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SMART ATTENDANCE SYSTEM UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG AUSTRALIA CSCI992 — PROFESSIONAL PROJECT (TEAM - B) SPRING BATCH (2018 — 2019) Name Student Email Student No ‘Sunit Almeida 5720886 Zeqi Pang 7p874@uowmall.eduau 3870094 Yafeng Lu i568 5870987 xin Zhow 2882 5601836 Wenchang Liv wia69@uawmail.eduau 5992448 Monirul Islam 5781401 ‘Au-Yeung kai kwan 5632008, Nirmal Gajera nrg609@ 5626924 Vignesh Lakshmanan 5852869 Maha Aluwaiii 5488060 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project scree Contents 1 Introduction 5 Purpose ssa pee: . a5 LIA Scope 2 . 5 2 Qverall Description 6 2 Prordtict Perspective os. a ¥alvalnkv ess 5 Product Funetion . Soe . a -. 6 25 User C ieties a s - 6 24 Assumptions and Dependencies 6... . 6 9 General Requirements SU Specific Requirements: eee ai -. 6 3.1.1 Requirement 1: ‘The system must perform Facial Recognition locally, -. 6 81.2 Requirement 2: The system must oapture the face af euch and every person present in Ue élassrimn. . « wddeieaey é 7 4.13 ‘Requirement $1 The system must able to identify an inditiduel in real time wideo Jee. 5 . a ‘ 7 DLA Requirement 4: Administration must able to retrieve or aller the altenidarice second in the systern oe . 7 82 Modules . eccriarinat a on 4 External Interfaces 7 Jed User lnterface Sao8 #nlenonreipibibce oe zane 4.2 Hardware Interface... a oa 8 5 Functional Requirements 8 SAL Constraints wi i ide ae 8 5.14 Operational and Enviromental - . ° 51.2 Legal Constraints... s 2 2 ° 5.13 Coinplianee . - - cei é bit a) SLA Design Constraint. . wees ves see 0 6. Non Functional Requirements 10 6.1 Software Application Attributes wo La Rel . ee 0 6.1.2 Maintainability pate 5 ae 0 Page 2 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project scree Avnilabitity < . - pea ete -. Seeutlty 6... wi wialssdlisele did : u Portability ooo. eve vee eee eonecn, 6.1.6 Performance. - sexe x we GAT Usability 2. al u G2 Look and POL ee eee eee etter nett e ween ener nes BD 7 Sample UI Mock-up Sereens 13 8 UME Dingrams aa 81 Use Case Diagrain, = eiriiswidy ‘ a oe 8.2 Soquente Diagran Ss a 1 8.3 Class Diagram : = 5 -. 16 Bai State Diagras a 85 Activity Diagram. . cee ves . . 8 86 Dats Flow Diagrams (DED-0) eH . ow 87 Date Flow Diagram (DED-Admin) . . a ‘ . 0 88 Data Flow Dingram (BEDStaif) 2.22.2... perp a 9 User Manual 22 9.1 Introduction a woe - a -. 2 9.2 Usage Information martes a 2 10 Test eases 28 10st Beg THE Ges eevee raise edo es einebinaenn BB 10.2 Attendance Motlile Test Cases vets aa 2 11 Teamwork, Holes and Timelin a0 1 Ten B Roles: Intended Roles & Responsibilities. ae 8 Schedule, Gantt Chart and ‘Cimeline . . . . -. 38 8 Scheciuleand Resmuroes é 44s . Z ¥ os 4 Gantt Chart aie wicket: ‘ oe .. 38 Vinweline 6 eee eee eee eee ves evens BL 12 Teamwork - Discussion Aroas 35 13 ‘Teamwork - Member Contributions 30 1d Meeting Minutes a7 Page 3 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project sC1002 A Meoting Minutes a0 List of Figures 1 Attondanee Mock UI... . savhintinecititeteettad 2 Rogiitration Mook UI oo... uneerentanys . 1 3 Use Case Diagram... ea * jean * Md 4 Sequence Dingram ©... 6+ eee eee ee rt 8 Chee Diagmm oe Saka AAT 6 State Diag sent sasede a - 7 Astiviry Diagram seeee ey iB Data Flow Diagram (DED) Sood Sp ep NEIE IM 9 Daata Flow Diagram (DED-AdRIA) oe cee 10 Dawa Flow Diagram (DED-Stait) - Bee os Qh " ration Seren eee . . ‘ . toae . o. @. 12 Attondance Marking Seren oo oes ae Reports Screen. . =. = fas ar) Lowi ne a) 15 Logi 28 16. Attonciance Module: ‘Test Specification... - = ate -. Attendance Module: “Test Cases: ” oa. .. Ww ‘Team Member Roles. oe oe eee ee ed eres BL 19, Schexe a Meanates soesuaacs JLo hlanabeiicaann ab 20 Schedule and Resources: e wala, o> Mf. University Of Wollongong — ofersional Project sclw2 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose ‘This document provieles dotailid software reejtiremont specification of the system Smart Attendance System Application (SAS). This sftwaie requitem nt xpecitication, Jeune es desitgied and ees veloped according ta IEEE. Std 830, The system development. process shonkd adhere to the requirements hit are tontionel in this software requirement specifiention, The intended audicnor for this softymane reqitirement spevifention document includes subject coordinator, software develop nt Coan, Seerity engineers, quality sasuranee team, and software testers. LA1 Scope ‘The software mentioned in this docuinent is Smart Attendance Systeri Application (SAS). The software ‘uses Fal recognition techndlogy in order to-mrk the attendance of the students present in the eis for the lecture. The software will usw the ecisting, carmeras in the class to detect the face of the students one ‘The system will use a method of contihtious observation to identify thie face of the students i to correctly identify the students, The system will be triggered by the lectiurér at any: point during the duration of tii lecture. Pris fen arily the software will be hased locally on Uke system to extract the es locally ane then proceed with the identification of the face using those features on the server-sicle database, ‘The priinary constraint of the software is to eorrectly detect and identify the faces satisfying (he cloteetion