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College of Teacher Education

Name:Monica Pascua Dalan Section/Course:BTVTED COMHS 3A
Assignment:Find and study the other Types of Programming Languages. Arrange them
according to functions and give some examples with descriptions. Include references.
1. High-Level Programming Languages:

Description: High-level languages are designed to be human-readable and abstract, making

it easier to write and understand code. They are not tied to the hardware architecture and
provide a higher level of abstraction.

Examples: Python, Java, C#, Ruby.

Reference: Sebesta, R. W. (2015). "Concepts of Programming Languages."

2. Low-Level Programming Languages:

Description: Low-level languages are closer to the hardware and provide more control over
system resources. They are often used for system-level programming and are less human-

Examples: Assembly language, C.

Reference: Bryant, R. E., & O'Hallaron, D. R. (2016). "Computer Systems: A Programmer's


3. Functional Programming Languages:

Description: Functional languages emphasize the use of pure functions and immutability.
They treat computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions.

Examples: Haskell, Lisp, Erlang.

Reference: Thompson, S. (2011). "Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming."

4. Object-Oriented Programming Languages:

Description: Object-oriented languages use objects, which bundle data and methods, to
model real-world entities. They promote code reusability and organization.

Examples: C++, Java, Python.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more

for the future
College of Teacher Education
Reference: Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., & Jacobson, I. (2005). "Unified Modeling Language
User Guide, The (2nd Edition)."

5. Scripting Languages:

Description: Scripting languages are often interpreted and used for automating tasks and
web development. They require less boilerplate code.

Examples: JavaScript, Perl, Ruby.

Reference: Lutz, M. (2013). "Learning Python."

6. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs):

Description: DSLs are designed for specific problem domains or tasks. They offer specialized
syntax and functionality tailored to the domain.

Examples: SQL (for databases), HTML/CSS (for web design).

Reference: Fowler, M. (2010). "Domain-Specific Languages."

7. Concurrent and Parallel Programming Languages:

Description: These languages enable concurrent and parallel execution of code, allowing for
efficient utilization of multi-core processors.

Examples: Go, Rust, Ada.

Reference: Herlihy, M., & Shavit, N. (2012). "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming."

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more

for the future

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