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Programme objectives

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

 Tell stories through multiple digital avenues, and have the confidence to learn new

techniques and skills as the digital news ecosystem continues to evolve.

 Have a critical perspective on visual and data-driven storytelling.

 Understand key concepts relating to the flow of information in the digital world.

 Use social media tools to engage and develop audiences while understanding the dynamics –

including the pitfalls – of social networks for newsgathering and storytelling.

Digital Journalism

Unit-1 Introduction to Digital Journalism

Concept and Evolution of digital journalism, Digital Media –characteristics, Digital Storytelling

tools and Techniques ( Mapping, Timeline, Infographics, Podcasts, Explainer Videos etc)

Unit-2 Basics of Digital News Publishing

Digital Newsroom, Newspaper Websites: International & National, News Portals/Websites,

Online Reporting Sources: internet, Web Page Based Sources - General Reference Sources-

Wikis, Specialized Sources For Journalists, Online Journalism Sites, Databases, News

Aggregators & SEO.

Unit-3 Writing for Web

Writing for Digital Media - news elements, editing content for searchers and scanners, Digital

Reporting Techniques,
Using Multimedia Components-Text, Graphics, Audio,

Video &Animation Together into News, Content Generation

& Writing: Blog and Social Platforms, E Paper, E Magazines, Webzine Conferences, Webinars,

Video Conferencing, Blogging

Unit-4 Social Media

Social Media Platforms: Historical Overview, characteristics, Forms of interactive journalism,

Citizen & Collaborative Journalism, Social Networking & Collaboration, Profiling And Social

Media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter, Instagram, Flicker etc. Video And Audio Social Sharing:

Youtube, Sound Cloud

Unit –5 Emerging technologies

Mobile Journalism Introduction and overview, Tools

Apps for Digital Journalists, Virtual Communities

Media convergence and Convergence Technologies,

scope of Artificial Intelligence, Different types of AI-based tools


• Create a blog and publish content on it.

• Develop and build your own news websits using word press.

• Capture, Process and Publish a news/ programme through mobile using applications.

Suggested Readings:
• Itule& Anderson (2002). News Writing and reporting for today’s media, McGraw Hill


• Saxena Sunil (2006), Headline Writing, Sage

• Kim Jihoon :Between film, video and the digital, Bloomsbury

• Rey G Rosales (2006), The Elements of Online Journalism, iUniverse, U.S.

• Jim Foust (2011), Online Journalism: Principles and Practices of News for the Web, Routledge

• Tapas Ray, Online Journalism, Cambridge University Press, 2011

E-Resource :







Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO: Ability to understand digital media technology and its content. (Disciplinary


PO: Capable to produce multimedia creativity and digital content management for digital

journalism. (Problem solving)

PO-: Capable to understand and work with various digital journalism branches like- Mobile

Journalism, Web Journalism, multimedia journalism etc.(Information/digital literacy)

PO: Acquire skills and values needed to cope with multicultural communities. (Multicultural


PO: Ability to apply computer softwares and technical skills for designated production and

research functions in Digital journalism. (Lifelong learning)

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