Ureshold 2 Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective ‘The facial tecognitionshased attendance system will he installed i classrooms, The features of the student's fice are initially fetched fron dhe university. records or manually ‘extracted by clicking pietures of every student and then stored in the database which acts as the server: ‘The lecturer will lamach the application at any point during the lecture, ‘The systetn will then start to extract Features from the st % fers present in the class. These fortunes are uscd to, tinuously Check the elmeroom for the student's presence by: sending a query of the cure hy extrnetod features from the ieerval of time. ‘The m © Camera feed in the elas to the server side. This is checked in a regular aulvantage of our system itl the traditional attendanee-bosed systems is that it continously ors the Class larouhiout a enine session initiated by tive Jeeturer ie wot just a iy thee entrance of the hall. ‘This helps in determining whether a particular stixdent was present throughout the session. OF nat as well ns can eorrvet ony prior detection errors. Page 5 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project cscrn92 2.2. Product Function LT system will con when initiotedl by the lecturer and will run Uhoughout the sion unless stopped by the lecturer. The system will detect the face of the students and mark their attendance. 5. The system will report for human intervention if the detection falls below the d for a pattiulir fuse of tho stustoit. 4. Th ein will notify the lecturer wheis the prowess af marking the attendance is completed. 2.3 User Characteristics 1. Adininistrator: The Adininistrator is responsible for hanaling the database of features that ide tify the students! uniquely. ‘The Adriinistrater provides steess to the database for the ppl. to mark the attendan of the students 2. Lecturer: ‘The lectures tes/latnches the application for their respective subjeets to mark the rendanee. The Leeturor will provide the bn ion of the system is unable to process the standent to mark the attendance. 8. Studer tify its goal of correct identification The stucleut will he the subject for the system to wl marking of their respective uttondiner, 2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies 1. The Administrator should provide access to the attendan cras present the elassroca shoudl transmit fase through the intranct as IP packets ancl evens shone be provided to the sane. 3 General Requirements 3.1 Specific Requirements $1.1 Requirement 1: The system must perform Facial Recognition locally. A localized environ the nent anuist prowide « performmurce speed for aur system, If we devel p online software, work latency may degrade our software performance, Also, the system must be secure wh teeta 6 not conncoted to the internct sinew woe are desing with. pri as the facial image of enelt Page 6 University Of Wollongos — Professional Project cscrn92 3.1.2 Requirement 2: The system must capture the face of each and every person present iin the classroom, Bae and every people present iv the roori must be erected as 0 pers id classifiee to one partion person regi eel jn the-class or other people whieh do nat belong to the class. A clear ficial iniage bbe captured and recorded! by the system in order to identify the students. 3.1.8 Requirement 3: ‘The aystem must able to dent Seed. an individual in real time video Eve time a person coming into the class, Cee system sh | rerognize the person Delonge to thus clase for not, Attenidau ta should elassify nist be taken if he/she belongs to the elas. Otherwise, the syst ‘him a6 an anonymous person. Bd Requirement 4: Administration must able to retrieve or alter the attendance recont fin the system. Sine the system a possibility of missidentify a student. A manual control platform must be provided. ‘The ad lass. pistrator must Ihave authority to edit the record aul retrieve the feeds taken during 3.2 Modules ‘This projeet must contain four modules 1. Server(S) : Stornge of student information, facial innge record 2. Administrative (A) +A platfortt for the administrator te access nel movi the record of stuclene attendances, 3. Client (C) 1 The user of the application for instance the Lecturer. 4 External Interfaces 4.1 User Interface 1. We wall provide thre 2. We will also Inve n login and registration process for all aciministrator and store data in the server: ‘Tho axiiiinistrator ean log in ane check the status of sthickent atten Page 7 University Of Wollongong — SCLIN? 