor Receipt of Order
ME92 That Have Not Received An
Order Acknowledgment.
Monitor Receipt of Order Display Purchase Orders That
ME92F Acknowledgments (Purchase Have Not Received An Order
Order) Acknowledgment.
Display Contracts That Have
Monitor Receipt of Order
ME92K Not Received An Order
Acknowledgments (Contract)
Display Scheduling
Monitor Receipt of Order
Agreements That Have Not
ME92L Acknowledgments (Scheduling
Received An Order
Create Output For Purchase
ME99 Output from Purchase Orders
Create Message Output For
ME9A Request for Quotation Output
Requests For Quotation.
Create Message Output For
ME9E Scheduling Agreement Output
Scheduling Agreements.
Create Message Output For
ME9F Purchase Order Output
Purchase Orders.
Create Message Output For
ME9K Contract Output
ME9L Outline Agreement Output Create Message Output For
Outline Agreements.
MEB0 Cancel Settlement Runs Cancel Settlement Runs.
MEB1 Create Rebate Agreement Create A Rebate Agreement.
Change The Details Of A
MEB2 Change Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement.
Display The Details Of A
MEB3 Display Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement.
Settle A Rebate Arrangement
Settlement: Vendor Rebate
MEB4 With A Vendor For A Specific
Arrangements Purchasing
Shows A List Of Vendor Rebate
List of Vendor Rebate
MEB5 Arrangements Based On The
Arrangements: Purchasing
Selection Criteria Entered.
Shows The Detailed
Detailed Statement: Vendor Settlements Of The Vendor
MEB8 Business Volumes:Rebate Rebate Arrangements Based
Arrangements Purchasing On The Selection Criteria
Changes to Purchasing Display Changes To Purchasing
MEI1 Documents Due to Changes in Documents Due To Changes In
Conditions Conditions.
Mass Adjustment of Allows A Mass Adjustment Of
MEI2 Documents Due to Changes in Purchasing Documents Due To
Conditions Changes In Conditions.
Recompilation of Document
Recompile Purchasing
MEI3 Index for
Creates A Work list For The
Automatic Document
MEI4 Automatic Adjustment Of
Adjustment: Create Worklist
Purchasing Documents.
Delete A Worklist That Has
Automatic Document Been Created For The
Adjustment: Delete Worklist Automatic Adjustment Of
Purchasing Documents.
Delete Document Indexes That
MEI6 Delete Document Index
May Have Been Created.
Delete A Worklist That Has
Make Price Change in Open Been Created For The
Purchase Orders Automatic Adjustment Of
Purchasing Documents.
MEI8 RecompilationofDocument Recompile Payment
Indexfor PaymentDocuments Documents.
Recompilation of Document
Recompile Vendor Billing
MEI9 Index for Vendor Billing
MEK1 Create Condition Records Create A Condi- Tion Record.
Allows The User To Change An
MEK2 Change Condition Records
Existing Condition Record.
Display Existing Condition
MEK3 Display Condition Records
Create Condition Records With
Create Condition Records with
MEK4 Reference To An Existing
Condition Record.
Display Purchasing Conditions
MEKA Purchasing Conditions Based On The Selection
Criteria Entered.
Display Contract Conditions
MEKB Conditions by Contract Based On The Selection
Criteria Entered.
Display Purchasing Info Record
MEKC Conditions by Info Record Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Material Group
MEKD Conditions for Material Group Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Vendor Conditions
MEKE Conditions by Vendor Based On The Selection
Criteria Entered.
Display Material Type
MEKF Conditions for Material Type Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Condition Group Of The
Conditions by Condition Group
MEKG Vendor Conditions Based On
of Vendor
The Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Market Price
MEKH Conditions by Market Price Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Incoterms Conditions
MEKI Conditions by Incoterms Based On The Selection
Criteria Entered.
MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party Display Invoicing Party
Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Display Vendor Sub-Range
Conditions by Vendor Sub-
MEKK Conditions Based On The
Selection Criteria Entered.
Should Be Used When Changes
Price Change Involving
Are Required To Be Made To A
MEKL Vendor’s Scheduling
Vendor’S Scheduling
Should Be Used If The
Currency Change for
Currency On A Vendor’S
MEKLE Scheduling Agreement
Scheduling Agreement Is To Be
Conditions of Vendor
Should Be Used When Changes
Price Change Involving Are Required To Be Made To A
Vendor’s Info Records Vendor’S Purchasing Info
Should Be Used If The
Currency Change for Info Currency On A Vendor’S
Record Conditions of Vendor Purchasing Info Record Is To
Be Changed.
Should Be Used When Changes
Price Change Involving
MEKR Are Required To Be Made To
Vendor’s Contracts
Vendor’S Contracts.
Should Be Used If The
Currency Change for Contract
