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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 3150005 Date: 22/06/2023
Subject Name: Integrated Personality Development Course
Time: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
5. There are 40 questions (in 3 sections) in this question paper. All questions are

Section A
Instructions: For each question choose ONLY ONE option and mark it on the answer sheet given to
you. All questions are compulsory. Answer according to what you learnt from the IPDC lectures and

Marks: 10

1. A single thought has the potential to change the entire world.

a. True
b. False

2. My personal growth depends only on my surroundings.

a. True
b. False

3. Screen time generally has a positive effect on family bonding and relationships.
a. True
b. False

4. Family and community culture can have a significant positive impact on one's health and
a. True
b. False

5. Seva means to serve individuals with the expectation of praise and rewards.
a. True
b. False

6. Seva can be beneficial to our health.

a. True
b. False

7. Faith is an essential part of our lives

a. True

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b. False

8. Keeping faith in ourselves can give us strength

a. True
b. False

9. Relying only on ourselves is the only way of achieving our dreams

a. True
b. False

10. Within the circle of influence, there are things that you can control.
a. True
b. False

Section B
Instructions: For each question choose ONLY ONE option and mark it on the answer sheet given to
you. All questions are compulsory. Answer according to what you learnt from the IPDC lectures and

Marks: 30

11. Which of these people had the following thought that led to their success – “What happens if
you divide 0 by 0?”

a. Srinivasa Ramanujan

b. Isaac Newton

c. Albert Einstein

d. Abdul Kalam

12. of the following are NOT one of IPDC’s four quotients?

a. Intelligence Quotient

b. Emotional Quotient

c. Adaptability Quotient

d. Physical Quotient

13. Which of these is NOT one of the 6 powerful thoughts?

a. Whatever happens, happens for the best

b. What am I grateful for?

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c. How can I get people to like me?

d. Am I giving my 100%?

14. How do habits form?

a. Cue-> routine-> reward

b. Practice -> perfect practice -> reward

c. Learn -> practice -> success

d. Learn -> patience -> success

15. According to the IPDC workbook, Tendulkar and Tate are what type of people?

a. Extraordinary

b. Emotional

c. Legendary

d. Ordinary

16. During the 1999 ICC World Cup, Sachin Tendulkar's father passed away, at that time he _.

a. Become emotionally unstable.

b. Was unable to continue playing in the world cup.

c. Refused to attend his father's final rites and continued to play cricket.

d. Maintained balance of mind.

17. Which of the following is NOT a key factor of Active Listening?

a. Listening with our ears

b. Listening with our eyes and body

c. Listening with our mind and heart

d. Listening with our opinion

18. Who was kicked out as the CEO of Apple at the age of 30?

a.Steve Jobs

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b. Steven Covey

C. Timok

d. Steve Wozniak

19. Around how many people studied at Takshashilā University for their post-graduation, at any

one time?


b. 1000


d. 1,00,000

20. Which Indian medical researcher developed the world’s first organ regeneration technique?

a. Balkrishna Matapurkar

b. Ashima Anand

c. Subrata Adak

d. Srinivasa Ramanujan

21. According to the IPDC workbook, family get-togethers should take place at least:
a. Once every week

b. Once every month

c. Once every year
d. Once every 2 years

22. What intention should we keep when performing seva?

a. To help others
b. To gain rewards
c. To get money
d. To be appreciated

23. Which of the following methods should we NOT use when performing seva?
a. Serve with love
b. Be thankful
c. Be prepared to sacrifice

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d. Serve to get praised

24. As per Pramukh Swami Maharaj, is technology a blessing or a curse?

a. Blessing

b. Curse

c. It is a blessing with its discreet usage and is a curse without

d. It is a curse with its discreet usage and is a blessing without

25. To adapt to new circumstances, changes are essential. This is explained in the lecture using

which example?

a. Mahindra

b. Ford

c. Honda

d. Toyota

Section C
Instructions: For each question choose ONLY ONE option and mark it on the answer sheet given to
you. All questions are compulsory. Read each question carefully before answering. Apply what you
have learnt from the IPDC lectures and workbook to choose the best option.
Marks: 30

26. After being stuck in quarantine for 6 months, Manohar has not been able to take his usual journey
to college. For the last 6 months, his usual routine consists of waking up at 11 AM, watching a movie,
taking a nap, and then studying through the whole night while eating the fast food that he ordered
online. Unfortunately, despite his hard efforts, he is finding it harder to concentrate while studying
and he is feeling more tired than usual. Manohar explains his confusion to you, what do you think is
the best way to advise him?

a. Do not worry, you are genuinely trying your best. Once college opens again, everything will go back
to normal and you will see the fruit of your hard effort.

b. Do not worry, you are trying your best. But you should consider exercising and eating healthier. You
know what they say, a healthy body makes a healthy mind.

27. Two weeks ago, Abdul submitted his scientific research paper for his first review Due to the lack
of support from his appointed research partner, Abdul had to rush the result analysis. Today, when he

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went to collect feedback, his Professor responded only with harsh criticism for his work. How do you
think Abdul should handle the situation, going forward?

a. He should ignore the Professor's harsh tone and keep trying amidst the difficult circumstances.

b. He should try and use that criticism to improve his research paper.

28. Sanjay spends time on social media until late at night. Because of this, he is sometimes unable to
wake up on time in the morning. On such occasions, he sometimes skips his scheduled workout
session, so that he can catch the bus to work, to arrive on time. What do you think Sanjay should do
to become more consistent?

a. He needs to break the habit of staying up late so that he can wake up on time and complete his
morning workout as planned.

b. Social media is also an important part of his nightly routine. So, he should buy a personal vehicle
and use that to reduce travel time. That way he can exercise and reach his office on time.