4.2. Hardware Interface 1. For database storage Microsoft SQL server 2014 or 2012. Using OpenCW 34 library to detect the facia! structure of students, We will allow the user te the user to change or mark the attendanes invinn RAM, 5L2 GIF HD graphies 5 Functional Requirements Fon sand completing tasks by using the propasel system. ‘The list below shows the functional requirements of nal requirements outline what the system should do anel support the wser activities in performing this project 1. ‘The system shill allow new users to register wn wse the pt fra. 2. ‘The system allows the user to log im by using username and password, 3. ‘The system will enerype the user passwords, 4. The system will he able to detect «,lmarman face from an image, 5, The system will be able to rocegniae faces basid on existing dita, 6, ‘The system must be able to identify the stucents and mark them as attended nuded! stuilents: 7. The system must he able te update the attendance database based on 8 The system will send the mames of the absent stuclent directly to the lecturer: ferentinte between students and teachers 9. The systern will be able to 10, ‘Tho system will only take attendaned of the ehass based on when activated tod 8, 11. ‘The system provides a matching event if the input has more than 70% similarity with the image in fan existing fee database, miowoirk 4.5 06 hi 12, Software required: windows? oF higher, MS SQL server, Dot net fi 18, Platform: Vinidoms desktop, Page 8 University Of Wollongong — Pro Schone 5.1 Constraints 1 Operational and Environmental 1. ‘The system is designed to provide a eouvenient operatinyy and eiivirontnent for the teachers anc students, allowing: the system to perform its finetions under any terminal. 2. ‘The system will he easy to operate by the te hers lecturens certifies! by ad jistrators. 4, The system mst protect the privacy of the siudeits lieing monitor for nldenklance with enctyption {to avoid the breuk of data, 4, The software update team should regularly maintiin ie syste to find vulnerabilities nd fix it . The system will have: strong compatibility to adapt to different operating system requirements s0 that it can be sed smoothly on the operating system, 6. The syatern should correetly identify students ax per expecter threshold of eorreet i ification, ‘The system should protect the privacy of the stud ‘monitored for attondimce with eneryp- iow to. avoid the broach of data. 8. The user camot change data without a perinission af the ad 5.2 Legal Constraints 1. The systoun must display a privacy and wser policy to the user 2. ‘The systotn shinild show privaey’ controls or settings to the wsers, 1.4 Compliance 1. Tho system should follow Australian data protection laws, Australia Pitvaey Prineipte (APP) and privacy guidelines while gathering and saving inforruation from the users 2, The users of the software shond gain the consent of the students being monitored prior to the usage of e software. 8. The system anny leg user et for justifention of earreet identification rate, 4. The system should be inv high safety level ane avoid information disclosure, Page 9 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project CScrn92 S.A Design Constraint 1. ‘Tho syste should sapport Windows operating system as per tle aiinimun specifications require: 2. ‘The system should bo con ble with, the existing intranet infrastructure on the campus where it will be operate, 3. Thexyste should operate with the existing camera feels om the campus where it will be operate 6 Non Functional Requirements 6.1. Software Application Attributes 6.11 Reliability 1. ‘Tho system alins tormininiize error, it shold hace eorresponcing measiires for each failure, Develop measures based on user requirements and system design, 2. ‘The system will make the various funetions within the system independent ancl minimize impact bistweon different fumetiois 3. The system anus shiene aces information about the current status to the customer. 6.1.2 Maintainability tainubility of the system isthe difficulty of ranintennace personnel to muintain the software cluding the dilfeulty of uiidérstandiig, correcting, iodifyingg and impikowving Uke software, ‘The system should develop to-comply with uniform riles, comsistent environments, ane! Aged standards uumst develop to comply with uniform rules, consistent cuvironments, and fised stan danas. 8. The aystern must ereate log documents on version uparade nel bug fixes. 6.1.3 Availability 1. Tho wrailability of the system is an import indieator of the xystem and refers to the extent tb whieh the product is effective, efficient, errorsfioe anid satisfactory to the tiser. Cab abo nth be ood as the quality of the product: fi user's perspective. 2. ‘The feedbmck of the systenn in real-time for the users op 3. The system sbionld be availa hy. Page 10 University Of Wollongong — Pro Schone 6.1.4 Security 1. Since the ages of students ure quite sensitive and involve personal privney, the syston tise this information in w safe way. ‘The seeurity of the system is separate to information interaction formation storage. 2. The system annist set expire session state’ for the wser, for J-inidtite inactivity: 3. The system will enerypt the database to avoid data violation of stucents’ images. 6.1.5 Portability 1. ‘The system aims to provide the servier And the users could access tie systean in most sitnationis 2 The system will a able on the desktop to allow users to use ft from a portable device sch ay 1 laptop. 6.1.6 Performance 1. Tho performances of the system shonild be optimized baseel users’ deview and related! running, onvi- ronment, The respond of set 1 thowkl in reasonable time:based fnternet speed nd hardrane related factors. 