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In this experiment, we will look at flow patterns across several submerged bodies.
We should finish the fluid flow measurement procedure and then measure the drag and lift
forces imposed on a symmetrical aerofoil at different angles of attack.
In this experiment, we must conduct two experiments: one for the flow over
submerged body and one for the boundary layer. For both experiments, the velocity
distribution for a flat plate and the boundary layer thickness of a flat plate subjected to
longitudinal flow for rough and smooth surfaces are to be determined. After receiving the
data findings, calculations for each flat of plates are required. We used formulas like velocity
and Reynold Number (RE) to calculate the results. The Reynold Number was used to analyse
the flow fluctuation between laminar and turbulent flows.
According to the results of the previous experiment, the greater the fan speed and
angle of attack, the lower the intake pressure. However, in this experiment, the rough
surface had a lower velocity than the smooth surface. When the Reynold Number is
determined, the smooth surface is greater than the rough surface. In addition, we showed
graphs such as speed distribution against distance for smooth and rough terrain.

Fluid dynamics, or the study of how fluids behave and interact with their
surroundings, includes the study of flow over submerged bodies. When fluids flow over
an item, they form a complicated flow pattern that is determined by a variety of
elements such as the object's shape.

The object's form and size, the fluid's speed and viscosity, and the angle of attack or
incidence. Understanding flow over submerged bodies is critical in many practical
applications, including the construction of aircraft wings, wind turbines, submarines, and
ships. Engineers may improve the performance, efficiency, and safety of these things by
examining the flow patterns and related characteristics.

External flow and internal flow are the two basic forms of flow over submerged
bodies. External flow is the flow that occurs around objects that are submerged in a fluid
but do not contain the fluid itself. Flow over an aero plane wing or a vehicle body are
examples of external flow. Internal flow, on the other hand, refers to the movement of
fluid via an item or conduit, such as the movement of air through a jet engine or water
through a pipe.

1.1 Internal flow in pipes fluid mechanics.

1.2 External flow on circle object

One typical way for visualising the flow field is to plot the streamlines, which
represent the flow direction at each location in the fluid. Streamlines can be drawn using
computational fluid dynamics models or experimental techniques like flow visualisation.

Researchers employ a variety of methodologies to examine the flow over submerged

bodies, including analytical methods, numerical simulations, and experimental
observations. Analytical approaches entail utilising mathematical techniques to solve the
governing equations of fluid mechanics, such as the Navier-Stokes equations, to find a
mathematical solution for the flow.


Fluid dynamics, a branch of fluid mechanics that studies the movement of liquids and
gases, is a subject studied in the fields of physics, physical chemistry, and engineering. It
has a number of subfields, such as aerodynamics (the study of gases in motion, such as
air and other gases) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion).


a) To comprehend how surface finish and body form affect the flow-related forces.
b) To understand how body structure and surface finish impact the flow-related
c) To comprehend the fundamental mechanics causing flow separation.
d) Understanding the basic physics of driving flow separation.

We are able to analyse and compare the structural lines that have been introduced
around the objects and their various characteristics because of the data collected, as
well as because of the incorporation of theoretical knowledge. As a result, we can
investigate various aspects that only factor into the design of objects in the field of
aerodynamics and present a general picture.

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