29. Dhaval has been visiting the cricket nets every day to practice for the upcoming regional trials in a
few days. He feels confident in his ability and expects to gain a spot in the regional cricket team. Upon
his regular visits, he gets familiar with another youth called Raj. Upon talking, Dhaval finds out that
Raj is also applying for the trials. Raj requests Dhaval to give him some guidance on his batting style.
Raj is not sure whether to help him or not, because competition is already high and Dhaval seems
naturally talented. What do you think Raj should do?

a. Dhaval should try his hardest to assist Raj to improve his batting technique.

b. Dhaval should give Raj a few general tips before leaving to focus on his own technique.-

30. Shilpa has had a difficult day at school and wants to talk to her cousin, Kinjal, about it. They have
sat down in the sitting room and Kinjal is listening to Shilpa. During the conversation. Kinjal sees that
her friend, Meena, is calling her phone, probably to discuss next week’s shopping trip. What should
Kinjal do now?

a. Kinjal should tell Shilpa to wait so she can answer her phone and talk to Meena. Shilpa is going to
be at the house for the whole day so they can talk after the phone call.

b. Kinjal should ask Meena to call her later during the day and then give Shilpa her full attention.

31. Mac coaches his local soccer team. During the regional tournament, his team loses 3 matches ina
row. What do you think Max should do to help his team?

a. Mac will explain to his team that, " Those 3 teams were the toughest in the region. So, it was surely
going to be a challenge to play them. But in the next game, it will be easy for us to win. So do not
worry about our losses."

b. Mac will review the mistakes that his team members made while playing. He will have both one-to-
one and group meetings with his team members, to convey the tactics they need to use to improve.

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32. Riya has been invited to this year's National Youth Summit. As a medical student, she has been
asked to prepare her view on the future of India and its medical practitioners. She is trying to decide
which message she should convey. What do you think is the best option:

a. Youths should contribute to India by becoming doctors. Being a doctor means you can become
wealthy and reputable.

b. Youths should contribute to India by becoming doctors. Being a doctor means you can serve your
country by helping its citizens.

33. Jenish works as a computer engineer for an upcoming technology company. His manager has set
him the task to update an important function for a developing product. From the requirements given
by the manager, Jenish predicts that it will take him at least 10 days to finish it. But his manager has
challenged him to complete it in 4 days. How should Jenish react to such a request?

a. Jenish should tell the manager that 4 days is impossible, but he will deliver it in 10 days.

b. Jenish should meet his manager's challenge and try his hardest to try and complete it in 4 days.

34. Deepa is currently studying law at a world-renowned college in America. She has been asked to
deliver a speech about gender equality at a regional student convention. Deepa is passionate about
her subject, but she is worried that the audience members will quietly mock her Indian accent and
origin. She is mostly prepared for her speech, but with 3 days to go, this worry is still playing in her
mind. What should she do?

a. Deepa should use these last few days to try and adopt a more American accent.

b. Deepa should focus on channelling her passion to her audience.

35. You have planned a cultural event at your college. You have planned to set a wonderful stage for
the inauguration. Your institute has allocated a dedicated fund for the stage decoration. During the
final selection, you find that your team will need more human resources to set the stage, in addition
to the current labourers. What will you do?

a. Train students for stage building and decoration

b. Request your institute to increase the allocated budget to hire more labourers

36. You have organised an online quiz. Students across your state have registered for this quiz in huge
numbers. You and the participants are excited to take part. But just before the quiz, the server crashes
due to a technical fault. What would you do?

a. You will immediately report this error to the principal and ask a technical person to provide a
solution. Till then you will postpone the quiz.

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b. You will cancel the quiz because you doubt the capacity of the server. In the future, you will conduct
the quiz with limited capacity.

37. Satya is currently studying at 9th standard. His schoolwork has moved online and he now studies
at home all the time. He spends hours on his phone every day to keep himself entertained and to
escape his boredom. He feels bad about it. What advice would you give him?

a. It is a tough time right now, spending more time on social media will allow you to pass time quicker.
Search for posts that are positive and useful.

b. It is a tough time right now, so it is important to make sure we do not slip into harmful habits and
lose control of our attention. So, limit the time in which you use social media.

38. Anuj has an aspiration of becoming a credible IT consultant. He spends most of the time on his
laptop and mobile to watch online certification training videos, track market trends, and to expand his
professional network. However, this prevents him from spending much time with his family even
though they live in the same household. His parents often complain about him being 'always stuck to
his laptop and mobile'. How should Anuj evaluate his routine?

a. Anuj should keep his career as his prime focus. He should promise his parents that he will schedule
them in some quality time for one weekend, next month. After his career is set, then he will make
more time to spend with his family.

b. Anuj should schedule some quality time for his parents every week. He can continue working on his
career, but it will not hurt him to take a break from his electronics now and again.

39. Megha has recently been feeling unhappy and lonely. For the last 2 weeks, she has been longing
to share her emotions with someone. What should she do?

a. She should reach out to people using social media and create new friendships.

b. She should express her feelings to family members with who she feels comfortable.

40. Mira and Bira are both medical students who have decided to volunteer for the college blood drive.
They were both scheduled to spend one-hour taking blood from the donors, before leaving for their
summer vacation. But the organiser has requested them to stay two hours longer to help deal with
the unexpected increase of donors. Mira and Bira both have different responses, which one from the
following do you think is more appropriate?

a. Mira agrees to continue her seva as long as necessary.

b. Bira decides to leave as she has completed the time that was originally agreed.


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