2. The syste speed. ast respond to tiers‘ operitions depend on the hardiare of users levies and running 8. ‘The system arust respond to any actions operated by the user in a visible way. G17 Usability ‘The usability siot-functional reg ens gelate to how eny fe users to eam about product's usage, sand how effeetive they re at achieving tasks once they have Jerstood it and how multiple errors thoy ‘make when they tise the product. Here are some aspect describing the usability requirements: 1. Understandability: The system shall be usable, and the interface must be oasy to sindorstand, . Efficiency: The system should be efficient for everyday use, 3. Learnisbility: The system shall bo easy to lesen for both trainees and qualified sors af similar systems, Page 1 University Of Wollonges — Professional Project cscrn92 6.2 Look and Feel ‘The look and foo! of software sheseribe U sippearance and functionality of che user interface, Some rnspects describing the look nd Foe of the software sires fllons 1. Color: ‘The system should Ive to mse 2 maccinann of three tor four combination of colors in the 2. Font: In onder to maintain a sense of uniformity and professionalism in the system, Times New will have to be used throughout the interface. ue Controls: Buttons, text folds, ane cliselebowes shored have to bie used in this syst 4 an Controls: Sliders and search fields should be nsed int system, Page 12 Of Wollongong — Professional Ps CSC1.092 7 Sample UI Mock-up Screens. ‘The below screenshots were ereated tw give a guide on the UT style and app flow. o_o [ene ——_ Figure 1s Attendance Mock UI. - (C= ‘Figure 2: Registration Mock U1. Page 13, University Of Wollongong — Professional Project C8ct-o92 8 UML Diagrams ‘The following diagrams were used to aid iu the creation of the Simart Attendance System Application (SAS). 8.1 Use Case Diagram 00000006 “@ Figure & Use Case Dingram Page 1 CScl992 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project 8.2 Sequence Diagram Figure 4: Sequence Dingram Page 15 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project, SCLo02 8.8 Class Diagram Figure 3: Class Dingram Page 16 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project esctn92 84 State Diagram Figure 6: State Diagram University Of Wollongong — Professional Project. 8.5 Activity Diagram Figure 7: Activity Diagram Page 18 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project Cscr992 8.6 Data Flow Diagram (DFD-0) 0 - Level DFD : Context Level Figure 8: Data Flow Diagram (DFD-0) Page 19 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project. C8C1992 8.7 Data Flow Diagram (DFD-Admin) ADMIN - Data Flow Diagram Figure 9: Data Flow Diagram (DED. Adain) Page 20 University Of Wallonges — Profesional Project Cscrg92 8.8 Data Flow Diagram (DFD-Staif) STAFF - Data Flow Diagram igure 10: Tow Dingram (DFD- Page 21 University Of Watlongong — Professional Project sclqn2 9 User Manual 9.1 Introduction ‘The smart attendance system application (SAS) is a stuceat attendance system musinly uses fnew recog nition technology to lotect the face of tect student ndanes ind record. ‘The application asx facial recognition to dents through a eamera. ‘This application was written in ¢ and developed trough the NET framework with a user-friendly intetfice. In addition, the system wses a database te stort the student information 9 hides fontures of the student's fee ‘Though stud chs usually locates the facil features i i's facial features, the application recognizes the student by facial recognition ‘corn of tie mont acing eyes, nox, a The software se position, information to correct the image extracted fromm the video feed and transforma it to « mupare, & positive image is used for better alignment of the various paris of the model analysis or processing. Finally, eseription feature of a face Ie extracted, astually a feat © Fopresettation of 100 amiltidinensiomal to ‘several Inandrecteditnensional, Then, 0 application uses arity oF distance between: afferent facial features to determnine whether th wocare a person. ‘The functions of the smart-attonelance syste application include stud registration, student atten donee record, and report function, Sindent users need to rexister their own personal information, such as nme, student Fortin is student's fetal inform her, ote, Morcsver, this mast impartant whieh tie application wses student facial inmge to-eapture the key features of individual student's face, ‘The information stored iu th Stud database is mainly the user's mane, student number, and facial features. ficial features. After that, register their fees through the application and the backuaul gets the application initinlly checks the quality Of the features, specifically to detect whether there is n fare, and if there iy 4 face, then checks If the nose or snoutl can Ine found, If these important facial features can he foueu, the application will siaet to aialyee; otherwise, prompt the customer to re-photograph th il the extracted feature mage. After quality detection, the feature extraction of the face is performed, values are caval (0 the databaso, prompting the wser to register smecessfully, Whenever there is a. mse registration, the behind will update the recog bused on the face rogistéeed in the datalase Lecturers can revord students’ attendance for each lecture by using the SAS, The attendance result will ‘be saved i the system automatically to reduee the artfictal operation, "This intelligence laws the potential to update to sophisticated a fu Page 22 University Of Wollongong — Profesional Project scion 9.2. Usage Information ‘The following images momstrate Che ser interface of the Stuart