MEKRE Currency On Vendor’S
Conditions of Vendor
Contracts Is To Be Changed.
Find And Display All The
Purchasing Transactions per Purchasing Transactions That
Requirement Tracking Number Contain A Specific
Requirement Tracking Number.
Display Price Information For A
Order Price Simulation/Price
MEPA Specific Set Of Selection
Display The Price Information
Price Information/Vendor
MEPB For A Vendor That Can Be Used
Negotiation Sheet
For Vendor Negotiation.
Display And Change A
MEPO Display Purchase Order
Purchase Order.
MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement Maintain Quota Arrangements.
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement Display Quota Arrangements.
MEQ4 Changes to Quota Display Changes That Have
Been Made To A Quota
Analyze Existing Quota
MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
Check Whether The Quota
Quota Arrangement for
MEQ8 Arrangements Are Being
Adhered To By Vendors.
Quota Arrangement for Display Quota Arrangements
Material For A Material.
Create The Purchasing
MK01 Create Vendor (Purchasing)
Elements Of A Vendor.
Change The Purchasing Details
MK02 Change Vendor (Purchasing)
Of A Vendor.
Display The Purchasing Details
MK03 Display Vendor (Purchasing)
Of A Vendor.
Vendor Account Changes Display Changes Made To The
(Purchasing) Purchasing Data Of A Vendor.
Block/Unblock Vendor Block Or Unblock Purchasing
(Purchasing) Functions For A Vendor.
Flag Vendor forDeletion
MK06 Flag A Vendor For Deletion.
Plan The Vendor Changes For A
MK12 Plan Vendor Change
Future Date.
Display Changes That Have
Planned Vendor
MK14 Been Planned For The Vendor
Display Vendor Details At A
MK19 Display in Future Vendor
Future Date.
Vendor’s Settlement and Display A Vendor’S Settlement
Condition Groups And Condition Groups.
MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing Produce A List Of Vendors.
Display The Material Master
MM00 Material Master Menu
Create A Material Master
MM01 Create Material
Change The Details Of An
MM02 Change Material
Existing Material Number.
Display The Details Of An
MM03 Display Material
Existing Material Number.
MM04 Display Changes Allows The User To Display
Changes To A Material Master
MM06 Flag Material for Deletion Flag A Material For Deletion.
Allows The Creation Of
MM11 Schedule Creation of Material Material To Be Scheduled For A
Future Date.
Schedule A Change To The
MM12 Schedule Changing of Material Material Master Record On A
Future Date.
Schedule A Deletion To A
MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion
Material Master Record.
Display A Material Master
MM19 Display Material at Key Date
Record For A Specific Date.
Allows The User To Extend The
MM50 Extend Material View(s)
Views Of Existingmaterials.
Display A List Of Materials
MM60 Materials List
Based On The Values Entered.
Allows The User To Change
MMAM Change Material Type Thematerial Type Of An
Existing Material.
Create A Material That Is A
MMH1 Create Trading Goods
Trading Good.
Create A Material That Is An
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
Operating Supply.
Create A Material That Is A
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
Non-Stock Material.
Initialize Period for Material Initialize The Period For
Master Records Material Master Records.
Close Period for Material Close A Period For Material
Master Records Master Records.
Create A Material That Is A
MMR1 Create Raw Material
Raw Material.
Allow Posting to Previous Can Be Used To Allow Posting
Period To A Previous Period.
Create A Material That Is A
MMS1 Create Service
Allows The User To Extend
Enter Storage Locations
MMSC Materials To Additional
Storage Locations At A Plant.
Create A Material That Is A
MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material
Non-Valuated Material.
MMV1 Create Packaging Create A Material That Is A
Packaging Material.
Allows A User To Change Data
MMVD Change Material In The Sales Views Of A
Material Master Record.
Allows A User To Change Data
In The Engineering And Sales
MMVH Create Material
Views Of A Materialmaster
Create A Condition Record For
Create Output – Condition
MN01 An Output Message Relating To
Records: Purchasing RFQ
A Request For Quotation.
Change Details On A Condition
Change Output – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Purchasing RFQ Relating To A Request For
Display Details On A Condition
Display Output – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Purchasing RFQ Relating To A Request For
Create A Condition Record For
Create Output – Condition
MN04 An Output Message Relating To
Records: Purchase Order
A Purchase Order.
Change Details On A Condition
Change Output – Condition
MN05 Record For An Output Message
Records:Purchase Order
Relating To A Purchase Order.
Display Details On A Condition