Attondanoe System (SAS). This xystem personal computer (PC), which is a web piolication with, usorteicrlly: design. Sade frets lat tone Sex Depart ye Figure 11: Registration Sercen University Of Watlongong — Professional Project sclqn2 ‘The above Image shows the registration part of SAS. There are three parts of mai functions designed SAS, which includes altendance recording function, student registration function, and reports Furic To use SAS, students’ ficial information mist be registers and stored in the system previously, In ether ‘words, the student inust be registered im this system before start asing attendance function, Ta the abowe nage. it isevident that the student needs to input their identification information which inehides student TD, first nome, last nate, gender, departinent, student major and present their face so that the syste: clicee mnitiple ingest his sturlent hiss student ID of "5626924", ain this model. Tn this exam the stuitont image and training the syste Dutton to allen 0 dovicw camera to capture thie nage Of ae student’ face. ‘The stuclont mist fice the camers without and should abst 1 wearing any typeof glasses, Meanwhile, the environment mist be bright etemgh for the systen to capture images elearly. After tht, the student neets to click red stop bution to sive the captured finages of the student's face. The ight student image shows te student n the camera und tho left student image shows the student's five has len enpturedl by th amera, Then the students heed to click tite grcen jer Che captured face image. The student fice finage will be stored fn the datibise. Ifthe Linage fs not clear or hnvalid for use, the student could repeat the above proces until said facial image is captured. ‘The students should wot elick the green save butter on the right of the interfuee unless the facinl irnnge is suitable for wee, The students Trai face image. This process may tabe from fow seconds up to 2 x en use to click the evan buttow to allow aystem st res from the stoned stunt facial feat ites. After the training, process is done. wv student complate: infin nation is successfully storvd in SAS, Hint: ‘To capture the available face image from the camera, the student needs to turn their front face to the camera and hal the position for a few seconds the green fume enptires: the few. Tuning with dltferentpovitions maintaining the sein Frau died prove the model. ‘The image on the above shows the attendance scrven of the system. An thiysexcen, the stuilent needs touse this funetion (6 record their attendance by presenting their face to the camer. In the aboee seteon, (hore ia hart ot fof the ppaye tht record t lattondarice of students, To snake to observe green highlight was uscd to represent the students whe Have been marked present and red highlight is used to tepreseot the students who are absent. ‘The student information will be sliown Page 24 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project CScl992 Figure 12: Attendance Marking Sereen this table, ‘The student ID and full narne will be shi ym in the table to help the lecturer wily manage student attendance information. Mt while, the attendance indication is shown ns the Inst column of the row. To use the nice Fiction of SAS, the students need to present their fare of the cams after the lecturer has initiated the system by elieking the cyan start barton, The stude need to adjust their position with respect to the uera until the green frame enrrectly captures their face, Student should wes and other Kinds of masks which presenting th favo to mark the attendance, ‘The leetu button “stop” to stop the attendane smarking session. If the student's information lias been stored in the database and the stude their face to the a, the student's information will automatically shaw in the table as marked ie Csct-o92 University Of Wollongong — Prof isAttendant ns “yes” ‘To ensure the « nora captures a. valid facial image, the students med to adjust the position of their face until the green frame shows inv the finage. In sore cases the detection might taler a few seconds ‘mote and an littke pativnce is desired. The green frame presents the Stuclent LD when the face hus been otected successfully. q 5 WHERE MEER UaE igure 13: Reports Sercen ‘The interface shows above isthe report page. Tn this page, the users are able to view the attendance reports generated by SAS according to the date. After clicking the report button at top of the interface, the SAS will lead the users to the attendance report function, In this function, the users could view the attendance slivet recor by SAS according to a different date, For example, in the abore example image, Page 26 University Of Wollongong — afessional Project SscLI2 th VAS lus displayed the attendance report on. 06 May 2019, Users are able to choose the target date by clicking the drop-down menu next to the dato. ‘The drop-dow menu will provide all the date for users to-choose which has an attendiistee report on that date, All of the attendance reports are automatically generated by SAS after finishing the attendance recording on that date, Without Altering the exact date, the report funetion will display’ all attendanee ofall students record in this cyster, 11 ie very annoying for the user to find the attendanee recoreling on a specific date. ‘To generate thé attendance report, the SAS will label nll students stored tit The students will be marked as absent if the students are not attending the lecture or tuiterial, On the other word, (he-students will be recorded hy SAS if SAS eloes nok elect their fees during the Toetire or utorial On the reports page, it will display all information of the student dent cluding, studentID, isAtten- and record Date. ‘The student will he recorded ns not attend if the stuent's face was mot eo= tected /presented to SAS on that date. The record will be generated! automatically. In this report page, we could observe the attendanos reports are covered! from 08 April 2019 to 17 Aptil 2019. ‘The teuchers ‘or Tecturers re ale to find out the absent by SAS. uc st easily by checking the attendance reports generated Page 27 Universt Of Wollonges Professional Project 10 Test cases 10.1 Login Test Cases Module | Login & Authorization Feature ‘Access the system Objective To Login into the system with a password to check the system status, User has rights _to check the system according to their rank. Input Data Enter the User and Password value for a Login reference Input Type Username and Password both are a combination of numbers, Alphabets, and Special characters. Password must be eight characters long. Expected 1. Login accepted Results 2. Login unaccepted due to wrong uscmame and password. 3. User not found. ___4. User not valid. Expected | The password value is less than cight characters. Results (Negative) Output 4. No significant enror found Failure rate 0.00 Figure 14; Login: Test Specification Username Password Result Failure Rate Admin 1234#B BBasd Accepted 0.0 Admin ‘Asda Nat Accepted 100 Admin ndsaad@@@asd Not Accepted 100 (Password -wro: Admin46 1298#BBBasd Nat Accepted 100 (User not valid) Figure 15: Login: Test Cases Page 28 University Of Wollonge = Professional Project CScl992 10.2 Attendance Module Test Cases Module Feature Odjective Input Data Input Type Expected Results Expected Results (Negative) Output Failure rate ‘Aitendance Module Mark the Attendance of the students. ‘To Mark, the student attendance in the lecture based on the student's presence. There is no fake aitendance can be prevented. : Using the lectuer camera, the face is detected auiomatically and mark student attendance, Student full face and need to infornt of the camera, 2 3. 4. ‘Attendance Marked based on the particular student who is present in the lecture or lab, Matk not attended. Not having clear vision an infront ofthe eamera Student gets weekly notification about the altendance timesheets, sunglasses cannot be detected. Not marked due to if there is a power failure, the eamera is off or not clear vision in front of the camera. “E-No significant eror found 0.00 Figure 16; Attendance Module; Test Specification, Page 29 University Of Wallongons Professional Project cscrn92 Camera Student attendace [Result Failure Rate Of ‘Yes Not Accepted 100 On Yes Accepted 0 On Not standing in | Not Accepted 100 (unable to front of camera detect the face) ‘On Face angle is | Acceptable 60 different. On ‘Waring Sunglasses | Not Accepted 100 (unable to detect the face) On wearing a scarf | Accepted é On Waring — Number | Accepted 0 Glasses On Showing half face | Acceptable 60 ‘On Showing a photo of | Not Accepted 100 (unable to L the student detect the face) On ‘Accepted 0 On Ace 0 On Not enrolled | Not Accepted 100 (unable to student detect the face) On Different angles of | Accepted 0 camera On ‘Twin Cannot decide | 0 or 100% (expectation) _| which is enrolled On Proxy using face | Not Accepted 100 (unable te photo detect the face) Figure 17: Attendance Module: Test Cases 11 Teamwork, Roles and Timeline ‘The team Group-B was managed ita centralized manner: The group used to meet on every Monday fat 1180 AM to 1:00 PM, This time was ideally discussed to the tasks tae accomplished as well as in pleted, At the were decided and then assigned to respective team members as tasks for the coming week rassesting the tisk that were cu inl of the mecting the milsstones for the edming, week hit Altice, actos as the Tea ot for tie (carried out the task assignment dh The tacks were assigned weekly and if the milestone was not achieved then the task was carried out the next week's task. Maha Alruwaili was responsible for recording the minutes af cack meeting. Page 30 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project CScrn92 wh seveloping the application Smart Attendance System » resource managernent, technique was followed. ‘The technique used was Resource Levelling which is defined in the Project Management Body OF Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) as “A technéque in which start and finish dates are adjusted based om resource constmints with the goat of taloncing demand for resources with the aeuiluble supply” (PMBOK Guide 2018, p. 179). ues were also included and followed im order to finish the project within the Chart Many other tec stipulated deadline decided acconting to the G » Baby managed to distribute the ‘workload efficiently amd according to the respective skillset each team member possesed. A common platform was observed to communicate with the: tem hers for seamless coordi ‘The platform used was Slack. Github wos used as the code teposita and also to control the various revision of the software as the features were developed and inelued inte the software. 