Display Output – Condition
MN06 Record For An Output Message
Records:Purchase Order
Relating To A Purchase Order.
Create A Condition Record For
Create Output – Condition
MN07 Output Message Relating To An
Records: Outline Agreement
Outline Agreement.
Change Details On A Condition
ChangeOutput – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Outline Agreement Relating To An Outline
Display Details On A Condition
DisplayOutput – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Outline Agreement Relating To An Outline
MN10 Create Output – Condition Create A Condition Record For
Records: Scheduling Output Message Relating To A
Agreement Release Scheduling Agreement
Change Details On A Condition
Change Output – Condition
Record For An Output Message
MN11 Records: Scheduling
Relating To A Scheduling
Agreement Release
Agreement Release.
Display Details On A Condition
Display Output – Condition
Record For An Output Message
MN12 Records: Scheduling
Relating To A Scheduling
Agreement Release
Agreement Release.
Create A Condition Record For
Create Output – Condition
MN13 Output Message Relating To A
Records: Service Entry Sheet
Service Entry Sheet.
Change Details On A Condition
Change Output – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records:ServiceEntrySheet Relating To A Service Entry
Display Details On A Condition
Display Output – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records:ServiceEntrySheet Relating To A Service Entry
Create A Condition Record For
CreateOutput – Condition Output Message Relating To An
MN21 Records: Inventory Inventory Management
Management Movement, Such As A Goods
Issue Or Goods Receipt.
Change Details On A Condition
Record For An Output Message
ChangeOutput – Condition
Relating To An Inventory
MN22 Records: Inventory
Management Movement, Such
As A Goods Issue Or Goods
Display Details On A Condition
Record For An Output Message
DisplayOutput – Condition
Relating To An Inventory
MN23 Records: Inventory
Management Movement, Such
As A Goods Issue Or Goods
Create A Condition Record For
Create Output – Condition
MN24 Output Message Relating To An
Records: Inbound Delivery
Inbound Delivery.
MN25 ChangeOutput – Condition Change Details On A Condition
Records: Inbound Delivery Record For An Output Message
Relating To An Inbound
Display Details On A Condition
DisplayOutput – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Inbound Delivery Relat- Ing To An Inbound
Maintain The Manufacturer
Maintain Approved
MP01 Parts List For A Specific
Manufacturer Parts List
Display Approved Display The Manufacturer Parts
Manufacturer Parts List List For A Specific Material.
MR00 Invoice Menu Display The Invoice Menu.
Release Blocked Invoices That
MR02 Invoice Items Release
Were Posted.
Display An Invoice Verification
MR03 Display Original Document
MR08 Cancel Invoice Document Cancel An Invoice Document.
Maintain The Goods
Maintain GR/IR Clearing
MR11 Receipt/Invoice Receipts
Price Change – Overview Change The Price Of A Single
Screen Or Number Of Materials.
Allows The User To Make
MR42 Change Parked Document Changes To A Parked
Allows The User To Display A
MR43 Display Parked Document
Parked Document.
MR44 Post Parked Document Post A Parked Document.
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document Cancel An Invoice Document.
Can Be Used To Produce
Output Messages in Logistics Output For A Single Or Multiple
Invoice Verification Logistics Invoice Verification
Can Be Used To Produce
Messages for Invoice Output For A Single Or Multiple
Verification Logistics Invoice Verification
Logistics Invoice Verification Access The Logistics
Menu Verification Menu.
MRM1 Create Message:Invoice Create A Condition Record For
Verification Output Message Relating To
Invoice Verification.
Change Details On A Condition
ChangeOutput – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Invoice Verification Relating To Invoice
Display Details On A Condition
DisplayOutput – Condition Record For An Output Message
Records: Invoice Verification Relating To Invoice
Perform Revaluation On
Revaluation with Logistics Purchasing Documents Where
Invoice Verification There Has Been A Price
Display Services From
Reporting on
MSRV2 Purchase Requisition
Display Services From Request
MSRV4 Reporting on Services (RFQ)
For Quotation Documents

For Gate Entry you can have a user exit. Once a gate entry
is done it can go to stores for GRN which can be created
using the Gate Entry Ref.

You can also do MIGO at gate using Mvt. 103. Once the
material is inwarded to store and after physical verification
a 105 Mvt. can be done.

Payment details for supplier/vendor/partner

Go to T-Code-ME23N-See Status For All relevant Activity.

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