11.1 Team B Roles: Intended Roles & Responsibilities Tam ame ‘afer ater Taal Astle TaieHigeat Systane Fraeet Mame Software Developer Zak Fane Nearer and Eafarraniion Security ead ‘Security Deten bagineer Yara Network and ‘Natwons Pager Secure Security Analyst Xin Brow ‘Michine Cearwing and Big Data Database Adimininrator Data Analyst ‘Wenchang bie Ticking Caaring ood Big Bae Bates Ain Data Analyst Vignesh Calamani ‘Sofhware Ting neering Wequiremenis Analyst ‘Sofware Developer and Tester Trace Washington Sotiware Tnaieerina Wequiremenis Anais ‘Sonware Developer and Tester Rita Aira ‘Sattarare Tngincering aquiremants Analyst Software developer and testing Aor ¥oung kal Kea ‘Sofiware Ungineering Requiremenis Anais ‘Sofware Developer and Tevier ‘Manin aes ‘Software Hagincerinw Wequremenis Anais Software Destpner ‘Sonware Developer and Tester ¢ Tea Member Roles Page 31 University Of Wollongos = Profesional Project 11.2 Schedule, Gantt Chart and Timeline The following is the proposed timeline Team-B followed during the development of the application. Microsoft Project was the tool used for the developme: finish date for the project was kteutifiel ta be Wednesday 15th of May 2010. of the charts and managing the résourees. The 1L4 Schedule and Resources + analysis ‘days Mon ofoa/ia Tue 14/08/18 Diigo Dns Mon eaia Tue eae Project Manager tcaity Analy, Bate toate Reqateae 20m Wedfoaria Tussi -2—_Softwate architect Sohware Developer, Sortwave tester Appbeatcn aioe era0/ua/t man aA 3 Proest tanageSecrity Anais, software Developer Prospect Ay Tuestjanyia Tus jens ject anager Securty Anaya, (ata analyst Sattwore hrchtech Stare deen Aoidors— Weds/on/in Tw KoMI9 Teokallcction days Wed S/08/1B8HILN/OH/IB 5 —_Project Manage Security Any, Data nays etiware AchecSware Codecfconduet days Hon 20/08/18 Thu e/in—-7—=—_‘Sofrware totter roject Manager, Sartware arentec Proiectproponnl cers Mon o/on/an “Thwalen/in 7 oftware Archtecibeta Arai ‘esur bral Project Mamage Stare Requiem sayic Stays fri 7ims/ad Tue afoi/io’ Boar Architect. ata Anat, ‘Seeunty Ana Project Manager, Sotware + Cosma development Scans — Wesfor/t# wed isfon/n sealing Waders ess/oayi9wedaye4Ns 5 ta Anahat. Pojectntniger, Secunty Anat sofware architec Sorte Software tesingand: stays Thunaea/is wed 35/03/99 Software Devofoper Software tester, ays Project anager seteware Bacay, TmuafOH/L —We8IS/O5/19 10 —_—S4curty Anaya Project Manages, ipeowement Sottware Developer Satarre tester Data Presentation Vidar, Thuiwlashi Tue Wonlis «ik Project anager Figure 1 Schedule and Resources Page 32 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project 11.4) Gantt Chart =iee oaee cre oie = ~ “—— a escto92 Figuro 20: Schedule and Resources Page 33 fessional Project University Of Wollongong — e992 11.5 Timeline i al ist pat Jat pave Page 34 University Of Wallongong — Professional Project CScrn92 12 Teamwork - Discussion Areas ‘This section iy used to id points and the discussion areas following on from the stated ify the act teamwork goals in proviows documents (please see Code OF Conduct for further clasity). Positives: 1. All team members have contribuied to the reqiired assesonvent items, 2. All team mowibers have sixictly followed the Code of Conduct put fortle at the begin project. 3. All eben haw ct the required denalines. Areas for Improvement: 1. Workload was ieven up to-an estant due to the varying skillset of the temn members. 2. Tt was difficult to reaeh se cleal with embers due to the fact that they bind otter ass 3. Due to unforeseen eireunstances many team meubers couldn't attend scetings, 13 Teamwork - Member Contributions Sunit Almeida, 1, Checking of Code of Conuict, Writing and Final Checking Domain Analysis report, 3. Wu 1g, ancl Final Checking, of Project Proposal 4. Teas Manageruent by diseussion Shack. Arrangedt Group Library Meetings. 6, System Architecture. 7. Manages! tear Disenssiens anal Coals during the year 8, Writing and Final Checking of Final Does Zeqi Pang 1. Report Project: Proposal -Project Plan 1 2. Designing security aspects.of the project, Page 35 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project cscrn92 3. Project timeline, Gantt chart 4. Dewnain sinalysis: redyireimenti: operational exit eivitoh coniplinaise. Yafeng Lin 1. Report Project: Proposal » Project Plan part 2, Dow analysis: reqiireniéets: operational end environmental, compliasce. 5. Designing seenrity aspects of the project, 4. Project timeline, Gantt chart Xin Zhow 1. Compiled Report for Project Proposal 2. Dawn “unity, Portability, Per formance. 3. Software libraries integration. 4. Final documentation: User anannel. Maha Alruwaili 1, Report Cade of Conduct: Values Part. 2. Meeting minutes reporting, 3. Domain analysis: usability, 1. Planning Scope of the project. Wenehang lin 1. Report: Project Proposal designing, 2, Dow 5b snalysis: resjuiroments: Reliability, Maitainability, Availability, Security, Portability, Mer- formance. 8. Database integration. 4. Final documentation: user manual Page 365 University Of Wallongonig — Professional Project cscrn92 Monirul tstemn 1. Baden tig mad coating. nduct, conflict resol entation: Code of © AueYeung Kai Kwan 1. Documentation: Cotte of Conduct: Accunitability Patt. 2, That cise designing. 3. Domain analysis: requireme 1. Desiguiing UML diagrams. Bruce Washington 1. Documentation: Code of Conduct, Quality Axsurance part 2. Do suialyals: Specific reqpiitements want External intertnces $, Test case designing and exccution, 4. Designing UML diagrams. Vignesh Lakstimanan Part. 1. Documentation: Code of Conduct: Ethical P 2. Dawn its: The look nnd feel of software. ays neat 8. Domain analysis: Overall description. A. Test case exec 14 Meeting Minutes Please See Appendix A ~ Meeting Minutes Page 37 University Of Wollougos = Profesional Project scree References mM ith H Rose. A guide to the project management body of knowledge (pmbok® guide} edition, Prejeet management journal, A4(3):e1-cl, 2013. [2] Ashraf Abbas M Abmodvahi, Onikemetse Subetela, Lefako Neheu Baileng, Behrang Parla Lushkari. Facial expression recognition intetligent security system for real thine and Arash Habibi surveillance. In Proceadings of the International Conferener on Computer Graphics and Wietual Renlity (CGVA), pao 1. The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Cou 2012. uter Seienee, Computer (8) Shervin Emami and Valentin Potmnt jucin, Facial recognition using opency. Journul of Mobite, Enibedded and Distributed Systeras, 4(1):38-18, 2012, hart and Jochen Mayet. An extended set of haarlike fea uy) 108 for rapid object detection, In Proceedings: International © B, 2002, ence an Image Processing, vol ne Ls pages I Page 38 University Of Wollongong — Professional Project C8C1992 MEETING MINUTES 4 ce Brainstorm portal topics ts Bt MEETING MINUTES 2 oe Topic! Discussion notes Sle ube gop conmanicaoe need Sc 7 Sunt Amita | Sunit Almeida Foye hes con o ca consi bed Trace Team Wie Dies rps opi a Facial Recognition for recording student attendance} Photoshop (Facial Recognition for Criminal Records kdentificaton) cearpek Ge ‘Action ‘Selet (Facial Recognition for Criminal Records identification) ed MEETING MINUTES 3 1, Aganda tems Bed ‘All members. agree on the topic (Facial Recognition for Criminal Records identification} ‘iseus the topic with Gene Awyain. 4, Action lors Action: ‘Search about (Facial Recoprition for Criminal Records Idenitication) 5, Next Meeting MEETING MINUTES 4 Discuss conde of candies an project propo ae 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues ‘Topic! Discussion notes ‘Gene Ayo and Suit Aincila Review code of comloct and Team work, Assigning pars of code of snus al projest pspossl oll group mimes. es Action sip ats of cde f conic am proc perposal ea eum members Bey ‘Submitting cde of conduct nd praject propasal MEETING MINUTES 5 Mosting/Project Name: | Sulmiting cade of conduct and praject propasal 24/08/2018 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Examine the compiled code of conduct Examine the compiled project proposal feos MEETING MINUTES 6 ce ees 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues ‘Topic! Discussion notes ‘Change the topic to Facial Recognition far recording student attencance Discuss the topic win Gane Ayo 4. Action hems ood MEETING MINUTES 7.. ‘ignesh Lakshmanan Zovqi Pang oe Topic! Discussion notes ‘Gene Awysio explains domain analysis Assigning parts of doman analysis to eal team members os Review and submit the domain analysis MEETING MINUTES 8 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Topic! Discussion notes Examination for the domain analysit ens Pd MEETING MINUTES 9 foo poo ‘Sunit Almeida | xan Zhou \Vignash Lakshmanan Bruce ‘Aw-Yeung Kai Kwan Zui Pang, ‘Wenchang ins Yateng Liu Maha ‘Monit istam eed Topic! Discussion notes discus idea For tots to wse for developer including CH, Open CV feos od MEETING MINUTES 10 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Topic! Discussion notes Review current tsk highligh (Data stor fog in sereen) ‘Selected cf. NET framework 4. Action tems ry MEETING MINUTES 11 oe Topic! Discussion notes Discussion led by Enhancing the structures ofthe application 7 sent Amida ‘Scletod ef though .NET framework ons ‘Action ‘Responsible De Date ‘Build Ul and Wietrames Sereen of (Registration pages og i) Tras, Jone, igh | NVA = Demo wing ef ‘Moniral fas ‘Nia Pc! MEETING MINUTES 12 Tring mak ft mrs -A/372019 3.128 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Topic! Discussion notes ‘Moniru slr working an the software rd MEETING MINUTES 13 Improvement follow up MEETING MINUTES 14 3 Agenda, Decisions, issues Topic! Discussion notes: ‘Suman Demoinlions woking dalaase Serr displays base pi pages 4. Action ems 5. Next Meeting MEETING MINUTES 15 ime Date of Mecting: B4/2019° Start time: 11:30 = es sect ——— Reviw the work and meet Gene Awyzio ae Eo Progress: «6 Movil plays bis worklogseware on Bis aso wt ogi ree es ey MEETING MINUTES 16 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues ‘Topic! Discussion notes “The team working othe test eases 4, Action tems 5. Next Mesting MEETING MINUTES 17 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Topic! Discussion notes Progress: ‘9 Wert through preparation fo fas! ‘deme. ens MEETING MINUTES 18 3. Agenda, Decisions, Issues Topic! Discussion notes ‘0 Suni Almeida reviews fil project file ‘0 Review fim report software ‘check project presentation rs ere

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